JSP environment engine --Websphere

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  75

WebSphere characteristics

WebSphere is a software product of IBM, including WebSphere App Servers, WebSphere Studio, and WebSphere Performance Pack. There will be some other products to join in addition to supplement and expansion. He is an IBM network infrastructure software is a multi-purpose software that can develop and integrate e-commerce applications, from simple web pages, to complex commercial transactions, it can be fully supported.

WebSphere can operate on 35 operating system platforms, in addition to the computer, can also be used in PDA, information appliances and other products, cross-platform capabilities.

WebSphere has currently adopted more than 3,500 enterprises worldwide, and growth has exceeded two digits for 9 quarters. In 1999, IBM's share of IBM in the Application Server market was 14%, and this number has risen to 30% in 2000, and it is already sitting on the market. Recently, the IBM force push middleware (MiddleWare platform WebSphere will launch version 4.0, is expected to further enhance the share of IBM in the application server market, pose a threat to the market leading BEA Systems. WebSphere is currently ranked second in global application server products, second only to BEA SYSTEMS WebLogic, but in the Asia Pacific region. IBM with WebSphere information intermediary software MQSeries has up to 75% market share in the world.

The WebSphere application server enables you to implement the development of Servlet's development "once written, all sectors". This product includes a Java-based servlet engine, independent of the web server and its operating system. The WebSphere application server provides options for server plugins, compatible with most popular application design interfaces (APIs). The supported web servers are:

l IBM HTTP server

l apache server

l Domino

l Lotus Domino Go Webserver

l Netscape Enterprise Server

l Netscape FastTrack Server

l Microsoft Internet Information Server

In addition to the servlet engine and plugin, the WebSphere application server also provides:

1. JavaSoft Java Servlet API implementation, and extension and addition of these APIs.

2. Examples and documents, sample servlets and Web site applications demonstrate simple and advanced technology. Online and printable documents for quick start and help master server advanced features to present the basic class and its extension sample application.

3. WebSphere Application Server Manager, use the graphical interface, easy to:

(1) Setting options for local and remote servlet settings options

(2) Set initialization parameters

(3) Manage servlet

(4) Specify a servlet alias

(5) Creating a servlet chain and filtering

(6) Enable Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory support

(7) Record the servlet message

(8) Enable JVM debugging

(9) Monitor the resources used by WebSphere application servers

(10) Monitoring has been loaded into servlet, active servlet session and JDBC connection

(11) Control errors, events, exceptions, and log output

(12) Creating dumps and data snapshots

(13) Dynamically enable and disable tracking

4. Cache and reuse the connection management feature connected to the JDBC-slave database. When a servlet requires a database connection, it can be obtained from a buffer pool that can be used, eliminating the required system overhead for each request to open a new connection.

5. Additional Java classes, follow the JavaBeans specification, allowing programmers to access JDBC-dependent databases. These data access beans provide enhancements when hiding complexity using the relational database. They can be used in a visual integrated development environment. 6. JSP's dynamic page content support. JSP technology enables you to generate a dynamic web page through the server-side script. The result is that the presentation logic (eg, defining the HTML code that defines the web site structure and the appearance) from the business logic (eg, access the database to obtain Java encoded information to display information on the Web site). Flexibility, the JSP file can include any combination of Java directly inserted:

Mark, NCSA tags and JavaBeans.

7. Enable the directory service supported by the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).

8. Used to integrate WebSphere App Servers and web servers (such as Tivoli Management Environment "to get distributed monitoring and operation modules and command line interfaces. The Tivoli module does not issue together with the WebSphere application server, please visit the Web site (http://www.software.ibm.com/webservers/appserv/ to get more information.

9. With the eNetworkDispatcher, the WebTrafficeExpress proxy, and AFS distributed file systems, you can provide a scalable web server environment.

The overall structure of WebSphere Applecation Server is shown below:

The basic work process:

After the customer issues a request, HTTPSERVER hand over the servlet call to Application Server, by Application

Server and Java Servlet Engine execute the servlet to the servlet to process the SQL request to the database for processing. The database returns the result. Application Server. After the servlet generates a dynamic page, the processing result is handed over to HTTPServer. HTTPServer returns the page to the user.

The WebSphere Application Server supports JSP is implemented by a JSP processor. When installing a WebSphere application server on a web server, the configuration of the web server is set to pass the HTTP request to the JSP file (ie, the file extension .jsp) to the WebSphere application server. The WebSphere Application Server Configuration is set to pass the JSP file to its JSP processor (PageCompile).

