For the connection of the database, there are some common things; how many methods are accumulated, can be used as a multiplexed module. / ************************************************** ******************** JBFCMSConnect: import *; Import java.util. *; Import java.text. *; Import java.text. * Import java.lang. *;
/ ** * @author * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":. * Window> Preferences> Java> Templates * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window> Preferences> Java> Code . Generation * / public class JbfcmsConnect {private String drive = ""; private String dbURL = ""; private String prop_server_name = ""; private String prop_db_name = ""; private String dbUserName = ""; private String dbUserPassword = ""; Private string prop_db_provider; / ** * Onstructor for dbconnect * /
Public JBFCMSCONNECT () {init ();
. / ** * Method init * / private void init () {System.out.println ( "enter init"); Properties defaultSettings = new Properties (); defaultSettings.put ( "DB_NAME", "JBMMS"); defaultSettings. PUT ("DB_Provider", "DB2"); defaultsettings.put ("UserName", "root"); defaultsettings.put ("passwerd", "); defaultsettings.put (" driver_type "," net "); system .out.println ( "put default settings"); String prop_driver_type = defaultSettings.getProperty ( "DRIVER_TYPE"); prop_db_name = defaultSettings.getProperty ( "DB_NAME"); prop_db_provider = defaultSettings.getProperty ( "DB_PROVIDER"); dbUserName = defaultSettings. getProperty ( "USERNAME"); dbUserPassword = defaultSettings.getProperty ( "PASSWORD"); System.out.println ( "set default settings"); Properties settings = new Properties (); try {System.out.println ( "Start search Properties File "); FileInputStream sf = new FileInputStream (" c: //jbfcmsconnect.prop "); settings.load (sf); prop_driver_type = settings.getProperty (" DRIVER_TYPE "); prop_db_name = settings. getProperty ( "DB_NAME"); prop_db_provider = settings.getProperty ( "DB_PROVIDER"); dbUserName = settings.getProperty ( "USERNAME"); dbUserPassword = settings.getProperty ( "PASSWORD"); prop_server_name = settings.getProperty ( "SERVER_NAME") Sf.close (); System.out.Println ("Properties File Exist");
} catch (filenotfoundexception e) {system.out.println ("Properties File Was Not Found!");} catch (ioexception e) {system.out.println ("IOEXCEPTION IS FOUND!");} / if (Prop_DB_Provider. EqualsignoreCase ("DB2")) {if (Prop_Driver_type.equalsignorecase ("Net") {//system.Println ("Be in -----"); drive = " net.DB2Driver "; String prop_server_name = settings.getProperty (" SERVER_NAME "); dbURL =" jdbc: db2: // " prop_server_name " / " prop_db_name;} else {drive =" App.db2driver "; dburl =" JDBC: DB2: " prop_db_name;} system.out.println (" DB2 Connection ==> / N DriverName = " DRIVE " / N URL = " DBURL " / N ") }
// MYSQL database connection else if (prop_db_provider.equalsIgnoreCase ( "mysql")) {if (prop_driver_type.equalsIgnoreCase ( "net")) {drive = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; String prop_server_name = settings.getProperty ( " Server_name "); dburl =" jdbc: mysql: // " prop_server_name " / " prop_db_name;} else {drive =" com.mysql.jdbc.driver "; dburl =" JDBC: mysql: " prop_db_name;} System.out.println ("MySQL Connection ==> / N DriverName =" DRIVE "/ n");} // SQLServer database connection ELSE IF (Prop_DB_Provider.EqualsignoreCase ("SQLServer" )) {if (prop_driver_type.equalsIgnoreCase ( "net")) {drive = ""; String prop_server_name = settings.getProperty ( "SERVER_NAME"); dbURL = "jdbc: microsoft: sqlserver: // " prop_server_name " / " prop_db_name;} else {drive =" "; dbURL =" jdbc: microsoft: sqlserver: // " prop_db_name;} System.out.println ("SQLServer Connection ==> / N DriverName =" Drive "/ n URL =" DBURL "/ N");}} connection conn = null; private Void connectpool () {try {class.forname (drive) .newinstance (); conn = drivermanager.getConnection (DBURL, DBUSERNAME, DBUSERPASSWORD);
