Get the header information of your phone

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  85

<% @ page import = " *"%> <% @ page import = "java.util. *"%> <% try {string contents; string filename = "/ wap / header" ".txt "" FileOutputStream fo = new fileoutputstream (fileoutputstream); bufferedwriter fout = new bufferedwriter (New OutputStreamWriter (fo)); contents = "********************* *********************************************************** * / n "; fout.write (Content, 0, Contents.Length ()); Enumeration E = Request.getHeadernAmes (); String Headername =" "; if (e! = null) {while (E.hasMoreElements () ) {Headername = (String) E.NEXTELEMENT (); contents = headername ":" Request.getHeader "/ n"; fout.write (Contents, 0, Contents.Length ());}} // contents = "Mobileno:" Request.getHeader ("x-up-caling-line-id") "/ n"; contents = "Mobileno:" Request.getHeader ("DeviceID") "/ n "Fout.write (Contents, 0, Contents.Length ()); fout.close (); fo .Close ();

} catch (exception e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();}%>


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