Insert a picture in the Word document generated by ASP.NET

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  80

I use the following ways to save an HTML file into a word file and check with a picture.

Object Nothing = system.reflection.Missing.Value;


SrcFileName = @ "d: /aa.html";


DstFileName = @ "d: /li.doc";

Object objt = true;

Word.Application WordApp = new word.applicationclass ();

Word.Document WordDoc = NULL;

Object format = word.wdsaveformat.wdformatdocument;



Worddoc = Wordapp.Documents.Open (Ref Format, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing;


Word.shape oshape = worddoc.shapes.addpicture ("D: //dl_01.gif", ref Nothing, Ref Objt, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing;

Oshape.wrapformat.Type = word.wdwrapType.wdwrapsquare;

// Put the HTM file Save as a DOC file

WordDoc.saveas (Ref Dstfilename, Ref format, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing, Ref Nothing;




WordDoc.close (ref nothing, ref forking; refice);

Wordapp.quit (ref Nothing, ref nothing, ref nothing);



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