CSTRING Transmission INT
Convert characters to an integer, you can use ATOI, _ATOI64 or ATOL.
To convert the numbers to a cString variable, you can use the cstring Format function. Such as
CString S;
INT i = 64;
S.Format ("% d", i)
The Format function is very strong, it is worth studying.
Void cstrdlg :: onbutton1 ()
// Todo: Add Your Control Notification Handler Code Here
SS = "1212.12";
Cstring aa;
Aa.Format ("% D", TEMP);
AfxMessageBox ("VAR IS" AA);
Sart.Format ("% s", buf);
/// char * to cstring
CString strtst;
Char * charpoint;
Charpoint = "Give String a value";
strTest = charpoint;
/// cstring to char *
Charpoint = strTest.getBuffer (STRTEST.GETLENGTH ());
There is no string in the standard C, char * == char [] == String
You can use CString.Format ("% s", char *) to convert char * to cstring. To convert CString into char *, you can use operator (lpcstr) cstring.
CString Conversion Char [100]
Char a [100];
CString Str ("AAAAAA");
STRNCPY (a, (lpctstr) STR, SIZEOF (A));