How to install bugzilla 2.18rc3 on Windows (original)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

I found some articles on Windows on Windows, I don't feel too much, that is, the details are not clear, I spent a few days, I finally installed bugzilla on Windows 2003, and wrote my installation process. So everyone doesn't have to walk. This article is only for Bugzilla 2.18rc3, and I have not tried it. In addition, I don't know the Perl script.

First, install mysql 1, download mysql (, I download my, install it directly. At the same time, you can download MYSQL Administrator 1.0, which is mysql management software, very easy to use. 2, modify mysql root user password E: /> cd mysql e: / mysql> cd bin E: / mysql / bin> mysql -u root mysql mysql> update user set password = password (') Where user = 'root'; mysql> flush privileges; where is a new password for root users. After changing the password, use the root user to access MySQL, you must use mysql -u root -p, press the prompt to knock into the correct root password. 3. Create a bugs user and assign the appropriate permissions mysql> Grant Select, Insert, Update, Delete, Index, Alter, Create, Drop, References, Lock Tables, Create Temporary Tables on bugs. * To bugs @ localhost identified by ' '; mysql> flush privilege; to remember the password of the BUGS user, use it below the bugzilla configuration file. 4, create a BUGS database mysql> Create Database bugg;

Second, download bugzilla ( Now the latest version is bugzilla-2.18rc3, download it down to E: / bugzilla

Third, install Perl (this section can refer to Bugzilla's document) 1. Download ActivePerl (, I downloaded ActivePerl-, installed to E : / Perl (installation path can be customized, the following) Execute E: / Bugzilla> Perl in the E: / BUGZILLA directory

This script checks if the required module has been installed, and initializes the database, and finally requires the input administrator's email address, username, and password. The first time I will not connect to the database, find the E: / bugzilla / localconfig file, open to find $ db_pass = ''; this line, fill in the password assigned to the BUGS user in the quotation mark, save.

Take a closer look at the prompt information to see which modules have not been installed. Then, install the modules that must be installed, first execute C: /> ppm repository add oi

Then use the following command to install: C: /> PPM Install

If you want to install an optional module: Do the following command Add the address of the download module C: /> PPM Rep Add Glob and use the following command to install: C: /> PPM Install

After each module is installed, it will display information similar to the following rows: Success Installed Appconfig Version 1.52 in ActivePerl

Fourth, configure IIS 1. Open Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services, then default Web Site Right-click Select Properties-> Home Dictory-> Configuration, you can see extended in .pl and .plx in App mappings. The file has been added to this, double-click this line, open its property dialog, select "All Actions" in "Action", and modify the .plx line; then add a line, the parameters are as follows:

Executable file: d: /perl/bin/perl.exe -t "% s"% s extension: .cgi action: all action

Note: This "-t" must be added, otherwise it will be reported when you visit: Too Late for "-t" option at e: /bugzilla-2.18rc3/index.cgi line 1. (there are many articles on the Internet), I am looking for a long time)

2, in Default Web Site Right-click "New-" Virtual Directory ", you can give this false directory, such as" bugzill ", point to the E: / bugzilla directory, add" INDEX.CGI "in the default page.

3, open the browser, enter: http:// localhost / bugzilla, see the Bugzilla's page indicates that the installation is successful, and now you can use it.

5. Mail Send Configuration Because Bugzilla defaults to sendmail to send mail, you must send an email on Windows to modify several places. 1. Open the, / bugzilla / and /bugzilla/ file under the e: /bugzilla-2.18rc3/ directory, find the following (may be slightly different):

Open sendmail, "| / usr / lib / sendmail -t-t"; Print Sendmail $ MSG; Close Sendmail;


Use net :: smtp; my $ SMTP_SERVER = ''; # here to change the mail server address you use yourself

# Use Die On Error, So That The Mail Will Be in 'unsent mails' and # can be success from the sanity check page. MY $ SMTP = Net :: SMTP-> New ($ SMTP_SERVER) || DIE' Cannot Connect To Server / '$ SMTP_SERVER /' ';

$ SMTP-> Auth (' ',' password ') or die "auth error / n"; # Here you can use your own name and password on the mail server you use $ SMTP-> Mail (' Younam @ '); # Here you will use the email address of yourself $ SMTP-> to ($ login); # 注意 here, the login parameter name in each file is different $ SMTP-> DATA () $ SMTP-> Datasend ($ msg); # Note Here, the MSG parameter name in each file is different $ SMTP-> DATAEND (); $ SMTP-> quit;

2. Installing the NET:: SMTP module of Perl In the DOS window, perform the following command to add the address of the download module C: /> PPM Rep Add Glob

Then install the following command: C: /> PPM Install Net :: SMTP

I will prompt to find multiple modules (3), and list the names of these modules.

3, according to the module name listed in the previous step, use PPM Install to install all of the three modules listed.

4. Save the following content to the c: / file,


#! / usr / local / bin / perl -w use net :: smtp;

$ SMTP = Net :: SMTP-> New (''); # here to change the mail server address you use yourself

$ SMTP-> AUTH (' ',' password ') or die "auth error / n"; # Here you can use the username and password on your own mail server $ SMTP-> Mail (' Yourname @ '); # Here you can use the email address of your own address $ SMTP-> to (''); # Here is the received address $ SMTP-> DATA (); $ SMTP-> Datasend ("To:"); $ SMTP-> Datasend ("/ n"); $ SMTP-> Datasend ("Chinese Content One / NSECOND LINE / N Third Line Third Line"); $ SMTP-> DATAEND (); $ SMTP-> quit;

Then run C: /> Perl

5. When you haven't received a new email in your mailbox? It means that the email can work normally. If you are not received, check 2, 3, 4 steps.

Sixth, Chinese 1. Put E: /BUGZILLA-2.18RC3/Template/en in the original directory, the directory is E: /BUGZILLA-2.18RC3/Template/cn. To, find Bugzilla-CN, current version only 2.17.99, but you can use (some pages and 2.18 are different), the file name is: bugzilla-2.17-CN-0.99- WITHCSS.TAR.GZ. After downloading, unlocked to the E: /BUGZILLA-2.18RC3/Template directory, override the files in the CN directory.

2, open the browser, enter: http:// localhost / bugzilla, click "Parameters" link below the page, modify the "Languages" and "DefaultLanguage" attribute value "CN", submit the page, You can see the Chinese page. If you don't see Chinese, you should be able to refresh it. Reference: BoardId = 1 & rootid = 1035 & id = 1035 & star = 1 & Skin =


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