Common commands in network management

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  56

1. The most basic, most commonly used, PING -T, parameter-T is waiting for users to interrupt test

2. View DNS, IP, Mac, etc. A.WIN98: Winipcfg B.Win2000 or above: IPConfig / All

C. JSLOOKUP: See DNS C: /> NSLOOKUP DEFAULT Server: address:

Non-Authoritative Answer: Name: Address:

3. Network letter (often ask ~) NET send computer name / IP | * (broadcast) transfer content, pay attention to stop the letter from the network segment NET STOP Messenger, you can also start the messenger service in the panel - service modification of Net Start Messenger

4. Detect the other party's computer name, the group, the domain, and the current username (pursuit of working principle) ping -a ip -t, only the NetBIOS name nbtstat -a is more comprehensive

5.NetStat -a Show all port netstat -s -e, all ports open, and more about displaying your network information, including TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP statistics, etc.

6. Detect the ARP binding (dynamic and static) list, display all connected to my computer, display the other party IP and MAC address ARP -A

7. Bundle IP and MAC address on the proxy server, solve the Pirate IP of the local area network! : ARP -S 00 -50-FF-6C-08-75 Remove the iP and MAC address of the NIC: ARP -D NIC IP

8. Hide your computer in the network neighbor (let people see you!) Net config server / hidden: yes net config server / hidden: No is open

9. Several net commands A. Displays the current Workgroup Server List Net View, when you use this command without an option, it displays a list of computers on the current domain or network. For example: view shared resources on this IP, you can c: /> net view at 192.168.10 shared resource resource resource resource shared name Type Types -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- The website service Disk command successfully completed.

B. View user account lists on your computer NET user C. View network link NET USE, for example: Net Use z: // maps this IP Movie shared directory to a local Z disk

D. Record link NET session, for example: C: /> NET session computer username customer type open free time -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - //// rome windows 2000 2195 0 00:03:12

// Rome Windows 2000 2195 0 00:00:39 command successfully completed. 10. Routing Tracking Command A.Tracert B.Pathping In addition to displaying routing, 325S analysis is provided, and% of the lost package

11. Several commands on sharing security A. View your machine's shared resource NET Share B. Manually remove sharing (you can compose a BAT file, boot from running, put the sharing all) NET Share C $ / D Net Share D $ / D NET Share IPC $ / D NET Share Admin $ / D pay attention to a space after. C. Add a share: C: / Net Share mymovie = E: / Downloads / Movie / Users: 1 MyMovie shared success. At the same time, the number of limited link users is 1 person.

12. Set static IP A. Set static ip cmd netsh netsh> int interface> IP interface IP> set add "Local Link" Static IP address Mask Gateway B. View IP Settings Interface IP> show address for Interface IP> SHOW Add AdRess

ARP Displays and Modify the item in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) "cache. One or more tables are included in the ARP cache that stores the IP address and its resolved Ethernet or token ring physical address. Each Ethernet or token ring network adapter installed on a computer has its own separate table. If you use without parameters, the ARP command will display the help information.

Syntax ARP [-A [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr]] [-g [inetaddr]] [-g [inetaddr]] [-d inetaddr [iFaceaddr]] [-s inetaddr etheraddr [iFaceddr]]

Parameters -a [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr] displays the current ARP cache table for all interfaces. To display the ARP cache item for the specified IP address, use the ARP -A with the inetaddr parameter, which is the INetAddr represents the specified IP address. To display the ARP cache table for the specified interface, use the -n ifceaddr parameter, which the IFACEADDR represents the IP address assigned to the specified interface. -N parameter is case sensitive.

1. The most basic, most commonly used, PING -T, parameter-T is waiting for users to interrupt test

2. View DNS, IP, Mac, etc. A.WIN98: Winipcfg B.Win2000 or above: IPConfig / All

C. JSLOOKUP: See DNS C: /> NSLOOKUP DEFAULT Server: address:

Non-Authoritative Answer: Name: Address:

3. Network letter (often ask ~) NET send computer name / IP | * (broadcast) transfer content, pay attention to stop the letter from the network segment NET STOP Messenger, you can also start the messenger service in the panel - service modification of Net Start Messenger

4. Detect the other party computer name, the group, the domain, and the current username (the pursuit of working principle) ping -a ip -t, only the NetBIOS name nbtstat -a is more than 5.NetStat -a display All port netstat -s -e, all ports open, display your network information, including TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP statistics, etc.

6. Detect the ARP binding (dynamic and static) list, display all connected to my computer, display the other party IP and MAC address ARP -A

7. Bundle IP and MAC address on the proxy server, solve the Pirate IP of the local area network! : ARP -S 00 -50-FF-6C-08-75 Remove the iP and MAC address of the NIC: ARP -D NIC IP

8. Hide your computer in the network neighbor (let people see you!) Net config server / hidden: yes net config server / hidden: No is open

9. Several net commands A. Displays the current Workgroup Server List Net View, when you use this command without an option, it displays a list of computers on the current domain or network. For example: view shared resources on this IP, you can c: /> net view at 192.168.10 shared resource resource resource resource shared name Type Types -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- The website service Disk command successfully completed.

B. View user account lists on your computer NET user C. View network link NET USE, for example: Net Use z: // maps this IP Movie shared directory to a local Z disk

D. Record link NET session, for example: C: /> NET session computer username customer type open free time -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - //// rome windows 2000 2195 0 00:03:12

// Rome Windows 2000 2195 0 00:00:39 command successfully completed.

10. Routing Tracking Command A.Tracert B.Pathping In addition to displaying routing, 325S analysis is provided, and% of the lost package

11. Several commands on sharing security A. View your machine's shared resource NET Share B. Manually remove sharing (you can compose a BAT file, boot from running, put the sharing all) NET Share C $ / D Net Share D $ / D NET Share IPC $ / D NET Share Admin $ / D pay attention to a space after. C. Add a share: C: / Net Share mymovie = E: / Downloads / Movie / Users: 1 MyMovie shared success. At the same time, the number of limited link users is 1 person.

