Online ideological exchange habitat

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  59

Source: Chip New Computer Editor: Recoco

In the past year, RSS and Blog have gradually become new trends in the development of the Internet, and people are talking about them and full of expectations for their future. So what is RSS and Blog? Who needs them? Who is using them? What kind of surprises can they bring for you?

The Internet is very creative, and many new vocabulary has also created numerous economic miracles. These new vocabulary communication speed is very rapid, and when language experts are still studying these new vocabulary, consider whether they should be included in the dictionary, people have begun to use them. Blog is such a vocabulary, when the Chinese is still looking for a suitable Chinese name in 1998, there is a million users who have been using it. In the past two years, more and more users began to use Blog, which became one of the most popular new topics on the Internet, and even called another revolutionary communication after email and instant messaging software. At present, Blog users' teams have quickly grown, it is said to be a BLOG user every 40 seconds. So what is blog? How to be a blog user? And it is anxious, please keep your pen.

Blog's Bottom Blowbound BLOG 称 网 网络, Budu, Note, Tribe or blog, still has no uniform normative name. From the literal explanation, Blog is the referusion of WebLog. WebLog is a combination of "web" and "log", the LOG is originally "Nautical Log", refers to any type of flow, so WebLog can be understood as the Internet. A flowery form. Since in fact, Blog is a way to write a diary on the Internet on the Internet, allowing users to publish their own things. From essential, Blog is like a personal page with a user's diary format. People using Weblog are called Blogger or WebLogger, which has not been unified in the Chinese name, but they call them more users for blogs. After all, the literal is comparable to the title of Chinese to people. So who needs blog? The answer is all the ideas that are eager to communicate with others. The Internet users of the Internet, the popularity of the Internet is derived from the desire to exchange and information sharing. In the early days of the Internet development, many users make their own personal websites to communicate with others, but the threshold of personal websites is high, and the large amount of time spent on the update page is not the intention of most personal website users, so in the Internet. After a period of time, many users began to abandon personal websites, and online forums, emails and instant messaging software have become the main way of people exchange, but these communication methods are difficult to retain their own articles for a long time, and there is no system. Blog's birth providers a perfect solution, users can easily put their own life experience, inspiration, proud remarks, online abstracts, and news, and you can have your own page for your own page. Readers browse. At present, millions of people are using Blog, which is very influence. In the United States, people have truly describe the US terrorist attacks through Blog, and have a deep reflection and discussion on the incident. In Iraq, people use Blog to send the latest report to the world, which records the real life of Baghdad in the city. In China, blogs are also very active, many colleges and universities set up a blog site, and many news events have attracted people's attention from an article from blogs. It can be said that when the site on the Internet is gradually commercialized, and when it is step forward to the traditional media, the world's Internet information sharing dream seems to have gradually faded. It is blog to bring us new hopes, and in the help of RSS, TRACKBACK, people see the real prospects of information unlimited sharing. The RSS's charm RSS is another vocabulary that uses frequencies in recent years, even more attention than Blog. This aspect is because Blog is a hot spot today, and Blog is very close to RSS, and anyone discusses that BLOG does not mention RSS. On the other hand, due to the wide range of RSS, the vitality is stronger, many experts even think that RSS will play a revolutionary role in the Internet. Inscident, RSS is not a new vocabulary, a word of this vocabulary and blog in many years, two RSS is actually a technical specification, and its full name can be "Rich Site Summary", "RDF Site Summary "or" Really Simple Syndication ", different technical communities do different explanations. This XML format following W3C RDF specification is a multi-purpose, scalable metadata description and joint promotion format. It allows the interconnected site for producers to provide selective, summarizing the technical specifications for the content of the client.

Standard BLOG websites support RSS technical specifications, you can put site information such as website logos, links, and multiple content items containing headlines, content, links, such as multiple articles of a blog or the entire blog website recently updated Article, compiling a summary file called RSS feed according to the definition of the RSS technical specification, and then let the user who wants to read using the RSS reader to read this file, you can see these compiled articles. Due to unified standards, other websites can also read and display these articles using the RSS handler. Don't underestimate RSS, a standardized data description specification is very huge in the Internet, which means real internationalization, means that there is almost unlimited online distribution capability, its meaning is like an international general purpose Language for human meaning. In addition to the BLOG site, the RSS application range is published and shared by the RSS technical specification except for the BLOG site. At present, Microsoft, Cisco and Amazon have been involved in this field, and Disney also uses this technology to release video news, Apple uses it to notify users its latest music information. As a normal Internet user, you can enjoy more friendly, more convenient experience from RSS applications, and let users read the content of interest in their own needs. If you are a website producer, all the continuously updated contents of the website's update log, news, and technical abstracts are provided in RSS mode, allowing users to read the article on your site through the RSS reader, and timely understand the website. Update conditions. You can also share it with other websites producers, let them read the RSS feed you provided with the program on the website and display it on their own site. Of course, you can also use the RSS feed shared by other websites on your site, add news, weather forecasts, etc. to your site.

