Use AcctInfo.dll to learn more AD user account information

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  80

Source: http: // Author: Enigma Description

AcctInfo.dll is a dynamic link library file, after registering this dynamic link library file, administrators can add an "ACCOUNT INFO" tab by using the "Active Directory User and Computer" management console to view user properties. This tab allows the administrator to view some of the advanced information in Active Directory, such as the user's last modified password time, user account last login time, etc. Use the "Additional Account Info" tab to view information, mainly due to the following two aspects.

In some cases, some information is not preserved in Active Directory, just calculated when needed. For example, the specific date of a user account password has not been present in Active Directory, but in Active Directory stores the date and password of the user recently changed the password. In order to be able to determine the specific expiration date of a user account password, usually use scripts to get this information and then calculate the last result. AcctInfo.dll can automatically calculate this data and display the results directly. In some cases, some information is not stored in Active Directory, but is stored locally. For example, a user account last login time and last logout time are only stored each domain controller, and there is no copy to other domain controllers in the domain. AcctInfo.dll can help administrators check the specific time for users to log in and log out on a certain area controller. If you have multiple domain controllers in the domain, administrators may need to install acctinfo.dll on each domain controller to check the login of a user account on each domain controller, logout time.

In addition, using acctinfo.dll can also make more convenient to modify user account passwords, lock or unlock user accounts.

System Requirements

Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 Server operating system installation acctinfo.dll must have administrator privileges

Documentation requirements


Install acctinfo.dll

You need to install the registration acctinfo.dll file before using acctinfo.dll.

1. Copy the acctinfo.dll file to the% Windir% / System32 folder. In Windows Server 2003, this folder is usually "C: / Windows / System32"; in Windows 2000, this folder is usually "C: / Winnt / System32".

2. Open the command line window, assume the "% windir% / system32" folder to "C: / Windows / System32", type the following: regsvr32 c: /windows/system32/acctinfo.dll

If the command is executed success, a dialog box that successfully registered acctinfo.dll will appear.

Uninstall acctinfo.dll

You can uninstall acctinfo.dll at any time.

Open the command line window, assume that the "Windir% / System32" folder of the current system is "C: / Windows / System32", type the following: Regsvr32 / u c: /windows/system32/Acctinfo.dll

If the command is executed, acctinfo.dll will be successfully uninstalled.

Instructions for use

After installing the registration acctinfo.dll, launch the Active Directory User and Computer Management Console, double-click to view the properties of a user account, select the "Additional Account Info" tab. The specific meanings are as described in the following table

Property Description Password Last SET Displays the user account password last set time. Domain Password Policies Click this button to view the password policies in the domain. Password Expires Displays the specific date of the user account password expiration. If the user password is never expired, click the "Decode" button to display "uf_dont_expire_passwd" in the dialog that appears, indicating that the user password will never expire. User Account Control Displays a value stored in the "UserAcCountControl" attribute in Active Directory, where the data includes the user's password, whether the user needs to use smart card records and whether the user is trusted as a delegation. The numbers are the sum of the tags that are allowed in "UserAccountControl". Click the "Decode" button to view the specific properties configuration. For example, "ADS_UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED", then the password of the current user account has expired. Locked OUT Displays whether the user account is locked. Last-Logon-TimeSTAMP displays the specific date and time of the current user recently logged in to this domain control. If you are installed on a member server, the information displayed is used by "Active Directory Users and Computers" and "AcctInfo.dll", which is displayed is information on the domain controller used by this member server. Judging which domain controller is logged in, you can see another blog. View SID and SID HISTORY Displays the SID of the user account. If the user account is migrated from another domain or in the forest, the Sid History button will be valid. Click this button to view the SID before the user account. GUID displays the Global Unique Identifier (GUID) of the user account. Last Logon Displays the user last login date and time. This refers to the date and time recently verified by this domain controller. Last Logoff Displays the user's last time you log out from this domain controller. Last Bad Logon Time Displays the date and time of the user from this domain controller to fail. Logon Count Displays the number of times the user successfully logged in from this domain controller. Bad Password Count Displays the number of times the user has failed from this domain controller. Modify User Account Properties

Although acctinfo.dll is mainly used to display information. But he can also modify some of the properties of the user account.

In the Additional Account Info tab, click the "SET PW On Site DC" button. In the newly displayed dialog, the password of the user account is modified as shown. This password modification is to perform operations on the domain controller where the user is located, so the execution speed is faster. At the same time, in this dialog, you can also unlock the lock state of the user account.


