Boot.ini album

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  83

Windows may use Signature () syntax in the boot.ini file


After installing Windows, you may notice that the advanced RISC calculation (ARC) path item in the boot.ini file is started with the "Signature ()" syntax. E.g:

Signature (8B467C12) Disk (1) Rdisk (0) Partition (2) / Winnt = "Description"

Use Signature () syntax only when there is one of the following conditions:

• Bearing the system BIOS or controller installed with Windows start partitioning, INT-13 Extensions or disabled "INT-13 extension" option is disabled, and the partition with Windows is larger than ~ 7.8 Ji-byte (GB) or the partition The end cylindrical number is greater than 1024. • Installed with Windows drives to connect to their BIOS-disabled SCSI controller, so INT13 BIOS calls cannot be used during startup. For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

242518 Long Pause During Windows 2000 Startup Process (Suspension during the Windows 2000 boot process)

More information

Signature () syntax is equivalent to the SCSI () syntax, but the former is changed to support the plug-in structure in Windows. Since Windows is a plug-and-play operating system, SCSI controller number instances may be different each time you started Windows, especially when adding a new SCSI controller hardware after installation.

Using the Signature () syntax indicates that NTLDR locates the drive of its disk signature and the value of the value in parentheses, regardless of the number of the SCSI controller connected to the drive.

The Signature () value is extracted from the primary start record (MBR) of the physical disk. This unique hexadecimal number is either written in the MBR in the installed text mode section or writes when installing the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or earlier.

Note: If the disk signature in the MBR is rewritten (for example, by viral rewrite) or change (corrupted), it is no longer to match the Signature () value in the boot.ini file, it may be charged when you start your computer. To the following error message:

Windows 2000 could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.Could not read from selected boot disk.Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the Windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional Information.

- or -

Windows could not start because of the following ARC firmware boot configuration problem:. Did not properly generate ARC name for HAL and system paths.Please check the Windows documentation about ARC configuration options and your hardware reference manuals for additional information if you receive them For an error message, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base to help solve the problem:

119467 CREANG A BOOT Disk for An NTFS or FAT Partition (Create a launch disk for NTFS or FAT partition)

Since the SIGNATURE () syntax is replaced with the SCSI () syntax, the following requirements are also applicable: requires files named ntbootdd.sys in the root folder of the system partition so that the SCSI controller is addressed in the startup. This file is a specific SCSI port device driver for the SCSI adapter that you launched, it is renamed NTBootdd.sys and placed in the root folder of the system drive.

For additional information about the ARC name in the boot.ini file, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 Boot.ini and arc path naming conventions and usage (boot.ini and ARC path naming rules and usage)

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Server • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

The role of Boot.ini file in Windows XP


This article describes the role of the Boot.ini file and typical content.

More information

Windows uses the boot.ini file to determine which of the operating system options to display during the startup (boot) process. By default, Boot.ini is marked as read-only system files and usually do not require any manual modifications.

If you need to change this file, use the System tool in Control Panel:

1. Click the Start button, click the Control Panel, and then double-click the system. 2. Click the Advanced tab and click Settings under Startup and Fault Recovery. Typically, the Boot.ini file contains the following data:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT" / Nodebug C: / = "Previous Operating System On C: /"

The following list describes the meaning of data in the Boot.ini file:

• "Timeout" Specifies the time of Windows waits until you select the default operating system • Specify the default operating system. • "SCSI (0) indicates the main controller (usually also a unique controller) responsible for this device. If there are two SCSI controllers and the disk is associated with the second controller, the second controller is called "SCSI (1)". If the system uses IDE, enhanced IDE (EIDE) or enhanced small device interface (ESDI) drive, or if the system does not have a SCSI adapter that does not have a built-in BIOS, "SCSI" is replaced with "Multi". • "Disk" refers to the SCSI logic unit (LUN) to use. It can be a stand-alone disk, but most SCSI settings have only one LUN for each SCSI ID. • "RDisk (0) refers to" Partition (1) "in this example is a unique partition on the first drive in the computer. If there are two partitions (C and D), the partition C is partition (1), the partition D is Partition (2). • Parameters containing multiple boot mode (if any) requires checking the Winnt folder to boot from the specified SCSI controller's disk and partition. • "/ nodebug" Specifies that no debugging information is not monitored. The debugging information is only useful to program developers. • You can add / sos option to display the driver name when loading the driver. By default, the OS Loader screen only shows the progress point. • "Previous Operating System On C: /" means "Previous Operating System" is MS-DOS because "C: /" is the MS-DOS path. The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

Windows XP and Windows Server 2003's Boot.ini file available switch options


You can add different switches to the boot.ini file to modify the startup method of Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 Boot.ini and ARC path naming agreement and usage

More information

The following switches can be added to the Boot.ini file.

Note: These switches apply to Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 unless otherwise specified.

/ Basevideo

/ basevideo switches enforce the system into standard 640x480 16-color VGA mode by using a video driver compatible with all video adapters. This switch allows you to load the system when you select an error or refresh frequency. Please put the switch with

The / SOS switch is used together. If a new video driver is installed, the driver is not working properly, and this parameter can be used to start the operating system. Then you can delete, update, or roll back to a problematic video driver.

