Various web player code

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  82

Put this URL changed to the movie you want to watch

An image of the RM format:

No image of RM format: like a cross talk, song. . .

< Param name = 'nolabels' value = '0'> The simplest MEDIA format player. . Automatic identification has no image, but the version is your machine!

An image of the Media player automatically calls the plugin on the Internet.

No image-free Media player. . . Ibid.

It is just a different media plug-in player. . I don't need this, you can see!

RM file online play

AutoStart = "false" When you open the page, you will listen to the sound height = 25 width = 50 when opening the page. There are different values.

MIDI, AU, AVI file online play

AutoStart = "false" When you open the page, you will listen to the sound height = 25 width = 50 when opening the page. There are different values.

ASF file online play

</ title> </ head> <body topmargin = "0" leftmargin = " 0 "> <object classid = clsid: 22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 codebase = http: // height = 53 id = NSPlay0 name = NSPlay type = application / x-oleobject width = 87 VIEWASTEXT standby = "Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components ..." border = "0"> <param name = "audioStream" value = "- 1"> <param Name = "AutoSize" value = "0"> <parame = "autostart" value = "1"> <param name = "animationatstart" value = "- 1"> <param name = "allowscan" value = "- 1 > <param name = "allowchangedisplaysize" value = "- 1"> <parame name = "autorewind" value = "0"> <param name = "balance" value = "0"> <param name = "baseurl" Value > <param name = "bufferingTime" value = "10"> <param name = "captionId" value> <param name = "clicktoplay" value = "- 1"> <parame = "cursortype" value = "0"> <param name = "currentposition" value = "- 1"> <param name = "currentmarker" value = "0"> <param nam E = "defaultframe" value> <param name = "displaybackcolor" value = "0"> <param name = "displayforecolor" value =</p> <p>"65280"> <param name = "displaymode" value = "0"> <parame = "displaysize" value = "1"> <param name = "enabled" value = "- 1"> <parame = "enablecontextMenu "Value =" - 1 "> <param name =" enablepositionControls "value =" - 1 "> <parame =" enablefullscreencontrols "value =" - 1 "> <parame name =" enableTracker "value =" - 1 "> <param name = "filename" value = "";> <param name = "invokeurls" value = "- 1 "> <param name =" language "value =" - 1 "> <param name =" mute "value =" 0 "> <param name =" playcount "value =" 1 "> <param name =" previewMode "VALUE = "0"> <param name = "rate" value = "1"> <param name = "samilang" value> <param name = "samistyle" value> <parame = "samifilename" value> <param name = " SelectStart "value =" - 1 "> <param name =" selection "value =" - 1 "> <param name =" sendopenStateChangeeevents "value =" - 1 "> <param name =" sendwarningevents "value =" - 1 > <param name = "senderRorEvents" value = "- 1"> <param name = "sendkeyboardevents" value = "0"> <param name = "sendmouseclicKevents" value = "0"> <param name = "SendMousemov EEvents "Value =" 0 "> <</p> <p>Param name = "sendplayStateChangeevents" value = "- 1"> <parame name = "showcaption" value = "0"> <parame = "showcontrols" value = "- 1"> <param name = "showaudioControls" value = " 0> <param name = "showdisplay" value = "0"> <param name = "showgotobar" value = "0"> <param name = "showPositionControls" value = "- 1"> <param name = "showstatusbar" Value = "- 1"> <param name = "showTracker" value = "- 1"> <parame = "transparentatstart" value = "- 1"> <parame = "VideoBorderWidth" value = "0"> <param Name = "VideoBorderColor" value = "0"> <param name = "videoorder3d" value = "- 1"> <param name = "volume" value = "0"> <param name = "windowlessVideo" value = "0" > </ Object> Where <param name = "autostart" value = "0"> 0 is in standby in the open page, turn on the page directly to play </ body> </ html> stream listening MP3 method:</p> <p>http://*.mp3, http://*.mp3, http: // ... 琱 TTP: //*.mp3,</p> <p>Save the above file as * .m3u, you can realize online playback * .mp3 (support continuous play)</p> <p>MPEG image online play:</p> <p>Wait, let it download</p> <p><img border = "0" DYNSRC = ";" start = "fileopen"></p> <p>RM image online play code:</p> <p><object id = "vid" classid = "CLSID: cfcdaa03-8be4-11cf-b84b-0020afbbccfa" width = 114 height = 100> <param name = "_ extentX" value = "3016"> ​​<parame = "_ excenty" VALUE = "2646"> <param name = "autostart" value = "- 1"> <param name = "shuffle" value = "0"> <param name = "prefetch" value = "0"> <param name = " Nolabels "Value =" - 1 "> <param name =" src "value =" ";> <param name =" value = "imagewindow "> <param name =" console "value =" clip1 "> <param name =" loop "value =" 0 "> <parame =" numloop "value =" 0 "> <param name =" center "value = "0"> <param name = "maintainaspect" value = "0"> <param name = "backgroundcolor" value = "# 000000"> </ object> plus a few controllers</p> <p><Object ID = "VID" classid = "CLSID: CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width = 427 height = 300> <parame = "_ extentX" value = "11298"> <param name = "_ extenty" Value = "7938"> <param name = "autostart" value = "- 1"> <param name = "shuffle" value = "0"> <param name = "prefeetch" value = "0"> <param name = " Nolabels "Value =" - 1 "> <param name =" src "value =" ";> <param name =" control "value =" imagewindow "> <param name =" console "value =" clip1 "> <param name =" loop "value =" 0 "> <parame =" numloop "value =" 0 "> <param name =" center "value = "0"> <param name = "maintainaspect" value = "0"> <param name = "backgroundcolor" value = "# 000000"> </ object> <object id = "vid2" classid = "CLSID: cfcdaa03-8be4 -11cf-b84b-0020afbbccfa "width = 427 height = 30> <param name =" _ extentX "value =" 11298 "> <param name =" _ exTenty "value =" 794 "> <parame =" autostart "value =" -1> <param name = "shuffle" value = "0"> <param name = "prefetch" value = "0"> <param name = "nolabels" value = "- 1"> <parame name = "src "Value =" am ";> <param name ="</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div class="card-title"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><div><b>New Post</b>(<span class="posts">0</span>) </div><div></div></div></div><ul class="postlist list-unstyled"> </ul></div></div><div class="d-none threadlist"><input type="checkbox" name="modtid" value="92975" checked /></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="text-muted small bg-dark py-4 mt-3" id="footer"><div class="container"><div 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