Shark1.0 debugging environment configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  83

1) Download SHARK1.0 SRC and Shark1.0 EXE Two Edition 2) Install Shark1.0 EXE3) The default SRC does not include CORBA implementation packages, if you want to use CORBA way, from the version after installation after SHARK1.0 EXE Find the package, import to the project .4) The default SRC does not include hibernate packages, if you want to use Hibernate mode, find the package (including Hibernate deputy package), import to the project .5) If you don't have to route it, don't Hibernate, please delete the code about them, don't put it in the project!

6) If you use CORBA mode, the launched customer segment program should be org.enhydra.shark.corbaclient.workflowadmin.sharkadmin

Of course, start the naming server and Sharkcorbaserver first.

7) If you don't have to adjust the CORBA mode, the launched program is org.enhydra.shark.swingclient.workflowadmin.sharkadmin

7) Others do it.


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