/ Baudrate = Number This switch sets the baud rate for debug ports for kernel debugging. For example, you can enter

/ baudrate = 9600. When a modem is connected, the default baud rate is 9,600 kilobits per second (Kbps). When using a non-modulated demodulator cable, the default baud rate is 115,200 kbps. 9,600 is the normal rate of remote debugging through the modem. If the switch exists in the boot.ini file, automatically enable

/ Debug switch.

For additional information about the modem configuration, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

148954 How to use a modem to set a remote debugging session

For additional information about non-modem connection configuration, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 151981 How to use a non-modulated demodulator cable to establish a remote debugging session

/ CrashDebug This switch loads the kernel debugger when the operating system is started. The switch will remain inactive until a STOP message error occurs.

/ CrashdeBug Switch is very useful for processing random core errors. Use this switch to use a COM port as usual in Windows. When Windows fails, the switch will convert the port to the debug port. (This action will start remote debugging.)

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

151981 How to establish a remote debugging session using a non-modulated demodulator cable

/ debug This switch opens the kernel debugger when Windows is started. If you want to open a Windows system real-time remote debugging function via the COM port, the switch can be activated at any time by the host debugger connected to the computer. versus

/ Crashdebug switches are different,

/ debug will use a COM port regardless of whether it is debugging. This switch can be used when you debug regularly.

For additional information about remote debugging, click the following article number to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

121543 Setting Remote Debugging

/ debugport = COMNUMBER This switch specifies the communication port used as the debug port, of which

Number is a communication port that wants to use, such as COM1. By default, such as the COM2 port exists,

/ Debugport will use the COM2 port. Otherwise, the switch will use COM1. If the switch is included in the boot.ini file,

The / debug switch will be activated.

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

151981 How to establish a remote debugging session using a non-modulated demodulator cable

/ maxmem = Number This switch specifies the maximum RAM that Windows can use. Do not set this parameter below 12. This parameter can be used to verify that the memory chip has failed. For example, you have a 128 MB system with two 64 MB RAM modules. If you appear related to the STOP message, you can enter

/ MAXMEM = 64. If the computer is able to start Windows and operate normally, you can replace the first module to see if this problem can be solved.

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

108393 MAXMEM option in Windows NT Boot.ini file

/ NOGUIBOOT This switch displays a bitmap of the progress bar when Windows starts. (The progress bar appears before the login prompt.)

/ Nodebug This switch off debug function. If there is a hardware debug break point in a program code, the program may cause a STOP error.

/ NumProc = Number This switch sets the number of processors used when Windows starts. With this switch, you can force a multiprocessor system to use only the specified quantity (

Number's processor. This switch can help you solve performance issues and problems with defective CPUs.

/ PCILock For X86-based systems, the switch prevents the operating system from dynamically assigning hardware input, hardware output, and interrupt request resources for the Peripheral Connect Interface (PCI) device. These devices will be configured by BIOS after using this switch.

/ FASTDETECT: COMNUMBER This switch will turn off the file to the detection function of serial mouse and bus mouse on the specified port. This switch can be used if you connect components other than the mouse on the serial port during the startup process. For example, input / fastdetect: COMNUMBER, where

Number is a serial port number. A comma can be separated by multiple port numbers to close more than one port. If used

/ FASTDETECT but does not specify a communication port, the serial mouse detection function on all communication port will be turned off.

Note: In the early versions of Windows NT 4.0, the switch is named


For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

131976 How to disable device detection on serial port


The / SOS switch displays its name when the device driver is loaded. By default, the Windows Loader screen shows only the progress point. You can use the switch to

The / basevideo switch is used with a driver that causes a fault.

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

99743 Function of Boot.ini files in Windows 2000 or Windows NT

/ PAE Use the / PAE switch in Boot.ini and the corresponding entry to allow the computer that supports the physical address extension (PAE) mode to start normally. Under "Security Mode", even if the / PAE switch is specified, the computer is also started using the normal kernel.

/ HAL = filename uses this switch to define the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) actually loaded during the startup process. For example, enter

/Hal=halmps.dll Loads the halmps.dll in the System32 folder. This switch can be used to test a different HAL before renameting the file as HAL.DLL. In addition, the switch is also useful when you try to switch between multiproof mode starts and single processor mode startup. To this end, please turn the switch with

The / kernel switch is used together.

/ kernel = filename Using this switch, you can define the kernel actually loaded during the startup process. For example, enter

/kernel=ntkrnlmp.exe loads NTKRNLMP.EXE in the System32 folder. With this switch, you can switch between the kernel of the full load debug code that has enabled the debug function and the normal kernel.

/ bootLog This switch opens the launch logging function, start the log being recorded

SystemRoot / ntbtlog.txt file. For more information on starting logs, see Windows Help.

/ BurnMemory = Number This switch specifies the number of memory (in megabytes) that Windows cannot be used. This parameter can be used to determine performance issues or other issues related to RAM consumption. For example, enter

/ BurnMemory = 128 Reduces the physical memory available for Windows by 128 MB.

/ 3GB In the X86-based system, the switch enforces the user program to assign 3 GB of virtual address space to assign 1 GB virtual address space for the kernel and executable components. The user program must be able to take advantage of additional memory address spaces. With this switch, the user mode program can access 3 GB of memory instead of usually the 2 GB of memory that is typically allocated to the user mode program. The switch moves the lax position of the kernel to 3 GB. Some Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 configuration may require the switch.