The JSP processor creates and compiles the servlet for each JSP file. The processor also generates two files for each JSP file:

(1) Java file: Contains Java language code available for servlet;

(2) Class file: Compiled servlet.

The JSP processor puts .java and .class files under directory servletspageCompileJsp_File_path, where jsp_file_path is the directory path where the JSP source file is located. For example, if the JSP file is in the WebSphereAppServersamplesWebBank directory, the .java and .class files are in the WebSphereAppServerServletsPageCompileWebSphereApp ServersampleWebbank directory. .java and .class files are identical. The processor uses a naming convention that includes adding the underscore characters and suffixes to the JSP file name. For example, if the JSP file name is login.jsp, the generated file is _login_xjsp.java and _login_xjsp.class. As with all servlets, servlets generated by JSP files are subclats or children of javax.servlet.http.httpservlets. If the servlet class is part of the package, the Servlet Java code contains import statements for some essential class and package statements. If the JSP file contains a JSP syntax (such as instructions and scripTlets), the JSP processor converts the JSP syntax into an equivalent Java code. If the JSP file contains an HTML tag, the processor adds Java code to enable the servlet to output HTML one character.

WebSphere has a certain difficulty due to professionals. In addition, WebSphere itself has 2G capacity, which requires 256M memory support, and the system requires high requirements.

WebSphere installation

WebSphere installed under Linux

1. Log in to the Linux system with a superuser root, perform the operation of all steps in the console or graphics XWindow X terminal, is recommended to use the X terminal.

2. Load this competition IBM I love the Linux web application development disk, knock in the command line:

Mount / MNT / CDROM

3. Enter the CD root directory, knock in the command line:


4. Run the disc installer, knock in the command line: ./ install.sh. Installation screen automatically enters as shown, because you have to enter the Advanced Group for application development competition, so according to the installation screen, we choose to knock: a Enter the advanced group installation.

5. Entering the advanced group installation screen as shown. This IBM I love the Linux Web Application Competition uses numerous IBM applications. In order to reduce the problem of many product installations in contestants, this CD has made a lot of customization work for TurboLinux DataServer Chinese version 6.1, so that you can easier Install the application contest software. In order to successfully participate in this Grand Prix, I hope you use our bundled TurboLinux as a Linux system platform. Type: Y, perform the next step.

6. The installer automatically installs the screen, this screen display automatically installs the IBM JDK, IBM HTTP Server, IBM SSL Modules ... and more, please refer to the actual situation you installed.

7. IBM HTTP Server is a WWW server developed by Apache Http Server, and joins the functionality of SSL and online web http server configuration on Apache. To enable you to securely perform a remote web-way configuration, manage HTTP Server, you must set up access to users and access user passwords for your HTTP management server. During the installation process, the program will automatically prompt you to enter the management user name (the default user name is: admin, press the carriage return to the default user), and the management user password (password is required for two passwords). Specifically, as shown in the screen. 8. Next, the installer automatically installs the IBM DB2 UDB Working Group Database V7.1, which does not require any artificial intervention, and the system will be automatically completed. as the picture shows.

9. Shows the status of the IBM DB2 installation.

10. After the system is automatically installed, after the IBM DB2 database, automatically enter the installation phase of the IBM WebSphere application server and related application software, automatically load WebSphere Application Server, related documentation, IBM Visualage for Java For Linux 3.0, WebSphere App Development Instance Template Easyportal ... Some The package is relatively large, such as Visualage for Java, the installation time may be longer, please patiently wait for the system to automatically install the end. as the picture shows.

11. Shows the successful installation of the entire advanced group application and can enter the practical phase.

12. After the installation is successful, the background IBM DB2 and IBM HTTP should be started normally, and you should be able to browse to the home page of this unit in your browser. Start Netscape in XWindow, type it in the URL column: http: // localhost or http:// Your_host_name, if the background IBM HTTP Server starts normally, you should see the screen.

! Note: If you don't see the home screen, IBM HTTP Server may not start normally, mainly because you are named after the 'hostname' during the installation of the Linux system. You can use the following methods to solve the problem:

A. Query your current host name of the Linux system, type command: Hostname

B. Suppose the system returns to answer: Linux.cn.ibm.com

C. Follow the command: ping linux.cn.ibm.com, check if you can connect the host through this hostname, if you can connect, please skip D. Enter E.

