Quickly install WebSphere Portal V5 and Portlet development environments

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79


The WebSphere Portal family includes many products and components that meet a variety of business needs. Please refer to WebSphere Portal Infocenter to plan your Portal environment.

This article explains how to install IBM® WebSphere® Portal V5.0 (IBM DB2® V8.1), with extended security, use LDAP Directory (IBM Directory Server V5.1), running in a single Windows node). This article provides a gateway guidance for users who need these specific configurations. If you need additional information about any of the specific configurations described below, or you need to install a different configuration, see the Planning and Installing section of WebSphere Portal Infocenter.

This article is preparing for software developers who want to develop and configure portlets on WebSphere Portal. This article describes how to install and configure WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.0, and illustrate how to set the portlet development environment.

Software list

You need the following products to complete all the tasks in this document:

Microsoft® Windows 2000 Server or Professional, with Service Pack 2 or 3 IBM DB2 V8.1 with FixPack 1 (hereinafter referred to as DB2) IBM Directory Server V5.1 (hereinafter referred to as Directory Server) IBM WebSphere Portal V5.0 (Hereinafter referred to as WebSphere Portal), it includes WebSphere Application Server (hereinafter referred to as Application Server) IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.01 (hereinafter referred to as Application Developer)

Hardware list

You need the following hardware configuration.


Physical memory: 1024MB or higher configuration

The following disk space needs are estimated:

WebSphere Portal, including Application Server2.2 GBDB2285 MBDIRECTORY Server216 MbApplication Developer3.0 GB

Port binding

WebSphere Portal and related applications require the following ports:

443 (Standard HTTPS Port) 523 (DB2 Administration Server) 8008 (IBM HTTP Server Administration Port) 50000 (DB2 Instance Connection Port) 50001 (DB2 Instance Interrupt Port) 50002 (DB2 Control Server) 55555 (WAS Database Port)

To check the availability of port, you can use the netstat command. In the command prompt, type: netstat. In the local address bar, the fifth number is the port number. For example, in number, the port number is 80.

access permission

Use the local Windows user ID to set this environment. The local Windows User ID is in the administrator group and assigns the following permissions to the account: as part of the operating system as a service entry system

For database administrators, use account with the following additional permissions:

Local definitions belong to the local administrator group to create a token object to increase the limit to replace the process level token

Installation and configuration

To install and configure the environment, you need to complete the following tasks:

Install DB2. Install Directory Server. Install WebSphere Portal. Configure WebSphere Portal for DB2. Configure WebSphere Portal for Directory Server. Set Application Developer for portlet development

The steps that each task should follow is as follows:

Install DB2 8.1

Install DB2 and the required FixPack according to the description provided by DB2 document. Important: WebSphere Portal does not use the OLAP Starter Kit; therefore, the OLAP Starter Toolkit is not installed.

Install DB2 8.1. Install DB2 8.1 FIXPACK 1.

Install IBM Directory Server 5.1

Because WebSphere Portal installation does not include an LDAP server, you need to install an additional LDAP server.

Insert the CD of IDS 5.1 and enter the installation directory. Double-click / IDS51/IDS_ISMP/Setup.exe. Select Typical. To install the default component:

Client SDK Web Admin 5.1 Server 5.1 Enter the DB2 Administrator User ID and Password (for entering the DB2 system). Restart the system after installation. The Directory Configuration Administration tool for the LDAP server is activated. If there is no display tool, select Start -> Programs -> IBM Directory Server 5.1 -> Directory Configuration.

Configure directory server

If you have other help related to the configuration below, select Start -> Programs -> IBM Directory Server 5.1 -> Getting Started.

Click Administrator DN / Password. Verify the administrator's special name and password. When you enter the server created by the Web Admin tool, you will use the administrator's special name and password. Click Configure Database. If this is the first time you install Directory Server, select Create a new LDAP database and then set the user ID and password to access the database instance. If the database already exists, you can reconfigure it. Click Manage Suffixes. Add any required prefix before importing the LDIF file. Click Import LDIF Data. Locate and select the LDIF file specific to your environment, then select Import. Add entries in the LDIF file to the LDAP. If you don't have an LDIF file, you can skip this step. Turn off Directory Configuration Tool. Start the Directory Server WebAdmin server from the command prompt by typing: / AppsrV / Bin / StartServer Server1. Open the Directory Management tool by opening this URL: http: // localhost: 9082 / idsWebapp / idsjsp / login.jsp, open the Directory Management tool. Use the user ID: SupeRadmin, password: Secret, enter the system. After you enter the system, you can change this user ID and password. In Console Administration, click Manage Console Servers. Add localhost: as a server. Tip: You can specify the server IP address and host name instead of localhost: (if you wish). If you want to configure SSL, check SSL. Exit the system and enter the system (using the server that you are configured for LDAP HostName). Use the user ID and password you set up during installation (see step 2 above). (CN = root, PW = ******) Click Directory Management, and then click Manage Entries. You can see an entry for your suffix you set with the Directory Configuration tool. Install WebSphere Portal V5.0

To install WebSphere Portal, follow these steps:

Insert WebSphere Portal for Multiplatforms Version 5.0 CD, or enter the installation directory. Double-click /WP50MP/CDSetup/install.bat. Select the default setting. Setting WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server to run as Services. Click Next to install the product. The installation process takes at least two hours.

Configuring WebSphere Portal for DB2 8.1

WebSphere Portal uses the Cloudscape database by default. To change to DB2, you need to configure it.

To use a remote DB2 server, you must manually create the database you need to be WEBSPHERE PORTAL. Please refer to the Creating Databases and users for DB2 topics in WebSphere Portal Infocenter.