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 823440 You must use / 3GB parameters when installing Exchange Server 2003 in a Windows Server 2003-based system

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

171793 Information about 4GT RAM Tuning

/ SafeBoot: Parameter This switch enables Windows to start under "safe mode". This switch uses the following parameters:

• Minimal • Network • Safeboot: minimal (Alternateshell)

/ SafeBoot: Parameter parameter can be used in conjunction with other Boot.ini parameters. The following example gives the parameters actually used when selecting a different "Security Mode" option from the startup recovery menu.

• Safety mode with network connections / SafeBoot: Minimal / Sos / BootLog / NOGUIBOOT • Safety mode with network connections / Safeboot: Network / Sos / bootlog / NOGUIBOOT • Safety mode with command line prompts / SafeBoot: minimal (alternateshell) / SOS / Bootlog / NOGUIBOOT


/ SOS,

/ bootlog and

The / NOGUIBOOT switch is not required in these settings, but plus these switches will help to troubleshoot. These switches will be adopted when you press the F8 key and select a mode.

/ Userva can use this switch to customize the amount of memory assigned to the process when using the / 3GB switch. This switch allows more page table entries (PTE) kernel memory while still retaining nearly 3 GB of process memory space.

For additional information on how to use the / userva switch, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

316739 How to use the / userva switch in the Boot.ini file / 3GB configuration

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

810371 XADM: Used / Userva parameters on Exchange Servers based on Windows 2003 Server

323427 How to manually edit the boot.ini file in the Windows Server 2003 environment

317526 How to edit boot.ini files in Windows Server 2003

317521 bootcfg command and its usage

289022 How to edit boot.ini files in Windows XP

291980 bootcfg command and its use discussion

/ Redirect can use this switch to start emergency management services (EMS) on a computer based on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. For additional information about EMS, search for "Emergency Management Services" in Windows Help and Support.

To enable EMS by editing Boot.ini in x86-based computers, you need to edit the "[Boot Loader]" and "[Operating Systems]" section of the Boot.ini file. To do this, configure the following entry:

• In the [Boot Loader] section, add one of the following statements: redirect = COMX In this statement, use one of the following COM port numbers to replace x:





Redirect = UsebiSsettings This statement allows the BIOS of the computer to determine the COM port used by the EMS. • In the [Boot Loader] section, add the following optional statement: redirectbaudrate = baudRate replaces the BAUDRATE: 9600 with one of the following values: 9600




By default, EMS uses 9600 kbps baud rate settings. • In the [Operating Systems] section, add / redirect options in the operating system entry you want to configure using the EMS. The following example demonstrates the use of these switches: [Boot Loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

Redirect = COM1

RedirectBaudrate = 19200

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) Rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003, Enterprise" / FastDetect

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003, EMS" / FastDetect / Redirect

/ channel with

/ Debug switch and

The / debugport switch uses this switch to configure Windows to send debug information through Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) 1394 port. To support debugging through 1394, the participating computers must run Microsoft Windows XP or higher. The 1394 port has a maximum of 63 independent communication channel numbers from 0 to 62. Different hardware implementation supports different number channels in a bus. There is still up to 4 target computers on Windows XP. But this limit has been canceled in Windows Server 2003. To perform a debugging, select a common channel number to use on a computer (ie, a host) that runs the debugger and the computer you need to debug (ie, the target computer). Any number from 1 to 62 can be used.

Configuring target computers

1. Edit the boot.ini file, add / channel = x option to the operating system entry of the configured debug function. Replace X with the channel number you want to use. For example, configure the "[Operating Systems]" section of the Boot.ini file into the following settings: [boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) DISK (0) PARTIN (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003, Enterprise" / FastDetect / Debug / debugport = 1394 / channel = 32. Insert 1394 cable into any 1394 port. 3. Disable 1394 main controllers on the target computer. To do this, open "Device Manager" and right-click the device and click Disable. 4. Restart your computer.

Configure the host

1. Insert the 1394 cable into any 1394 port. 2. Install the kernel debugger binary file. 3. Open a command prompt window. Enter each of the following command to press Enter.


SET_NT_DEBUG_1394_Channel = Xkd -k

4. Move to a folder installed with a kernel debugger, enter the following command:


A 1394 virtual driver will be installed when the debugger is started for the first time. The driver allows the debugger to communicate with the target computer. To successfully install this driver, you must log in with administrator privileges.

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

Modify the boot.ini file

Riann Ba? EZ from Los Angeles City, California

Windows XP mainly depends primarily on the Boot.ini file to determine the computer category that the computer is displayed during the restart (boot) process. Boot.ini is set to implicit and system file properties in the default state, and is identified as read-only files.

Do you have continuously modified Boot.ini files? To ensure that the Folder Options (Folder Item) is enabled in Windows Explorer and selects the cost of the show hidden files and folders on the View menu. Do you feel tired? What's more, have you forgotten the read-only properties that you have before you edit the document?

You can perform editing operations with the command line tool bootcfg.exe for the Boot.ini file. You can modify the system waiting time (Windows waiting for the time waiting for the default operating system) and add a new option on the existing basis.