} catch (classnotfoundexception EC) {system.out.println ("Database Drive Load Problem");} Catch (IllegaCcessException EI) {System.out.Println ("Database Access Exception");} catch (instantiationException EI) {system .out.println (Ei.getMessage ());} catch (sqlexception e) {system.out.println ("/ n ******************** * Database connection exception *********************** / N "); while (e! = Null) {system.out.println (" SQLState: " E.GETSQLSTATE ()); System.out.println ("Message:" E.GetMessage ()); System.out.Println ("vendor:" E.GETERRORCODE ()); E = E.GetNexTexception () ;}}} Public connection getConnect () {connectionPool (); Return Conn
} // This class is responsible for the connection section of the database: jbsqlexecute import *; Import java.util. *; Import; import java.sql. *; Import java.text. *;
/ ** * @author * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":. * Window> Preferences> Java> Templates * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window> Preferences> Java> Code General Class JBSQLEXECUTE {
Private static connection con ===.ji;
/ ** * Constructor for jbsqlexecute. * / Public jbsqlexecute () {jBFcmsconnect connect = new jbfcmsconnect (); con = connect.getConnect ();
/ ** * Method sqlInsert * @param strInsert * @ * / public void sqlInsert (String strInsert) {try {pstmt = con.prepareStatement (strInsert);. Pstmt.execute ();} catch (SQLException sqle) {System.out .println ("JBMMS database insertion exception:" sqle.getMessage ());}
/ ** * Method strUpdata * @param strUpdata * @ * / public void sqlUpdata (String strUpdata) {try {pstmt = con.prepareStatement (strUpdata);. Pstmt.execute ();} catch (SQLException sqle) {System.out .println ("JBMMS database update exception:" SQLE.GetMessage ());}}
/ ** * Method Execute Query. * @Param strquery * @Return ResultSet * / public resultSet ExecuteQuery (string strquery) {resultset Rset = null; try {system.out.println (strQuery);
PSTMT = con?preparestatement (strquery); Rset = pstmt.executeQuery (); System.out.Println ("over");} catch (sqlexception sqle) {system.out.println ("JBMMS database query exception:" SQLE .getMessage ());} system.out.println ("rset"); Return Rset;}
/ ** * Method executeDelete * @param strDelete * / public void executeDelete (String strDelete) {try {pstmt = con.prepareStatement (strDelete);. Pstmt.execute ();} catch (SQLException sqle) {System.out.println ("JBMMS database delete exception:" sqle.getMessage ());}
/ / The execution of the database operation, call the method in such a class directly during use. / ************************************************** ***************** / A implementation of the database connection pool - Borrowing the user source code //
Package com.abner.dbconnector;
Import java.sql. *;
Import java.util. *;
/ **
* The ConnectionPool class creates a connection pool that specifies a size for a specific database. Connection pool object
* Allows the client to specify the JDBC driver, database, username and password using the database. and,
* The client can specify the connection pool at the initial creation is the number of database connections, and the specified connection
* Not enough time automatically increase the number of connections and the number of database connections in the connection pool.
