Java network 50 source code

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

The following source code is divided into 4 files; Client main program. Client interface. Drawing of chessboard. server side. 50 people can be accommodated at the same time, and they are online, chatting. No detailed comments, but absolutely can be run, J2SDK1.4 is passed. / ************************************************** ******************************************** * *********************************************************** ************************************************************************** / Import Java.Awt. * Import java.awt.event. *; import *; import java.Net. *; import java.util. *;

Class Clientthread Extends Thread {ChessClient ChesClient;

CLIENTTHREAD (CgestClient ChessClient) {this.chestclient = insics;

Public void acceptmessage (string recmessage) {if (Recmessage.StartSwith ("/ userlist")) {StringTokenizer UserToken = New StringTokenizer (Recmessage, "); int usrnumber = 0;

chessclient.userpad.userList.removeAll (); chessclient.inputpad.userChoice.removeAll (); chessclient.inputpad.userChoice.addItem ( "owner"); while (userToken.hasMoreTokens ()) {String user = (String) userToken .NEXTTOKEN (""); if (usernumber> 0 &&! user.startswith ("[inchess")) {CHESSCLIENT.USERPAD.USERLIST.ADD (User); chessclient.inputpad.userchoice.additem (user);}

userNumber ;} ( "owner");} else if (recMessage.startsWith ( "/ yourname")) {chessclient.chessClientName = recMessage.substring (10); chessclient.setTitle ( "Java backgammon Client " " User Name: " ChessClient.ChessClientName);} else if (Recmessage.equals (" / reject ")) {Try {CHESSCLIENT.CHESSPAD.STATUSTEXT.SETTEXT (" You can't join the game "); chessclient.controlpad .cancelGameButton.setEnabled (false); chessclient.controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (true); chessclient.controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (true);} catch (Exception ef) {chessclient.chatpad.chatLineArea.setText ( "chessclient.chesspad. chessSocket.close not closed ");} chessclient.controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (true);} else if (recMessage.startsWith (" / peer ")) {chessclient.chesspad.chessPeerName = recMessage.substring (6); if ( ChessClient.isserver) {chessclient.chesspad.chesscolor = 1; chessclient.chestpad.ismouseenabled = true; chessclient.chestpad.statustext.setText ("Please black chess"); } Else if (chessclient.isclient) {chassclient.chesspad.chesscolor = -1; chessclient.chestpad.statustext.setText ("Added game, wait for the other party ...");}

} Else if (recMessage.equals ( "/ youwin")) {chessclient.isOnChess = false; chessclient.chesspad.chessVictory (chessclient.chesspad.chessColor); chessclient.chesspad.statusText.setText ( "the other side to exit, please give up the game Exit connection "); chessclient.chentpad.ismouseenabled = false;} else if (" / ok ")) {chessclient.chestpad.statustext.setText (" Create a game success, wait for others to join ... "); } Else if ("/ error")) {chessclient.chatpad.chatlinearea.Append ("Transfer Error: Please exit the program, re-joining / N");} else {chessclient.chatpad.chatlinearea.Append (Recmessage "/ n"); chessclient.chatpad.chatlinearea.setcaretPosition (ChessClient.Chatpad (). Length ());}} public void run () {string message = ""; try {whele (true) { Message = (); acceptmessage (message);}} catch (ooException es) {}}


public class chessClient extends Frame implements ActionListener, KeyListener {userPad userpad = new userPad (); chatPad chatpad = new chatPad (); controlPad controlpad = new controlPad (); chessPad chesspad = new chessPad (); inputPad inputpad = new inputPad ();

Socket chatSocket; DataNputStream in; DataOutputStream out; string chessclientname = null; string host = null; int port = 4331;

Boolean isonchat = false; // chat? Boolean isonchess = false; // Chess? Boolean isgameconnected = false; / / The client connection of the chess? Boolean isserver = false; // If it is the host boolean isclient = false; // If it is a chess client

Panel SouthPanel = new panel (); Panel northpa = new panel (); panel centerpanel = new panel (); panel westpanel = new panel (); panel eastpanel = new panel ();

ChessClient () {Super ("Java Give Chess Client"); setLayout (New BorderLayout ()); host = controlpad.inputip.getText (); Westpanel.setLayout (New borderLayout ()); Westpanel.Add (UserPad, BorderLayout. North); WestPanel.Add (chatpad,; WestPanel.SetBackground (

Inputpad.inputwords.addKeylistener (this); = controlpad.inputip.getText ();

CenterPanel.Add (Chesspad,; CenterPanel.Add (InputPad, BorderLayout.South); CenterPanel.setBackground;;

controlpad.connectButton.addActionListener (this); controlpad.creatGameButton.addActionListener (this); controlpad.joinGameButton.addActionListener (this); controlpad.cancelGameButton.addActionListener (this); controlpad.exitGameButton.addActionListener (this);

ControlPad.creatgameButton.setenabled (false); controlpad.joingamebutton.setenabled (false); controlpad.cancelgamebutton.setenabled (false);

SouthPanel.Add (ControlPad,; SouthPanel.setBackground;

addWindowListener (new WindowAdapter () {public void windowClosing (WindowEvent e) {if (isOnChat) {try {chatSocket.close ();} catch (Exception ed) {}} if (isOnChess || isGameConnected) {try {chesspad.chessSocket .close ();} catch (Exception EE) {}} system.exit (0);} public void windowActivated (WindowEvent EA) {