What is XML? RSS is an XML format following W3C RDF specification, what is XML? XML is a "Extensible Markup Language", which is the development of World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1996, is the purpose of making the Web to existing HTML (hypertext markup, full name Hypertext Markup Language) Way, receiving, and handling international text handling standard SGML (standard General Markup language, full name Standard Generic Markup Language).

As a meta language, XML provides a basic method for describing a specific labeling language, which requires a corresponding application standard for specific applications, allowing for the creation of multi-purpose different markers. XML describes a class of data objects called "XML files", and also describes the action of processing the data objects, and will eventually be parsed by a standardized "XML processor" that follows W3C specification. Therefore, although the XML description used by different platforms or manufacturers is not the same, because they follow the same specification and interpreted by the unified standardization tool, the data is independent of the platform and the manufacturer, between the system, the machine, the program Exchange provides a "international language".

How to use blog If you also want to be a blog, use it to record a little bit of life, it can be easily done. Although Blog's concept has a short period of time, the website that provides free or paid blog services on the Internet has been more like a cow, if you want, you can apply for yourself and start writing your own BLOG page. Also, if you already have a personal website, or you want to build your own personal website, then set your own BLOG site on the website, there are many free or paid programs on the Internet for you. Let's take a look at how to use the free Blog service and how to set up a Blog page on your own personal website. Using a free Blog service is undoubtedly the fastest way to become blogs. At present, there are many sites that offer free Blog services at home and abroad. There are many comprehensive classes in addition to the BLOG site of colleges and colleges. Blog service. The most famous free blog website is (,'s free Blog service provides users with a 5MB publishing space and allows users to post their own Blog through the FTP protocol to a Interconnected website. On the Internet, you can also find a BLOG enhancement service for the site, and there are also many related applications available. Since the site has been acquired by Google, click "Blog this" on the IE toolbar of Google Search Engine and publish your

But very unfortunately, due to the problem of Internet lines, although domestic Internet users can edit and store their BLOG on the Blogger website, the website publishes the domain name "" of the website provided by the user. In China normally, it is recommended that you choose to choose a free Blog service in China as much as possible. The most popular free Blog website in China is China Blog Network (, the website supports RSS and other standards, providing users with 8MB of storage space, fast website speed, perfect management, recommend you to consider it . The following is a specific method of use as an example of free Blog services in China Blog.

Foreign Free Blog Services blog city Live journal Geek log Diary-x / Blurty Crimson Blog Movable Type Blog Dot Rediff Blog Studio

Domestic free Blog Services China Blog blogbus Your blog network Blog power Blog China www.blogchina. COM / Hi! PDA News BLOG blog blog network

Registering Blog Services To use free Blog service from China Blog, you first need to register as a user of China blog network. The registration method is very simple, use the browser to open China Blog Network Home, click "New User Registration" In the next registration page, enter the username and password you need to use, and then fill in some simple profiles, and then click the "Submit" button below the registration page to complete the registration. After registering successfully, log in to "China Blog" and click "I want to write the blog" link into the management page in the "I want to write the blog" link in the personal option. The management page is divided into two parts, select the option on the right navigation menu to enter the corresponding function page, such as writing blog, sending information to other users, and setting up blog options. At this point you can start writing blog and let other users immediately see your masterpiece, but for later use, you should set some configuration options first. Set the display headline on the Blog page, describe items such as the Blog type.