To start the bootcfg.exe tool, do the following steps:

Click Start and Run and enter the CMD in the RUN dialog. Enter bootcfg.exe in the command line state. Execute the bootcfg.exe / "command to view the relevant parameters.

Safety mode launch switch for Windows Boot.ini files


Windows has a safe mode startup feature. To use this feature, press the F8 key during startup, then select the security mode startup method you want to use. You can also use some switches to provide any of the modes in the boot.ini file. This may be required when you often use some startup mode or need to make a process automatically.

More information

Safety mode startup methods and corresponding switches include:

• Mode: Security Mode Switch: / SafeBoot: Minimal / Sos / BootLog / NOGUIBOOT • Mode: Security Mode Switch with Network Connection: / SafeBoot: Network / Sos / BootLog / NOGUIBOOT • Mode: Security Mode Switch with Command Row Tips: / saveboot: minimal (alternateshell) / SOS / BootLog / NOGUIBOOT • Mode: Enable startup log switch: / bootLog • Mode: Enable VGA mode switch: / basevideo • Mode: Directory Service Recovery mode (for domain controller) Switch: / saFeboot: DSREPAIR / SOS • Mode: Debug mode switch: / debug Sets an example boot.ini file for the "Safety Mode" switch for network connection

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) disc (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect / Safeboot: Minimal (Alternateshell)

Remarks: / SOS / BootLog / NOGUIBOOT switch is not required for any settings, but they can be used to troubleshoot. If you press the F8 key and select one of the modes, these switches are included.

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 PROFESSIONAL Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition

How to use the / userva switch Optimization / 3GB configuration in the boot.ini file

This article discusses a test version of Microsoft products. The information in this article is provided as it is provided, if there is any change, no notice.

Microsoft does not provide formal product support for this beta product. For information on how to get the beta support, see the document included in the beta product file, or view the Web location downloaded this version.

This page

Summary More Information


In the Windows Server 2003 series, you can use

/ Userva = xxxx switch more accurately optimizes user and kernel virtual memory space. In the boot.ini file, this new switch is

/ 3GB switch is used together, you can optimize the size of the user mode space to 2 GB (Gigabit) to 3 GB, difference (3,072 minus)

XXXX) Restores as kernel mode. note,

XXXX is in a megabyte (MB).

The following example boot.ini file explains how to use this new switch to optimize your computer, assign 2,900 MB space for user mode virtual memory, assign 1,196 MB space for kernel mode virtual memory. This increases the available kernel space by 172 MB:

[Boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (2) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (2) / Winnt = "Microsoft Server" / FastDetect / 3GB / Userva = 2900 More information

/ userva = xxxx switch aims to make user mode space required for 2 GB but not

The program manufacturer of all space provided by the / 3GB switch can more accurately optimize the user mode address space. (Note that only use

The / 3GB switch will assign 1 GB to the kernel mode space to assign 3 GB to the user mode space. ) By reducing usually

/ 3GB switch allocated user mode space, Windows adds the available core memory address space. This additional kernel mode address space will be retained and used as the additional address space of the PTE when the system's page table item (PTE) is insufficient. This address space is assigned to the PTE until the system's PTE space is insufficient.

In order to ensure the stability of the program and the stability of Windows, the program manufacturer must use the above optimization method to fully test the program and must provide programs.

/ Userva = xxxx number. To facilitate testing, manufacturers can use the System Monitor tool to monitor the use of virtual addresses. To do this, "Virtual Ball" counters should be added to enable the program's process to get accurate virtual space reading.

Remarks: Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) does not support any

/ Userva settings; customers can only add this setting to the boot.ini file according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

For additional information about / 3GB switches, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

171793 Information ON Application Use of 4gt Ram Tuning (information about the actual 4GT RAM optimization)

189293 Enabling 4GT Ram Tuning When You Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition (Enable 4GT RAM Optimization when using Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition)

On a computer with a large amount of memory, Windows Server 2003 no longer limits the system pane pool to 160 MB. Because the paging pool is not limited, when the computer

The / 3GB switch runs, you may be able to release the additional kernel mode address space by limiting the size of the system paging pool to use as the PTE space.

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition

Boot.ini and ARC path naming agreement and usage


This article explains the Advanced RISC Calculation (ARC) specification for defining an agreement based on the Intel X86 processor and the Windows NT installation path on a RISC-based computer. This article includes the following sections:

• Comparison of X86-based ARC paths and RISC-based ARC paths • Multi (x) and SCSI (X) syntax and applications • X86-based ARC path and RISC-based ARC path example

Based on X86's ARC path and RISC-based ARC path comparison for X86-based computers, use a line in the Boot.ini file to explain the path to each Windows NT installation; however, for RISC-based computers, you need to firmware The start options use four rows to point to a single Windows NT installation. If there are multiple Windows NT installations on the X86-based computer, there is an ARC path for each installation, Boot.ini. In the startup process, a startup menu prompt will be displayed for you to select the installation you want to start. The ARC path is displayed in two basic forms: a form is to begin with a MULTI (), and the other is to start with SCSI (). On the X86-based computer, use these two forms; but on the RISC computer, only SCSI () forms are used:

The X86-based computer is below two ordinary examples, which represent the possible boot.ini ARC path, respectively:

Multi (x) disk (y) rdisk (z) partition (w) /

- or -

SCSI (X) Disk (Y) RDisk (z) Partition (W) /

Where, x, y, z, and w are numbers identifying their left items.