Add (WestPanel, BorderLayout.west); Add (CenterPanel,; Add (SouthPanel, BorderLayout.South);

Pack (); setsize (670, 548); setVisible (true); setResizable (false); validate ();

public boolean connectServer (String serverIP, int serverPort) throws Exception {try {chatSocket = new Socket (serverIP, serverPort); in = new DataInputStream (chatSocket.getInputStream ()); out = new DataOutputStream (chatSocket.getOutputStream ()); clientThread clientthread = new clientThread (this); clientthread.start (); isOnChat = true; return true;} catch (IOException ex) {chatpad.chatLineArea.setText ( "chessClient: connectServer: not connect, it is recommended to restart the program / n") Return False;}

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {if (e.getSource () == controlpad.connectButton) {host = = controlpad.inputIP.getText (); try {if (connectServer (host, port)) {chatpad. chatLineArea.setText ( ""); controlpad.connectButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (true); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (true); chesspad.statusText.setText ( "the connection is successful, create a game or join Game ");

} Catch (exception EI) {chatpad.chatlineArea.setText ("ControlPad.ConnectButton: Unable to connect, recommended reboot / n");}} f (E.getsource () == controlpad.exitgamebutton) {if (isonchat) {Try {chatsocket.close ();} catch (exception ed) {}} f (isonchess || isgameconnected) {try {chesspad.chessoscket.close ();} catch (exception ee) {}} system.exit (0 );

} If (e.getSource () == controlpad.joinGameButton) {String selectedUser = userpad.userList.getSelectedItem (); if (selectedUser == null || selectedUser.startsWith ( "[inchess]") || selectedUser.equals ( chessClientName)) {chesspad.statusText.setText ( "must select a valid user");} else {try {if (isGameConnected) {if (chesspad.connectServer (, chesspad.port)) {isGameConnected =! true; isOnChess = true; isClient = true; controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.cancelGameButton.setEnabled (true); chesspad.chessthread.sendMessage ( "/ joingame" userpad. userList.getSelectedItem () "" chessClientName);}} else {isOnChess = true; isClient = true; controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.cancelGameButton.set Enabled (true); chesspad.chessthread.sendMessage ( "/ joingame" userpad.userList.getSelectedItem () "" chessClientName);}} catch (Exception ee) {isGameConnected = false; isOnChess = false; isClient = false; controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (true); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (true); controlpad.cancelGameButton.setEnabled (false); chatpad.chatLineArea.setText ( "chesspad.connectServer not connect / n" ee);}

}} If (e.getSource () == controlpad.creatGameButton) {try {if {if (chesspad.connectServer (, chesspad.port)) {isGameConnected = true (isGameConnected!); IsOnChess = true; isServer = true; controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.cancelGameButton.setEnabled (true); chesspad.chessthread.sendMessage ( "/ creatgame" "[inchess]" chessClientName);} } else {isOnChess = true; isServer = true; controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (false); controlpad.cancelGameButton.setEnabled (true); chesspad.chessthread.sendMessage ( "/ creatgame" " [inchess] " chessClientName);}} catch (Exception ec) {isGameConnected = false; isOnChess = false; isServer = false; controlpad.creatGameButton.setEnabled (true); controlpad.joinGameButto n.setenable; controlpad.cancelgamebutton.setenabled (false); ec.printStackTrace (); chatpad.chatlinearea.setText ("Chesspadpad.connectServer Unable to connect / n" EC);}

} If (e.getSource () == controlpad.cancelGameButton) {if (isOnChess) {chesspad.chessthread.sendMessage ( "/ giveup" chessClientName); chesspad.chessVictory (-1 * chesspad.chessColor); controlpad.creatGameButton. setEnabled (true); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (true); controlpad.cancelGameButton.setEnabled (false); chesspad.statusText.setText ( "Please create a game or join a game");} if (! isOnChess) {controlpad.creatGameButton. setEnabled (true); controlpad.joinGameButton.setEnabled (true); controlpad.cancelGameButton.setEnabled (false); chesspad.statusText.setText ( "Please create a game or join a game");} isClient = isServer = false;}}

Public void keypressed (KeyEvent E) {textfield infutwords = (textfield) E.GETSOURCE ();

IF (E.GetKeycode () == keyevent.vk_enter) {if (InputPad.userchoice.getSelectedItem (). Equals ("owner") {Try {Out.writeutf (InputWords.getText ()); InputWords.Settext "");} CatCH (Exception EA) {chatpad.chatlinearea.setText ("ChessClient: keypressed unable to connect, suggest reconnection / N"); userpad.userlist.removell (); infutpad.userchoice.removeall (); inputs. setText ( ""); controlpad.connectButton.setEnabled (true);}} else {try {out.writeUTF ( "/" inputpad.userChoice.getSelectedItem () "" inputWords.getText ()); inputWords.setText ("");} Catch (Exception EA) {chatpad.chatlinearea.setText ("ChessClient: keypressed unable to connect, recommended reconnection / N"); userpad.userlist.removeall (); infutpad.userchoice.removeall (); InputWords .SETTEXT (""); controlpad.connectButton.setenabled (true);}}}}

Public void keytyped (keyevent E) {} public void keyreleased (keyevent e) {}

Public static void main (string args []) {chessclient chessclient = new chassclient ();}} / ***************************** *********************************************************** *********** The following is: ****************************************** *********************************************************** ******** / Import java.awt. *; import java.awt.event. *; import *; import *;

Class Userpad Extends Panel {List UserList = New List (10);