Settings To set up Blog, you can click the "Modify Information" link on the right navigation menu to enter your personal information modification page, where you can set your own personal information that is called and modify the registration. Click on "Blog Settings" to the Settings page, you can set the title and description displayed on your own Blog page, and select your Blog type. In addition, you can specify the number of blogs, pictures, and messages of each page. Set whether to publicize your blog allows other users to read, and setting this blog is a person you are using, or multi-user use. If you are set to multi-user management, you can select "User Management" on the right navigation menu, specify which users can manage this blog. Note Be sure to choose a suitable type, blog, and personal web pages, if you want others to easily find your blog, read your article, then you need to have a certain degree of publicity. For users of China Blog Network, because the website is more influential in Chinese blog, choose the right type to achieve the effect of promotion, readers can quickly find your BLOG classification through China Blog Network Home BLOG. In addition, you can also consider registering your own blog address on the website such as a Chinese blog set (, so there will be more and more people to see your masterpiece.

Edit Template Next We have to select a beautiful interface for your BLOG page, allowing the page in line with your own style, and it is also convenient for other users to browse and read. Click the Edit Template link on the right navigation menu to enter the edit page, three options on the page, first click on the first option "Select Template", the so-called template is also the interface design of the BLOG page, China Blog Network provides 37 templates for free BLOG users. Each template on the page of the selection template will be displayed as a thumbnail, click the thumbnail to zoom in to view, find the template you like, select the template number below the thumbnail, click the "Submit" button to use this A template to post your blog. China Blog provides 37 blog templates for users to choose. Select the template to return to the Edit page back to the Edit page Select the second option "Edit Template", the website will open a new browser window to let you edit the template's HTML code. Note that some special code in the code is used for the website program to use this template, which cannot be changed at will, and these codes have a detailed explanation below the editing window. In general, if you are very familiar with the HTML code, you can consider storing the code, and then modify the template with your familiar web page editing software. But if you are not grasp of this, it is recommended that you click on the "Visual Template Editor" above the code editing window, the editor on the website will change to a visual editing interface with a similar Word document editing page, you can directly According to your own needs, the same as editing code, pay attention to the contents of parentheses or # 号 cannot change, specific these code replace what you can refer to the description below. You can change their position to appear in the specified location, but cannot change any of their characters. After editing, click the "Submit" button, we have completed the second step in template editing work. The template is edited using the Visual Template Editor. When editing a template, you will find some location to display calendar, icon, access counter, and links on the template, so how to edit these content? Back to the Edit page Select the third option "Property Edit" to edit, in you can add text and icon link to specify the style of the calendar. This is the final step of the template editing. When you edit your BLOG page, you can fully follow the templates you edited.

Edit Blog After editing a template, you can start writing your own blog, click the Add Log link on the right navigation menu to get a blog editing page, you can enter your own article like Word, and pass above Button and drop-down menu Set the size of the text, insert the image with other multimedia materials. It is to be noted that it is necessary to publish a certain number of blogs on the Chinese blog. After the screening is filtered, you can upload your own picture. However, this does not have much impact on the general user. During writing Blog, you should try to use text, it is recommended to use other multimedia materials such as pictures and icons to facilitate other users to read, keep the interface clean. In addition, on the Blog Editing page you can also set whether the blog allows the reader to comment or specify that Blog is released at a certain time. There are a few places that need to be aware of in the editorial option, which is particularly concerned about the "reference address" input box on the Blog editing page. China Blog Support is a Blog extended standard called Trackback. When writing a comment on an article or other blog, write a comment in your own blog, and the website will send a message to the other party's website through the "reference address" you entered, information will be included in the information, information will Other readers can go to your blog to read your comments by linking to your BLOG. Although this requires the website where the article is located also supports Trackback, it is recommended that you can do this even if the other website is not supported, and the top more written to paste your blog to the other party, while writing blog In the process, pay attention to the multi-purpose link, which causes the information on the Internet to link by links to make Blog truly a force that discover network unlimited link energy. Enter a article in the Blog Editing interface, set the text size, insert the image. In addition, whether you choose public blog content, you can hide the current edited article through the drop-down menu that hides this article so you can write your own diary while using Blog. Before you have written your article, you can define some search keywords in the "Keyword" input box before writing, so that other readers will easily find your blog through the search engine. Finally, you can also click the Preview Effect button to see if the effect is satisfied on the BLOG page, and after satisfaction, enter the number displayed next to the "Certificate" input box to "Certificate" input. Box, click the "Immediate Publish" button to formally release your own blog. After publishing and managing, you can log in to the Chinese blog every day, go to the Blog Editing page to write your own article, this is a heaven and earth belonging to your own, you can post your own point and experience. Even if there is nothing to say that day, you can write a sentence "There is nothing to say today, this will not be condemned. Other users can access your blog through the domain name of your username., your latest article is displayed on the home page, can read your previous article through the calendar on the page, and Your comments are allowed to comment or add a message. And you can manage existing articles on the "Article Management" link on the right navigation menu, or use the calendar below the right navigation menu, quickly open the blog written on a certain day and manage the article and messages. If the user from a network segment is not welcomed, you can also enter the other party's IP address through the "Permission Management" feature, limit users from the network segment to not allow access to your Blog.