12. Set static IP A. Set static ip cmd netsh netsh> int interface> ip interface ip> set add "Local Link" Static IP address Mask Gateway B. View IP Settings Interface IP> Show Addressarp Display and Modification The item in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. One or more tables are included in the ARP cache that stores the IP address and its resolved Ethernet or token ring physical address. Each Ethernet or token ring network adapter installed on a computer has its own separate table. If you use without parameters, the ARP command will display the help information.

Syntax ARP [-A [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr]] [-g [inetaddr]] [-g [inetaddr]] [-d inetaddr [iFaceaddr]] [-s inetaddr etheraddr [iFaceddr]]

Parameters -a [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr] displays the current ARP cache table for all interfaces. To display the ARP cache item for the specified IP address, use the ARP -A with the inetaddr parameter, which is the INetAddr represents the specified IP address. To display the ARP cache table for the specified interface, use the -n ifceaddr parameter, which the IFACEADDR represents the IP address assigned to the specified interface. -N parameter is case sensitive. Direction to the file, whether using AT in the command line or in a batch file, you need to use an escape (^) before the redirect symbol. For example, to redirect the output to the OUTPUT.TEXT file, type:

AT 14:45 c: /test.bat ^> C: /output.txt

The current directory of execution is the SystemRoot folder.

Change the system time After using the AT command to plan the command to run, if you change your computer's system time, the AT scheduler is synchronized with the modified system time by typing the AT that does not command line options.

The stored command has been scheduled to store in the registry. This way, if you restart the Plan service, you will not lose the planned task.

Connecting to the network drive For schedule jobs that need to access the network, do not use the reordered drive. The Plan Services may not access these redirected drives, or if there are other users log in when the scheduled task is running, these redirected drives may not appear. Therefore, for the planning job, use the UNC path. E.g:

AT 1:00 PM MY_BACKUP // Server / Share

Please do not use the following syntax (where x:? Indicates the connection created by the user):

AT 1:00 PM My_Backup x:

If a AT command using the drive letter is planned to connect to the shared directory, you should include an AT command to disconnect the drive when the drive is complete. If the connection to the drive cannot be disconnected, the assigned drive letter will not be available under the command prompt.

Example To display a list of scheduled commands on the Marketing server, type:

AT // Marketing To understand the details of the server Corp ID 3 command, type:

AT // Corp 3 To plan to run the network sharing command on the Corp server at 8:00 AM and redirect the list to the Corp.txt file of the maintenance server (in the Reports Shared Directory), type:

AT // Corp 08:00 CMD / C "Net Share Reports = D: / Marketing / Reports >> //maintenance/reports/corp.txt" Back up the hard drive of the Marketing server to the tape drive at midnight after every five days First, create a batch program named Archive.cmd (which contains the backup command), then plan the running program, type: at // marketing 00:00 / Every: 5, 10, 15, 20 25, 30 Archive To cancel all the scheduled commands already planned on the server, please clear the AT program information as follows:

AT / Delete If the command to run is not an executable (.exe) file, use CMD / C before this command as follows:

CMD / C DIR> C: /TEST.OUT. RSH Runs the command on the remote computer running the RSH service. Windows XP and Windows 2000 do not provide RSH services. Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit provides RSH services called RSHSVC.exe. Use RSH display without parameters to display help.

Syntax RSH [Host] [-l username] [-n] [Command]

Parameter Host Specifies a remote computer that runs Command. -l username Specifies the username used on remote computers. In the case of omitting, the name of the current login user is used. -n Redirects the input of the RSH to the NULL device. This prevents the display of the local computer command result. Command specifies the command to run. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note The standard operation RSH command copies the standard input to the remote command, copies the standard output of the remote Command to its standard output, and copy the standard error of the remote Command to its standard error. RSH usually terminates when the remote command is terminated.

Use the redirect symbol to cause the redirection to occur on the remote computer, to take redirect symbols (for example, ">>") in quotation marks. If you do not use quotation marks, redirect will occur on the local computer. For example, the following command attached to the remote file "remotefile" in the local file "LocalFile":

RSH OtherComputer Cat Remotefile >> Localfile

The following command attached to the remote file Remotefile in the remote file OtherRemotefile:

RSH OtherComputer Cat Remotefile ">>" OtherRemotefile

When using RSH, the domain's primary domain controller must be used to confirm that the username or RSH command failed to confirm the username or RSH command.

.rhosts file. Rhosts file usually licenses network access of UNIX systems. The.rhosts file lists the computer name and associated login name that can access the remote computer. When you run the RCP, REXEC, or RSH commands on the remote computer of the .rhosts file, you don't have to provide login and password information for remote computers.

The .rhosts file is a text file that each behavior is an entry. The entry is composed of local computer names, local usernames, and all annotations related to this entry. Each entry is separated by a tab or space, and the note is taken with a symbol (#). E.g:

Host7 #this computer is in room 31a

.rhosts file must be in the user home directory of the remote computer. For more information on remote computers .Rhosts file specific execution, see the documentation for the remote system.

This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection. Example To perform a Telcon command on the remote computer VAX1 in the name admin1, type: rsh vax1 -l admin1 telcon

TFTP transmits files to run the ordinary file transfer protocol (TFTP) service or Daemon remote computer (especially running a Unix computer) or from a remote computer that runs ordinary file transfer protocol (TFTP) service or Daemon (especially running UNIX) Transfer files.