Userpad () {setLayout (New BorderLayout ());

For (int i = 0; i <50; i ) {userlist.add (i "." "No User");} Add (userlist,;



Class chatpad extends panel {textarea chatlinearea = new textarea ("", 18, 30, textarea.scrollbars_vertical_only); chatpad () {setLayout (new borderLayout ());

Add (chatlinearea,;


class controlPad extends Panel {Label IPlabel = new Label ( "IP", Label.LEFT); TextField inputIP = new TextField ( "localhost", 10); Button connectButton = new Button ( "host connector"); Button creatGameButton = new Button ("Establishing Games"); Button JoingameButton = New Button ("Add to Game"); Button CancelGameButton = New Button ("Abandon Game"); Button ExitgameButton = New Button; "Close Program");

ControlPad () {setLayout (new flowLayout (FlowLayout.Left); setbackground (;

Add (IPLABEL); add (connectButton); add (creatgamebutton); add (joingamebutton); add (cangameButton); add (exitgamebutton);}


Class InputPad Extends Panel {TextField InputWords = New Textfield ("", 40); Choice Userchoice = New Choice ();

Inputpad () {setLayout (new flowLayout (FlowLayout.Left); for (int i = 0; i <50; i ) {userchoice.addItem (i " " No User ");} Userchoice.setsize (60 , 24); add (userchoice); add (inputword);}} / ************************************************** *********************************************************** *********** The following is: ******************************************* *********************************************************** *********** / Import java.awt. *; import java.awt.event. *; import *; import *; import java.util. *;

Class Chessthread Extends Thread {Chesspad Chesspad;

Chessthread (ChessPad Chesspad) {this.chesspad = chesspad;

public void sendMessage (String sndMessage) {try {chesspad.outData.writeUTF (sndMessage);} catch (Exception ea) {System.out.println ( "chessThread.sendMessage:" ea);}} public void acceptMessage (String recMessage ) {If (Recmessage.StartSwith ("/ chess")) {StringTokenizer UserToken = New StringTokenizer (Recmessage, ""); string chesstoken; string [] chessopt = {"- 1", "- 1", "0"} INT CHESSOPTNUM = 0;

While (useertoken.hasmoretoKens ()) {Chesstoken = (String) UserToken.nextToken (""); if (chessoptnum> = 1 && chessoptnum <= 3) {CHESSOPT [CHESSOPTNUM-1] = Chesstoken;

} Chessoptnum ;} chesspad.netchesspaint (Integer.Parseint (Chesopt [0]), Integer.Parseint (CHESSOPT [1]), Integer.Parseint (Chessopt [2]));

} Else if (recMessage.startsWith ( "/ yourname")) {chesspad.chessSelfName = recMessage.substring (10);} else if (recMessage.equals ( "/ error")) {chesspad.statusText.setText ( "Error: Without this user, please exit the program, re-join ");} else {//system.out.println (RecMessage);}}

Public void Run () {String Message = ""; try {while (true) {message = chesspad.indata.readutf (); acceptMessage (message);}} catch (ooException es)}}}


class chessPad extends Panel implements MouseListener, ActionListener {int chessPoint_x = -1, chessPoint_y = -1, chessColor = 1; int chessBlack_x [] = new int [200]; int chessBlack_y [] = new int [200]; int chessWhite_x [] = new int [200]; int chessWhite_y [] = int new [200]; int chessBlackCount = 0, chessWhiteCount = 0; int chessBlackWin = 0, chessWhiteWin = 0; boolean isMouseEnabled = false, isWin = false, isInGame = false; TextField STATUSTEXT = New TextField ("Please connect the server first,"

String chessselfname = null; string chesspeername = null; string host = null; int port = 4331; chessthread shssthread = new chessthread (this);

chessPad () {setSize (440,440); setLayout (null); setBackground (; addMouseListener (this); add (statusText); statusText.setBounds (40,5,360,24); statusText.setEditable (false);}

public boolean connectServer (String ServerIP, int ServerPort) throws Exception {try {chessSocket = new Socket (ServerIP, ServerPort); inData = new DataInputStream (chessSocket.getInputStream ()); outData = new DataOutputStream (chessSocket.getOutputStream ()); chessthread .Start (); return true;} catch (ioException ex) {statustext.setText ("Chesspad: ConnectServer: Unable to connect / N");} Return False;}

Public void chessvictory (int Chesscolorwin) {this.removeall (); for (int i = 0; i <= chessblackcount; i ) {chessblack_x [i] = 0; chessblack_y [i] = 0;} for (INT i = 0 i <= chesswhitecount; i ) {chesswhite_x [i] = 0; chesswhite_y [i] = 0;} chessblackcount = 0; chesswhitecount = 0; add (statustext); statustext.setBounds (40, 5, 360, 24); IF Chesscolorwin == 1) {CHESSBLACKWIN ; statustext.settext ("Black Save, Black: White is" ChessBlackwin ":" ChessWhitewin ", re-opening, waiting in white and white ...);} else if (chesscolorwin = = -1) {CHESSWHITEWIN ; statustext.Settext ("White Square, Black: White is" ChessBlackwin ":" Chesswhitewin ", re-opening, waiting for black chess ...");}}

Public void getLocation (int A, int b, int color) {

if (color == 1) {chessBlack_x [chessBlackCount] = a * 20; chessBlack_y [chessBlackCount] = b * 20; chessBlackCount ;} else if (color == - 1) {chessWhite_x [chessWhiteCount] = a * 20; chessWhite_y [ Chesswhitecount] = B * 20; chesswhitecount ;}}