What is TRACKBACK? Trackback is a function of connecting countless blogs around the world. For users who use blog, they commented to other people's articles, but they can only be reviewed on their own websites. This is a regret, and Trackback makes this regret no longer exists, and can be a force that discover network unlimited link energy. With TRACKBACK, you can write a comment on your own blog, as long as the other party also supports Trackback, when you release your own blog, the website will also send a trackback ping, send the address you wrote to the server that is published by the servers. , Title and part of the body. This will see your partial reviews when others browse the article. If you are interested, they can also read your detailed comments and other blogs. Also when you use the Blog website support TRACKBACK, others can also comment on your article over TRACKBACK, which makes Blog more interesting than ordinary network logs. But you need to pay attention to different RSS, Trackback is an optional Blog extension, not all standard Blog sites support. Setting up a BLOG page on your website can be implemented in two ways, first of all, you can use your own development or online downloading programs to implement, but this requires your personal website to support Perl, PHP, ASP and other web development languages, and you have to have a relatively rich knowledge. And another way is as long as your personal website supports updates through FTP, you can do it, such as using to support Blog through the FTP release. Under normal circumstances, unless you are very familiar with the web development language, and have a strong wish to use your own Blog site, the author recommends that you use's service, which has many advantages and services in a variety of related services. Under the assistance of software, use and management will be very convenient. You can use the free Blog service from

Register Service Use the browser to open the home page of, click the big arrow on the top of the homepage to start registration, registration is divided into three steps: First steps You need to enter your personal information, and pay attention Select the "I Accept the" check box in the "Acceptance of Terms" column below the page, select you have read and agree to the usage rules of the site; second step you need to set your own Blog page title and post information You can get a name according to your own BLOG type or your own preferences, as for the selection of the domain name, because the domestic users are currently unable to access it, our intention is also the free Blog service using and then released themselves. Website, so you can choose one casually. There is an "Advanced Setup" option on the page where you can set the advanced features of Blog, you can specify the use of FTP publishing information, but the settings here are incomplete, so you can do not deserve it; third step you Need to choose a template for yourself, free users can choose more templates, click the selected box below the template you want, and then click Next to complete the registration steps.

When you set FTP information, you can start using's free service to write Blog immediately, but your purpose is to publish your own blog to your website, then you need some settings. Log in to with a registered username and password, and you will be taken to the Blog Management page, showing the blog title you just set in the left "blog" column, click the title corresponding to Change Settings "The icon enters the settings page. On the set page, click "Publishing" to the Publishing Options Settings page, which will write the blog of "Your User Name." on the publishing option, but cannot be parsed in China. The site's domain name is therefore meaningless to you. At this point, click the "ftp" link to the FTP Release Information Settings page, fill in your FTP server address, account and password on the page, then choose which folder you want to store the blog page to the FTP server. After the setting is complete, click the "Save Settings" button below the page. After returning to the Blog Management page, click "Posting" to write blog, after you have selected it, will be based on your FTP information. Publish the page to your site. Edit template additional, if you need, you can click "Template" to reselect the template on the Blog Management page, or edit the template, but only HTML code editing is provided in, no visual editing method, editing It is very careful. For users who have personal websites, editing HTML code believes that it is difficult to encounter, in the template of, you can add some style definitions to make the character size defined on the template more in line with Chinese characters. need. It is also possible to consider adding some scripts to set the daily blog to the folding menu, so that the text is displayed when you click the title, if the number of Blogs displayed on the front page are more, it is more convenient to read this way. In addition, you can add access to statistics such as access to statistics like making your personal website. In essence, the blog page is not different from the webpage of your personal website, you can improve it with your heart. And in addition to your own needs to edit according to your needs, you can also move the templates on the BLOG website to use, of course, this requires the template source website does not limit the copyright of the template. If you can't find this blog site, you can also pick up the BLOG template's website for this website, these websites provide the blog template for free, most of which do not have copyright restrictions, you can safe to use.

