Feel the convenience of DataGrid to data operation (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79

As a person who just contact ASP.NET, DataGrid can provide us with those convenience, always I want to know early. These two days I happened to modify the previous ASP app, so I learned to learn DataGrid, I realized it, I really brought a lot of convenience, summed up, write it out to give a beginner like me. .

Part 1: Display all data in the data table with DataGrid

One purpose we use DataGrid is to use it to display data. Let's first put a DataGrid on the page, such as DataGrid1, next, we want to define a global database link on the page, you can create a "SQLConnection" from the VS.Net2003 toolbox, such as "MyConn", When the system will be regenerated into WebForm, you can initialize it, you can also initialize it in the page_load event:

Private Void Page_Load (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E)


IF (! ispostback)


THISMYCONN.CONNECTIONSTRING = "Workstation ID = TEST; packet size = 4096; integrated security = SSPI; data source = a" "PPServer; persist security info = false; initial catalog = oa";


// For convenience, I created a function to populate data to DataGrid

Bindgrid ();


Create a function bindgrid ();

Public void bindgrid ()


// Create an adapter

SqldataAdapter myadp = new sqldataadapter ("Select * from myTable", myconn;

// Create a dataset

DataSet DS = New Dataset ();

/ / Then populate the data in the database to the data set by the adapter

myadp.fill (DS, "MyTable"); // myTable is the name of the database table

// Use the data set as the data source of DataGrid

DataGrid1.datasource = DS.TABLES ["MyTable"]. DefaultView;

// Bind data, the data is displayed

DataGrid1.databind ();


OK, it is displayed!

The program is really much less than the original ASP, and it is so much fast.


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