Syntax TFTP [-i] [Host] [{Get | Put}] [Source] [DESTINATION]

Parameter -i Specify binary image transfer mode (also known as octal mode). In binary image mode, the file is transmitted in one byte. Use this mode when transferred binary files. If the -i is omitted, the file will be transmitted in ASCII mode. This is the default transmission mode. This mode converts the tail (EOL) character to the appropriate format of the specified computer. Use this mode when sending a text file. If the file transfer is successful, the data transfer rate will be displayed. Host Specifies local or remote computers. PUT passes the Destination file on the local computer to the Source file on the remote computer. Because the TFTP protocol does not support user authentication, the user must log in to the remote computer, and the file must be written on the remote computer. GET transmits the Destination file on the remote computer to the Source file on the local computer. Source Specifies the files to be transferred. Destination Specifies the location of transferring files. If Destination is omitted, it will assume that it is the same name in the Source. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note Use the GET Parameters If you transfer file Fileton on your local computer to file fileOne on your remote computer, specify your PUT. If you transfer file FileTwo on a remote computer to file fileOne on a remote computer, specify GET.

Windows XP or Windows 2000 does not provide general purpose TFTP servers. The TFTP server service provided by Windows 2000 provides remote boot feature for Windows XP and Windows 2000 client computers. This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection. Example To transfer file users.txt from the local computer to users19.txt on remote computer VAX1, type:

TFTP VAX1 PUT Users.txt Users19.txt NBTSTAT Displays the NetBIOS statistics based on TCP / IP (NetBT) protocol, NetBIOS name table, and NetBIOS name cache for local computer and remote computers. NBTSTAT can refresh the NetBIOS name cache and registering the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) name. Use NBTSTAT display help with parameters.

Syntax NBTSTAT [-A Remotename] [-A ipaddress] [-c] [-n] [-r] [-r] [-r] [-S] [-s] [interval]

Parameters - A Remotename Displays the NetBIOS Name Table of the Remote Computer, where RemoteName is the NetBIOS computer name of the remote computer. The NetBIOS Name Table is a list of NetBIOS names used by the application running on the computer. -A ipaddress Displays the NetBIOS name table of the remote computer, which is specified by the IP address of the remote computer (separated by a decimal point). -c Displays the NetBIOS name cache content, NetBIOS name table, and each address thereof. -n Displays the NetBIOS name table of the local computer. The status in the registered indicates that the name is registered by the broadcast or WINS server. -r Displays the NetBIOS name resolution statistics. On the Windows XP computer configured to use WINS, this parameter will return the name number that has been parsed and registered by broadcast and WINS. -R Clear the contents of the NetBIOS name cache and reload from the LMHOSTS file with a #pre tag. -Rr Release and refresh the NetBIOS name of the local computer registered by WINS. -s Displays the NetBIOS client and server session and try to convert the target IP address to the name. -S Displays the NetBIOS Customer and Server Session, listed remote computers only via the IP address. Interval Re-displays the selected statistics, you can interrupt the number of seconds specified in Interval between each display. Press CTRL C to stop rescan statistics. If this parameter is omitted, NetStat will only display a current configuration information. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note NBTSTAT command line parameters are case sensitive. The following table lists the column headings generated by NBTSTAT. The title indicates the number of bytes that INPUT. The number of bytes sent in Output. IN / OUT This connection is from a computer (outgoing) or other computer to the local computer (incoming). The LIFT Name The time the cache item is saved before being cleared. Local Name Local NetBIOS name is associated with a connection. Remote Host is related to a remote computer related name or IP address. <03> Transforms the last byte of the hexadecimal NetBIOS name. Each NetBIOS name is 16 characters long. Since the last byte usually has special significance, because the same name (only the last byte) may appear several times on a computer. For example, <20> is a space in ASCII text. TYPE name type. The name can be a single name or a group name. Whether the NetBIOS service ("Registered") is running on the Status remote computer, or whether the same computer name has been registered ("conflict"). State NetBIOS connection status. The following table lists the possible NetBIOS connection status. Status Description The connection session has been established. The endpoint of associated connections has been created and associated with the IP address. INVASTATION The endpoint is available to the inner direction. The idle end point has been opened without receiving connections. The connection session is in the connection phase. At this stage, the mapping of the name to the IP address of the selected target is being parsed. Accepting an inbound session is currently being accepted and will be connected in a short term. Reconnect the session will try to reconnect (if the first connection failed). The outbound session is in the connection phase. This phase is creating a TCP connection. Inbound inbound sessions in the connection period. Disconnecting the session is disconnecting. The interrupts have been interrupted and the local computer has been disconnected and waited for the confirmation of the remote system.

This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection. Example To display the NetBIOS Name table of the NetBIOS computer named Corp07, type:

NBTSTAT -A CORP07 wants to display the NetBIOS name table of remote computers assigned to, type:


To display the NetBIOS name table of the local computer, type:


To display the contents of the local computer NetBIOS name cache, type:


To clear the NetBIOS name cache and reload the item with tag #pre in the local LMHOSTS file, type:


To release the NetBIOS name registered through the WINS server and re-register it, type:


To display NetBIOS session statistics every 5 seconds, type:


NetStat Displays the active TCP connection, computer listening port, Ethernet statistics, IP routing table, IPv4 statistics (for IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP protocol), and IPv6 statistics (for IPv6, ICMPv6, TCP via IPv6 And through the UDP protocol of IPv6). If you do not use a parameter, NetStat displays the active TCP connection.

