Listen and ports in httpd.conf are changed to 80 to $ oracle_home / apache / apache / bin under chown root .apachectlchmod 6750 .apachectl Because of the port of 1027 or less, the root is required to modify the $ ORACLE_HOME / SYSMAN / EMD directory Targets.xml file The 7777,7778 will be changed to 80 to perform $ Oracle_Home / DCM / BIN / DCMCTL UPDATECONFIG -CT OHS $ ORACLE_HOME / BIN / EMCTL RELOAD Access 1810 Relines OC4J and OHSHTTP Server listening 7777 ports. J2EE's access is implemented by HTTP Server, J2EE does not occupy 7777 port, communicating via AJP protocol and HTTP. OHS configuration file httpd.conf Include, INCLUDE, when accessing OHS, Apache will route the J2EE access via mod_oc4j.conf to O4CJ, and analyze it, and some static, for example image, js, CSS, etc., you can put it under the document_root, by Apache Server to resolve the display of the static page, WebLogic is responsible for the display of the dynamic page, the OC4J container is equivalent to WebLogic web application.