Public Boolean Checkwin (int A, int b, int checkcolor) {Int Step = 1, chesslink = 1, chesslinktest = 1, chesscompare = 0; if (checkcolor == 1) {CHESSLINK = 1; for (Step = 1; Step <= 4; Step ) {for (ChessCompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare ) {IF (((A Step) * 20 == ChessBlack_x [chesscompare]) && ((b * 20) == ChessBlack_y [chesscompare ])) {CHESSLINK = CHESSLINK 1; if (checklink == 5) {RETURN (TRUE);}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}) CHESSLINKTEST ; Else Break;} for (Step = 1; step; s <= 4; Step ) {for (checkcompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare ) {IF ((A-Step) * 20 == chessblack_x [chesscompare]) && (b * 20 == chessblack_y [chesscompare]) ) {CHESSLINK ; if (checklink == 5) {return (true);}}}}}}}}}}} f (chesslink == (CHESSLINKTEST 1)) CHESSLINKTEST ; else Break;} chesslink = 1; chesslinktest = 1; for (Step = 1 Step <= 4; step ) {for (chessCompare = 0; chessCompare <= chessBlackCount; chessCompare ) {if ((a * 20 == chessBlack_x [chessCompare]) && ((b step) * 20 == chessBlack_y [chessCompare])) {chessLink ; IF (chesslink == 5) {return (true);}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} f (chesslink ==)) CHESSLINKTEST ; else break;} for (step = 1; step <=

4; Step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare ) {IF ((a * 20 == chessblack_x [chesscompare]) && ((b-step) * 20 == chessblack_y [chesscompare])) { Chesslink ; if (chesslink == 5) {Return (TRUE);}}}}}}}}}} f (checklinktest 1)) CHESSLINKTEST ; Else Break;} chesslink = 1; chesslinktest = 1; for (Step = 1; Step <= 4; Step ) {for (ChessCompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare ) {IF ((A-Step) * 20 == chessblack_x [chesscompare]) && ((B Step) * 20 == CHESSBLACK_Y [ChessCompare]) {CHESSLINK ; if (chesslink == 5) {return (true);}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}) CHESSLINKTEST ; Else Break;} for (Step = 1; step <= 4; Step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare ) {= ((A Step) * 20 == ChessBlack_x [chesscompare]) && ((b-step) * 2 0 == chessBlack_y [chessCompare])) {chessLink ; if (chessLink == 5) {return (true);}}} if (chessLink == (chessLinkTest 1)) chessLinkTest ; else break;} chessLink = 1; chessLinkTest = 1; for (step = 1; step <= 4; step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare

) {IF * 20 == chessblack_x [chesscompare]) && ((B Step) * 20 == ChessBlack_y [chesscompare]) {CHESSLINK ; if (checklink == 5) {Return (True );}}} = (Checklinktest 1)) CHESSLINKTEST ; else break;} for (Step = 1; step <= 4; step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chessblackcount; chesscompare ) { IF ((A-Step) * 20 == CHESSBLACK_X [ChessCompare]) && (b-step) * 20 == chessblack_y [chesscompare]) {CHESSLINK ; if (chesslink == 5) {Return (TRUE); }}} F (CHESSLINK == (CHESSLINKTEST 1)) ChessLinkTest ; Else Break;}} else} else}} else} else}} else}} else}} else}} else}}} else}}} else}}} else} {CHESSLINK = 1; for (Step = 1; Step <= 4; Step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF ((A Step) * 20 == Chesswhite_x [ChessCompare]) && (b * 20 == chesswhite_y [chesscompare])) { CHESSLINK ; if (checklink == 5) {return (true);}}}} (checklink ==)) ChessLinkTest ; else break;} for (Step = 1; step <= 4; step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF ((A-Step) * 20 == chesswhite_x [chesscompare]) && (b * 20 == chesswhite_y [chesscompare]) {CHESSLINK

; If (checklink == 5) {return (true);}}}}}} (chesslink == (CHESSLINKTEST 1)) CHESSLINKTEST ; Else Break;} chesslink = 1; checklinktest = 1; for (Step = 1; Step <= 4; Step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF ((a * 20 == chesswhite_x [chesscompare]) && ((B Step) * 20 == chesswhite_y [chesscompare]) ) {CHESSLINK ; if (chesslink == 5) {return (true);}}} f (checklink == (CHESSLINKTEST 1)) CHESSLINKTEST ; else break;} for (Step = 1; step <= 4; step ) {For (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF ((a * 20 == chesswhite_x [chesscompare]) && ((b-step) * 20 == chesswhite_y [chesscompare]) {CHESSLINK ; IF chessLink == 5) {return (true);}}} if (chessLink == (chessLinkTest 1)) chessLinkTest ; else break;} chessLink = 1; CHESSLINKTEST = 1; for (Step = 1; Step <= 4; Step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF ((A-Step) * 20 == chesswhite_x [chesscompare]) && ((B Step) * 20 == ChessWhite_Y [ChessCompare]) {CHESSLINK ; if (checklink == 5) {return (true);}}}};

