Question: The first column of elements in CListCtrl can only be left-aligned, the following is a description of the msdn CListCtrl :: InsertColumnInserts a new column in a list view control int InsertColumn (int nCol, const LVCOLUMN * pColumn); int InsertColumn (int!. nCol, LPCTSTR lpszColumnHeading, int nFormat = LVCFMT_LEFT, int nWidth = -1, int nSubItem = -1);.. ParametersnCol The index of the new column pColumn Address of an LVCOLUMN structure that contains the attributes of the new column lpszColumnHeading Address of a .. string containing the column's heading nFormat Integer specifying the alignment of the column It can be one of these values:.. LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_RIGHT, or LVCFMT_CENTER nWidth width of the column, in pixels If this parameter is -1, the column width is not set. nSubItem index of the subitem associated with the column. If this parameter is -1, no subitem is associated with the column. Return ValueThe index of the new column if successful or -1 otherwise.RemarksThe leftmost column in a list view control Must be left-aligned.the lvcolumn Structure Contains The Attributes of a Column In Report View. It is also used to receive information about a column. This Structure is described in The Platform SDK. Solution: Method 1: 1, insert a empty column 2 in the first column, set The width of the first column is 0 3, and then inserted from 1 Sub-code: m_plistctrl.insertColumn (0, ",", lvcfmt_center); m_plistctrl.insertColumn (1, "element", lvcfmt_left); m_plistctrl.insertcolumn (2, " Note ", LVCFMT_LEFT);