2004-11-10 16:57:06 How many kinds are Wonder prototypes?
2004-11-10 16:58:08 Acquisitable prototype, demo prototype, mainly these two categories. Some other prototypes are also derived here, such as progressive prototypes, abandoned prototypes, etc.
2004-11-10 16:58:32 Yue Run this is my current view. I haven't seen it in detail the information on the prototype law.
2004-11-10 16:58:56 Wonder I need is strict definition
2004-11-10 16:59:03 Wonder is the noun,
2004-11-10 16:59:32 Wonder is actually abandoned and progressive and the above demo / practical statement is almost
2004-11-10 17:02:27 The same, the result of the practical prototype is constantly evolving, if it is a step in step, not a step, it is gradual. Similarly to the prototype, if each prototype must be discarded, and then rebuild, then the 9 o'clock abandoned prototype, otherwise it is a progressive prototype
2004-11-10 17:03:09 Wonder but prototypes do not necessarily want to demonstrate
2004-11-10 17:03:41 Own, but some is before the system development, it is mainly for demo function, so it is called a demo prototype.
2004-11-10 17:04:26 If you are using the system development completed, it is a rapidly supplementary prototype, which means a prototype with some actual operating functions, that is, the practical prototype. There is no functional implementation in the demonstration prototype, which is the difference between the two.
2004-11-10 17:04:58 Wonder, I think it is divided into a prototype and practical prototype, other is a problem
2004-11-10 17:05:31 Wonder is sometimes difficult to say that all abandoned, starting from the beginning. Detecting demand and function must also be a gradual process. If the one-time wants to understand, will it abandon it?
2004-11-10 17:06:03 WONDER So the final standard should be the basis for the development of no prototype as the development, not the way.
2004-11-10 17:06:48 Yue Yun, abandoning prototype is a prototype method that requires all of the contents of the previously doing. Every time you have a thorough change, it doesn't even contain any similar points. This approach is more extreme, but it is very effective.
2004-11-10 17:06:56 Qingrun should say that it is very effective in some occasions.
2004-11-10 17:07:22 Wonder that is still the dispute of abandoning and practical
2004-11-10 17:07:31 Wonder rather than demonstration / practical division
2004-11-10 17:07:48 Qingrun demo / practical division I have said: There is no functionality in the demo prototype, which is the difference between the two.
2004-11-10 17:08:14 There is no abandonment practice in the Qingrun demo prototype, and this practice is not present in the practical prototype.
2004-11-10 17:08:19 Wonder I don't agree,
2004-11-10 17:08:35 Qingrun is not what you agree, this is the fact that everyone is doing.
2004-11-10 17:08:45 Even if the prototype is derived, these demonstrations can also be used for future UIs, which is unreasonable to use the function as a division principle.
2004-11-10 17:09:00 Wonder Wonder, don't you admit that the UI is a part of the job?
2004-11-10 17:09:10 Qingnhe. I think you may need to see the definition of prototype law in detail.
2004-11-10 17:09:30 Qingrun has made this reason. Such divisions and practices are not unbearable.
2004-11-10 17:09:47 Wonder that do you explain why this is the reason? 2004-11-10 17:10:07 Wonder, just don't write prototypes.
2004-11-10 17:11:01 Qingrun practical prototype to finally directly derive the system. Most of the contents of the demo prototype are used as guidance of user needs, so there is no implementation of any function under the demo prototype. (Do not make the interface and function to mix. There are differences between the two, the interface is to facilitate user operation and function, not implementation)
2004-11-10 17:11:52 Wonder is wrong, capturing the need to give the user to the part of the UI.
2004-11-10 17:12:07 Wonder at least UI interface elements, not just operational and use functions.
2004-11-10 17:12:30 Wonder, these elements have almost no exception to be confirmed by the user, and then as a design basis.
