The specific style sheet is written in the corresponding section. The focus is in the #mainbox layer nested # Menu, # sidebar and #content three layers. When #Content's content increases, # Content will increase, and the height of #mainbox will also be opened, and the # Footer layer is automatically moved. This achieves a high degree of adaptation.
Also worth noting is: #menu and #Content are floating on the right side of the page "float: right;", # sidebar is floating on the left "float: left;", this is a floating method, but also Absolute positioning to achieve this effect.
There is another problem with this method, that is, the background of the side #sidebar cannot be 100%. The general solution is to fill in the background color of the body. (You can't use the background color of #mainbox, because the background color of #mainbox in the browser such as Mozilla is invalid.)
Ok, the main frame has been set up, and the rest is just to add bricks in the inside. If you want to try other layouts, recommend to see the following article: CSS layout 16 cases onestab: three column composite layout demonstration onestab: free stretching three-bar version