Else Break;} for (step = 1; step <= 4; step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF (((A Step) * 20 == chesswhite_x [chesscompare]) && ((b-step) * 20 == chesswhite_y [chesscompare])) {CHESSLINK ; if (chesslink == 5) {return (true);}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}; CHESSLINK = 1; chesslinktest = 1; for (Step = 1; step <= 4; step ) {for (chesscompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitecount; chesscompare ) {IF (((A Step) * 20 == Chesswhite_x [ChessCompare]) && ((B Step) * 20 == ChessWhite_y [ChessCompare])) {CHESSLINK ; if (chesslink == 5) {return (true);}}}} (checklink == (CHESSLINKTEST 1 )) CHESSLINKTEST ; Else Break;} for (Step = 1; Step <= 4; Step ) {for (ChessCompare = 0; chesscompare <= chesswhitec Ount; chesscompare ) {IF ((a-step) * 20 == chesswhite_x [chesscompare]) && (b-step) * 20 == chesswhite_y [chesscompare]) {CHESSLINK ; if (chesslink == 5) { Return (True);}}} f (chesslink ==)) CHESSLINKTEST ; else break;}} return (false);

Public void Paint (GRAPHICS G) {for (int i = 40; i <= 380; i = i 20) {g.drawline (40, i, 400, i);} g.drawline (40, 400, 400, 400); for INT j = 40; j <= 380; j = j 20) {g.drawline (j, 40, j, 400);} g.drawline (400, 40, 400, 400); G.Filloval (97, 97, 6, 6); G. Filloval (337, 97, 6, 6); G. Filloval (97, 337, 6, 6); G. Filloval (337, 337, 6, 6); G. Filloval (217, 217, 6, 6); public void chessPaint (int chessPoint_a, int chessPoint_b, int color) {chessPoint_black chesspoint_black = new chessPoint_black (this); chessPoint_white chesspoint_white = new chessPoint_white (this);

if (color == 1 && isMouseEnabled) {getLocation (chessPoint_a, chessPoint_b, color); isWin = checkWin (chessPoint_a, chessPoint_b, color); if (isWin == false) {chessthread.sendMessage ( "/" chessPeerName "/ chess " chesspoint_a " chesspoint_b "" color); this.add (chesspoint_black); chesspoint_black.setbounds (checkpoint_a * 20-7, checkpoint_b * 20-7, 16, 16); statustext.settext ("Black (" Black (Pen " chessBlackCount "step)" chessPoint_a "" chessPoint_b ", please White lower sub"); isMouseEnabled = false;} else {chessthread.sendMessage ( "/" chessPeerName "/ chess" chessPoint_a "" chessPoint_b "" COLOR); this.add (checkpoint_black); chesspoint_black.setbounds (checkpoint_a * 20-7, checkpoint_b * 20-7, 16, 16); checkvictory (1); ismouseenabled = false;}} else == - 1 && ismouseenabled) {GetLocation (ChessPoint_a, ChessPoint_B, Color); Iswin = Checkwin (ChessPoint_a, ChessPoint_B, Color); if (iswin == false) {chessthread.sendMessage ("/" chesspee rName "/ chess" chessPoint_a "" chessPoint_b "" color); this.add (chesspoint_white); chesspoint_white.setBounds (chessPoint_a * 20-7, chessPoint_b * 20-7,16,16); statusText.setText ( " White (first " CHESSWHITECOUNT " 2 " chesspoint_a " chesspoint_b ", please black chess"); ismouseenabled = false;} else {chessthread.sendMessage ("/" chesspeern / chess "

ChessPoint_a "" chessPoint_b "" color); this.add (chesspoint_white); chesspoint_white.setBounds (chessPoint_a * 20-7, chessPoint_b * 20-7,16,16); chessVictory (-1); isMouseEnabled = false; }}} public void netChessPaint (int chessPoint_a, int chessPoint_b, int color) {chessPoint_black chesspoint_black = new chessPoint_black (this); chessPoint_white chesspoint_white = new chessPoint_white (this); getLocation (chessPoint_a, chessPoint_b, color); if (color == 1 ) {Iswin = checkwin (chesspoint_a, chesspoint_b, color); if (iswin == false) {

this.add (chesspoint_black); chesspoint_black.setBounds (chessPoint_a * 20-7, chessPoint_b * 20-7,16,16); statusText.setText ( "black (the" chessBlackCount "step)" chessPoint_a "" chessPoint_b " , Please, please "); ismouseEnabled = true;} else {this.add; chesspoint_black.setbounds (checkpoint_a * 20-7, chesspoint_b * 20-7, 16, 16); chessvictory (1); ismouseenabled = True;}} else if (color == - 1) {iswin = checkwin (chesspoint_a, chesspoint_b, color); if (iswin == false) {this.add (checkpoint_white); chesspoint_white.setbounds (checkpoint_a * 20-7, Chesspoint_b * 20-7, 16, 16); Statustext.Settext ("White (Part 10 CHESSWHITET " Step) " ChessPoint_a " ChessPoint_B ", please black chess"); ismouseenabled = true;} else {chessthread. sendMessage ( "/" chessPeerName "/ victory" color); this.add (chesspoint_white); chesspoint_white.setBounds (chessPoint_a * 20-7, chessPoint_b * 20-7,16,16); chessVictory (-1); isMouseEnabled = True;} }} Public void mousepressed (E.GETMODIFIERS () == INPUTEVENT.BUTTON1_MASK) {chesspoint_x = (int) E.GETX (); chesspoint_y = (int) E.GETY (); int a = Chesspoint_x 10) / 20, b = (CHESSPOINT_Y 10) / 20; if (ChessPoint_x / 20 <2 || chesspoint_y / 20 <2 || chesspoint_x / 20> 19 || chesspoint_y / 20> 19) {} else { Chesspaint (a, b, chesscolor);}}}

public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseExited (MouseEvent e) {} public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {} public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {


