Several common techniques in Java database programming

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  82

1. Java database operation Basic process 2, several commonly used important techniques: can scroll, updated record set batch update transaction Java database operation Basic flow: get database connection - execute SQL statement - Processing execution results - Release Database connection 1, Get Database Connection 1) Take the Database Connection Example by DriverManager:

String ClassName, URL, UID, PWD; ClassName = "Oracle.jdbc.driver.Orcledriver"; URL = "JDBC: Oracle: Thin: @ 1521: ORASVR; UID =" system "; pwd =" manager " Class.Forname (ClassName); Connection CN = DriverManager.getConnection (URL, UID, PWD);

2) Way with JNDI (Java Names and Directory Service)


String JNDI = "JDBC / DB"; Context CTX = (Context) New InitialContext (). Lookup ("Java: Comp / ENV"); DataSource DS = (Datasource) CTX.lookup (JNDI); connection cn = ds.getConnection ();

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2, execute SQL statement

1) Use statement to execute SQL statements

String SQL; Statement SM = cn.createStatement (); sm.executeQuery (SQL); // Execute data query statement (SELECT) sm.executeUpdate (SQL); // Perform data update statement (delete, update, insert, drop, etc. );

2) Use preparedStatement to perform SQL statements

String SQL; SQL = "INSERT INTO USER (ID, NAME) VALUES (?,?)"; PreparedState ps = cn.prepareStatement (SQL); ps.setint (1, xxx); ps.setstring (2, xxx); ... resultset = ps.executeQuery (); // query int C = ps.executeUpdate (); // update

3. Processing execution results

Query the statement, return to the record set ResultSet.

Update the statement, returns the number, indicating the number of records affected by the update.


1, Next (), move the cursor to the back, if you successfully return true; otherwise return false.

2, getint ("ID") or getSting ("name"), returns the value of a field under the current cursor.

3, release the connection.

Cn.close ();

General, turn off the ResultSet first, then turn off statement (or prepaaredStatement); finally close the Connection

Scroll, updated record set

1, create STATEMENT can be rolled, updated

Statement SM = cn.createStatement (ResultSet.Type_Scroll_ensitive, ResultSet.concur_read_only);

The STATEMENT acquisition is rolling 2, specifying parameters when creating preparedStatement

PreparedStateMet PS = cn.preparestatement (SQL, ResultSet.Type_Scroll_INSensitive, ResultSet.concur_read_only); ResultSet.absolute (9000);

Bulk update

1, Statement

STATEMENT SM = cn.createStatement (); sm.addbatch (SQL1); sm.addbatch (SQL2); ... sm.executebatch ()

A Statement object, after multiple SQL statements, batch updates. This multiple statements can be delete, update, insert, etc. or even

2, PreparedStatement

PreparedState ps = cn.preparedStatement (SQL); {ps.setxxx (1, xxx); ... ps.addbatch ();} ps.executebatch ();

A preparedStatement, you can execute a SQL statement, transform parameters multiple times, updated once.


1. Turn off the automatic submission of Connection

cn.setautocommit (false);

2. Execute a series of SQL statements

Important: Before performing each new SQL statement, the last execution of the SQL statement must be first clos

STATEMENT SM; SM = cn.createStatement (Insert INTO User ...); sm.executeUpdate (); sm.close (); SM = cn.createstatement ("INSERT INTO CORP ...); sm.executeUpdate (); Sm.close ();

3, submit

Cn.commit ();

4, if an exception occurs, then roll back

Cn.rollback ();


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