Using the above two Arc path examples, Windows NT can find% systemroot% directory to complete the startup process by loading files residing in this directory. For additional information, see the "Difference between Multi (X) and SCSI (X) syntax and application" section below.

Based on RISC-based computers require firmware to point to different regions of the system based on RISC, the ARC path installed by a single Windows NT installation consists of four definitions containing ARC paths (with this, on the X86-based computer, ARC Path definitions only contain one line). Each ARC path behind each of these four definitions is started with SCSI () followed by the definition name:

SystemPartition SCSI (X) Disk (Y) RDisk (z) partition (w)

Osloader SCSI (X) Disk (Y) RDisk (z) Partition (w) / OS / / OSLOADER.EXE

OsloadPartition SCSI (X) Disk (Y) RDisk (z) partition (w)

OsloadFileName /

The following will explain the various rows in the above four-line definition groups.

Definition 1 (SystemPartition):

Define SystemPartition (it is the path to the small file allocation table (FAT) partition stored by Osloader.exe and Hal.exe:

SCSI (X) Disk (Y) Rdisk (z) partition (w)

Definition 2 (Oslineer):

Define the path to the OSLoader file. It is the same as systemPartition, but it contains a path descriptor:

SCSI (X) Disk (Y) RDisk (z) Partition (W) / OS / / OSLOADER.EXE

Where indicates the directory where Osloader.exe is located.

Definition 3 (OsloadPartition):

Define the startup partition containing the rest of the Windows NT system file:

SCSI (X) Disk (Y) Rdisk (z) partition (w)

Definition 4: Defines the name of the Windows NT installation directory (WinNT_Dir) (without your belt):


The difference between MULTI (X) and SCSI (X) syntax and applications

MULTI (X) Syntax Multi (X) syntax forms of ARC paths are only used on X86-based computers. In Windows NT 3.1, this path is only valid for IDE and ESDI drives; in Windows NT versions 3.5, 3.51, and 4.0, it is valid for the SCSI drive.

Multi () syntax indicates to Windows NT It should rely on computer BIOS to load system files. This means that the operating system will use the Interrupt (int) 13 BIOS call to find and load NToskrnl.exe and to start any other files required to start Windows NT.

Parameters X, Y, Z and W have the following meaning:

• x is the serial number of the adapter and should always be 0 (for reasons, see below). • If the ARC path begins with a MULTI (), Y always is 0 (zero) because MULTI () requests INT 13 call as described above, and thus does not require Disk () parameter information. • Z is the serial number of the disk on the adapter and is usually between 0 and 3. • W is the partition number. All partitions have a number except the type 5 (MS-DOS Extension Partition) and Type 0 (unused) partition, and first is the main partition number, and then the logical drive number. Note: The first valid number of W is 1; with this, X, Y, and Z start with 0 (zero). In theory, you can use this syntax to start Windows NT on any drive in the system. However, this needs to be correctly identified all drives through standard INT 13 interface; because the support of this is different from the disk controller, most system BIOS only identifies a single disk controller through int 13, so only the following How to use is safe: Start Windows NT from the first two drives connected to the main drive controller, or, if the primary disk controller is a dual channel EIDE controller, then from the connected to the main drive controller. Windows NT is started in the first four drives.

In the pure IDE system, the MULTI () syntax will work with up to four drives on the main channel of the dual-channel controller and the auxiliary channel.

In the pure SCSI system, the MULTI () syntax will work on the first SCSI controller (that is, the controller of the BIOS first loaded).

In the SCSI and IDE hybrid systems, the MULTI () syntax will only work on the IDE drive on the first controller.

SCSI (X) Syntax SCSI () syntax applies to RISC-based computers and X86-based computers, and applies to all versions of Windows NT. Using the SCSI () symbol indicates that Windows NT will load a boot device driver and use the driver to access the startup partition.

On the x86-based computer, the device driver used is NTBootdd.sys, which is located in the root directory of the system drive (typically drive C), and is a copy of the device driver of the drive controller used.

On the RISC computer, in accordance with the RISC specification, place the driver in the firmware, so no files are required.

When using the SCSI () syntax, parameters x, y, z, and w have the following meanings: • X is the adapter serial number identified by the NTBootdd.sys driver. • Y is the SCSI ID of the target disk. • Z is the SCSI logic unit number (LUN) of the target disk. This number is almost 0 (zero). • W is the partition number. All partitions have a number except the type 5 (MS-DOS Extension Partition) and Type 0 (unused) partition, and first is the main partition number, and then the logical drive number. Note: The first effective number of W is 1; with this, X, Y and Z start from 0. When using the SCSI () symbol, the value of X depends on NTBootdd.sys. Each SCSI driver under Windows NT has its own controller number, although they generally follow the BIOS's loading order on the controller (provided BIOS loaded).

