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- My First JavaScript File On XML.
Practice ON XML Operation </ Title></p>
<p></ HEAD></p>
<p><Body οnlοad = "AddNewNode ()></p>
<p></ Body> </ html> <script> function addnewnode () {var strnode = "<book>"; strnode = strnode <code> f5678 </ code> "; strnode = strnode " </ book> " ;</p>
<p>VAR Xmldoc = New ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.xmLDom"); XmLDoc.async = "false"; if (! xmldoc.loadXML (Strnode)) {document.write ("Fail to Build An Xml File);} else {document .write ("<b> Original XML File: </ b>"); document.write ("<xmp>" xmldoc.xml "</ xmp>");</p>
<p>// add price node var objnewnode = xmldoc.createElement ("price"); xmldoc.documentelement.Appendchild (ObjnewNode);</p>
<p>// Add the text of price node var objNewText = xmlDoc.createTextNode ( "345"); var objNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName ( "price") item (0);. ObjNode.appendChild (objNewText); document.write ( "<b> price node with text: </ b>"); Document.write ("<xmp>" xmldoc.xml "</ xmp>");</p>
<p>// Add author node var objPosNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.firstChild; objNewNode = xmlDoc.createElement ( "author"); objNewText = xmlDoc.createTextNode ( "Calvin"); objNewNode.appendChild (objNewText); xmlDoc.documentElement.insertBefore (objNewNode ObjposNode); Document.write ("<b> Author is added: </ b>"); document.write ("<xmp>" xmldoc.xml "</ xmp>"); // Add Attribute Into Code Node ObjNode = xmldoc.getElementsBytagname ("code"); ObjNode.Item (0) .SetaTAttribute ("Sales", "Y"); Document.write ("<B> Code's Attribute Is Added: </ b>") Document.write ("<xmp>" xmldoc.xml "</ xmp>"); // Remove Author node var root = xmldoc.documentelement; var objdelnode = root.removechild (root.getlementsBytagname ("author") .item (0)); Document.write ("<b> author node is deleted </ b>"); document.write ("<xmp>" xmldoc.xml "</ xmp>"); //// Remove the attribute of code node objNode = root.get.GtelementsBytagname ("code"). Item (0); ObjNode.Removettribute ("Sales"); Document.write ("<B> Sales Attribute of Code Nod e is removed: </ b> "); Document.write (" <xmp> " xmldoc.xml " </ xmp> ");}</p>
<p>} </ script></p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey">
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