Syntax NetStat [-a] [-e] [-n] [-o] [-P protocol] [-r] [-s] [interval]

Parameters -a Displays all active TCP connections and TCPs and UDP ports listening. -e Displays Ethernet statistics, such as sending and receiving bytes, number of packets. This parameter can be used in conjunction with -s. -n Displays the active TCP connection, but only the address and port number are expressed in digital form, but do not attempt to determine the name. -o Displays the active TCP connection and includes process ID (PID) of each connection. A PID-based application can be found on the Process tab in the Windows Task Manager. This parameter can be used in conjunction with -a, -n and -p. -p protocol Displays the connection of protocol specified by Protocol. In this case, Protocol can be TCP, UDP, TCPv6 or UDPv6. If the parameter displays statistics by the protocol with -s, Protocol can be TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, TCPv6, UDPv6, ICMPv6 or IPv6. -s Displays statistics by protocol. By default, statistics for TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP protocols are displayed. If you have an IPv6 protocol for Windows XP, statistics on the TCP, IPv6, and IPv6 protocols on IPv6 are displayed. The protocol set can be specified using the -p parameter. -r Displays the content of the IP routing table. This parameter is equivalent to the ROUTE PRINT command. Interval Re-displays a selected information every interval second. Press CTRL C to stop rescan statistics. If this parameter is omitted, NetStat will only print a selected information. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note The parameters used with this command must be prefixed as a short oblique line (/) as a short oblique line (/). NetStat provides the following statistics: Name of the Proto protocol (TCP or UDP).

Local Address's IP address of the local computer and the port number being used. If the -n parameter is not specified, the local computer name corresponding to the name of the IP address and the port is displayed. If the port is not established, the port is displayed in an asterisk (*).

Foreign Address Connect the IP address and port number of the remote computer of the slot. If the -n parameter is not specified, the name corresponding to the IP address and port is displayed. If the port is not established, the port is displayed in an asterisk (*). (State) Indicates the status of the TCP connection. Possible status is as follows:











For information on TCP connection status, see RFC 793.

This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection. Example To display the statistics of Ethernet statistics and all protocols, type the following command:

Netstat -e -s

To display only statistics of TCP and UDP protocols, type the following command:

Netstat -s -p TCP UDP

To display an active TCP connection and process ID every 5 seconds, type the following command:


To display the active TCP connection and process ID in digital form, type the following command:


Runs allows users to run the specified tools and programs with other permissions instead of the privileges provided by the user.

Syntax Runas [{/ Profile | / NOPROFILE}] [/ env] [/ netonly] [/ smartcard] [/ showtrustlevels] [/ trustlevel] / user: useeraccountname Program

Parameter / Profile loads the user's configuration file. / profile is the default value. / no profile / noprofile Specifies the configuration file that does not load the user. This makes the application more quickly, but it will also cause errors in some applications. / ENV Specifies the currently used network environment instead of the user's local environment. / Netonly Indicates that the specified user information is only used for remote access. / smartcard / smartcard indicates whether the credentials are provided by the smart card. / showtrustlevels lists / trustlevel switch. / Trustlevel specifies the authorization level where the application is running. Use / Showtrustlevels to view available trust levels. / user: useerAccountname Specifies the name of the user account that runs the program under. The format of the user account should be User @ domain or domain / user. Program Specifies programs or commands to run in the account specified in / user. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note Administrators can perform daily, non-administrative tasks using a permission-restricted account, using a larger account only when performing a specific management task. To complete such tasks without logging in, you can log in with a general account, then use the runas command to run tools that require greater permissions. See "Related Topics" for use using the RunAs command. Although Runs is usually used by Administrator accounts, it is not limited to the Administrator account. Any user with multiple accounts can use the backup credentials, use the RunAs running program, MMC console or "Control Panel" item. If you want to use the Administrator account on your computer, for / user :, Type one of the following parameters: / user: administratoralaccountname @ computername

/ user: computername / administratraccountname

If you want to use this command as domain administrator, type one of the following parameters: / user: administratraccountname @ domainname / useromainname / administratraccountname

The runas command allows you to run programs (* .exe), saved MMC console (* .msc), programs and "Save MMC Console shortcuts and" Control Panel "items. As a member of another group (eg, "Users" or "Power Users" group logs in to the computer, you can run as an administrator. You can use the runaS command to launch any programs, MMC controllers, or "Control Panel" items. As long as the appropriate user account and password information are provided, the user account has the ability to log in to the computer, and the program, the MMC console, the "Control Panel" item can be used in the system and the user account. RunaS command allows you to manage other domains. Server (computer running tool and server to be managed in different domain). If you try to use RunAs from the Network Location Launch Program, the MMC Console, or the Control Panel item, it may fail because the credentials used to connect to the network share are different from the credentials used to start programs. The latter's credentials may not be able to access the same network share. Some items, such as the "printer" folder and desktop items, open by Windows 2000, and cannot start using the runas command. If the runaS command fails, it may be invalid if the user account that is not running the RunAs service or use. To check the status of the RunAs service, click Services and Applications in Computer Management, and then click Services. To test the user account, try using this account to log in to the appropriate domain. Example To start the Windows 2000 command prompt line instance on the local computer, type:

RunaS / User: LocalMachinename / Administrator CMD system prompts, type the administrator password.

To launch a Computer Management management unit instance using a domain administrator account called CompanyDomain / DomainAdmin, type:

RunaS / User: CompanyDomain / domainadmin "MMC% Windir% / System32 / CompMgmt.msc" When prompted, type the account password.

To start the Domain Administrator Account User in domain named, type:

RunaS / "NotePad my_file.txt" When prompted, type the account password.

To launch a command prompt, save the MMC console, control panel item, or an instance of the program to manage other locations, type:

RunaS / Netonly / User: domain / username "command" Domain / username must be a user with a sufficient authority management server. Type your account password when prompted. Route displays and modifies the entry in the local IP routing table. Use ROUTE without parameters to display help.

