With the rapid development of network technology, more and more e-commerce websites also come to life. And in building a powerful e-commerce website often provides online registration function to register this module itself, in order to fill in the information as much as possible, we often use the drop-down box for customer selection, especially two-level linkage. Most common.
Bes, I found that I found 9CBS forum today, I have regularly ask this question, that is, I need a two-level link to pull the box, the first display the name of the province, the second display corresponding city name. In order to understand this question, I have specially write this article, I hope to help users who need this information.
First, let's design the database first (SQL Server 7.0)
● Database name: DB_PROVINCAT
● Table name: 1) TB_PROVINCE 2) TB_CITY
Description: Table TB_Province is used to store the provincial name; Table TB_CITY is used to store the corresponding city name.
● Field name design
1) Table TB_Province's field has a provincial ID number (province code), province name (provincename), Table 1 shows:
ProvincialCatid Provincecode Provincename
1 01 Beijing
2 02 Shanghai
3 03 Tianjin City
4 04 Chongqing City
5 05 Guangdong Province
6 06 Zhejiang Province
7 07 Fujian Province
8 08 Hainan Province
9 09 Jiangsu Province
Table 1
2) Table TB_CITY field has a city ID (CityID), citycode, city name, Table 2 shows an example:
CityId Citycode CityName
1 01001 Beijing
2 02001 Shanghai
3 03001 Tianjin City
4 04001 Chongqing City
5 05001 Guangzhou
6 05002 Shenzhen City
7 05003 Zhuhai City
8 05004 Maoming City
9 05005 Zhongshan City
10 06001 Hangzhou
11 06002 Wenzhou City
12 07001 Fuzhou City
13 07002 Xiamen City
14 08001 Haikou City
15 08002 Sanya City
16 08003 Wanning City
17 08004 Five Guishan City
18 09001 Nanjing
19 09002 Table 2, Suzhou
Description: One thing to note here is that the identity code should correspond to the heads of the city code.
Second, write code. Here is a complete source code:
DIM Conn
DIM ConnStr
ON Error ResMe next
Set conn = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection")
Connstr = "driver = {SQL Server}; server = wen; uid = sa; pwd =; database = db_provincecat"
Conn.open connStr
SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")
Rs.cursorlocation = aduseclient
RS.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 1
IF not r.
Strjscript = "" "