Using Skills To make it easier to use Blogger's Blog service, you can also install a Google IE search toolbar (, in this tool On the bar, you can easily use Google's search engine. When you browse the website, click "Blog this" on the toolbar, you can immediately use the's Blog service to comment the current website or article, but pay attention to the premise is You have already logged in on the currently used computer, or the storage password has been selected when logging in the previous login. has many services and tools to help you, in addition to Google's toolbar, you can also use your eNetation ( and blogback ( for you. BLOG adds feedback to comments. Click "Blog this" on the Google toolbar to use the blog service.

Set your own blog site If you want to set your own blog site, then you first need to find a blog program you like. There are many BLOG programs written in various web development languages ​​on the Internet. There can be a lot in the famous script program collection Site HotScripts ( You can first support which web development languages ​​according to your site, you are familiar with which web development language to reduce the target, and then access the interested program developer website based on the introduction of each program, usually these websites will provide trial pages, You can try the functionality of the program in line with your requirements. Read Blog Reading Blog The most direct way is to access the Blog website, browse your own blog columns, or choose your favorite article from the new article list. However, there are many blog websites on the Internet. Some blogs' blog are more popular in all blog sites, and the columns that are interested in visiting that they will be a very tired thing. Therefore, you should learn to use RSS-based news readers to read Blog. Using the RSS news reader, you don't have to transfer your columns one by one by one by one, but choose the content of these BLOG sites to update these BLOG sites, or some of your own blog columns to readers. A channel, then read the title and introduction of these channels through the RSS reader, if you are interested in download. The RSS reader not only manages and reads each RSS channel, but also performs searching in the contents of each channel, monitors the specified channel and updates the channel content, or notifies you when the title is included with the content containing a keyword. At the same time, the RSS application range is relatively wide. The RSS reader is not limited to reading the content of the blog site. At present, almost all foreign large news websites offer RSS news channels, so if you often browse news websites and blog sites, RSS readers are absolutely Will be your good helper. Although some individual famous Chinese blog sites still have not supported RSS, we can also solve problems with RSS readers. The RSS reader is mainly divided into two: one is to implement RSS reading services through the application on the Internet site; second, it is running RSS reading software on the local system. The RSS reader provided by the Internet site is divided into two kinds. One is to facilitate the user's reading as a destination RSS through the browser, the other is to convert RSS content to small screen mobile device for PDA, mobile phone. RSS conversion service. The RSS reading software is divided into a dedicated RSS reading management program, an email client, browser feature extension plugin, and more. Different software have advantages and disadvantages, and their applicable occasions are different. Installing RSS Reading Software We will be able to get rich reading and management capabilities, and fully experience RSS's convenience of us. Mainstream RSS reading software is very powerful in managing RSS channels, reading and collecting content in various channels, and individual RSS reading software also allows us to simultaneously set out the contents of the contents of the RSS channel, and even directly through RSS Reading Software Management Our Blog column, but must first be able to read them on your computer. At present, there are a variety of RSS reading software on the Internet for us to choose. Due to historical reasons, there are many versions in the RSS format, so the general blog site and the Internet sites that provide RSS channels will specifically declare the version they use, and Remind users to choose to support this version of RSS reading software. But in fact, most of the RSS reading software can support all of these RSS formats, so you don't have to worry at this point. Instead, these software is mostly foreign software. For Chinese users, it is the first question when choosing whether the software can support reading Chinese RSS channel when choosing.

After testing, there are many most popular RSS reading software that do not support Chinese RSS channels, better NEWZCRAWLER, FEEDDEMON, RSSReader, SharpReader, Gush these. In the RSS reading software described above, Newzcrawler and FeedDemon are the best choice. FeedDemon is a work of well-known shared software author's Nick Bradbury, which provides Chinese versions, and has a good ease of use, friendly operation interface and simple easy-to-use wizard settings, even if novices can easily master. Newzcrawler is the most powerful one, the software unique synchronization feature, web channel and blog publish function is very attractive: You can synchronize the content of each RSS channel, you can use the web channel function, you will not support The RSS blog is specified as a web channel so you can read all your own BLOG in a software; use its blog publishing capabilities to write your own blog on the software, then publish it to the Blog service site. Although the software sometimes occurs issues such as title lack, it is basically not impact on reading, and the specific use of the RSS reader will be described as an example of Newzcrawler. However, if you have a good time to show the Chinese display of the software, it is best to choose FeedDemon. Newzcrawler Installation Use the browser to open the home page of Newzcrawler, click on the "Download The Free Full-Functional Trial Version Now!" Link on the homepage to download the software. After downloading, run the installer directly to start installing, the installation process is extremely simple, the only thing to note is to let you choose whether to install a plugin on the IE browser, the plugin can automatically check when you browse the website of the RSS channel And collect related information, let you add the RSS channel of the current website to the Newzcrawler software. Newzcrawler also provides a plug-in for users to choose from.

