Double-click JAR startup method:
Double-click the JAR file to start the Java program.
In the folder option in IE, select File Type.
Find the JAR type file
Click "Advanced"
Newly built as follows:
Applications for performing operations:
C: / program files / javasoft / jre / 1.4 / bin / javaw.exe -jar% 1
After the setting is complete, double-click any JAR file to run this program file.
You can also put it in a JAR subdirectory in this level, modified as follows:
Javaw-ClassPath "jar / where.jar; jar / jbcl_edit.jar; jar / dx_edit.jar; jar / beandt_edit.jar;
JAR / dbswing_edit.jar; jar / mysql_comp_edit.jar; jar / java2demo_edit.jar; jar / i18n_edit.jar;
JAR / JAWS_EDIT.jar; jar / rt_edit.jar; jar / sunrsasign_edit.jar; jar / dt_edit.jar;
Jar / htmlconverter_edit.jar; jar / Tools_EDit.jar "Where.whereApp