WTL 7.5-4291 installation notes
1. Download the WTL 7.5 4291 from the Internet: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wtl/, get wtl75_4291.zip
2, after extracting the WTL75_4291.zip, the file directory structure is obtained as follows:
11,666 CPL.txt
102, 730 readme.htm
3. Enter the appwiz directory, you can see a few .js script files, you can use this installation, but I want to install it. So don't look at him. Enter the files directory. This directory is called source path $ sourcedir. Ready to start installing.
(1) Get the VC installation directory $ VCDIR:
Read the registry: "HKLM // Software // Microsoft // Visualstudio //////." VC // Productdir "
(2) Copy ($ sourceDir) / wtlappwiz.* to ($ VCDIR) / vcprojects.
(3) Create a directory WTL under ($ VCDIR) / vcprojects
(4) Copy wtlappWiz.vsdir to the directory WTL that just created. And modify the content:
Find "WTLAPPWIZ.VSZ" and replace: "../ wtlappwiz.vsz". Storage.
(5) Go to Directory ($ VCDIR) / VcWizard, create a directory WTLWIZ (-> $ wtlwiz)
(6) Replication ($ sourceDir) / under all directories to the wtlwiz directory you just created.
(7) Modify (($ VCDIR) /VCProjects/wtlappwiz.vsz file,
a, add ".7.1" after "wizard = vswizard.vswizarden", becomes "wizard = vswizard.vswizarden.7.1"
b, modification: param = "absolute_path =." will. The path to ($ wtlwiz) represents the path. as follows:
PARAM = "absolute_path = d: / program files / microsoft visual studio .net 2003 / vc7 / vcwizards / wtlwiz"
(8) Copy all header files in the include directory obtained after the decompression to
($ VCDIR) / atlmfc / incn
(9) Install success.