Linux architecture

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

FreeBSD Qmail MySQL VPOPMAIL full ports installation time: 2004-10-26 16:34:40

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First, the basic system is prepared 1, install freebsd4.10 Select all installation, set up NIC address:, gateway:, DNS:, this name: Mail, domain name:, open FTP, Add a user: chaohu, password: 123456 User Group: Wheel, Directory Selection Catalog /, after the installation is complete, add CVSUP and Portupgrade, restart. Note: Increase the user because the ports installation download is too slow, will need the software to use the download tool in Windows Next, you can use SSH to log in to the host, so I like WINDOWS users can also use EE and other editing. 2. Use SecureCRT or PUTTY.EXE to log in, and Su root users. #CHMOD 777 / USR / PORTS / DISTFILES is now assume that you have downloaded the software you need, open the FTP tool (such as LeAftp), login, user name Chaohu and 123456, upload files. 3, update ports # cd / usr / share / example / cvsup / # / usr / local / bin / cvsup -g -l2 -h ports-support can also update Stable-Suppirl and Standard-Supfile to this Basic system installation ends.

Second, Web Server Preparation 1, Install Apache-Modssl # CD / USR / Ports / WWW / Apache13-Modssl / # make install Add: #ee /etc/rc.conf Add: Apache_enable = YES If you want yourself to develop SSL certificates Don't make Make Clean Add PHP support #CD / usr / ports / lang / php4 # make install Add: AddType Application / X-httpd-php .PhpaddType Application according to prompt #ee /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf / x-httpd-php-source .phps # cp php.ini-dist pHP.ini increase zend support, only manually install, but it is very simple, to the Zend website to download it after #tar ZXVF ZENDOPTIMIZER-2.5.5- FreeBSD4.3-I386.TAR.GZ # cd Zendoptimizer-2.5.5- FreeBSD4.3-i386 # chmod 755 #. / install .sh Unix does not allow running in the current directory The program, so it is to add ./ 2, the installation mysql # cd / usr / ports / databases / mysql323-server # make WITH_OPENSSL = yes WITH_LINUXTHREADS = yes BUILD_OPTIMIZED = yesinstall clean3, with ports to install phpmyadmin # cd / usr / ports / databases / phpmyadmin # ee Makefile, the default Mounting path to WWW / DATA, SQWWWEBMAIL, QMAILADMIN, VQREGOSTER, etc., please check the default web CGI-BIN path #make install clean # cd / usr / local / www / data / phpMyadmin # chmod 755 .php # eE will be $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] [' auth_type '] =' config '; // automation method (config, http or cookie based)? Changed to $ CFG [' Servers'] [$ I] ['Auth_Type'] = 'http'; // Authentication Method (config, http or cookie based)? 4, increase the support of Expect (SQWWebmail Change Password to use) #CD / USR / Ports / Lang / EXPECT # make install clean to this, the web system is built, if you want to optimize, refer to the relevant parameters in php.ini, etc. #reboot

Third, QMAIL installation 1, qmail # cd / usr / ports / mail / qmail # make with_big_todo_patch = yes # make disable-sendmail # make enable-qmail # cd /var/qmail/configure#./config-fast mail.chinake .com Please into your own checking #ee /etc/rc.conf increase sendmail_enable = "NONE" sendmail_submit_enable = "NO" sendmail_outbound_enable = "NO" sendmail_msp_queue_enable = "NO" 2, vpopmail # cd / usr / ports / mail / vpopmail # make WITH_MYSQL = yes WITH_MYSQL_SERVER = localhost WITH_MYSQL_USER = vpopmail WITH_MYSQL_PASSWD = vpopmail WITH_MYSQL_DB = vpopmail install clean yourself vpopmail modify them for your own through the Permissions Modify the root user password, increase the VPopmail database, increase the VPopMail user and password, and give VPopmail all permissions for database VPOPMAIL. Its command mode is: #mysqlmysql> set password for root = password ('password'); (Modify root password) mysql> create database vpopmail; mysql> use mysql; mysql> grant usage on *. * To "vpopmail" @ "Localhost" Identified by "****"; mysql> grant all privileges on `vpopmail`. * to" vpopmail "@" localhost "with grant option; mysql> Bye3, ispell # CD / USR / ports / german / ispell -neu # make install clean4, sqwebmail # cd / usr / ports / mail / sqwebmail # make with_vchkpw = yes with_ispell = yes install According to the prompt: #make configure # make Clean # EE / etc / crontab Add: 40 * * * * root /usr/local/share/sqwebmail/ / usr / local / share / sqwebmail / # cp authdaemonrc.dist authdaemonrc # / usr / local / libexec / sqwebmail / authlib / authdaemond start5, qmailadmin # cd / usr / ports / mail / qmailadmin # make install clean