2004-11-10 17:12:33 The emergence of Qingrun is an early implementation of a presented in advance to reduce the demand changes brought about by the rear development process. This implementation is not realistic, but only It is possible to let the user see the state after the system is completed, so that the user can bring the requirements of the new functional aspects you take into account. At the same time, this is also helpful to evaluate the overall system.
2004-11-10 17:13:29 Wonder should not follow the book
2004-11-10 17:13:45 Qingrun is not a book, I have the same feeling.
2004-11-10 17:14:01 Qingrun If you say ui is also a demand, I don't deny it, but it is not functional needs.
2004-11-10 17:14:35 Wonder, such as you draw a few web pages, the user confirmed. You re-discard him, but the web page itself contains some features, such as supporting mouse operations, supporting shortcut keys, this is not a function?
2004-11-10 17:15:11 Wonder also has a web page manifestation after being confirmed by the user, will you completely abandon yourself?
12:25 Qingnhe, it is all functions other than system functions, and does not belong to the service function of the system. You can't say that in order to distinguish from Microsoft's operating system, our new system is not using a mouse. This is not the same.
2004-11-10 17:15:34 Wonder also has the order of operation and interaction, this is not a function? These things are hard to cut
2004-11-10 17:16:20 Wonder, such as interacting? For example, the user requires the right-click pop-up menu, this is the functional demand or interface requirements? Ha ha
2004-11-10 17:16:26 Qingrun, I still think, you should first learn, then we continue to discuss this problem, how?
2004-11-10 17:17:08 Wonder, I will not say that the prototype is good. When I actually be actually made. Finally, it is nothing more than abandoning or continue.
2004-11-10 17:17:13 Supreme Run Right-click Pop-up menu, do not belong to business needs, with yourself with additional requirements, if I can't be implemented, I can also tell the user to press a button to implement, so users can accept of. Is not it?
2004-11-10 17:17:31 Wonder WONDER So the demo / practical this division is wrong.
2004-11-10 17:17:47 Wonder, you are wrong, what you said is to divide according to function, can it be divided according to whether business needs
2004-11-10 17:18:02 Direct mapping of Qingrun function? 2004-11-10 17:18:30 What is the direct mapping of Wonder What is the function? Ha ha. You first define
2004-11-10 17:18:47 Qingrun means that where is the function getting?
2004-11-10 17:19:06 Wonder can also be imagined.
2004-11-10 17:19:11 Wonder This is not captured.
2004-11-10 17:19:27 Wonder I don't oppose most prototypes
2004-11-10 17:19:23 Qingrun is actually an imagination is also a kind of capture.
2004-11-10 17:19:33 Wonder But I think your classification standard is wrong.
2004-11-10 17:19:41 Qingrun. Oh, this is just my current view.
2004-11-10 17:19:50 Wonder, then you have to expand, all the concept is related, then I have not said it.
2004-11-10 17:20:20 Qingrun is not hard to expand. But I think it is easier to control, and it is clear.
This is also true of Queen's relationship between Queen. No one will take practical prototype to do abandonment.
2004-11-10 17:21:05 Wonder, I think it should be abandoned / practical, then in the way, it is gradual, or is still a one-time reconstruction, and it is functionally demonstrated or verified.
2004-11-10 17:21:35 Wonder Demonstration is a user-oriented model, cannot be and practical. It is also different from the perspective of the problem.
2004-11-10 17:22:03 Qingrun is not, I don't think so. I think the practical / demonstration is from the background to the front desk, and abandoned, just a means of processing.
2004-11-10 17:22:49 Wonder is not right, if I just want to verify my own ideas, I don't demonstrate it to others, this demonstration said that there is no existence. It is also not a background / front desk.
2004-11-10 17:23:10 Wonder If you are a project, you draw to the user, of course, there is a phase. So this is said that there is conditional.
2004-11-10 17:23:24 Wonder an angle is a customer, an angle is a developer's choice, these two angles cannot be paired.
