The bat! Eliminate garbled full Raiders

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

The BAT! Is a powerful mail client software, but after the first installation, whether it is writing or consulted, there will be garbled, which is very distressed. After collecting information online and summarizes it, you can get a Raiders:

1, add an account first, this is not to say, it is very simple. 2, press [Options] - [Preference], find the [System] in the left tree list, there is a [account tree font], press the [Change] button later, put the selection [font] "Song", [ The font size is "small five", [character set] select "Chinese_GB2312", press [OK]. 3, the same in [Preference], change the left [color group and font], [Mail Ticker], [Mail Ticker], [Mail Ticker], [Mail Ticker], [HTML / Windows Editor], [HTML / Windows Editor], [HTML / Windows Editor], [HTML / Windows Editor], [HTML / Windows Editor], [HTML / Windows Editor], The font in the source file viewer is also character set. If you are so setting, you will not be garbled. 4, or in [Preference], click [Viewer / Editor] on the left to set the [Pure Text Mail Viewer] on the right into "Pure Text Viewer", [HTML Message Display Way] and [ Viewing method with optional output mode (plain text and html) mail is set to "only pure text", which can be hit by malicious code. 5. Go back to the main window of the bath! Right-click on the account name on the left, select [Properties], select the [New Mail] on the left in the pop-up dialog box, modify the [Use character set] on the right "Chinese SIMMPLITIED (GB-2312) "can, do not appear garbled.

After the above settings, the BAT! It is normal to run, fully support Chinese. But when you write an email: If you press the [Backspace] button to delete the Chinese characters, there will be garbled, so you have to delete a Chinese word to press [Backspace]. In addition, when you look at the email, you encounter a long row of sentences, in the scroll bar, there is a garbled, just the following scroll strips are moving right.


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