After understanding the operation interface, Newzcrawler will automatically enter the main interface. To fully master the software's way, you need to have a certain understanding of the operation interface. The main interface of the software divides the top menu and toolbar to three parts, the left is the channel management window for navigation and management channels. The default state The channel management window will be divided into the "Channels Tree" tree directory. Follow the folder Classification Display Channel, click "Channels List" above the channel management window to change all channels. Read the contents of the RSS channel with Newzcrawler. On the right side of the channel management window is the content window, select a channel in the channel management window, and the content of the channel will be displayed in this window. The content window is divided into two parts, the top title window is used to display the title of the current channel article, and the following reading window is used to display the contents of the article. In the Channel Management window and the title window, click the left button to select a channel or title, and you will be able to get the appropriate function menu when you right click.

Add Channel Click Right-click in the Channel Management window or click "New" menu to point to "New", select "Add Newsfeed Channel" to add an RSS channel, add the RSS channel, the software will open the Add Channel Wizard, first ask you to choose Add The channel of the channel, the "Choose Channel from OCS Directory" is added to select the required channel from the Internet list, and the "Enter Newsfeed Channel URL" selected by the default is to let you enter the address of the channel. Clicking the Next Wizard will ask you to enter the address of the channel, on all sites that provide the RSS channel, you find an XML icon or RSS icon, the address linked to the icon is the address of the RSS file defined by the channel. You only need to copy the icon's shortcut and paste into the channel address input box and click Next, the wizard will verify the address and read the channel information, then give a name for the new channel, and specify which classification file stored in After the clip, you can complete the task of adding the RSS channel. The installation wizard default is the address that allows you to manually enter the channel.

Import Export Channel In addition to manually adding channels, you can also import other netizens to set up channel files, Newzcrawler support imported and exported channel file formats, through software import features, Newzcrawler support imported and exported channel file formats include their own storage formats NCW, CHT, and UNIX systems TXT format with the OPML format. OPML (OUTLINE Processor Markup Language) is a tag language that is based on the data structure based on XML, and the OPML file on the RSS reader can be used to record channel groups, and the RSS channel information included in the group. Most of the RSS reading software, including Newzcrawler supports this format, and can export the channel group in the software to generate an OPML file. So if your friends use other RSS readers, you can use the OPML format to import the other party with "Export Folder" or "Importing Folder" on the "Channel" menu, you can also set your own channels. Export to each other.

Backup channels and settings In addition to the new version of the newzcrawler, you can reinstate or update the data storage folder by copying Newzcrawler by copying the Newzcrawler's data storage folder by copying the Newzcrawler, restore the newzcrawler. All channels and software settings have been set. If you are using a Windows 98 / ME operating system, you should back up "C: / Windows / Profiles / Me / Application Data / ADC Software / Newz Crawler /" (assuming the Windows system is installed in the C drive, and the user currently used A folder named me). If you are using the Windows NT / 2000 / XP operating system, you should back up the "C: / Documents and Settings / Me / Application Data / ADC Software / Newz Crawler /" folder. Need Note This is a hidden folder and has a system protection property. If you can't find it, you can select the Folder option in the Explorer Click the Tool menu, switch in the Folder option dialog. Go to the "View" tab, then clear the "Hidden Protected System File" check box in Advanced Settings, and select "Show all files and folders" to find these folders.

After you first synchronize, read using newzcrawler. Of course, you have to try the software first synchronously read the function, which is very useful for friends who use the Timeling Internet access method, and hope to synchronize the blog to the friends who read on the laptop. First you need to click on the channel to synchronize or a channel classification folder, or click the "Ctrl" button on the keyboard after opening a channel, click on the article to synchronize the channel to synchronize one by one. , Then select "Synchronize" by software's "Actions" menu or directly click, Newzcrawler opens the synchronization dialog. The "Tasks" below the synchronization dialog will list the channel name of the current prepared synchronization, click "Options" to select "Verify Subscribed feeds only" to set only the article selected synchronously, remove the selected status indicating that the entire channel is synchronized or Articles of all channels in the entire channel classification folder. After selecting, click "START" software to synchronize the specified article to your computer, you can still read it when you are offline. Use Newzcrawler to synchronize the specified channel or article to your computer.

