Compilation parameters for GCC in different hardware environments

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  58

Different hardware environments GCC compilation parameters Source: (GCC 3.x): i386 (Intel), Do you really want to install gentoo on what chost = "i386-PC-Linux -gnu "cflags =" - march = i386 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = i386 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "i486 (Intel), do you real Want to Install Gentoo On That? Chost = "i486-PC-Linux-GNU" cflags = "- march = i486 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" cxxflags = "- MARCH = I486 -O3 -Pipe -Fomit-frame-Pointer "Pentium 1 (Intel) Chost =" I586-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = pentium -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = pentium -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame -pointer "Pentium MMX (Intel) Chost =" I586-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = pentium-mmx -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = pentium-mmx -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "Pentium Pro (Intel) Chost =" I686-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = pentiumpro -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = pentiumpro -O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER "Pentium II (Intel) Chost =" I686-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = pentium2 -o3 - Pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = pentium2 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "Celeron (mendocino), AKA Celeron1 (Intel) chost =" i686-pc-linux-gnu "cflags =" -march = pentium2 -o3 -Pipe -Fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = pentium2 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-point "Pentium III (Intel) chost =" i686-pc-linux-gnu "cflags = "- march = pentium3 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" cxxflags = "- march =

Pentium3 -O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER "Celeron (Coppermine) Aka Celeron2 (Intel) Chost =" I686-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = pentium3 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer " CXXFLAGS = "- march = pentium3 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" Celeron (Willamette?) (Intel) Chost = "I686-PC-Linux-GNU" cflags = "- march = pentium4 -o3 -pipe -fomit -Frame-Pointer "cxxflags =" - march = pentium4 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "pentium 4 (Intel) chost =" i686-pc-linux-gnu "cflags =" - march = pentium4 -o3 -pipe -FOTIMIT-FRAME-POINTER "cxxflags =" - march = pentium4 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "Eden C3 / EZRA (via) chost =" i586-pc-linux-gnu "cflags =" - march = i586 -m3dnow -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = i586 -m3dnow -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "quote: the ezra doesn't Have Any Special Instructions That You Could Optimize for, Just Consider IS A K6-3 ... Basical a p2 with 3DNOW K6 (AMD) Chost = "i586-PC-Linux-GNU" cflags = "- march = k6-3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" cxxflags = "-March = k6 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" K6-2 (AMD ) Chost = "i586-pc-linux-gnu" cflags = "- march = k6-2 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" cxxflags = "- march = k6-2 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame- Pointer "K6-3 (AMD) Chost =" I586-PC-Linux-gnu "cflags =" - march = k6-3 -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - MARCH = K6-3 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "Athlon (AMD) Chost =" I686-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = atthlon -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march =

Athlon-Point -Pipe -Fomit-Frame-Pointer "Athlon-Tbird, Aka K7 (AMD) Chost =" I686-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = Athlon-Tbird -O3 -Pipe -Fomit-Frame- Pointer "cxxflags =" - march = Athlon-tbird -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "Athlon-Tbird XP (AMD) chost =" i686-pc-linux-gnu "cflags =" - march = atthlon-xp - O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER "cxxflags =" - march = Athlon-xp -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "Athlon 4 (AMD) chost =" i686-pc-linux-gnu "cflags =" - March = Athlon-4 -O3 -Pipe -Fomit-Frame-Pointer "cxxflags =" - march = Athlon-4 -O3 -Pipe -Fomit-frame-pointer "Athlon XP (AMD) chost =" i686-PC-Linux GNU "cflags =" - march = Athlon-xp -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = Athlon-xp -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-point "Athlon MP (AMD) chost =" I686-PC-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - march = Athlon-mp -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "cxxflags =" - march = atthlon-mp -o3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer "603 ( PowerPC) Chost = "PowerPC-Unknown-Linux-GNU" cflags = "- O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER -FSIGNED-CHAR" cxxflags = "- O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER -FSIGNED- Char "603e (powerpc) chost =" PowerPC-Unknown-Linux-gnu "cflags =" - O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER -FSIGNED-CHAR "cxxflags =" - O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER -FSIGNED -CHAR "604 (PowerPC) Chost =" PowerPC-Unknown-Linux-GNU "cflags =" - O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER -FSIGNED-CHAR "cxxflags =" - O3 -PIPE -FOMIT-FRAME-POINTER - POINTER - Fsigned-char "604e (powerpc) chost =" PowerPC-Unknown-Linux-gnu "cflags ="


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