Ok, qmail is ready, restart a server, see if Authdaemond SqwebmAild has normal boots, if not, please check the above steps, prepare the configuration below.

Fourth, configure qmail server 1, test vpopmail # cd/usr/vocal/vpopmail/bin#./vadddomain #. / Vadduser If there is no prompt, it is right. 2. Install daemontools # cd / usr / ports / sysutils / daemontools # make install clean3, configure daemontools3.1 establishment path and set permissions #MKDIR -P / VAR / log / qmail / qmail-smtpd # mkdir -p / var / log / qmail / qmail-pop3d # mkdir -p / var / log / qmail / qmail-send # chmod -r 755 / var / log / qmail # chown -r qmail: Wheel / Var / log / qmail 3.2 svscan startup

MKDIR / ServicechMod 755 / Servicemkdir / Var / QMail / SupervisechMod 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise

Mkdir / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpdmkdir / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpd / logchmod t / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpd

Mkdir / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-sendmkdir / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-send / logchmod t / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-send

MKDIR / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-pop3dmkdir / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-pop3d / logchmod t / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-pop3d

ln -s / var / qmail / supervise / * / service /

Start file configuration QMAIL control-file:

#ee / var / qmail / rc env - path = "/ var / qmail / bin: / usr / local / bin" qmail-start ./maildir/


#ee / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-pop3d / run #! / bin / sh exec / usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r -V -C100 0 110 / var / qmail / bin / qmail-popup mail / usr / local / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / var / qmail / bin / qmail-pop3d maildir 2> & 1

#CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-pop3d / run

#ee / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-pop3d / log / run #! / bin / shexec / usr / local / bin / setuidgid qmaill / usr / local / bin / multilog T S100000 N20 / var / log / qmail / qmail -POP3D 2> & 1

#CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-pop3d / log # chmod 755 / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-pop3d / log / run

Received #ee cd / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpd / run #! / Bin / shexec / usr / local / bin / tcpserver -p -r -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u92 -g91 - V -C100 0 SMTP RBLSMTPD / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / QMAIL-SMTPD 2> & 1 # chmod 755 / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpd / run

#ee / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpd / log / run #! / bin / shexec / usr / local / bin / setuidgid qmaill / usr / local / bin / multilog T S100000 N20 / var / log / qmail / qmail -SMTPD 2> & 1

#CHMOD 755 / VAR / LOG / qmail / qmail-smtpd / log # chmod 755 / var / log / qmail / qmail-smtpd / log / Run

Send a letter #ee / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-send / run #! / Bin / shexec / var / qmail / rc

#CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-send / Run

#CD / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-send / log / run #! / bin / shexec / usr / local / bin / setuidgid qmaill / usr / local / bin / multilog T S100000 N20 / VAR / log / qmail / qmail -send 2> & 1

#CHMOD 755 / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-send / log / # chmod 755 / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-send / log / run