Class Chesspoint_Black Extends Canvas Implements MouseListener {Chesspad ChessPad = Null; ChessPoint_Black (ChessPadpad P) {setsize (20, 20); chesspad = p; addmouseristener (this);}

Public Void Paint (Graphics G) {g.setcolor (; g.filloval (0,0,14,14);

Public void mousepressed (MouseEvent E) {// if (E.GETMODIFIERS () == INPUTEVENT.BUTTON3_MASK) // {// chesspad.remove (this); // chesspad.chesscolor = 1; // chesspad.text_2.setText (""); // chesspad.text_1.settext ("Please black chess"); //}} public void mousereleased (mouseEvent E) {} public void mouseentered (mouseEvent e) {} public void mouseexited (MouseEvent E) {} Public void mouseclicked (mouseevent e) {}}

Class ChessPoint_White Extends Canvas Implements MouseListener {Chesspad Chesspad = Null; ChessPoint_White (Chesspadpad P) {setsize (20, 20); addMouselistener (this); chesspad = p;}

Public void Paint (Graphics G) {g.setcolor (color.white); g.filloval (0,0,14,14);

Public void mousepressed (MouseEvent E) {// if (E.GETMODIFIERS () == INPUTEVENT.BUTTON3_MASK) // {// chesspad.remove (this); // chesspad.chesscolor = -1; // chesspad.text_2. SetText ("Please white flag"); // chesspad.text_1.settext (""); //}} public void mousereleased (mouseevent e) {} public void mouseentered (MouseEvent E) {} public void MouseExited (MouseEvent E) {} Public void mouseclicked (mouseEvent E) {// if (E.GetClickcount ()> = 2) // chesspad.remove (this);}} / ************** *********************************************************** ************************ Finally: *************************** *********************************************************** ********************** / Import *; import *; import java.awt. *; import java.util. * ; import java.awt.event *; class MessageServer extends Panel // implements ActionListener {TextArea messageBoard = new TextArea ( "", 22,50, TextArea.SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY); Label statusLabel = new Label ( "current connections:.", Label.Left; panel boardpanel = new panel (); panel statusPanel = New PANEL ();

MessageServer () {setSize (350,300); setBackground (; setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); boardPanel.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); boardPanel.setSize (210,210); statusPanel.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()) StatusPanel.setsize (210, 50); BoardPanel.Add (Messageboard); StatusPanel.Add (StatusLabel, BorderLayout.West); add (BoardPanel, BorderLayout.Center); add (statuspanel, borderlayout.north);}}

Class ServerThread Extends Thread {Socket ClientSocket; Hashtable ClientDataHash; Hashtable ClientNameHash; Hashtable Chesspeerhash; Messageserver Server

Boolean isclientclosed = false;

ServerThread {this.clientSocket = clientSocket; this.clientDataHash = clientDataHash; this.clientNameHash = clientNameHash; this.chessPeerHash = chessPeerHash; this.server = server;} (Socket clientSocket, Hashtable clientDataHash, Hashtable clientNameHash, Hashtable chessPeerHash, MessageServer server) public Void MessageTransfer (String Message) {String ClientName, PeerName

IF (message.startswith) {

IF ("/ changename")) {ClientName = message.substring (12); if (ClientName.Length () <= 0 || ClientName.length ()> 20 || ClientName.StartSwith ("/" ) || clientNameHash.containsValue (clientName) || clientName.startsWith ( "changename") || clientName.startsWith ( "list") || clientName.startsWith ( "[inchess]") || clientName.startsWith ( "creatgame" || ClientName.StartSwith ("Joingame") || ClientName.StartSwith ("YourName") || ClientName.StartSwith ("UserList") || ClientName.StartSwith ("Chess") || ClientName.StartSwith ("OK" || ClientName.StartSwith ("Reject") || ClientName.StartSwith ("peer") || ClientName.StartSwith ("peername") || ClientName.StartSwith ("giveup") || ClientName.StartSwith ("Youwin" ) || ClientName.StartSwith ("owner") {message = "invalid command"; feedback (message);} else {if (ClientNameha sh.containsValue (( "[inchess]" (String) clientNameHash.get (clientSocket)))) {synchronized (clientNameHash) {clientNameHash.put ((Socket) getHashKey (clientNameHash, ( "[inchess]" clientNameHash.get ("[inchess" ("[inchess" clientname), ("/ YourName" ("[inchess" ("[inchess)) (" [inchess)))

}} Else if (chessPeerHash.containsKey (clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))) {// change the name of the game client synchronized (clientNameHash) {clientNameHash.put ((Socket) getHashKey (clientNameHash, ( "[inchess]" clientNameHash. get (clientSocket))), ( "[inchess]" clientName));} synchronized (chessPeerHash) {// chessPeerHash add new name mapping chessPeerHash.put (clientName, chessPeerHash.get (clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))); // chesspeerhash Removes the old mapping chesspeerhash.remove (ClientNameHash.Get);} // Send a new name Chesspertalk to the game client ("[inchess" ClientName, ("/ YourName" ("[inchess) ] " ClientName)))))))); / / Send Cheer Game Client Send Chesspertalk (" / Peer "[inchess]" clientname));

