Dynamic loading

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

1: Base class SkinnedforumWebControl: WebControl, InamingContainer

1) Default constructor

Public SkinnedforumWebControl () {

// Attempt to get the current user

User = users.getloggedonuser ();

// is the user not availabe - Must be anonymous

IF (user == NULL)

Users.trackanonymoususers ();

// set the suitstyle for the page

IF (user! = null)

Skinname = User.skin;


Skinname = globals.skin;

// if we have an instance of context, let's attempt to

// Get the forumid so we can save the user from Writing

// the code

IF (NULL! = context) {

GetPostIDFromRequest ();

GetforumidFromRequest ();

GetforumGroupIDFromRequest ();




2) 4 custom methods

// Retrieves the Postid, ForumID, Forum The Request QueryString / Post.

Private void getpostidFromRequest ()

Private void getforumidFromRequest ()

Private void forumgroupid ()

Private void getreturnURLFROMREQUEST ()

3) Rewriting method

Protected Override Void CreateChildControls () {

Control Skin;

// load the Skin (.ascx) as an Object Instance

Skin = loadingskin ();

// to be overrided, initialize the control template and populate the control with value

Initializeskin (Skin);

Controls.add (skin);


4) Attribute Accessor ...

2: Inherited class

1) Attribute

// Assign a Default Template Name

String SkinfileName = "Skin-login.ascx";

// Controls in (.ascx) Template

Textbox username;

Textbox password;

Button loginbutton;

Checkbox autological;

2) Constructor

Public login (): Base () {

// Assign a Default Template Name


Skinfilename = SkinFileName;


3) Rewind 2 base types

Protected Override Void CreateChildControls () {

// if the user is already authenticated we have no work to do

IF (page.Request.isauthenticated) return;

Base.createchildControls ();


Override protected void initializeskin (Control Skin) {

// Find the login button

LoginButton = (Button) Skin.FindControl ("LoginButton");

LoginButton.Click = New System.EventHandler (LoginButton_Click);

// add more ......


4) Custom control method

Public void loginbutton_click (Object Sender, Eventargs E)


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