#RM /usR/local/etc/rc.d/ /usr/local/etc/rc.d/

#! / bin / shcase "$ 1" instart) echo -n "starting qmail: svscan" if cd / var / qmail / supervise; thenenv - path = "/ var / qmail / bin: / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin "SVSCAN & ECHO $!> /VAR/Run/svscan.pidfiecho". ";; stop) echo -n" stopping qmail: svscan "kill` Cat /var/run/`echo -n "qmail" svc -dx / var / qmail / supervise / * echo -n "logging" svc -dx / var / qmail / supervise / * / logcho "." ;; stat) cd / var / qmail / supervisesvstat * * / LOG ;; DOQUE | ALRM) Echo "Sending Alrm Signal to qmail-send." SVC -A / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-send ;; queue) qmail-qstatqmail-qread ;; reload | HUP) Echo "Sending Hup Signal to qmail-send. "SVC -H / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-sendecho" sending hup signal to qmail-pop3d. "SVC -H / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-pop3d ;; pause) echo" PAUSING qmail-send "svc -p / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-sendecho" pausing qmail-smtpd "svc -p / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpdecho" PAUSING QMAIL-POP3D "SVC -P / VAR / QMAIL / Supervise / QMail-POP3D ;; Cont) Echo "Continuing qmail-send" svc -c / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-sendecho "Continuing Qmail-SMTPD "SVC-C / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / Qmail-SMTPDecho" Continuing Qmail-Pop3D "SVC-C / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / Qmail-Pop3D ;; Restart) Echo" RESTARTING QMAIL: "Echo" * Stopping Qmail-smtpd. "SVC -D / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpdecho" * sending qmail-send sigterm and restarting. "SVC -T / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise / qmail-sendecho" * restarting qmail-smtpd. " SVC -U / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpdecho "* sending qmail-pop3d sigterm and restarting." SVC -T / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVISE / QMAIL-POP3D ;; CDB) TCPRules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp <

/etc/tcp.smtpchmod 644 /etc/tcp.smtp*echo "Reloaded /etc/tcp.smtp.";;) Echo" USAGE: $ 0 {start | stop | restart | doqueue | Reload | Stat | Pause | Cont | CDB | Queue} "EXIT 1ESACEXIT 0 # chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ /etc/tcp.smtp127.0.0.1 :198.168.1 .: Allow, relayclient = "" 200.200.200.:Allow ,ylayclient="": allow

# / usr / local / bin / tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp

# VQregister configuration file # ADMINEMAIL # AdminEmail REGISTERUSER # Syntax: RegisterUser #RegisterUser emaildomain # SUBJECT ## Syntax: Subject #Subject Your new email account at emaildomain # VERIFY ## Syntax: Verify # Default: off # Verify off # ALLOWPASSWORD ## Syntax: AllowPassword # Default: off # AllowPassword on # aLLOWDOMAIN ## Syntax: allowDomain #AllowDomain # REDIRECT ## Syntax: Redirect #redirect password ## syntax: password #

# PASSWORDLEN ## Syntax: PasswordLen # Default: 8 # PasswordLen 8 # BADHOSTS ## BadHosts badhosts # DB_Host ## Syntax: DB_Host #DB_Host localhost # DB_Name ## Syntax: DB_Name # DB_Name vpopmail # DB_USER ## Syntax: DB_User #DB_User vpopmail # DB_PASSWORD ## Syntax: DB_Password #DB_Password vpopmail # DB_FIELDS ## Syntax: DB_Fields

[, [, ] # DB_Fields User_info User, Dom, Pass, Cemail, Fname # Advertise ## Syntax: Advertise #Advertise Off Installs the kills under FreeBSD under FreeBSD, but McAfee has been a Stable for FreeBSD Version (including 3.x and 4.x) provides Virus protection in McAfee VirusScan Command Line. Installation is also very simple:

CD / USR / ports / security / vscanmake install clean

At this point, the QMAIL system is successful, http: // Enter the domain name and password, can be managed, http: // CGI registration new user, Enter the full name and password, such as Test, can make a transceiver, using Outlook to send information to require STMP certification. More dissatisfied is that the sqwebmail interface is too ugly, not Chinese, which has the heart to beautify it, Chinese, if you are Chinese, please inform me, I also want. What is the problem in to discuss, QQ: 93606088, ---- finally found a Chinese, that is, Wmail, it is SQWwebmail Chinese, very simple installation.


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