To use a local DB2 server, follow the steps below to create the required database:

At the command prompt, change the current directory to: [WPS_ROOT] / config by run the following command: WPSCONFIG DATABASE-TRANSFER-EXPORT exports the current database data. In order to correctly change to [WPS_ROOT] / Config/wpconfig.properties file, refer to the CONFIGURING WebSphere Portal For DB2 topic in WebSphere Portal Infocenter. Make sure the system user ID is entitled to create a database. Then run the following command to create a database: WPSConfig Create-local-database-db2. After you create a database, enter the following commands to perform configuration tasks: WPSCONFIG DATABASE-TRANSFER-IMPORT. This configuration is about 30 minutes. After importing the database table, REORG check is performed to improve performance. Connect to each database and run the following command according to the prompt of DB2: Reorgchk Update Statistics on Table Allterminate

DB2RBIND [DATABASE_NAME] -L db2rbind.out -u [admin] -p [password]

Start the server: StartServer WebSphere_portal.

Configuring WebSphere Portal for IDS 5.1

For IBM Directory Server used with WebSphere Portal, you must configure the Portal environment by the following steps:

To correctly change to [WPS_ROOT] / config / wpconfig.properties file, please refer to WebM Directory Server theme for WebSphere Portal Infocenter. Use the following command, stop server Server1 and WebSphere_portal: WAS_ROOT / BIN / StopServer Server1

WAS_ROOT / BIN / StopServer WebSphere_Portal

Enter the following command to perform the appropriate configuration task: WPSCONFIG VALIDATE-LDAP. If you have installed Application Server as part of the WebSphere Portal installation, enter the following command: WPSCONFIG Enable-Security-LDAP. Stop, restart the server again: Stopserver WebSphere_portal -user wpsbind -password WPSBIND

StopServer Server1 -user wpsbind -password wpsbind

StartServer Server1

StartServer WebSphere_Portal

Set Application Developer 5.0.1 for portlet development

Application Developer provides a development environment that can be used to create portlet applications and test them by deploying them into WebSphere Portal Test Environment.

To set this portlet development environment, follow these steps:

Install Application Developer 5.0 from WebSphere Application Developer 5.0 CD. Start Application Developer. Upgrade to Application Developer 5.01 by using Help -> Software Updates -> New Updates. To upgrade the Application Server 5.0 to Application Server 5.0.1, please refer to Help -> Software Updates -> Update Manager. Expand the Sites to visit. Expand IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer Fixes. Expand Version 5.0 Fixes. Click Application Server FixPacks 5.0.1. Select More Info In The Resulting Window and Follow The Instructions. Double-click [Application Developer_Root] /Runtimes/base_v5/ptf/wteinstall.bat. Install Application Server 5 InterIM fixes:

Replication / WP50MP / CD1-6 TO [Application Developer_Root] / Runtimes / Base_v5 Fixes Directory. Run [Application Developer_Root] /Runtimes/base_v5/fixes/UpdateWizard.bat. Select Specify Product Information and specify [Application Developer_Root] / Runtimes / Base_v5. Select Install Fixes. Select PQ73644, PQ76567, Was_Dynacache_05-08-2003_5.0.1_cumulative_fix and was_cm_08-12-2003_5.0.2-5.0.1_cumulative_fix. Start the Portal Toolkit installer from / WP50mp / CDSetup / PortalToolkit. Or, download the latest version of the toolkit from http://www.ibm.com/websphere/portal/toolkit/, then start the installer. Choose Portal Toolkit to complete the installation. Then, restart the server, select WebSphere Portal 5.0 Test Environment, complete its installation. For WebSphere Portal 5 installer, specify / WP50MP / CD 2 / WPS / Install.bat. Tip: You can install the toolkit and test environment in a step; however, if you are on the same machine, the installation will fail because there is not enough available resources. Start Application Developer. When prompted to open Update Manager, click Yes. Check the displayed changes, then click Finish. Restart Application Developer.


If you encounter problems during installation, use the Add / Remove Program (Add / Remove Programs) in Control Panel to uninstall the software. Here is the tip that you should follow during reinstall:

Check the registry (Start -> Run -> regedit), tracking the failed installation. Search the directory that tries to install. For example, in this example, the WebSphere Portal Test Environment has failed, search for Application Developer_Root / Runtimes / Portal_V50. Install unwanted folders. Check if the entry is removed from the C: /WinNT/vpd.properties file. If the entry exists, rename the file. the term


IBM Directory Server installation directory (for example,

C: / program files / ibm / ldap)


WebSphere Portal Version 5.0 installation directory (for example,

C: / WebSphere / Portalserver)


Application Server installation directory (for example,

C: / WebSphere / AppServer)

Application Developer_Root

WebSphere Studio Application Developer installation directory (for example,

C: / Application Developer5)


WebSphere Portal Version 5.0 Multiplatform CD.


You have installed WebSphere Portal v5.0 (with DB2 V8.1, with extended security, using the Directory Server 5.1 LDAP directory, run on a single Windows node). Now you can develop and test your own portal.

This article explains how to install IBM® WebSphere® Portal V5.0, with a robust database (IBM DB2® V8.1), extension security, using LDAP Directory (IBM Directory Server V5.1), run A single Windows node.


WebSphere Portal Product Documentation Info Centerhttp: //www.ibm.com/websphere/developer/zones/portal/proddoc.html Portal Toolkithttp: //www.ibm.com/websphere/portal/toolkit/ DB2 Universal Database Version 8.1 FixPak 3http : //www.ibm.com/cgi-bin/db2www/data/db2/udb/winos2unix/support/newsletter.d2w/v8fp3


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