2004-11-10 17:23:25 Qingrun is that you are playing. It is not necessary to use practicality. Therefore, it is not necessary to abandon not abandonment.
2004-11-10 17:23:32 Wonder but can be set up.
2004-11-10 17:23:37 Qing Run Zhenwei, just to give others, otherwise, what prototype is also called.
2004-11-10 17:23:58 Wonder Queen 17:23:24 That is what you are playing. It is not necessary to use practicality. Therefore, it is not necessary to abandon not abandonment.
This situation is of course existing when making a product
2004-11-10 17:24:21 Wonder, you wrote a thing, verify your own ideas and ideas, this is not called a prototype?
2004-11-10 17:24:18 Yue Run, for example, draw a picture in the document, which belongs to the prototype, is a demonstration prototype. I think.
2004-11-10 17:24:26 Qingrun is like this.
2004-11-10 17:24:40 Wonder, I don't think, no one is very understanding, then demonstrate to see yourself.
2004-11-10 17:24:38 Qingrun Because he did not have any functional implementation.
2004-11-10 17:24:56 Qingrun, what do you say?
2004-11-10 17:25:03 Wonder I also fully implement the function, and then verify that it is feasible. 2004-11-10 17:25:16 Wonder but overthrew the implementation in other ways. right?
2004-11-10 17:25:23 Qingrun is behind the matter. When the function is implemented, you don't have prototypes, but developed.
2004-11-10 17:25:31 Wonder or in more optimized ways.
2004-11-10 17:25:45 Youth Yun is. Such options can be adopted at any stage.
2004-11-10 17:25:51 Wonder, but I really abandon this version, then what is your name?
2004-11-10 17:26:08 Qingrun, your name is written. Because you are not doing prototypes.
2004-11-10 17:26:40 Wonder haha, if the program is right? Is it a version 1.0 version? Ha ha
2004-11-10 17:26:52 Qingrun is, you don't have a big mistake, you will inevitably go on the development.
2004-11-10 17:27:27 Wonder is not right, such as your metrics, you will lose a lot of interfaces, then will you completely abandon?
2004-11-10 17:27:30 Qingrun until you can't move, no way, you need to do a big adjustment, you have to redesign, but it is not the prototype. Because you don't do it in accordance with the prototype.
2004-11-10 17:27:40 Wonder this is just one right?
2004-11-10 17:28:01 Wonder or you plan to continue, continue, just call the prototype, not called the development failed version?
2004-11-10 17:28:03 Wonder huh.
2004-11-10 17:28:29 Qingrun This is not completely abandoned. I cut off an interface in the measurement, which is the investment estimation interface. This is partial operation and is not abandoned. In fact, in the metrics, I use the progressive way in the interface prototype.
2004-11-10 17:28:53 Wonder, if you follow the way of demo, you paint a bunch of interfaces, in fact, don't know if you really express your needs, then give up, continue to paint?
2004-11-10 17:29:13 Wonder is, you use progressive way, but I put this in the way.
2004-11-10 17:29:30 Wonder But you do this, in fact, you don't know whether it is development or demonstration, or is it right?
2004-11-10 17:29:29 If you are abandoning the whole discard, it is the idea of abandoning the law. Every time I consider the new, the development is absolutely not dependent on the previous results.
2004-11-10 17:29:40 Wonder has made decisions unless you start.
2004-11-10 17:29:50 Qingrun, I know. If the prototype is available, then I will enter the development stage. If you are not available, I must adjust it.
2004-11-10 17:30:03 Wonder after Wonder, the development is absolutely not relying on the results, then what is your previous thing.
2004-11-10 17:30:42 Wonder problem is that you can't guarantee that your thoughts are feasible. In the prototype phase, you can't estimate that you will not abandon after development.
2004-11-10 17:30:53 Wonder is a prediction problem
2004-11-10 17:31:08 Wonder rather than relying on book concept
2004-11-10 17:31:08 Green, however, the previous explanation has explained a lot of uncomfortable directions, but I have never used it, it is not very correct. 2004-11-10 17:31:46 Wonder, I think the prototype law is premised.