D. If you don't ping Linux.cn.ibm.com, type the command: vi / etc / hosts Edit file.

Add this line in the file

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx YourHostname.com YourHost

Here XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX is the digital IP address you actually use in the Linux system, such as:, this IP address must be able to directly ping (ping 192.168.100)

E. Edit the IBM HTTP configuration file, type command: vi /opt/ibmhttpserver/conf/httpd.conf

Looking for this line starting with #servername your.machine.com, add another line in addition:

ServerName Yourhostname

F. Restart the IBM HTTP Server server, knock in command: / opt / ibmhttpserver / bin / apachectl restart

You can start the HTTP server normally.

WebSphere installation under NT

WebSphere can be installed on Windows operating system platforms such as NT, 95/98, WIN2000, which mainly shows how to install and configure WebSphere application servers on Windows NT.

Installing WebSphere under Windows must have 128 megabytes of memory, if 256 trillion is better. The operating system requires Windows NT (Pack 3). Before installation, there must be a web server, which can be one of the following:

IBM HTTP server version Windows NT version (WebSphere Application Server Installation CD includes IBM HTTP Server)

Apache Server version Windows NT version

Domino version 5.0 Windows NT version

Lotus Domino Go Webserver version 4 Windows NT Edition

Microsoft Internet Information Server version 3.x above Windows NT

Netscape Enterprise Server version 3.01 and version 3.51 Windows NT Edition

(Recommended version 3.5.1)

Netscape FastTrack Server version 3.01 Windows NT Edition

Java Development Components (JDK) is also required, here we recommend using JDK with the WebSphere application server. The Java Servlet API is also required, and the WebSphere application server includes JSDK version 2.0 or higher. Of course, web browsers and AppletViewer are also required, or support JDK1.1 browsers. For example: Netscape Navigator 4.06 or 4.0.7, or a Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher with amendment package, or Sun HotJava 1.1 or higher. Some old browsers do not correctly process text that enabled local language support. If you see a foreign character on the user interface, such as "Senable", instead of "enable", you can correct it by upgrading the browser.

Step 1: Install the web server:

If you intend to install the IBM HTTP server, you must install it before you install the WebSphere application server. WebSphere Application Server Installing CDs with IBM HTTP Server. Installing the WebSphere Application Server changes the web server httpd.conf file. However, if the web server is installed after installing the WebSphere application server, it will not be changed, and the WebSphere application server is not able to run correctly. After installing the IBM HTTP server, you need some configuration to enable SSL support. How to configure, see the IBM HTTP server document to obtain the instruction information.

For scheduled to install other web servers (such as Apache Server), please install it before installing the WebSphere application server.

Step 2: Before installation:

Before installing, if there is an old version of WebSphere in the system, you must uninstall the old version first. Then install a new version. Before uninstall, you should back up the WebSphere Application Server version 1.x file.

(1) File backup

Before you uninstall the previous version of the WebSphere application server, make sure that the file to be transplanted is or saved. Installing WebSphere Application Server Version 2.0 Displayed Graphical User Interface Backup WebSphere Application Server Directory, including classes, domains, servlets, properties files, where properties files include servlet.properties, admin_port.properties, rules.properties, JVM .properties, aliases.properties, connmgr.properties, userprofile.properties. If the file resides in these four directories (for example, if you create your own directory in the WebSphere Application Server installation), install the WebSphere Application Server version 2.0. Previous backup files outside the WebSphere application server installation. (2) Uninstall the previous version

For Windows NT, use the Add / Delete option in the Start-> Control Panel, or from the start-> program -> IBM WebSphere -> WebSphere Application Server version 1.x uninstalled.

Note: When a version of the WebSphere application server is installed, it copies the web site configuration file as a backup file and modifies the original configuration file. This has become an active configuration file when using a web server. When unloading the WebSphere application server, the previous configuration file will not be restored, it is still a backup file. In order to make these settings again, they must convert them to the active web server profile from the backup file.

In addition, the ClassPath needs to be cleared. Remove this information before installing version 2.0. For web servers using Go Webserver on Windows NT, you can automatically uninstall the Java support on Go Webserver when installing a WebSphere application server. Please check the relevant documents.

Step 3: Install WebSphere Server:

Make sure you have already installed the WebSphere application server.

(1) Backup All files that have not been automatically backed up by the installer

(2) Install the web server you plan to use. The web server must be installed before the WebSphere application server is installed.

(3) Make sure the web server has stopped running before installing.

Note: During the installation of the WebSphere application server, if you specify the IBM HTTP server or Apache Server, you will be prompted to confirm the location of the web server httpd.conf file.

On Windows NT, insert the WebSphere application server to install the disc, turn to subdites named after Windows NT operating system, run the executable installer (Setup.exe). A series of panels will guide you through the installation.

