It is now necessary to establish a regular expression of a processing time, so the syntax of the regular expression can be established as follows: ^ (([0-1] [0-9]) | 2 [0-3]): [0- 5] [0-9] $ (this is a bitter
). However, a moderation of the input time is required before using the regular expression.
See the matching method of a regular expression of the online, I didn't understand!
Function Reginput (REG)
Var srcelem = Event.srcelement
Var = Document.selection.createRange ()
Var srcrange = srcelem.createtextRange ()
Osel.seetendPoint ("StartTostart", SrcRange
VAR num = =text string.fromcharcode (event.keycode) srcrange.text.substr (Osel.Text.length)
Event.ReturnValue = reg.test (Num)
Plus the method of processing the filter field, such as the filter '.
^ [^ '] * $ The previous method can filter the' number.