Syntax Route [-f] [-p] [command [destination] [mask netmask] [Gateway] [metric metric]] [if interface]]

Parameters -f Clear All the main routes (the network mask is, the loopback network route (the target is, the network mask is or multicast routing (target 224.0. 0.0. The routing of the network mask is If it is used in conjunction with one of the commands (such as Add, Change or Delete), the table will be cleared before running the command. When using the add command, the specified route is added to the registry and initializes the IP routing table when starting the TCP / IP protocol. By default, the added routing will not be saved when the TCP / IP protocol is started. When used with the print command, a permanent routing list is displayed. All other commands ignore this parameter. Permanent routing is stored in the registry is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / TCPIP / Parameters / PersistentRoutes. Command specifies the command to run. The following table lists a valid command. Command Purpose Add Add Routing Change Changed Routing DELETE Delete Routing Print Print Routing

Destination Specifies the network destination address of the route. The target address can be an IP network address (where the host address bit of the network address is set to 0), and the host route is an IP address, and for the default route is Mask SubnetMask specifies the net mask (also known as subnet mask) associated with the network destination address. The subnet mask can be an appropriate subnet mask for the IP network address, and the host route is, and for the default route is If ignored, use the subnet mask Defining the relationship between the route due to the target address and the subnet mask, the target address cannot be more detailed than the subnet mask therefor. In other words, if one of the subnet mask is 0, the corresponding bit in the target address cannot be set to 1. GATEWAY specifies the top or next hop IP address that exceeds the reachable address set defined by the network objectivity and the subnet mask. For subnet routing locally, the gateway address is an IP address assigned to the connected subnet interface. For remote routes that can be used through one or more routers, the gateway address is a direct access to the adjacent router, which can be directly reached. Metric Metric For routing the integer value of the required hop number (range is 1 ~ 9999), it is used to select the most matching route to the target address in the forwarding package in multiple routing in the routing table. The selected route has the least hop number. The number of hops can reflect the number of hops, the speed of the path, path reliability, path throughput, and management properties. If interface specifies the interface index of the interface that the target can arrive. Use the route print command to display a list of interfaces and their corresponding interface indexes. Decimal or hexadecimal values ​​can be used for interface indexes. For hexadecimal values, add 0x in front of the hexadecimal number. When IF parameters are ignored, the interface is determined by the gateway address. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note The value of the number of hops in the routing table is large. The default start-up automatic determination interface hop number determines the speed of each interface, adjusts the number of route hop points for each interface, so the route created by the fastest interface has the lowest hop number. To delete a large number of points, disable the number of automatic identified interface hops in the advanced properties of the TCP / IP protocol connected to each LAN. If there is an appropriate entry in the local network file in the SystemRoot / System32 / DRIVERS / ETC folder, the name can be used for DESTINATION. As long as the name can be used to decompose such a standard hostname parsing with the "Domain Name System" (DNS) to resolve the IP address, it can be used for GATEWAY, DNS query using the local host under the Systemroot / System32 / Drivers / etc folder. File and NetBIOS name resolution. If it is a print or delete command, you can ignore the Gateway parameter, use wildcard to represent the target and gateway. The value of Destination can be a wildcard specified by an asterisk (*). If the specified target contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), It is considered to be a wildcard, only printed or delete the matching target route. The asterisk represents any character sequence and the question mark represents any character. For example, 10. *. 1, 192.168. *, 127. * and * 224 * are all effective use of asterisk wildcard. The combination of invalid targets and subnet masks (net masks) values ​​will display "Route: Bad Gateway Address Netmask" error message. There is one or more of the target to be set to 1, and this error occurs when the corresponding bit in the subnet mask is set to 0. This is inspected by binary representation to indicate the target and subnet mask.

The subnet mask of binary representation includes two portions representing a series of 1 and a series of 0 to represent the target host address portion. Check if the target is determined to determine whether the target's host address portion (defined by the subnet mask) is set to 1. Only Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition and Windows XP Route command supports the -p parameter. This parameter is not supported by Windows 95 or Windows 98's Route command. This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection. Example To display the full content of the IP routing table, type: route print

To display the route started in the IP routing table, type:

Route Print 10. *

To add the default gate address of, type:

Route add mask

To add the target, the subnet mask is, the next hop address is, type:

Route Add Mask

To add a target, the subnet mask is, the next hop address is permanent route, type:

Route -P Add Mask

To add a target, the subnet mask is, the next hop address is, the number of hops is 7, type:

Route Add Mask Metric 7

To add the target, the subnet mask is, the next hop address is, the interface index is 0x3, type:

Route Add Mask IF 0x3

To delete the target is, the subnet mask is, type:

Route delete mask

To delete all the routes starting with 10., type:

Route delete 10. *

To turn the target, the next hop address of the routing of the subnet mask is is changed from to, please type:

Route Change Mask

How to change the IP address under WindowsServer's cmd ■■■ -> Windows 2K / 2003 Server Change the IP address in the command line

Windows2000 is now a popular operating system. Its function is very powerful, and it can even do a lot of work in the command line like UNIX. The following is a method of changing the IP address in the command line. Now it is introduced to everyone (in parentheses, the black body is manually entry):

C: /> ipconfig (first use ipConfig this command to see the previous IP address)

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Ethernet Adapter Local Connection: Connection-Specific DNS SUFFIX.:

IP address..............................................................



C: /> Netsh (enter setting mode)

Netsh> interface

Interface> IP

Interface IP> Set Add AdDress "Local Connection" Static

Interface IP> EXIT

The set command above is explained below:

Set Address - Set the IP address of the specified interface and the default gateway.

SET DNS - Sets DNS server mode and address.

SET WINS - Sets WINS Server Mode and Address.