Also, if you have multiple controllers that use different device drivers, you should only consider those controllers controlled by ntbootdd.sys when they determine the value of the X parameter. For example, if you have an Adaptec 2940 controller (which uses driver AIC78XX.sys) and an Adaptec 1542 controller (it uses AHA154X.sys), X will always be 0. The ntbootdd.sys file will be changed:

• If you load Windows NT from the drive on the ADAPTEC 2940, ntbootdd.sys will be a copy of AIC78xx.sys. • If you load Windows NT from the drive on the ADAPTEC 1542, ntbootdd.sys will be a copy of AHA154X.SYS.

An example of a valid ARC path based on the ARC path based on X86 and RISC. The first two examples are the ARC path based on the x86. Example 3 A single start-up entry is taken from the computer based on DEC ALPHA AXP 150 RISC, but it should be correct for all RISC-based computers with similar drive configurations.

Note: If you have multiple ARC paths in the boot.ini file as shown below, you have multiple different SCSI adapters in your computer, you must first put the corresponding SCSI driver first. Copy the ntbootdd.sys file in the root directory of the system partition (typically drive C), and then shut down to start from the Windows NT installation that resides on the drive connected to other SCSI controllers. This is because NTBootdd.sys always resides on the system partitions no matter which drive remains in another Windows NT installation.

Example 1: Multiple SCSI controllers This is an example of X86-based computers installed with the following drives and controllers:

• Two Adaptec 2940 SCSI controllers, each with two 1 GB hard drive, located in ID 0 and 1, respectively. • A Adaptec 1542 SCSI disk controller with two 1 GB hard drive, located in ID 0 and 4, respectively. Each hard drive has a primary partition that is 1 GB. To better explain the example, these partitions are numbered from 1 to 6, wherein the partitions 1 and 2 identify the disk 1 and 2 connected to the Adaptec 2940 controller, the partitions 3, and 4 identifiers are connected to the second Adaptec 2940 controller. Disks, partitions 5 and 6 are located on disk connected to Adaptec 1542. A path in the following ARC path will appear in Boot.ini according to the partition you use to install Windows NT. This example assumes that Windows NT is installed in a directory called Winnt35: WINDOWS NT installed in the corresponding ARC path.

Partition 1 (located on the first Adaptec 2940) Multi (0) Disk (0) Rdisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Partition 2 (on the first Adaptec 2940) Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (1) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Partition 3 (located on the second Adaptec 2940) SCSI (1) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Partition 4 (located on the second Adaptec 2940) SCSI (1) Disk (1) Rdisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Partition 5 (on Adaptec 1542) SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Partition 6 (on Adaptec 1542) SCSI (0) Disk (4) Rdisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Remarks: For partitions 3 and 4, ntbootdd.sys is a copy of AIC78xx.sys; for partitions 5 and 6, ntbootdd.sys is a copy of AHA154X.sys. If your NTBootdd.sys file is a copy of the AIC78xx.sys driver, you can use the following paths to replace the Arc paths of the partitions 1 and 2:

WINDOWS NT installed in the corresponding ARC path

Partition 1 (on the first Adaptec 294) SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt35

Partition 2 (located on the first Adaptec 294) SCSI (0) Disk (1) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

However, the Windows NT installer always uses the multi () syntax for this one drive.

Example 2: Mixed IDE and SCSI Environment This is an example in which the following drives and controllers are installed, and X86-based computers:

• A dual channel EIDE controller with three sizes of 1 GB of drivers, where two drives are located on the main channel and another drive is located on the auxiliary channel. • An Adaptec 2940 SCSI controller, only a hard drive having a size of 4 GB only in ID 3. Each of these three EIDE drivers has a partition size of 1 GB, while the SCSI drive has four partitions that are 1 GB. To better explain the present example, these partitions are numbered from 1 to 7, wherein the partitions 1 and 2 identify the magnetic disk 1 and 2 on the main passage of the EIDE controller, and the partition 3 is located on the second channel, partition 4, 5 6 and 7 are located on the SCSI drive. Depending on the partition you use to install Windows NT, one of the following ARC paths will appear in Boot.ini. This example assumes that Windows NT is installed in a directory called Winnt35: WINDOWS NT installed in the corresponding ARC path.

Partition 1 (Main EIDE Channel) Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt35

Partition 2 (Main EIDE Channel) Multi (0) Disk (0) Rdisk (1) Partition (1) / Winnt35

Partition 3 (Auxiliary EIDE Channel) Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (2) Partition (1) / WinNT35

Partition 4 (on Adaptec 2940) SCSI (0) Disk (3) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt35

Partition 5 (on Adaptec 2940) SCSI (0) Disk (3) Rdisk (0) Partition (2) / WinNT35

Partition 6 (on Adaptec 294) SCSI (0) Disk (3) RDisk (0) Partition (3) / Winnt35

Partition 7 (on Adaptec 2940) SCSI (0) Disk (3) RDisk (0) Partition (4) / Winnt35

Note: Loading Windows NT from partitions 4 to 7 requires NTBootdd.sys files are a copy of AIC78xx.sys.

Example 3: The startup variable on the DEC Alpha Ax 10 is on the RISC computer, defines all startup paths through the firmware. When you create a new startup entry for the RISC computer, the firmware will provide you with a range of prompts to help you correctly define the path; therefore, you will never have to be directly available unless you are editing the startup entry that no longer works. Edit the ARC path on the RISC computer.