The channel monitoring has a "Search Results" folder below the channel management window, which has a channel called "Sample Search", but the channel does not correspond to any website's RSS channel, but for you to monitor other channels. Search channels set by the content. After setting the search for keywords and searches, when the software updates the information of each channel, the article that meets the requirements will be displayed in the channel. Use this feature that you can easily find yourself in a wide blog site. Article. In addition to the original "Sample Search", you can click on the right mouse button, select "Search Results | New | New Search Channels" to add a monitoring item, at which time the software will open Create Search Channel dialog, the actual search channel Properties dialog. Enter your own channel name in the "Name" column in the dialog box, then enter the search for the search in the "Search String" input box, and set the range of the search in the "Options" column, and "Duplicates "Subpression" Select whether you need to clear your duplicate article, and finally click on "Confirm". You can read them through this new channel when you have a search criterion. Also, if you need, you can also select "Maintenance" on the Properties dialog box of the Search Channel, and further set whether you need to check if there is a conditional article. Set the search channel. Publish blog In addition to reading Blog, Newzcrawler can also publish blog, but the premise is the blog site you are using, or your own Blog Site To support external publishing capabilities, such as Blog City and Live Journal's Blog service, but China The blog network does not support, you can contact the website of the service to learn more. When you use this feature, you first need to right-click the "My Blogs" folder in the channel management window, select "New | New WebLog Site", and the software will open a Blog website settings dialog. List the software on the "blog service" on this dialog, the software has been set up for you, if the Blog service you use is included, just select it in the drop-down menu and enter your username and The password can complete the setting of the blog website. Software has been set up with free Blog services in "Blog Service". If the BLOG service website you are not included in the "Blog Service" drop-down menu, or you use your own Blog site, you can check the service website or program documentation after confirmation of the site to support the external publishing function. The program API type used and the specific call address, then select "Custom ..." in the "Blog Service" drop-down menu of the Blog website setting dialog box, switch to the "Server Settings" tab to enter the detailed parameter to set the blog website. After setting the information of the blog site, double-click the BLOG channel created in the "My Blogs" folder, the software will connect your BLOG service website and download the original blog. After the connection is successful, click "Tools" menu to select "Blog this Client ", The software will pop up the setup dialog box, ask you to enter the personal information used when you publish blog, enter your personal information to" Blog this "operation window, you can write your own blog like a write email, through" blog this " "You can also call up the last release of Blog for modification. Write Blog in the "Blog this" window.

In addition to the RSS readers installed by the mainstream RSS readers, you have multiple options to use the RSS reader, such as using the browser to read the RSS channel of BLO, or Do not install separate RSS reading software, but to add plugins for each email client and browser to add RSS reading. In addition, you can also use the RSS reader to read all Site contents of the RSS channel at your mobile devices such as handheld computers. Read on your browser we can use the browser to read the RSS on any computer on the Internet using the RSS reading service on the internet website without installing any software. You can also install the plug-in for your own browser, extend the browser's function, enable it to read and manage the contents of the RSS channel. If you are not always fixed online, the scheme of using the Internet site RSS reading service is a better choice, here the author recommends bloglines ( free RSS reading service . If you want to get rid of RSS reading and management, you don't want to install a dedicated reading software, you can also consider using browser plug-ins. Currently, you can choose NewsMonster ( on the Mozilla browser, and you can choose PLUCK ( on the Internet Explorer browser. These two plugins can work quite stable on their respective browsers, and the function is also very good. However, it is important to note that the former needs to install the Java virtualist support, while the latter only supports the Internet Explorer browser, which cannot be used normally on other multi-window browsers using the Internet Explorer browser.