C: /> ipconfig (After the change, look at the ipconfig command, confirm if the change is successful)

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Ethernet Adapter Local connection:

Connection-Specific DNS SUFFIX.:



............................. - Move to the previous layer. ? - Display the list of commands. AAAA - Change to `aaaa 'context. Abort - Discard changes made in offline mode. Add - Add a configuration item to the project list. Alias ​​- Add a alias bye - exiting the program. Commit - Submit changes made in offline mode. Delete - Delete a configuration item on the project list. DHCP - Change to `DHCP 'context. Dump - Displays a configuration script. Exec - Run a script file. Exit - Exit the program. Help - Displays the list of commands. Interface - Change to `Interface 'context. Offline - sets the current mode to offline. Online - sets the current mode to an online. POPD - Open a context from the stack. Pushd - Push the current context into the stack. Quit - Exit the program. RAS - Change to `Ras' context. Routing - Change to `Routing 'context. SET - Update Configuration Settings. Show - Display Information UNALIAS - Delete an alias. WINS - Change to `Wins' context. Route command Routing IP add / delete / set / show interface Add, delete, configure, or display the general IP routing settings on the specified interface. Routing IP Add / Delete / SET / SHOW FILTER adds, deletes, configures, or displays an IP packet filter on a specified interface. Routing IP Add / Delete / Show Boundary adds, deletes, or displays multicast boundary settings on the specified interface. Routing IP Add / Set iPipTunnel Add or configure IP interfaces in IP. Routing IP Add / Delete / Set / Show RTMROUTE Add, Configure, or Display No Sustained Routing Manager Routing. Routing ip add / delete / set / show personTENTROUTE Add, delete, configure, or display continuous route. Routing IP Add / Delete / SET / Show PreferenceForProtocol Add, delete, configure, or display the priority of the routing protocol. Routing IP Add / Delete / SET / Show Scope Add, delete, or display the multicast scope. Routing IP SET / Show Loglevel Configure or Displays the global IP record level. Routing IP Show Helper Displays all Netsh utility environments of IP. Routing IP SHOW Protocol Displays all running IP routing protocols. Routing IP Show MFE displays multicast transfers. Routing IP Show MFestats Displays multicast forwarding item statistics. Routing ip show boundaryStats Displays IP multicast boundaries. Routing IP Show RTMDestinations Displays the goals in the routing table manager routing table. Routing IP Show RTMroutes Displays the route in the routing table manager routing table. Routing IP Nat SET / Show Global Configuration or Display Global Network Address Translation (NAT) settings. Routing IP Nat Add / Delete / SET / SHOW Interface Add, Remove, Configure, or Display NAT settings for the specified interface. Routing IP Nat Add / Delete AddRESSRANGE adds or deletes an address range in the NAT Interface Public Address Pool. Routing IP Nat Add / Delete AddressMApping Add or delete NAT address mapping. Routing IP Nat Add / Delete Portmapping Add or Remove NAT Port Mapping.

Routing IP AutodHCP SET / Show Global Configuration or Display Global DHCP Assignment Parameters. Routing IP AutodHCP SET / Show Interface Configuration or Displays the DHCP Assigner Settings of the Specified Interface. Routing IP AutodHCP Add / Delete Exclusion Add or delete a exclusion range in the DHCP distributor address range. Routing IP DNSPROXY SET / Show Global Configuration or Displays Global DNS Agent Parameters. Routing IP DNSProxy SET / Show Interface Configuration or Displays the DNS Agent Parameters of the Specified Interface. Routing IP IGMP SET / Show Global Configuration or Display IGMP Global Settings. Routing IP IGMP Add / Delete / SET / SHOW Interface Add, delete, configure, or display IGMP on the specified interface. Routing IP IGMP Add / Delete StaticGroup adds or deletes static multicast groups for specified interfaces. Routing IP IGMP Show GroupTable Displays the IGMP Host Table. Routing ip igmp show ifstats Displays IGMP statistics for each interface. Routing IGMP show iftable displays the IGMP host group for each interface. Routing IP IGMP Show ProxyGrouptable Displays the IGMP group table for the IGMP proxy interface. Routing IGMP Show Rasgrouptable Displays a group table for the Internet interface used by the remote access server. Routing IP OSPF SET / Show Global Configuration or Display Global OSPF settings. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / SET / SHOW Interface Add, delete, configure, or display OSPF on the specified interface. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / SET / Show Area Add, Remove, Configure, or Display OSPF area. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / show Range adds, deletes, configures, or displays on the specified OSPF area. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / SET / Show Virtif Add, delete, configure, or display OSPF virtual interface. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / Show neighbor Add, delete, configure, or display OSPF neighbor. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / Show Protofilter Add, Remove, Configure, or Display the route information source for OSPF external routing. Routing IP OSPF Add / Delete / Show Routefilter Add, Delete, Configure, or Display Route Filtering OSPF External Routing. Routing IP OSPF SHOW AASTATS Displays OSPF area statistics. Routing IP OSPF Show LSDB Displays the OSPF link status database. Routing IP OSPF Show VirtifStats Displays the OSPF virtual link statistics. Routing IP Relay Set Global Configuring Global Settings for DHCP Relay Agents. Routing ip relay add / delete / set interface adds, deletes, or configures the "DHCP Relay Agent" setting on the specified interface. Routing IP Relay Add / Delete DHCPServer adds or deletes the IP address of the DHCP server in the DHCP server address list. Routing ip relay show ifbinding The IP address binding of the interface. Routing ip relay show ifconfig Displays the "DHCP Relay Agent" configuration of each interface. Routing ip relay show ifstats Displays DHCP statistics for each interface.

