Quote an example of Javamail that can send Email

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

Import java.io. *; import java.util. *; import javax.mail. *; import javax.mail.internet. *;

/ ** *

Title: Simple Mailbean *

Description: Provides easy Mail sending function (/ P> *

Copyright: CopyRight (c) 2003 * @version 1.0 * /

Class Extendstring {public extendstring () {} / ** Remove the blank character between the strings and convert the string into China's standard character GB2312 string. * / public string CS (String str) {// remove the string 2-side blank character try {if (str == null) return ""; str = str.trim (); if (str == null) return "; str = new string (str.getbytes (" 8859_1 "), "GBK");} catch (Exception E) {system.out.println (e);} Return Str;}


Public class sendmail {private string errmsg = ""; private extendstring exStr = new extendstring ();

Private string sender = ""; // sender address private STRING SMTPHOST = ""; // mail send server (SMTP) private string user = ""; // login username prince string password = "" "; // login password

Private string subject = ""; // mail theme

Public sendmail () {this.setpropertiesattri ();

Private void setpropertiesattri () {Try {INPUTSTREAM IS = getClass (). getResourceAsStream ("mailserver.properties"); Properties Prop = New Properties (); Prop.Load (IS);

THIS.SETSMTPHOST (Prop.Get ("SMTPHOST"). TOSTRING ()); this.Setuser ("User"). TOSTRING ()); this.SetPassword (Prop.get ("password"). Tostring ()); This.Set Shender (Prop.Get ("sender"). ToString ()); this.setSubject (exStr.cs ("subject"). Tostring ()));} catch (Exception EX) ) {System.err.Println ("EX1 in sendmail.java:" EX.TOSTRING ());}} / ** Set the sender address * / public void setsender (string sender) {this.sender = sender; }

Public string get Shesender () {return sero

/ ** Set Mail Send Server (SMTP) * / Public Void Setsmtphost (STRING SMTPHOST) {this.smtphost = SMTPHOST;} public string getsmtphost () {Return SMTPHOST;}

/ ** Set the login username * / public void setuse {this.user = user;} public string getuser () {Return User;

/ ** Set the login password * / public void setpassword (String password) {this.password = password;} public string getpassword () {return password;}

/ ** Set MAIL Topic * / Public Void Setsubject (String Subject) {this.subject = Subject;} PUBLIC STRING GETSUBJECT ()}

/ ** * E-mail using smtp main routine * @throws MessagingException mail transmission fails * / public void smtp (String receiver, String content) throws MessagingException {if (smtpHost == null) throw new MessagingException ( "smtpHost not found"); IF (user == null) Throw new MessagingException ("User Not Found"); if (Password == Null) Throw New MessagingException ("Password Not Found");

Properties Properties = New Properties (); Properties.put ("mail.smtp.host", smtphost; // Set SMTP host Properties.put ("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); // Use SMTP identity Verify session session = session.getDefaultInstance () {public passwordAutAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication () {Return New PasswordAuthentication (user, password);}});

// Get the mail session object mimeMeMessage mimessg = new mimeMessage (session); // Create a MIME mail object if (sender! = Null) // Set the sender address {mimsg.setFrom (new internetdress (sender));} Receiver! = null) // Sets the recipient address {mimemsg.seTrecipients (message.RecipientType.to, Parse (Receiver);}}} (Subject! = NULL) // Set the email topic {mimemsg.setSubject (Subject, " GBK ");} mimebodypart part = new mimebodypart (); // mail content section part.setText (content == null?": Content, "gbk");

// Set the mail format to HTML CQC Part.setContent (Content.Tostring (), "Text / HTML; Charset = GBK"); Multipart Multipart = New MimeMultipart (); Multipart.AddBodypart (Part); // Added in Multipart MIMEMSG.SETCONTENT (MULTIPART); // Add Multipart to Information MIMEMSG.SetSentDate (New Date ()); // Settings Send Date Transport.send (mimeMsg); // Send Mail}

/ ** set to resolve the address string * / private InternetAddress [] parse (String addressSet) throws AddressException {ArrayList list = new ArrayList (); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer (addressSet, ";"); while (tokens.hasMoreTokens () ) {list.add (new InternetAddress (tokens.nextToken () trim ().));} InternetAddress [] addressArray = new InternetAddress [list.size ()]; list.toArray (addressArray); return addressArray;} // For external calling interface public boolean sendmails (string mail, string content) {int maillen = 0; int contentlen = 0; if (mail == null || content == null) {Return False;}

Try {this.smtp (Mail, Content);} catch (exception ex) {system.err.println ("ex2 in sendmail.java:" ex.toT7tring ());}

Return True;}

Public static void main (String [] args) {sendmail mail = new sendmail (); string email = "xxx@ssss.com"; string content = "account: 123 password: 123 Thank you for your registration!
www.xxxx.com.cn Today; try {mail.sendmails (email, content);} catch (exception ex) {system.err.println ("EX33:" ex. Tnowtring ());}}



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