* External methods available: ConnectionPool: Constructor
* GetInitialConnections: Returns the connection pool initialization size
* SETINITIALCONNECONNECTIONS: Set the connection pool initialization size
* GetIncrementalConnections: Return to the increment of the connection pool
* SETINCREMENTALCONNECTIONS: Sets the size of the connection pool to add
* GetMaxConnections: Get the maximum allowable connection of the connection pool
* SetMaxConnections: Set the maximum allowable connection of the connection pool * GetTestTable: Get the name of the test table
* SettestTable: Set the name of the test table
* CreatePool: Create a connection pool, thread and synchronization
* getConnection: Get a database connection from the connection pool
* RETURNCONNECTION: Return to a connection to the connection pool
* Refreshconnections: Refreshing connection pool
* CloseConnectionPool: Close connection pool
* /
Public class connectionpool {
Private string jdbcdriver = ""; // database driver
Private string dburl = ""; // data URL
Private string dbusername = ""; // Database username
Private string dbpassword = ""; // Database User Password
Private string testtable = ""; // Test whether the connection available can be used, the default has no test table
Private int initialConnections = 10; // Connect the initial size of the pool
Private int incrementalconnections = 5; // Connection pool automatically increases
Private int maxConnections = 50; // Connect the largest size
Private Vector Connections = NULL; // Store vector of database connection in the connection pool, starting with NULL
// The object stored in it is the PooledConnection type
/ **
* Constructor
* @Param JDBCDriver String JDBC drive class string
* @Param DBURL STRING Database URL
* @Param DBUSERNAME STRING Connection Database User Name
* @Param DBPassword String Connection Database User's Password
* /
this.jdbcdriver = jdbcdriver;
this.dbpassword = dbpassword;
/ **
* Returns the initial size of the connection pool
* @Return's number of connections available in the initial connection pool
* /
Public int GetinitialConnections () {
Return this.initialConnections;
/ **
* Set the initial size of the connection pool
* @PARAM is used to set the number of connections in the initial connection pool
* /
Public void setInitialconnections (int initialconnections) {
/ **
* Returns the size of the connection pool to increase,
* @return connection pool automatically increases
* /
Public int getincrementalconnections () {
Return this.incrementalConnectAlConnection
/ **
* Set the size of the connection pool automatically increase
* @PARAM connection pool automatically increases the size
* /
Public void setincrementalconnections (int in inctribenterconnections) {
THIS.Incrementalconnections = incrementalConnections
/ **
* Returns the maximum number of available connections in the connection pool
* @return the maximum number of available connections in the connection pool
* /
Public int getmaxconnections () {
Return this.maxConnections;
/ **
* Set the maximum number of connections in the connection pool
* @PARAM Sets the maximum number of connections in the connection pool
* /
Public void setMaxConnections (int maxConnections) {
/ **
* Get the name of the test database table
* @return test database table name
* /
Public string gettesttable () {
Return this.testtable;
/ **
* Set the name of the test table
* @Param TestTable String Test Table Name
* /
Public void settesttable (String TestTable) {
/ **
* Create a database connection pool, using the number of available connections in the pool
* Settings set in InitialConnections
* /
Public synchronized void createpool () throws exception {
/ / Make sure the connection pool is not created
// If the connection pool is created, save the connection vector Connections will not empty
IF (Connections! = null) {
Return; // If you have been created, return
/ / Instantiate the driver instance specified in JDBC DRIVER
Driver Driver = (DRIVER) (this.jdbcdriver .newinstance ());
DriverManager.RegisterDriver (DRIVER); // Register a JDBC driver
// Create a saved vector, 0 elements are initially
CONNECTIONS = New Vector ();
/ / Create a connection according to the value set in InitialConnections.
