Description: Specifies whether an operating system or a file checks for a user with permissions. If set to none, Oracle will ignore the password file. If set to
Exclusive, you will verify each password file with a database. If set to Shared, multiple databases will share
SYS and INTERNAL password file users.
Value range: none | Shared | Exclusive
Default: none
Before the database is not started, the database built-in user is unable to verify the user name and password of the sysdba / sysoper user in the password file password password file, allowing the user to log in to the database without starting, so that the database is started; if There is no password file, which can only be certified by operating system before the database is not started.
############################# 20.ora # SQLNET.ORA NETWORK Configuration File:
D: /oracle/ora90/neetwork/admin/sqlnet.ora # generated by Oracle Configuration Tools.
Names.default_domain =
SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS) / Authentication Certificate
Names.directory_Path = (Tnsnames, Hostname, ONAMES)