} Else if (chessPeerHash.containsValue (clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))) {synchronized (clientNameHash) {// change the name of the game client clientNameHash.put ((Socket) getHashKey (clientNameHash, ( "[inchess]" clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))), ( "[inchess]" clientName));} synchronized (chessPeerHash) {// chessPeerHash remapping chessPeerHash.put ((String) getHashKey (chessPeerHash, clientNameHash.get (clientSocket)), clientName); / / Send a new name Chesspertalk to the game client, ("/ YourName" ("[inchess" " ClientName)))))));} // Send CheerTalk to the Peer Game Client ( (String) GetHashKey (CHESSPEERHASH, ClientName), ("/ Peer" "[inchess" clientname);


message = clientNameHash.get (clientSocket) "renamed:" clientName; synchronized (clientNameHash) {clientNameHash.put (clientSocket, clientName);} publicTalk (message); Feedback ( "/ yourname" (String) clientNameHash.get (clientsocket); publictalk (getUserList ());}

} Else if ("/ List")) {feedback (incount, ("/ creatgame [inchess)) {string chessservername = message.substring (20); synchronized (clientNameHash) {clientNameHash.put (clientSocket, message.substring (11));} synchronized (chessPeerHash) {chessPeerHash.put (chessServerName, "wait");} Feedback ( "/ yourname" clientNameHash.get (clientSocket) ); chessPeerTalk (chessServerName, "/ OK"); publicTalk (getUserList ());} else if (message.startsWith ( "/ joingame")) {StringTokenizer userToken = new StringTokenizer (message, ""); String getUserToken, serverName , SelfName; String [] CHESSNAMEOPT = {"0", "0"}; int getoptnum = 0;

while (userToken.hasMoreTokens ()) {getUserToken = (String) userToken.nextToken ( ""); if (getOptNum> = 1 && getOptNum <= 2) {chessNameOpt [getOptNum-1] = getUserToken;} getOptNum ;} serverName = Chessnameopt [0]; SelfName = CHESSNAMEOPT [1];

if (chessPeerHash.containsKey (serverName) && chessPeerHash.get (serverName) .equals ( "wait")) {synchronized (clientNameHash) {clientNameHash.put (clientSocket, ( "[inchess]" selfName));} synchronized (chessPeerHash ) {CHESSPEERHASH.PUT (ServerName, SelfName);} publictalk ("/ peer" [inchess); cheername, ("/ peer"); checkpertalk ("/ peer" ("/ peer" " [inchess] "} else {chesspertalk (SelfName," / reject "); try {clientclose ();} catch (exception ez) {}}} else if (message.startswith (" / [inchess] ")) {INT firstLocation = 0, lastlocation; LastLocation = message.indexof (" ", 0);

Peername = message.substring ((FirstLocation 1), lastlocation; message = message.substring (LastLocation 1)); if (Cheername, Message)) {feedback ("/ error");}} else (message.startsWith ( "/ giveup")) {String chessClientName = message.substring (8);!. if (chessPeerHash.containsKey (chessClientName) && ((String) chessPeerHash.get (chessClientName)) equals ( "wait") ) {chessPeerTalk ((String) chessPeerHash.get (chessClientName), "/ youwin"); synchronized (chessPeerHash) {chessPeerHash.remove (chessClientName);}} if (chessPeerHash.containsValue (chessClientName)) {chessPeerTalk ((String) getHashKey (ChessClientName), "/ youwin"); synchronized (chesspeerhash) {chesspeerhash.remove (string) GetHashKey (ChessClientName));}}} else {

INT firstLocation; LastLocation; LastLocation = message.indexof ("", 0); if (LastLocation == - 1) {feedback ("invalid command"); return;} else {peername = message.substring ((FirstLocation 1), LastLocation; Message = Message.Substring (LastLocation 1)); Message = (String) ClientNameHash.Get (ClientSocket) "> Message; IF (Peername, Message) {feedback (" Without this user: " peername " / n ");}}



else {message = clientNameHash.get (clientSocket) ">" message; server.messageBoard.append (message "/ n"); publicTalk (message);. server.messageBoard.setCaretPosition (server.messageBoard.getText () length ());


Public void publictalk (String publicTalkMessage) {

synchronized (clientDataHash) {for (Enumeration enu = clientDataHash.elements (); enu.hasMoreElements ();) {DataOutputStream outData = (DataOutputStream) enu.nextElement (); try {outData.writeUTF (publicTalkMessage);} catch (IOException es ) {Es.printstacktrace ();}}}


Public Boolean Pertalk (String Peertalk, String TalkMessage) {

For (Enumeration ENU = ClientDataHash.keys (); ENU.haASMoreElements ();) {socket userclient = (socket) ENU.NEXTELEMENT ();

if (peerTalk.equals ((String) clientNameHash.get (userClient)) &&! peerTalk.equals ((String) clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))) {synchronized (clientDataHash) {DataOutputStream peerOutData = (DataOutputStream) clientDataHash.get (userClient ); try {peerOutData.writeUTF (talkMessage);} catch (IOException es) {es.printStackTrace ();}} Feedback (talkMessage); return (false);} else if (peerTalk.equals ((String) clientNameHash.get (ClientSocket)) {feedback (TalkMessage); Return (false);}} Return (TRUE);


