The processing of the PNG file under IE is currently use of XOOPS Newbb 2.0 style.cssimg {behavior: URL ("");}
/ * * Png Behavior * * This Script Was Created by Erik Arvidsson (Erik (at) EAE.NET) * for webfx ( * Copyright 2002 * * for usage see license at http: / / * * version: 1.01a * create: 2001 - ?? - ?? First Working Version * Updated: 2002-03-28 Fixed Issue When Starting with a non PNG Image and * Switch Between non png images * 2003-01-06 Fixed RegExp to correctly work with IE 5.0x * 2004-04-25 Fixed PNG image printing, eliminated need for external * GIF file, fixed intermittent uninitialised variable * error [by AG, ] * 2004-09-30 Reverted Inline JavaScript Image to Transparent Gif. The * New XP SP2 'Security' MeasureS Prevented The JS Image * from working. [by Ag ] * 2004-10-22 Rewrote fiximage () to try and work around some reported * quilem S with pngs vanishing! [by Ag] * * / var is_png = /.png $/i; / * <- NOTE: REMOVE THE "/ -TRANS" to process * all * pngs * / var supported = / msie 5 / .5) | [6789] /. Test (Navigator.Platform == 'Win32'; var realsrc; var blanksrc = 'images / blank.gif'; if (support) fiximage (); function propertyChanged () {if (supported && event.propertyName == 'src' && element.src = blankSrc!) {fixImage ();}} function fixImage () {if (realSrc && element.src == realSrc) {// This is an attempt to set the image to itself! // Pointless - Leave the filter as-is, restore the blank image element .src = blanksrc