Routing IP Rip Set / Show Global Configuration IP RIP Global Settings. Routing IP RIP Add / Delete / SET / SHOW Interface Add or configure IP RIP settings on the specified interface. Routing IP RIP Add / Delete Peerfilter Add or delete RIP peer filters. Routing IP RIP Add / Delete Acceptfilter adds or deletes RIP routing filters in the accepted routing list. Routing IP RIP Add / Delete Announcefilter adds or deletes RIP routing filters in the published routing list. Routing IP RIP Add / Delete / Show Neighbor adds or deletes RIP neighbors. Routing IP RIP SET / Show Flags Configure IP RIP Advanced Settings on the specified interface. Routing IP Rip Show GlobalStats Displays global RIP parameters. Routing ip rip show ifbinding Displays the IP address binding of the interface. Routing ip rip show ifstats Displays RIP statistics for each interface. IPX Netsh Routing Command Routing IPX Add / Set StaticRoute adds or configures static IPX routing in the IPX routing table. Routing IPX Add / Set StaticService adds or configures static SAP services in the SAP service table. Routing IPX Add / SET Filter adds or configures an IPX packet filter on a specified interface. Routing IPX Add / Set Interface Enables IPX routing on the request dial interface, or configures IPX settings on the specified interface. Routing IPX Set Global Configuration Global IPX Routing Settings. Routing IPX RIP Add / Set Filter Add and Configure the RIP Route Filter. Routing IPX Rip Set Global Configure the RIP settings for global IPX. Routing IPX Rip Set Interface Configuring the RIP settings for IPX on the specified interface. Routing IPX SAP Add / Set Filter Add or configure SAP service filter. Routing IPX SAP Set Global Configure the SAP settings for global IPX. Routing IPX SAP Set Interface Configures the SAP settings for IPX on the specified interface. Routing IPX NetBIOS Add NBName adds a static NetBIOS name to the IPX NetBIOS name table. Routing IPX NetBIOS SET Interface Configures IPX-based NetBIOS settings on the specified interface. The WINS Netsh command list lists all available WINS commands. DUMP dumps the WINS server configuration to the command output. Add name registers the name on the server. For more information, please enter the add name /? Add partner add a replication partner to the server. For more information, enter the add partner /? Add pngserver to add the current server's Persona Non Grata server list. For more information, enter the advice of the Add PNGServer /? Check database to check the database. For more information, enter check database /? Check name to check the name record list of a set of WINS servers. For more information, enter the consistency of the Check Name /? Check Version check the version number. For more information, enter the Check Version / • DELETE NAME to remove the registered name from the server database.

For more information, enter the DELETE NAME /? DELETE PARTNER to delete the replication partner from the replication partner list. For more information, enter the DELETE Partner /? Delete Records Delete all records or groups from the server from the server. For more information, please enter the delete records /? Delete Owners to remove the owner list and its record. For more information, enter the DELETE OWNERS / • DELETE PNGServer from the list to remove all or selected Persona Non Grata servers. For more information, enter the DELETE PNGSERVER /? INIT Backup backup WINS database. For more information, enter the init backup /? Init import import data from the LMHOSTS file. For more information, enter the init import /? Init piece to launch the "pull" trigger and send it to another WINS server. For more information, enter the initial plup /? Init press, start another set of records of the WINS server, and read the record. For more information, please enter the init packrange /? Init push to launch the "push" trigger and send it to another WINS server. For more information, enter the init push /? Init replicate with a replication partner replicate database. For more information, enter the init replicate /? Init restore to restore the database from the file. For more information, enter the INIT RESTORE /® INIT Scavenge to clear the server's WINS database. For more information, enter the Init Scavenge /® Init Search Search Server's WINS Database. For more information, enter the statistics of the init search /? Reset statistics reset the server. For more information, enter the Reset Statistics / "Set AutoPartnerConfig Set the server's automatic copy partner configuration information. For more information, enter the SET AUTOPARTNERCONFIG /? SET BackupPath to set up the backup parameters of the server. For more information, enter the SET BACKUPPATH / • SET BURSTPARAM to set up the burst processing parameters of the server. For more information, enter Set AutoPartnerConfig / • Set LogParam Settings Database and Event Log Options. For more information, enter the SET LOGPARAM /? SET MIGRATEFLAG to set the server's migration flag. For more information, enter the SET MIGRATEFLAG /? Set NameRecord Set the interval and timeout value of the server. For more information, enter the Set NameRecord / • Set PeriodicDbchecking Settings Server's periodic database check parameters. For more information, enter the Set PeriodicDbchecking /® Set PullPartnerConfig Set the configuration parameters of the specified "pull" partner. For more information, enter the Set PULLPartnerConfig / • Set PushPartnerConfig Settings the specified "Push" partner's configuration parameters. For more information, enter the Set PushPartnerConfig / • Set PullParam Set the server's default "pull" parameter. For more information, enter the Set PullParam / • Set PushParam Setting the server's default "push" parameter. For more information, enter the Set PushParam / • Set ReplicateFlag Set the copy flag of the server.

For more information, enter the SET REPLICATEFLAG / • SET StartVersion Set the start version ID of the database. For more information, enter SET StartVersion /? Show Browser Display [1BH] records for all active domain master browsers. For more information, enter the show browser /? Show database to display the database and record of the specified server. For more information, enter Show Database /? Show info display configuration information. For more information, enter the details of a specific record in the show info /? Show name display. For more information, enter the "pull" or "push" partner of the show name /? Show partner display server. For more information, enter the show partner /? Show partnerproperties Display the default partner configuration. For more information, enter Show PartnerProperties /? Show PullPartnerConfig Displays the configuration information of the "pull" partner. For more information, enter Show PULLPartnerConfig /? Show pushpartnerconfig Display "Push" partner configuration information. For more information, enter Show PushPartnerConfig /? Show Recount Displays the number of records owned by the specified server. For more information, enter the show reccount /? Show recbyversion display the records you have in the specified server. For more information, enter Show RecByversion /? Show Server Displays the currently selected server. For more information, enter Show Server /? Show statistics to display statistics for the WINS server. For more information, enter the show statistics /? Show version of the current version counter value of the WINS server. For more information, enter the show version /? Show versionmap Displays the owner ID to the "Maximum Very Number" mapping. For more information, enter the show versionmap /? interface command interface set / show interface enabled, disabled, connected, disconnected, and display the configuration of the request dial interface. Interface SET / Show Credentials Configure or displays username, password, and domain name on request dial interface. Win2000 Command Complete Works Accswiz.exe> ​​Accessibility Wizard for Walking You Through Setting Up Your Machine for Your Mobility Needs. Access Tool Wizard