CreateConnections (this.initialConnections);
System.out.println ("Database connection pool creation is successful!");
/ **
* Create a database connection specified by NumConnections and connect these connections
* Put in the Connections vector
* @Param NumConnections Number of database connections to be created
* /
Private Void CreateConnections (Int NumConnections) throws Sqlexception {
/ / Create a specified number of database connections
For (int x = 0; x / / Do you have the maximum number of database connections in the connection pool? Maximum value by class members MaxConnections // Indicates that if MaxConnections is 0 or negative, it indicates that the number of connections is not limited. // If the number of connections is maximized, you will exit. IF (this.maxConnections> 0 && this.connections.size ()> = this.maxconnections) {Break; } // Add A New PooledConnection Object To Connections Vector / / Add a connection to the connection pool (vector Connections) Try { Connections.AddeElement (New PooledConnection); } catch (sqlexception e) { System.out.println ("Create Database Connection Failed!" E.GetMessage ()); Throw new sqlexception (); } System.out.println ("Database Connection is created ..."); } } / ** * Create a new database connection and return it * * @Return returns a newly created database connection * / Private connection newconnection () throws sqlexception { // Create a database connection Connection conn = drivermanager.getConnection (DBURL, DBUSERNAME, DBPASSWORD); // If this is the first time you create a database connection, you check the database, get this database to allow support. // Maximum customer connection //Connections.size ()==0 means that there is currently no connection to be created IF (Connections.Size () == 0) { DatabaseMetadata metadata = conn.getMetadata (); INT drivermaxconnections = metadata.getmaxconnections (); / / DRIVERMAXCONNECTIONS returned by the database is 0, indicating that this database is not the biggest // Connection restriction, or the maximum connection limit of the database does not know // DriverMaxConnections is an integer returned, indicating that this database allows the number of clients to connect / / If the maximum number of connections set in the connection pool is greater than the number of connections allowed by the database, the maximum connection pool is set. / / The number of connections is the maximum number of databases allowed IF (DriverMaxConnections> 0 && this.maxconnections> drivermaxconnections) { THIS.MAXCONNECTIONS = DriverMaxConnections; } } Return conn; // Return to the created new database connection } / ** * Returns a available database connection by calling the getFreeConnection () function. * If there is no database connection available, more database connections cannot be created * Construction (such as the size of the connection pool size), this function will wait for a while to try it. * * @return Returns an available database connection object * / Public synchronized connection getConnection () throws sqlexception { / / Ensure that the connection pool is created IF (Connections == Null) { Return null; / / The connection pool is not created, then return NULL } Connection conn = getfreeConnection (); // Get an available database connection // If there is no connection available, all the connections are in use while (conn == null) { // Wait for a while Wait (250); Conn = getfreeConnection (); // Re-try until you get available connections, if // getFreeConnection () Returns NULL // indicates that it is not available after creating a batch of connections. } Return conn; // Returns the available connection } / ** * This function returns an available database connection from the connection pool vector Connections, if * There is currently no database connection available, this function is set according to IncrementalConnections * The value creates several database connections and puts them in the connection pool. * If you are created, all connections are still in use, return null * @return Returns an available database connection * / Private connection getfreeConnection () throws sqlexception { / / A available database connection from the connection pool Connection conn = findfreeConnection (); IF (conn == null) { // If there is no connection available in the current connection pool // Create some connections CreateConnections (INCREMENTALCONNECTIONS); // Re-look for whether there is available connection CONN = FINDFREECONNECTION (); IF (conn == null) { // Returns NULL if you still get available connections after creating a connection Return NULL; } } Return conn; } / ** * Find all connections in the connection pool to find an available database connection, * Returns NULL if there is no connection available * * @return Returns an available database connection * / PRIVATE Connection FindfreeConnection () throws sqlexception { Connection conn = NULL; PooledConnection PCONN = NULL; // Get all objects in the connection pool vector Enumeration enum = connections.efficient (); // Traverse all objects to see if there is accessible connection While (enum.hasmoreElements ()) { PConn = (PooledConnection) enum.nexTelement (); IF (! PConn.isbusy ()) { // If this object is not busy, get its database connection and set it to busy CONN = PCONN.GETCONNECTION (); PConn.setbusy (TRUE); // Test if this connection is available IF (! TestConnection (conn) { // If this connection is not available, create a new connection. / / Replace this unavailable