The following example is the startup entry on the DEC Alpha Axp 150, which has a single hard drive, which is located in ID 0 and is partitioned as follows:

• A system partition with a size of 4 MB. • A startup partition with a size of 396 MB. Windows NT is installed in the directory named WINNT35 on the startup partition; the name of the OSLoader directory is also OS / WinNT35, but it is located on the system partition. The start-up entry has the following values:

SystemPartition SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1)

Osloader SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) /OS/winnt35/osphoter.exe

OsloadPartition SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (2)

OsloadFileName / WinNT35

The information in this article applies to: • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Developer Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1

Lost from the startup menu in a multi-launch computer


After installing Windows XP on a multi-started computer, one of the installed operating systems may be lost from the boot menu and the boot.ini file (the file is the source of the startup menu). The result is caused to be unable to start the operating system.

Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows Millennium (ME), Microsoft Windows Millennium (ME), Microsoft Windows 95, or Microsoft Windows 95 is also installed on the computer.


To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods to add a lost operating system to the startup menu:

• Use the bootcfg / review command in the failed recovery console. • Edit the boot.ini file manually.

Use the bootcfg / recuild command in the fault recovery console

Note: If the hard disk does not have enough free space to install the fault recovery console, or if you do not want to install the fault recovery console, the startup order in the computer BIOS is set to include the installation CD function, you can start Load the fault recovery console when a computer. Insert a Windows XP installation disc in a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then press the R key in the Welcome Setup screen. For additional information about using the Windows XP failure recovery console, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

314058 Description of Windows XP Fault Recovery Console

307654 How To: Fault Recovery Console for Installing and Using Windows XP

For additional information about the bootcfg command, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

291980 bootcfg command and its use discussion

The following steps assume that the computer has the following settings, and Windows XP is the operating system that is lost from the startup menu and the boot.ini file:

• Windows ME is installed on the first (main) partition. • Windows 2000 Advanced Server is installed on the logical drive on the second (extension) partition. • Windows XP is installed on another (main) partition.

1. Log in into the Windows 2000 Advanced Server on your computer as an administrator. 2. Click Start, click Run, type the following command (where e represents the drive letter of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive), then press ENTER:

E: / i386 / winnt32 / cmdcons

3. Restart your computer. When the startup menu appears, select the Microsoft Windows Fault Recovery Console. 4. Select Option 1 to log in to the installed Windows 2000 Advanced Server. 5. If you do not enable an administrator password to log in, type the administrator password. 6. Type the command below, press Enter: Bootcfg / Rebuild

The following information will appear: Total Identified Windows Installs: 2

[1]: D: / WinNT

Add Install to Boot List (YES / NO / ALL)

Choose "Y" (ENTER)



[2]: f: / windows

Add Installation to Boot List? (YES / NO / ALL) Choose "N"

(Optional) To view the boot.ini file and verify that an entry is added correctly to the startup menu, type the following command, then press Enter:

Type boot.ini

The following example shows the appearance of the boot.ini file before running the bootcfg / rebuild command: [boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (2) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (2) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect

C: / = "Microsoft Windows"

The following example shows the picture of the boot.ini file after running the bootcfg / rebuild command: [boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (3) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (3) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (2) / Windows = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / FastDetect

C: /cmdcons/bootsect.dat= "Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" / cmdcons

C: / = "Microsoft Windows"

Note that the Advanced RISC Computing Specification (ARC) path now includes Windows XP and Fault Recovery Console. 7. Type an exit exit The fault recovery console. The computer will automatically restart and display the updated startup menu:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

Microsoft Windows Fault Recovery Console

Microsoft Windows

The default operating system is now the entry you just added ("Microsoft Windows XP Professional") is now available. 8. (Optional) You can specify the default startup operating system in the multi-boot computer by using the System and Fault Recovery settings. Follow these steps: a. Right-click on my computer, then click Properties, or launch the Control Panel, start the Performance and Maintenance tool, and then click System. b. On the Advanced tab, click Settings under Startup and Fault Recovery. c. Select the default operating system from the drop-down menu under the system startup. This operating system will list the first list on the startup menu and is an operating system that the computer starts after the timeout expires.

Manually edit the boot.ini file If you are unable to access the failed recovery console, you can edit the boot.ini file manually, according to the first section of this article, perform the same changes. Specifically, you must provide an ARC path to specify the operating system that is lost from the startup menu. For additional information about the ARC path, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 Boot.ini and ARC path naming agreement and usage

For additional information about editing a boot.ini file in Windows XP, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

289022 How to: Edit boot.ini files in Windows XP


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Microsoft products listed in this article.

More information

Bootcfg.exe is a fault recovery console utility that can fix or rebuild the Boot.ini file, but it does not detect Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating systems.

For additional information about Boot.ini files, fault recovery console, and related issues, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

314081 The role of the boot.ini file in Windows XP

170756 Available Switch Options for Windows NT Boot.ini File

227704 Windows may use Signature () syntax in the boot.ini file

234048 How Windows 2000 Assigns, RESERVES, AND Stores Drive Letters

229077 Mirroring Prevents Pre-Installing The Recovery Console

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

Create a boot disk for NTFS or FAT partitions


This article describes how to create a Windows boot disk on a computer based on the Intel X86 processor to access the launch order.