AcctInfo.dll must install registration on all computers that use the Active Directory User and Computer Management console view user account information. For example: Suppose administrators typically view user account information on both servers, SERVER A and Server B. If you install an acctinfo.dll on Server A, the Additional Account Info tab will appear in the Active Directory User and Computers. However, on Server B, this tab will not be in Active Directory User and Computer Unless you have registered acctinfo.dll on Server B.

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Acctinfo.dll (documented in Readme.htm) Adlb.exe: Active Directory Load Balancing Tool Admx.msi: ADM File Parser Atmarp.exe: Windows ATM ARP Server Information Tool Atmlane.exe: Windows ATM LAN Emulation Client Information Autoexnt.exe: AutoExNT Service Cdburn.exe: ISO CD-ROM Burner Tool Checkrepl.vbs: Check Replication Chklnks.exe: Link Check Wizard Chknic.exe: Network Interface Card Compliance Tool for Network Load Balancing Cleanspl.exe: Spooler Cleaner Clearmem.exe: Clear Memory Clusdiag.msi: Cluster Diagnostics and Verification Tool Clusfileport.dll: Cluster Print File Port Clusterrecovery.exe: Server Cluster Recovery Utility Cmdhere.inf: Command Here Cmgetcer.dll: Connection Manager Certificate Deployment Tool compress.exe: Compress Files Confdisk.exe: Disk Configuration Tool Consume.exe: Memory Consumers Tool Creatfil.exe: Create File Csccmd.exe: Client-Side Caching Command-Line Options Custreasonedit.exe: Custom Reason Editor (documented in Readme.htm) Delprof.exe: User Profile Deletion Utility Dh.exe: Display Heap Diskraid.exe: RAID Configuration Tool Diskuse.exe: User Disk Usage Tool Dnsdiag.exe: SMTP DNS Diagnostic Tool (documented in Readme.htm) Dumpfsmos.cmd: Dump FSMO Roles Dvdburn.exe: ISO DVD Burner Tool Empty.exe: Free Working Set Tool Eventcombmt.exe: Check Replication Fcopy.exe: File Copy Utility for Message Queuing Frsflags.vbs Getcm.exe: Connection Manager Profile Update Gpmonitor.exe: Group Policy Monitor Gpotool.exe: Group Policy Objects Hlscan.exe: Hard Link Display Tool ifilttst.exe: IFilter Test Suite Ifmember.exe: User Membership Tool Inetesc.adm: Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration Iniman.exe: Initialization Files Manipulation Tool Instcm.exe:

Install Connection Manager Profile Instsrv.exe: Service Installer Intfiltr.exe: Interrupt Affinity Tool Kerbtray.exe: Kerberos Tray Kernrate.exe: Kernel Profiling Tool Klist.exe: Kerberos List Krt.exe: Certification Authority Key Recovery Lbridge.cmd: L- Bridge Linkd.exe Linkspeed.exe: Link Speed ​​List.exe: List Text File Tool Lockoutstatus.exe: Account Lockout Status (documented in Readme.htm) Logtime.exe Lsreport.exe: Terminal Services Licensing Reporter Lsview.exe: Terminal Services License Server Viewer Mcast.exe: Multicast Packet Tool Memmonitor.exe: Memory Monitor Memtriage.exe: Resource Leak Triage Tool Mibcc.exe: SNMP MIB Compiler Moveuser.exe: Move Users Mscep.dll: Certificate Services Add-on for Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Nlsinfo.exe: Locale Information Tool Now.exe: STDOUT Current Date and Time Ntimer.exe: Windows Program Timer Ntrights.exe Oh.exe: Open Handles Oleview.exe: OLE / COM Object Viewer Pathman.exe: Path Manager Permcopy.exe : Share Permissions Copy Perms.e xe: User File Permissions Tool Pfmon.exe: Page Fault Monitor Pkiview.msc: PKI Health Tool Pmon.exe: Process Resource Monitor Printdriverinfo.exe: Drivers Source Prnadmin.dll: Printer Administration Objects Qgrep.exe Qtcp.exe: QoS Time Stamp Queryad.vbs: Query Active Directory Rassrvmon.exe: RAS Server Monitor Rcontrolad.exe: Active Directory Remote Control Add-On Regini.exe: Registry Change by Script Regview.exe (documented in Readme.htm) Remapkey.exe: Remap Windows Keyboard Layout Robocopy.exe: Robust File Copy Utility Rpccfg.exe: RPC Configuration Tool rpcdump.exe Rpcping.exe RPing: RPC Connectivity Verification Tool Rqc.exe: Remote Access Quarantine Client Rqs.exe: Remote Access Quarantine Agent Setprinter.exe:


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