Use of crystal reports under Web! Select Blog from Jeacey

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  79

Use in web crystal reports. First need to be introduced in the .aspx.cs file: using crystaldecisions.crystalreports.Engine; create a .xsd file and .rpt file, .xsd file is actually mapping in the DataSet created in .sspx.cs. (You can add, modify). Then in the .aspx.cs file, ReportDocument Ocr = NULL; DataSet DS = DATA.GETDATASET (); OCR = new r_standardauditprint (); Ocr.SetDataSource (DS); CRVMAINVIEW.REPORTSOURCE = OCR; ///crystaldecisions.web. CrystalReportViewer CRVMAINVIEW Report Browser Next, you need to pay attention to it, in the .aspx text, set some properties of CrystalReportViewer,

At last

Tune (JavaScript) in the .aspx btnprint.onclick event (JavaScript)

Function PrintPage (M_PrintPage)


VAR newstr = document.all.item (m_printpage) .innerhtml;

Var oldstr = document.body.innerhtml;

Document.body.innerhtml = news; window.print ();

Document.body.innerhtml = OldStr;

Return True;


Complete print!


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