connection object, if you fail, return null Try { CONN = NewConnection (); } catch (sqlexception e) { System.out.println ("Create Database Connection Failed!" E.GetMessage ()); Return NULL; } PCONN.SETCONNECTION (CONN); } Break; // Since finding an available connection, exit } } Return conn; // Return to find available connection} / ** * Test if a connection is available, if you are not available, turn off it and return false * Otherwise returns True * * @Param CONN needs to be tested database connection * @return Returns True Indicates that this connection is available, FALSE is not available * / Private Boolean TestConnection (Connection CONN) { Try { / / Judgment if the test form exists IF (TestTable.equals (")) { // If the test table is empty, try to use the setAutocommit () method of this connection // To determine whether the connection is available (this method is only available in some databases, if not available, // Throw an exception). Note: The method of using the test form is more reliable Conn.setautocommit (TRUE); } Else {// use test table test when there is a test form // check if this connection is valid Statement Stmt = conn.createstatement (); Stmt.execute ("SELECT Count (*) from" TestTable); } } catch (sqlexception e) { // Throw an exception, this connection is not available, turn it off, and return false; CloseConnection (CONN); Return False; } / / Connection available, return true Return True; } / ** * This function returns a database to connect to the connection pool and set this connection to idle. * All database connections available to the connection pool should be returned when not using this connection. * * @PARAM needs to return to the connection object in the connection pool * / Public void returnConnection (Connection CONN) { / / Make sure the connection pool exists, if the connection is not created (not existed), return directly IF (Connections == Null) { System.out.println ("Connecting pool does not exist, can not return this connection to the connection pool!"); Return; } PooledConnection PCONN = NULL; Enumeration enum = connections.efficient (); // Traverse all connections in the connection pool, find this connection object to return While (enum.hasmoreElements ()) { PConn = (PooledConnection) enum.nexTelement (); // First find the connection object to be returned in the connection pool IF (conn == pconn.getConnection ()) { / / Found, set this connection to idle state PConn.setbusy (FALSE); Break; } } } / ** * Refresh all of the connection objects in the connection pool * * / Public synchronized void refreshconnections () throws sqlexception { / / Ensure that the connection pool has an innovation IF (Connections == Null) { System.out.println ("Connecting the pool does not exist, no refresh!"); Return; } PooledConnection PCONN = NULL; ENUMERATION ENUM = Connections.Elements (); while (enum.hasmorelements ()) { // Get a connection object PConn = (PooledConnection) enum.nexTelement (); // If the object is busy, wait for 5 seconds, directly refreshed after 5 seconds IF (PConn.isbusy ()) { Wait (5000); // is 5 seconds } // Turn this connection, replace it with a new connection. CloseConnection (PConn.getConnection ()); PCONN.SETCONNECTION (NewConnection ()); PConn.setbusy (FALSE); } } / ** * Turn off all connections in the connection pool and clear the pool. * / Public synchronized void closeconnectionpool () throws sqlexception { / / Make sure the connection pool exists, if there is no existence, return IF (Connections == Null) { System.out.println ("The connection pool does not exist, can't be turned off!"); Return; } PooledConnection PCONN = NULL; Enumeration enum = connections.efficient (); While (enum.hasmoreElements ()) { PConn = (PooledConnection) enum.nexTelement (); // If you are busy, wait for 5 seconds IF (PConn.isbusy ()) { Wait (5000); // is 5 seconds } // 5 seconds directly close it CloseConnection (PConn.getConnection ()); // Remove it from the connection pool vector Connections.RemoveElement (PCONN); } // Place the connection pool is empty Connections = NULL; } / ** * Close a database connection * * @PARAM needs to close database connection * / Private Void CloseConnection (Connection CONN) { Try { CONN.CLOSE (); } catch (sqlexception e) { System.out.println ("Close Database Connection Error:" E.GetMessage ()); } } / ** * Make the program waiting for a given millisecond number * * @Param gives a number of milliseconds * / Private Void Wait (int mseconds) { Try { Thread.sleep (mseconds); } catch (interruptedexception e) { } } / ** * * Internal use of classes for saving connecting objects in the connection pool * There are two members in this class, one is a database connection, and the other is to indicate if this connection is * The logo is being used. * / Class pooledConnection { Connection connection = null; // Database connection Boolean busy = false; / / This connection is not using the flag, the default is not in use. // Constructor, according to a connection to conscious a PooledConnection object Public PooledConnection (Connection Connection) { THIS.CONNECTION = Connection; } / / Returns the connection in this object Public connection getConnection () { Return Connection; } // Set this object, connection Public void setConnection (Connection Connection) { THIS.CONNECTION = Connection; } // Get the object connection is busy Public boolean isbusy () { Return busy; } // Set the connection of the object is busy Public void setbusy (boolean busy) { THIS.BUSY = BUSY; } } }