2004-11-10 17:32:23 Your feeling, abandoning the law should be a practice when you don't understand the system, and it needs to be quickly implemented. Of course, it seems to be a little higher as the request to the client.
2004-11-10 17:32:40 Wonder, I will be all developed, then the abandoned version is called a failed or abandoned version, and it is called a practical version. If it is not a customer, it is not a demonstration, then there is no prototype.
2004-11-10 17:33:18 Wonder Wonder So only in reality can only be a demonstration prototype. Once any function code is written, it is called the development version. Ha ha.
2004-11-10 17:33:28 Qingrun is not. Such definitions are incorrect.
2004-11-10 17:33:49 Wonder, how do you define a practical prototype, and the boundary of the development version?
2004-11-10 17:34:21 The two concepts of Wonder mixed. Or when is it to force the original shape, when will I develop version?
2004-11-10 17:34:20 In the practice of Qingrun prototype, it is often not considered, as long as the speed is fast, let the user see, but this may also compare the ability of domestic software engineering management Weakly related, as long as the code is written, it is considered to be effective, and whether it is conforming to the norm, it will be available in the future. Therefore, this is indeed confusing in this area.
2004-11-10 17:35:07 In the practice of Wonder prototype, it is often not considered. It is only necessary to see the speed, so that users can see it, it can't be scientific method. If this is a standard. Ha ha. Deep it in the past.
2004-11-10 17:35:37 Qingrun This is a means of effective acquisition, not lie. And there is no direct relationship with domestic deception.
2004-11-10 17:35:46 Wonder method must be repeated verified, which can be called method. Otherwise, it is said that it is deceived, which is also a method.
2004-11-10 17:36:03 Wonder that still does not say domestic situation
2004-11-10 17:36:15 Wonder problem lies in this:
2004-11-10 17:36:10 People who can do prototypes are often high, or those who have been older are more old, and in China, what is dare to take out.
2004-11-10 17:36:16 Wonder, how do you define a practical prototype, and develop the boundaries of the version?
2004-11-10 17:37:10 Wonder, such as our metrics, no customers, according to what you just said, you can't call the progressive prototype, you can only call the verification version, or the ideological development version,
2004-11-10 17:37:10 Qingrun Development Version is a version implemented in accordance with the development process specified in the company. The practical prototype is a version implemented at the user's investigation or to quickly obtain user needs.
2004-11-10 17:37:23 Wonder because you didn't give it to the person.
2004-11-10 17:38:11 Wonder huh, this is not right. Then we have been developing now, then it is not the development version, huh, huh.
2004-11-10 17:38:27 Wonder Wonder Because there is no development process specified in the company. . . :)
2004-11-10 17:38:45 Qingrun is, I didn't see it. However, because I have the experience of the customer's work, I think it is surely, I can come on behalf of the client to review. 2004-11-10 17:38:56 Wonder, I think it is actually not according to this definition.
2004-11-10 17:40:26 Wonder, but start only the original shape, if there is no stage of developing the investment resource, it is a prototype. But I don't know if it is demonstrated or practical. Once the transfer is in the development phase, it will become a practical prototype if the prototype is applied, and then the first development version is immediately generated, otherwise it will become an abandoned prototype, which is back.
2004-11-10 17:40:25 Qingrun I think this cannot be picked up.
2004-11-10 17:41:04 Wonder and our approach does not count the prototype law. Instead, it is developing.
2004-11-10 17:41:46 Qingrun is right. In fact, I originally wanted to do prototype, but it was not possible to do it now.
2004-11-10 17:41:55 Qingrun is also directly entering the product from prototypes.
2004-11-10 17:42:32 Wonder huh, then it is consistent.
2004-11-10 17:42:38 Qingnhe.
