Each common port configuration

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  86

TCPPCANYWHERE 5631SMTP 25POP3 110SSL 22HTTPS 43UDPL2TP PROTOCOL IKE PACKETS 500L2TP PROTOCOL PACKETS 1701PPTP 47 Command name Function Supported operating systems Acssnap.msc QoS Admission Control Win2K serversAzman.msc Authorization Manager Win20003Certmgr.msc Certificate Management AllCerttmpl.msc certificate module Win2003Ciadv.msc Indexing Service AllComexp. msc computer management component services AllCompmgmt.msc AllDcplo.msc domain controller security policy Win2k servers win2003Devmgmt.msc device Manager AllDfrg.msc disk Defragmenter AllDfsgui.msc distributed file system Win2k servers win2003Dhcpmgmt.msc DHCP management Win2k servers win2003Diskmgmt.msc Disk Management AllDNSMGMT.MSC DNS Manage Win2k Servers Win2003Domain.msc Active Directory Domain and Trust Relationship Win2k Servers Win2003Dompol.msc Domain Security Policy Win2k servers win2003Dsa.msc Active Directory Users and Computers Win2k servers win2003Dssite.msc Active Directory Sites and Services Win2k servers win2003Eventvwr.msc Event Viewer AllFilesvr.msc file server management Win2003Faxserv.msc Fax Service Manager Win2kp win2ks win2003Fpmmc.msc ForntPage Server Extensions Win2k serves Win2003FSMGMT.MSC Shared folder Allgpedit.msc Group Policy Allias.msc Internet Authentication Service WIN2KP WIN2KS WIN2003IS.MSC Internet Information Service WIN2K Servers Win2003lusRMGR.MSC Local User and Group AllMscorcfg.


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