Configure WebSphere Application Server

The following describes how to configure the WebSphere application server to make it and its components to work together. After completing these tasks, the WebSphere Application Server can run almost all functions over the default configuration.

(1) Configure Apache Server

If you use Apache Server as a web server, add this line in the httpd.conf file:


(2) Use the database.

To ensure the connection of the WebSphere application server and the relational database (such as Oracle or DB2): add the .zip file to the java.classpath attribute in the file /properties/bootstrap.properties. You can also specify the file using the Java engine page of the Manager interface of the WebSphere application server. Similarly, make sure Java.ClassPath contains a valid driver for database connections. (3) Operation mode

The OSE.Mode property is used to control the WebSphere application server as part of the web server (within the process), or run in standalone mode (outside). This attribute is in the /properties/bootstrap.properties file. OSE.Mode default is OUT. Apache Server or IBM HTTP server requires setting an OSE.Mode property to be OUT, that is, the WebSphere application server must run in standalone mode. For other web servers, OSE.MODE can be used as IN and run a WebSphere application server as part of the web server. But usually don't do this. If necessary, it is necessary to reset OSE.Mode means that the value of OSE.Mode is OUT. For example, if Netscape Enterprise Server (OSE.MODE = IN) running as part of Web Server is converted to the IBM HTTP server (requiring OSE.Mode = OUT), don't forget to put OSE.Mode properties before running the IBM HTTP server. Change to OUT.

In addition to manually editing the bootstrap.properties file, the Java engine page of the manager interface provides a simple way to lock the OSE.Mode property value. The Java engine page provides a radio button that can be used to indicate part of the web server (OSE.Mode = in) or running a WebSphere application server with independent mode (OSE.Mode = OUT).

Running a WebSphere application server as part of the web server provides high performance for servlets and other applications, but is poor security. Run the WebSphere application server as part of the web server, allowing the WebSphere application server to automatically stop when turning off the web server. Running a WebSphere application server in stand-alone mode requires other steps.

Start and stop WebSphere Application Server

When starting a web server, the WebSphere application server will start automatically.

If the WebSphere application server is run as part of the web server, the WebSphere application server will automatically stop when you turn off the web server. If you run in a stand-alone mode, the WebSphere application server will not stop automatically.

When running a WebSphere application server outside Windows NT, stopping the WebSphere Servlet service to stop the WebSphere application server. The method is: Select the WebSphere Servlet service from the start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> and press the Stop button.

Installation check and troubleshooting

To verify that the WebSphere application server is installed and configured correctly, you can call the Snoop Servlet provided by the WebSphere application server. Enter your address bar in the address bar using a web browser: http://your.server.name/servlet/snoP. The Snoop Servlet should return to the HTTP request and the initialization parameters of the servlet sent by the client. The code of SnoopServlet and other servlet is located in the / servlets directory. If the servlet fails: (1) If you change the .properties file or change the configuration of the WebSphere application server by manual editing, look at these files to introduce illegal or incorrect values. Special to check the /properties/bootstrap.properties file.

(2) Open local logs and tracking for the web server. First find the WebSphere Application Server Bootstrap.properties file. Then set the OSE.TRACE.ENABLED and OSE.TRACE.TO.WEBSERVER attributes to True. Stop the web server and restart. If the WebSphere application server is running in standalone mode, it does not stop accordingly when it stops the web server. Check the web server error log and log in the WebSphere Application Server / Logs directory. Look at the cause of the wrong.

(3) Enable the debug console and restart the web server. The debug console of the WebSphere Application Server is used to collect and view tracking and monitoring data. For example, from the debug console, you can act as a group of launched and monitor server data in the collection and monitoring of server data. In the server console in the debug console, allow you to view the STDOUT and STDERR streams of the servlet. By default, the console is not started. Setting the debug.server.console.EnableD property in the WebSphere Application Server Debug.properties file Set to True, then restart the web server makes the change take effect. Alternatively, you can run http://your.server.name/servlet/debugconsoleservlets in the Web to enable debugging console. On Windows NT, you must successfully view the debug console, you must configure Windows NT to allow one or more services to interact with Windows desktops. If you use a web server that is run as a Windows NT service:

Select Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Services.

Select the corresponding service of the web server.

Click the start button.

In the Results dialog, select the check box that allows the service and the desktop interaction.

Restart the web server to take effect.

For Microsoft's IIS servers, perform the above processes for each service associated with the web server, such as a web publish and FTP service. These services must be interacting with the Windows NT desktop. If the WebSphere application server is running any web server-related processes, you need to perform the above procedures for the WebSphere Servlet service, allowing the service to interact with the desktop.


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