2004-11-10 17:42:47 Wonder, the prototyping method is premise, the customer's participation, if there is no customer involvement, it is not a prototype
2004-11-10 17:42:56 Wonder is directly developed. Ha ha
2004-11-10 17:43:16 Qingrun is not actually not, but, depending on the situation.
2004-11-10 17:43:36 Wonder is actually that the prototype is also changing, huh, huh
2004-11-10 17:43:58 Yue Run is, my opinion is consistent, the constant changes.
2004-11-10 17:44:13 Wonder and the statement is also different, may be called prototypes in business / bidders, if there is no such part of this, there is no prototype.
2004-11-10 17:44:18 Qingrun basis according to the external environment, depending on the internal environment and conditions, all things are changing.
2004-11-10 17:44:28 Wonder I am to determine the software version status, you see if this is appropriate. Conception, prototype, development version, stable version, internal test version, public beta version, distribution version, future research version
2004-11-10 17:45:48 Wonder, demonstrates the concept of those derived gradual prototypes or abandonment. This is no meaningful, but it is just a manual manifold. It is actually better divided into demo stages (only capture requirements), and then directly to the development version, which is relatively appropriate. Just write it.
2004-11-10 17:45:53 The Qingrun is appropriate. There should be no omissions.
2004-11-10 17:46:53 Wonder if the development failed, then the 0.x version of the failed, not that this is the prototype and I abandoned. Ha ha. Because the actual function is already made. It is said that the prototype is still a failure version is abandoned, all artificial statements.
2004-11-10 17:47:26 Qinghe, this is still different, but it doesn't discuss it here. Just like it is clear?
2004-11-10 17:48:19 Wonder Yeah, I have to be concrete to the development environment to say clearly.
2004-11-10 17:48:29 Qingwu, then it is consistent. We are ready to eat.
2004-11-10 17:48:47 Wonder ==
2004-11-10 17:48:50 Yourn. 2004-11-10 17:49:04 Wonder10min
2004-11-10 17:49:05 Junk OK
2004-11-10 17:52:15 Wonder But this is still like you. Because of the ideas, demonstration prototypes, practical prototypes, development versions, stable versions, internal test, public beta versions, release versions, and future research versions can cover the back of the situation, but it will not.
2004-11-10 17:52:46 Wonder if needed, you can directly, conceive - practical prototypes, or ideas - development versions, this is not contradictory
2004-11-10 17:53:46 Qingrun does not need to be so complex, demo prototypes and practical prototypes as long as they are enough.
2004-11-10 17:53:55 The two of Qing Run is parallel.
2004-11-10 17:54:22 Wonder, I still want to keep, otherwise I don't know if I haven't defined before the stage.
2004-11-10 17:54:39 Wonder, for example, decided not to develop after the prototype is defined.
2004-11-10 17:54:34 Qingrun is a parallelity.
2004-11-10 17:55:20 Wonder if this situation can not be called practical prototype
2004-11-10 17:55:31 Qingrun is called a prototype.
2004-11-10 17:55:56 The definition of the front of Qingrun is the most appropriate. There is no need to increase the classification.
2004-11-10 17:56:07 Wonder huh, the problem is that this model is affected by external factors, and it is not known when doing. So is it clear when it is separated, is it?
2004-11-10 17:56:25 Wonder That is also.
2004-11-10 17:56:21 Qingrun as long as marked the original type, isn't it enough?
2004-11-10 17:56:25 Qingrun is right.
2004-11-10 17:57:12 WONDER, in fact, in accordance with the time phase, see more meticulous.
2004-11-10 17:57:24 Joy.
2004-11-10 17:58:15 Wonder [image]
2004-11-10 17:58:30 Wonder But in the end, it is actually a layered definition. . For example, this version state. .
2004-11-10 17:58:39 Qingrun.
2004-11-10 17:58:54 Is it the interface on Bugzero?
2004-11-10 17:59:06 Wonder Wonder
2004-11-10 17:59:05 Yue Yun.