Reading in the email client Reading RSS when reading RSS, you will find that its operation is extremely similar to reading email, both of which need to frequently check if there is new content. Therefore, many experts believe that integrating RSS reading functions into an email client is a future trend. If you agree with this, you want to integrate email transceivers and RSS reading functions, using Outlook and Becky, both email client software can be easily implemented. Read the RSS using the Newsgator plugin in Outlook. These two email clients are temporarily supported directly to support RSS reading feature. Use Outlook you need to install a plugin called newsgator (, use Becky, you need to install a named BkrsReader. Http:// Plugin. The BKRSSReader is relatively simple, and the NEWSGATOR is very powerful, close to the most powerful newzcrawler in mainstream RSS reading software. Both plugins are shared software, which can download the trial version on the software's website, but you need to pay a certain fee for a long time. Read on mobile devices 2004 in 2004 in wireless technology and mobile computing, you can also consider accessing information over the Internet, such as mobile devices such as wireless technology and mobile computing. At present, it is not difficult to find RSS reading software for the two mainstream handheld PCs for Palm and Pocket PC on the Internet. The RSS reading software for Palm operating systems is most famous in Hand / RSS (, which is a shared software, including BBC and other abroad RSS news channels. And Palm related technical news channels, allow users to read RSS news content from the Internet through local computers or directly from the Internet. The Pocket PC operating system is most popular with PocketFeed ( The software applies to Pocket PC 2002/2003 versions, which is open source software, and you can download the software installer and source code on the software's website. Although the software is still in the test phase, the function is relatively simple and there is some problems to be solved, but the software supports users downloading the RSS channel content via wired network or 802.11b wireless network service, but also supports users to download RSS channels from the RSS channel through the synchronization function. It is very convenient to use. In addition, even if you can't find RSS reading software for your handheld or mobile phone operating system, you can use the RSS reading service provided by the internet website as long as your handheld computer or mobile phone can access the Internet. The browser is reading RSS. However, pay special attention when choosing services, not all RSS reading services are suitable for mobile devices, after all, the screen of mobile devices such as handheld computers and mobile phones is much smaller than the computer, you need to choose to convert RSS channel content to suitable mobile Equipment screen browsing RSS reading services, such as newsmob ( and RSS feeds for the mobile user ( is a good choice.

BLOG and RSS's tomorrow email and instant messaging have brought an earth-shattering change, which is called a new generation of communication methods? When various Internet sites are close to traditional media, Blog has created a miracle, and the role of leading public opinion oriented in many news events, let people see the charm of Internet information sharing. But for many users, I have been accustomed to the impression that the Internet giving people, I have already forgotten that people's expectations for the Internet, and they can't talk about the Internet and others to share information and exchange ideas. BLOG can play such a big role, we believe this will have a certain effect on the users who wake up these numbers. Of course, no one can guarantee that blog will not be tempting by money, and the blog development model itself still has many problems, and only for Blog should follow some standard arguments, some incompletely follow the standard blog website. By criticism and accusation, the supporters of these websites believe that pure blog form does not meet the needs of readers and users. Perhaps Blog is originally a place for you to see, suitable for debate, with the author's personal opinion, there is no need to force some standard blog sites to change. Which mode is the best development model of Blog, and the user naturally has its own choice. Over time, the bad model will naturally be eliminated. Unlike Blog, the role of RSS is very clear, and the importance of general standards is in today's world believes that there are not many people will have suspicion. Currently, in addition to all standard Blog sites support foreign news sites such as Yahoo, BBC, CNN, as well as Chinese news websites such as Yahoo, BBC, CNN, and the Chinese news website such as the network ( With the increase in the number of websites that support RSS, the information between the website will make more convenient, and the user can read the content you need, the first time understand the information of the website, easily retrieve the information you need. And in a sense, since the user can choose to read the content through the RSS reader, it is no longer necessary to reduce the role of spam by subscribing to update notifications. It can be said that RSS is valued because it provides a standard description of data, but it is precisely in the standard, RSS still has many problems. The formats currently available for RSS channel content include RSS 0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0, and Atom. RSS0.9 was born in Netscape and is still a browser hegemony. Netscape defines the language used to describe the news channel, but the news channel description format CDF (Channel Definition Format) launched by Microsoft, RSS did not find yourself The application mode is not popular. In the past two years, due to Blog's popularity, people have begun to find a way to describe the blog subject and update information, and RSS technology will continue to develop new versions by companies named Dave Winner, upgrade to 0.91,0.92 And widely applied. However, because many professionals believe that Dave Winner actually controls the RSS format, in order to bypass Dave Winner's control for RSS, a joint group is redefined by the W3C's new generation of Semantic network technology RDF, released RSS 1.0 And define RSS as "RDF Site Summary". But Dave Winner insists on developing RSS subsequent versions on their own ideas, and upgrade RSS to version 2.0 while not recognizing RSS 1.0 validity, and defines the new mode. At the same time, a standard called Atom also joins competition and quickly gets support from Google and other companies.


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