Please Dress me in red
1.Virus [] n. Virus 2.Package []? N. [Add ", a person who has some distinctive person) 3. Surgically [:] adv. In surgery 4.Vein [] n Vere, blood vessel 5.Hook Up Plug (parts) Times Sometimes, or 7.Marvel [:] AT is surprised, I feel curious 8.wear Down makes exhausted, so that thin 9. Dynamo [] n. Generator, electric motor 10.beckon [] vt. Schematic, summon
Give Up ... To Taylor does not want to make childhood a minute of one second to fatal diseases. Tyler Wasn't Willing to Give Up One Single Moment of His Childhood To this Deadly Disease
Oxygen tank Tank of oxygen
I am surprised, I feel curious marvel at
All of us know Taylor is amazing that life brings him the simple joy and give him a vitality. All of US WHO KNEW TYLER Marveled At His Pure Joy in Being Alive and The Energy It Gave Him.
Drag Wear Down
The terrible disease is ultimately dragged down and energetic like a small motor like Taylor
THIS DREADED DISEASE EVENTUALLY WORE DOWN Even The Likes of a Little Dynamo Like Tyler