Learn the word "Genuine"

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  80

Genuine Leather Leather Genuine Devotion Devoting Kingshan Words 2005, through the understanding of this word meaning, have learned several words: spurious adj. Forged, false, deceived counterfeit n.adj. 品, counterfeit, forged , Fake VT. Forgery, counterfeit Devotion love, investment, belief hypocrisy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Genuinegen.u.ineahd: [JμN "Y>-¹N] DJ [6d9wnju8in] kk [6d9wnju! n] adj. (adjective) Actually Possessing the alleged or apparent attribute or character: Really: Really so-called or obvious Nature or characteristics: Genuine Leather. Leather NOT Spurious Or Counterfeit; Authentic.see Synynyms At Authentic Really, Non Forged, Non-Counter; Real See AuthentichoneStly Felt or Experienced: Sincere: Devoted or Experience or Experience : Genuine Devotion. Deachen Actual; Real: Really, true: a Genuine Dilemma. True Dilemma. Free from Hypocrisy or DishoneSty; Sincere. Sincere: Non-made or non-Pure OR; sincere Being of Pure OR Original Stock: Pure, Authentic, Original: a genuine hawaiian. Pure Hawaii

Latin GenuoS [Natural] Possibly from alteration of ingenuus [native, freeborn] * See Ingenuous Source from the change of Ingenuus [national, free people] * See Ingenuous

"uinelyadv. (adverb) gen" uinenessn. (noun)

Genuine [5dvenju: in] adj. true; real; nameful this Ring is Genuine Gold. This ring is real gold. All Genuine Knowledge Originates in Direct Experience. All the true knowledge is from the direct experience.

Genuine [5dvenjuin] adj. Real; unique true, sincere; non-pure, pure blood; A Genuine Diamond, a Genuine, a Genuine, a Genuine, a Genuine Person, is sincere People a Genuine Breed Pure


Genuine latin stem Gen is born. It is true, it is true.

GenuineAuthenticbona FideLitiMatePureResNCeretRuedummyfalsesham


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