Public Boolean Chesspertalk (String ChesstalkMessage) {

For (Enumeration ENU = ClientDataHash.keys (); ENU.haASMoreElements ();) {socket userclient = (socket) ENU.NEXTELEMENT ();

if (chessPeerTalk.equals ((String) clientNameHash.get (userClient)) &&! chessPeerTalk.equals ((String) clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))) {synchronized (clientDataHash) {DataOutputStream peerOutData = (DataOutputStream) clientDataHash.get (userClient ); Try {peeroutdata.writeutf (chesstalkMessage);} catch (ioException es) {es.printstacktrace ();}} return (false);}} Return (TRUE)

public void Feedback (String feedbackString) {synchronized (clientDataHash) {DataOutputStream outData = (DataOutputStream) clientDataHash.get (clientSocket); try {outData.writeUTF (feedbackString);} catch (Exception eb) {eb.printStackTrace ();}}


Public string getUserList () {string userlist = "/ userlist";

for (Enumeration enu = clientNameHash.elements (); enu.hasMoreElements ();) {userList = userList "" (String) enu.nextElement ();} return (userList);} public Object getHashKey (Hashtable targetHash, Object hashValue ) {Object hashkey; for (enumeration ENU = targethash.keys (); enu.hasMoreElements ();) {hashkey = (object) ENU.NEXTELEMENT (); if (HashValue.Equals (Object) TargetHash.Get (havehkey) )) Return (hashkey);} return (null);

Public void firstcome () {publictalk (getUserList ()); feedback ("/ Yourname" (String) ClientNameHash.Get (ClientSocket)); Feedback ("Java Five Sports Chat Client"); feedback ("/ ChangeName - Change Name "); feedback (" / list - Update User List); feedback ("/ - private chat"); feedback ("Note: Use command Time, first set the object of the conversation as all people ");

public void clientClose () {server.messageBoard.append ( "OFF User:" clientSocket "/ n"); // if the game client host synchronized (chessPeerHash) {if (chessPeerHash.containsKey (clientNameHash.get (clientSocket ))) {chessPeerHash.remove ((String) clientNameHash.get (clientSocket));} if (chessPeerHash.containsValue (clientNameHash.get (clientSocket))) {chessPeerHash.put ((String) getHashKey (chessPeerHash, (String) clientNameHash .get (clientSocket)), "tobeclosed");}} synchronized (clientDataHash) {clientDataHash.remove (clientSocket);} synchronized (clientNameHash) {clientNameHash.remove (clientSocket);} publicTalk (getUserList ()); server.statusLabel .SETTEXT ("Current Number of Connections:" ClientDataHash.size ()); Try {ClientSocket.close ();} catch (} catch (ooException exx) {}

Isclodclosed = true;


public void run () {DataInputStream inData; synchronized (clientDataHash) {server.statusLabel.setText ( "current number of connections:" clientDataHash.size ());} try {inData = new DataInputStream (clientSocket.getInputStream ()); firstCome (); While {string message = indata.readutf (); messagetransfer (message);}} catch (ooException esx) {} finally {if (! Isclodclosed) {ClientClose ();}}}}}}}

Public class chessserver extends frame imports anctionsListener {

Button MessageClearButton = New Button; Button ServerStatusButton = New Button; Button ServeroffButton = New Button ("Off Server"); Panel ButtonPanel = New Panel ();

MessageServer server = new MessageServer (); ServerSocket serverSocket; Hashtable clientDataHash = new Hashtable (50); Hashtable clientNameHash = new Hashtable (50); Hashtable chessPeerHash = new Hashtable (50);

Chessserver () {Super ("Java Give Chess Server"); SetBackground;

buttonPanel.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); messageClearButton.setSize (60,25); buttonPanel.add (messageClearButton); messageClearButton.addActionListener (this); serverStatusButton.setSize (75,25); buttonPanel.add (serverStatusButton); serverStatusButton .addActionListener (this); ServeroffButton.setsize (75, 25); ButtonPanel.add (ServeroffButton); ServeroffButton.AddActionListener (this);

Add (; Add (ButtonPanel, BorderLayout.South);

AddWindowListener (new windowadapter () {applicationEvent e) {system.exit (0);}}); pack (); setvisible (true); setsize (400, 450); setResizable (false); validate (); TRY {makeMessageServer (4331, server);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println ( "e");}} public void makeMessageServer (int port, MessageServer server) throws IOException {Socket clientSocket; long clientAccessNumber = 1; this .server = server;

Try {serversocket = new serversocket (port); server.Messageboard.Settext ("Server starts at:" ServerSocket.getinetaddress (). getLocalHost () ":" ServerSocket.getlocalPort () "/ n");

While (true) {clientsocket = serversocket.accept (); server.Messageboard.Append ("User Connection:" ClientSocket "/ N");

DataOutputStream Outdata = New DataOutputStream (ClientSocket.getOutputStream ());

ClientDatahash.Put (ClientSocket, Outdata); ClientNamehash.Put (ClientSocket, ("New Tour" ClientAccessNumber );

ServerThread thread = New ServerThread (ClientSocket, ClientDatahash, ClientNamehash, Chesspeerhash, Server);

Thread.start ();}} catch (ooException ex) {system.out.println ("already has a server in run. / n");}


public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {if (e.getSource () == messageClearButton) {server.messageBoard.setText ( "");} if (e.getSource () == serverStatusButton) {try {server.messageBoard.append ("Server Information:" Serversocket.Getinetdress (). GetLocalHost () ":" ServerSocket.getlocalport () "/ n");} catch (Exception EE) {System.out.Println ("Serversocket.GetineTdRESS () .getlocalhost () error / n ");}} f (E.GetSource () == ServeroffButton) {system.exit (0);}} public static void main (string args []) {chessserver chessserver = new Chessserver ();}}


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