Bugzilla installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  80

The following is a simple step and instructions for installing bugzilla in Linux. Camry.wu

Apt-get install apache2 # Install http://www.bugzilla.org/download/ Download Bugzilla to http://sourceforge.net/projects/bugzilla-cn/ Download Chinese Patch Pack

Unzipped # CD / USR / LOCAL

# tar xzvf bugzilla-xxxx-tar.gz

Then in bugzilla-xxx / down run Perl checksetup.pl, you can know which Perl modules you need to install. Perl-McPan -e shell # Install Perl module cpan> M # list module cpan> install "bundle :: bugzilla" # installation Bugzilla The corresponding module is installed before installation, it will be required to set some perl: CPAN options, as required, pay attention: When installing to the template module, you need to set some options. You need to enter dbname = test when you ask Database Name, but I am installing here. Can't pass, saying that it is a Test error. I don't know why. After running Perl checksetup.pl, I know that there are three modules that are not installed, respectively: Appconfig, Template and Date :: Parse These three modules. So to ~ / .cpan / BUILD (就 就 设置 目 目 目 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模 模Perform: # cd appconfig-x.xx /

# perl makefile.pl

# Make

# Make Test

# make install

# cd ../Template-xxx/

# perl makefile.pl # Remember to enter dbname = test in subsequent questions

# Make

# Make Test

# make install

# cd ../timedate-xxx/

# perl makefile.pl

# Make

# Make Test

# make install

After running Perl checksetup.pl, I find it to set the Perl path, you can make a symbolic link under Linux # ln -s / usr / bin / perl / usr / bonsaitools / bin / perl

Set the database password and create bugzilla's database users # mysql -u root mysql

MySQL> Update User Set Password = Password (' ")

WHERE user = 'root';

mysql> flush privileges;

Mysql> Create Database Bugs;


Lock Tables, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, References on Bugs. * To

Bugs @ localhost identified by '';

mysql> flush privileges;

If mysql is not 4.0 or more, the Lock Tables and Create Temporary Tables don't. Warning: It is best to get a name, don't run checksetup.pl for the default username, Create a data table, I have already run successful Checksetup.pl It produces a localconfig file, now you want to modify this file. Modify: $ db_host = "localhost"; $ db_name = "BUGS";

$ db_user = "bugs";

$ db_pass = "xxxx";

They are all filled with the content you have just set. Then run ./checksetup.pl last set up the administrator account. Link Bugzilla # ln -s / usr / local / bugzilla-xxx / var / www Www / bugzilla

Set Apache to find httpd.conf file first (if it is apache2, then find the apache2.conf file) to find: AddHandler CGI-Script .cgi removes the comment. Find: adddefaultcharst change ISO-8859-1 to GB2312 Add: Alias ​​/ Bugzilla / "/ VAR / WWW / BUGZILL"

Options Execcgi


After restarting Apache, I found that I couldn't access Bugzilla because the permissions of the file did not change, and the following changes were made: # chmod 755 * .cgi

# chmod 755 * .pl

# chmod 755 * .sh

If you still can't, it's roughing: # chmod -r 777 *

This should be accessed, then carefully add some of these files to the permissions, try it to yourself. I have been satisfied with you. I have seen a good way to modify the permissions, but I have been able to access bugzilla now. However, the interface is English, or the Chinese cool point :) # tar xzvf bugzilla-2.16-cn-xx.tar.gz

# MV Template / CN / / VAR / WWW / BUGZILLA / TEMPLATE

# vi /var/www/bugzilla/globals.pl

Modification: include_path => "Template / En / Custom: Template / En / Default"

The EN can be CN.

I have to pay attention to it, it may be said that the data directory is not writable, then the authority will be changed.

I finally got it :) Double ...

Install Bugzilla in Windows to see this article and this article

As long as the PERL module is installed, it is not big, and then it is to modify the source code of Bugzilla to send mail.

I have already successfully installed on Windows. Of course, if you can install it with Linux, don't find trouble.

Last Modified: Thursday, November 11th, 2004 HTML Conversion By Tex2Page 2004-09-11


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