Acsetups.exe> ​​ACS Setup DCOM Server Executable

ActMovie.exe> ​​Direct Show Setup Tool Direct Display Installation Tools

Append.exe> ​​Allows Programs to Open Data in Specified Directories As IF WERE IN THE CURRENT DIRECTORY. Allows programs to open data in the formulating directory

ARP.EXE> Network Display and Modify IP - Hardware Addresses Display and Change the IP and Hardware Physical Address of Computers

at.exe> ​​at is a scheduling utility also include WITH UNIX Planning Run Tasks

Atmadm.exe> ​​Displays Statistics for ATM CALL Manager. ATM Call Manager Statistics Attrib.exe> ​​Display and Modify Attributes for Files and Folders Display and Change Files and Folder Properties

Autochk.exe> ​​Used to Check and Repair Windows File Systems Detection File System

AutoConv.exe> ​​Automates The File System Conversion During reboots Automatic conversion system during startup

Autofmt.exe> ​​Automates the file format process during reboots format the process during startup

Autolfn.exe> ​​Used for Formatting Long File Names Using long file name format

Bootok.exe> ​​Boot Acceptance Application For Registry

bootvrfy.exe> ​​Bootvrfy.exe, a program included in Windows 2000 that notifies the system that startup was successful. Bootvrfy.exe can be run on a local or remote computer. Bulletin started successfully cacls.exe> ​​Displays or modifies access control lists ( ACLS) OF FILES. Display and Edit ACL

Calc.exe> ​​Windows Calculators Calculator

CDPlayer.exe> ​​Windows CD Player CD Player

Change.exe> ​​Change {user | port | logon} related to the terminal server

Charmap.exe> ​​Character Map Character Map Table

CHGLOGON.EXE> Same as sale "change" Change Logon "started or deactivated session record

CHGPORT.EXE> Same as sale port "change port (terminal service)

Chgusr.exe> ​​Same as sale "change" change "change" Change the user (terminal service)

Chkdsk.exe> ​​Check The Hard Disk for Errors Similar TO Scandisk 3 Stages Must Specify A Drive Letter Disk Detector

Chkntfs.exe> ​​Same As Using Chkdsk But for NTFS NTFS Disk Detector

Cidaemon.exe> ​​Component Of Ci Filer Service Composition CI Document Service

Cipher.exe> ​​Displays or Alters The Encryption of Directories [Files] on NTFS Partitions. Displayed or changing encrypted files or directories on NTFS

Cisvc.exe> ​​Content Index - It's The Content Indexing Service for i Index Content

CKCNV.EXE> Cookie Convertor transform cookie

Cleanmgr.exe> ​​Disk Cleanup, Popular with Windows 98 Disk Cleaning

Cliconfg.exe> ​​SQL Server Client Network Utility SQL Customer Network Tools CLIPBRD.EXE> Clipboard Viewer For Local Will Allow You to Connect To Other Clipboards Scrapbook Viewer

CLIPSRV.EXE> Start The Clipboard Server Run CLIPBOARD Service

CLSPACK.EXE> CLSPACK Used to create a file listing of system packages to establish a list of system files list

Cluster.exe> ​​Display a Cluster in a Domain display group

_cmd_.exe> ​​Famous command prompt is nothing to say!

CMDL32.EXE> Connection Manager Auto-Download automatic download connection management

CMMGR32.EXE> Connection Manager Connection Manager

CMMON32.EXE> Connection Manager Monitor Connection Manager Monitor

CMSTP.EXE> Connection Manager Profile Manager Connection Treator Profile Setup

Comclust.exe> ​​About Cluster Server Cluster

Comp.exe> ​​Comclust Add, Remove, or Join A Cluster. Compare two files and file sets *

Compact.exe> ​​Displays or Alters The Compression of Files on NTFS Partitions. Displayed or changing the compressed status of files on the NTFS partition

Conime.exe> ​​Console IME IME Console

Control.exe> ​​Starts The Control Panel Control Panel

Convert.exe> ​​Convert File System To NTFS Conversion File System to NTFS

Convlog.exe> ​​Converts MS Iis log files Convert IIS log file format to NCSA format


Cscript.exe> ​​MS Windows Scripts Host Version 5.1 Compared to this host version

CSRSS.exe> ​​Client Server Runtime Process Customer Server Runtime Process

CSVDE.EXE> Comma Separated Variable Import / Export Utility Day to Format Converter

DBGTRACE.EXE> and Terminal Server

DCMCNFG.EXE> Display The Current DCOM Configuration. DCOM Configuration Properties


DCPROMo.exe> ​​Promote a Domain Controller To ADSI AD Installation Wizard

Ddeshare.exe> ​​Display Dde Shares On Local or Remote Computer DDE Share


Debug.exe> ​​Runs Debug, a Program Testing and Editing Tool. is Debug!

DFRGFAT.EXE> DEFRAG FAT FILE SYSTEM FAT Partition Disk Defragmentation

DFRGNTFS.EXE> Defrag NTFS File System NTFS Partition Disk Defragmentation DFS_CMD_.EXE> Configures A DFS Tree Configuring a DFS Tree

DFSinit.exe> ​​Distributed File System Initialization Distributed File System Initialization

DFSSVC.EXE> Distributed File System Server


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