Replenish RESET boot and heat start with assembly language

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  85

Replenish RESET boot and heat start with assembly language

Program Name: reset.asm / boot.asm Program Category: Complete assembly language program

Function: Complete RESET startup and hot start with programs

Instructions for use: Convert to COM files after assembly connection

Program description:

During the daily use, if an abnormal situation occurs, you often need to restart the system. For IBM PC and its compatible machine, in addition to boot cold start, there is a hot start and R ESET switch reset, and their common feature is transfer The entry point of the BIOS (i.e., the start unit ffff: 0 of the ROM), performs the jump instruction of the site, steering the starter, the starter needs to detect the reset flag word during the execution (at address 0040: 0072, accounting for The value of 2 bytes, if the 1234 is started, the memory is not detected; if not 1234 starts detecting the memory, then the system. The heat start and reset startup do not detect the memory, while reset starts It is necessary to detect memory.

The two procedures below implements RESET boot and thermal start. After assembly, the connection is converted to the file before running.

Reset.asm (RESET Switch Reset Launcher)

Code1 Segment At 0FFFH

Assume cs: Code1

AddR Label Far

Code1 Ends

Code segment

ORG 100H

Assume CS: Code, DS: Code, ES: CODE



Code ends

End Start

Boot.asm Code1 Segment At 0FFFFH Assume CS: Code1 Addr Label Far Code1 Ends Code Segment ORG 100H Assume Cs: CS: CS: CODE, DS: CODE, ES: CODESTART: MOV AX, 0040H MOV DS, AX MOV AX, 1234H MOV SI, 0072H MOV [Si], AX JMP FAR PTR Addr Code Ends End START


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