Roseta stone monument in the solar system

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

On March 2, an Aliana-5 rocket contained Roseta comet detector and finally launched smoothly from the Kuu Space Center in Guiana. This has been torture scientists for more than ten years because of a variety of reasons. However, it is not a celebration moment: Want to watch the Roseta's stage, there is another 10 years. "Ancient" plans in 1986, the famous Harley's comter appeared in the night sky of the earth. Several detectors of human launch seized the opportunity of this 76 years and explored Harley comets. The most famous of these is the "Jopo" comet detector of the European Space Administration (ESA). Just in the previous year of "Jobo" approaches Harley, the member states of ESA decided to formulate a long-term research program. It is expected that in the mid-1990 or early 21st century, from the "original" celestial body of the solar system - such as comet and small Planet - Retrieves the research sample. The coma of the shape of the peanut film captured by Jobo caused the world's sensation, but also made ESA more firm to detect comet determination. In 1991, the ESA and NASA (NASA) founded the most challenging "Roseta Comet Comet Comet Sampling Plan" after "Joe Tour". This program uses the probe similar to NASA's Mercury Detector "Sailor No. 2", but is more than the sailorboard with a landolic and return cabin. The landing will extract the sample on the surface of the comet, then bring these samples back to the laboratory of scientists on the Earth by the return cabin. According to the plan, this earliest Rosetta detector will be launched in 2002. But the next few years of the NASA's budget ruined this solution. NASA canceled the cooperation with ESA, and even some of NASA's own comet / asteroid detection project was also canceled. However, ESA decided to continue the Roseta plan. A revised Roseta plan is now what people see. Compared with the ambitious coma compared to the new Roseta, the new Roseta is a relatively simple task: it will still release a landulic nucleus to the coma of the comet, but the landilizer will study the coma in place. It will not bring any samples to scientists on the ground. In 1993, ESA officially approved the Roseta plan. The German Space Administration is responsible for leading the construction of the detector. Initially, the Rosetta's goal is a short cycle comet called Wirtanen. If the Roseta will be in 2011 after the scheme is expected to be in January 2003 - it is 2011 - meeting with Wirtanen comet. Everything is ready, there is no Dongfeng. When European scientists strive to make the detector, the carrier tools have opened a joke. In December 2002, a new type of Aliana-5 rocket failed. This means that the Roseta will continue to stay on the Earth's second month. When the rocket problem is solved, the Roseta has missed the opportunity to visit Wirtanen comet. As a result, ESA's scientists revised the original plan to align the target for another short cycle comet, Suo Mov - Grassen Burme Comet (67P / Churyumov- Gerasimenko).

Roseta, comet chase, art imagination

In February 2004, the Roseta with the latest tasks was sent to the launch pad of Kuu Space Center. However, good things are more ground, the launch of the original on February 26 is repeatedly delayed because the weather and technical reasons are repeated. Until last Tuesday, the Rosesta embossed the first step in the comet journey, which officially approved this plan for 11 years away from ESA. Long journey last week's successful launch is just the beginning of the Roseta adventure journey. Unlike its senior Josoto detector, the Roseta number will take most of our lives in travel instead of detection. Josetou took 8 months to arrive near Harley's comter. However, scientists intend to make Roseta's more careful research: from the comet farthest, starting around the coma. In this way, scientists can understand the coma nucleation (consisting of Ice and dust, etc. Scientists call "dirty snowballs") in the process of flying near the sun. However, even the Rockets such as Aliana-5, you can't directly send this 3 ton of detectors directly to a distance from the sun 5 times. Scientists got a dazzling inner solar line to the Roseta, let it reach the Earth and Mars's gravity, and finally reach the comet of Chunolmov-Grasian Burmese. In March next year, the Roseta number will pass with the Earth. The gravity of the earth will take the Roseta to Mars. In February 2007, the Roseta number will brush Mars at approximately 200 kilometers, and launched scientific observations on Mars. In November and November 2009, the Roseta number will fall twice, and finally towards the orbital trades of the Hilomov - Grasse Myancom. The three-year time before the final arrival of the comet will be the deep space "hibernation" time of the Roseta. Roseta, art imagination

In January 2014, Roseta finally approached 10 years of travel. Subsequently, the Roseta will become the first "artificial comet satellite", and the diameter of the Tsui Mov-Grasse Myancom is only 4 km of nucleus, in an unprecedented near-distance study. In November this year, the Roseta number will release a landulifer. This retaining of "Feira" slowly approaches the coma of nuclear surface - the gravity of comet is very weak, so that there is no airbag that does not have the airbag like Martian landulic as a buffer. On the contrary, scientists are worried that comets are weak to unable to effectively "suck" on the surface. Therefore, once the landoller reaches the comet surface, it will shoot a fork and firmly fix it in the comet surface.

Landing in the comet, art imagination

Roseta 10 years of long journey and its responsible scientific research mission also allow scientists of the construction detector to face huge challenges. The Roseta number uses solar energy instead of the nuclear energy to power it with the scientific instrument. However, it has never been used to use solar cells in places that are more than 2 times. The Roseta is therefore equipped with a pair of 14 meters of solar cell arrays. It has a lowest area of ​​more than 60 square meters to provide 400 watts of power. Let more than 20 scientific instruments travel in cold space for 10 years and maintain a good working condition is not easy. There are also some instruments that have the weights of the instrument, more than the total weight of the instrument (most weight of the Rosetta is the propellant), and the "ultra-light" version is needed. Suimov - Graczfurko comet, the Roseta stone monument of this solar system was determined to be a Roseta number in a few months ago. In fact, this comet discovered by two inner Soviet Tianliologists in 1969 is indeed a new guest of the inner solar system. According to the comet's track, the scientist found that the comets of Shuangmov-Grascurus Myancom were only in approximately 150 years ago because of Jupitar, and was attracted to the inner solar system. Since the comet is basically by ice and dust, scientists hope that this comparative "fresh" comet can provide a large number of information about the raw material of the solar system. Roseta's landing "Feira" also intends to drill a deep apex of more than 20 cm in the coma of the Kiomov-Graczfurk comet, extracting substances below the surface of the coma, then put it into the microscope Next study. The photos and data were first passed to the Roseta number not far away, and then forwarded to the scientists on the Earth. In nearly two years of surrounding nuclear flight, the Rosetta also watched the coma gradually approached the sun, and the material (mainly ice) gradually sublimated, forming the process of coma and comet. The entire task will end in December 2015. Linnier comet photographed by Roseta


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