Remarks: The steps based on RISC-based computer are different, and this article does not introduce.

The Windows boot disk can access a drive installed with a Windows NT File System (NTFS) or File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. The process in this article is useful for solving the following startup problems:

• The start sector is corrupted. • The main start record (MBR) is corrupt. •virus infection. • Lost or damage NTLDR or • NTBootdd.sys driver is incorrect. • The boot disk can also be used to start from image captured image, although this may need to change the Boot.ini file. The Windows boot disk cannot be used to solve the following questions:

• The device driver already installed in the Windows system directory is not correct or corrupted. • The startup problem that occurs after the OsLoader screen. To resolve or fix these issues, run an emergency repair disk, load the last correct control set, or reinstall Windows if necessary. How to create a Windows boot disk Windows floppy disk must include file NTLDR (setupldr.bin in Windows NT 3.5),, Boot.ini, and hard drives.

Note: NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM and BOOT.INI file file properties are usually set to "System", "Hide" and "Read". You don't need to reset these properties that the disk will work properly. For additional information about the Boot.ini file structure, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 Boot.ini and arc path naming convention and usage (Boot.ini and ARC path naming conventions and usage)

To create a Windows boot disk, use one of the following methods:

Method 1: If you cannot access a computer running Windows

1. Use the diskcopy command to create a copy of the Windows first installation disk, then delete all the files on the new disk. 2. Copy the and NTLDR files from the I386 folder on the CD-ROM to the new disk. 3. Rename the NTLDR file as "setupldr.bin". 4. Create a boot.ini file. The following example is applicable to the single-partition SCSI drive that is installed under / Winnt; however, the exact value in the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows system to be started:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT"

If the computer is started from the IDE, EIDE, and ESDI hard drives or SCSI adapters that do not have a built-in BIOS, use MULTI (0) to replace SCSI (0). Note: If you run Windows NT 3.5 or 3.51, and the system is started from the first or second SCSI drive, SCSI (0) can also be replaced with MULTI (0). 5. If you use SCSI (X) in Boot.ini, copy the correct device driver of the SCSI controller that is being used on your computer, and rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in Boot.ini, you don't have to do this. 6. Start your computer with this floppy disk and log in to Windows.

Method 2: If you can access a computer running Windows

1. Format a floppy disk with a format tool for Windows. 2. From the Windows Installation CD, Windows Install the floppy disk or copy NTLDR from the computer that is running the same Windows version with the computer that is accessible with the boot disk. You may need to expand this file from NTLDR._ by using the following command line to NTLDR:


3. Copy the file to the disk. 4. Create a Boot.ini file or copy the file from the computer that is running Windows, and then modifies it to match the computer attempted. The following example applies to the uniform SCSI drive that is installed under / Winnt, but the exact value in the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows computer that is trying to access: [Boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT"

If your computer starts from the IDE, EIDE or ESDI hard drive, replace SCSI (0) with MULTI (0). Note: If you run Windows NT 3.5 or 3.51, and the computer starts from the first or second SCSI drive, SCSI (0) can also be replaced with MULTI (0). 5. If you use SCSI (X) in Boot.ini, copy the correct device driver of the SCSI controller that is being used on your computer, and rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in Boot.ini, you don't have to do this. 6. Start using the floppy disk and log in to Windows.

Method 3: If there is a Windows NT version 3.51

1. In Windows NT 3.51, an empty 3.5 "1.44MB floppy disk. 2. Copy and NTLDR to the new disk. 3. Create a boot.ini file with the following command line: Note: Examples apply to a single partition SCSI drive to install Windows NT in the default directory C: / WinNT35.

[boot loader]


Default = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35 = "Windows NT 3.51"

4. Start and log in to Windows from the floppy disk.

Troubleshooting When you try to start your computer with a Windows boot disk, you may have the following and multiple questions:

• If the path to the system file is not correct or includes the drive number, you may receive the following error message:

Windows could not start because of the following ARC firmware boot configuration problem: Did not properly generate ARC name for HAL and system paths.Please check the Windows (TM) documentation about ARC configuration options and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.Boot Failed.

• If you select an error, the SCSI driver or ntbootdd.sys file does not exist, you may receive the following error message:

Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.Could not read from selected boot disk.Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the Windows (TM) documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals For additional information.boot failed. This article is available:

• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition

Error Message: Due to the problem of computer disk hardware configuration, Windows cannot start


When trying to start Windows XP, one of the following error messages may be received:

Windows Could Not Start Because of a Computer Disk Hardware Configuration Problem.

Could Not Read from The SELECTED Boot Disk.check Boot Path and Disk Hardware.

Please check The Windows Documentation About Hardware Disk Configuration And Your Hardware Reference Manuals for Additional Information.

- or -

Windows Nt Could Not Start Because The Following File is Missing or Corrupt:

Winnt_root / system32 / ntoskrnl.exe

Please re-install a copy of the above file.

- or -

Winnt_Root / System32 / Hal.dll Missing or Corrupt:

Please re-install a copy of the above file.

In addition, you may also encounter one or more questions:

• If you start your computer to the fault recovery console, you may display a command prompt, which does not contain options to log in to the Windows installation. • If you try to access the Windows folder, you may receive the following error message:

Access denied.

• If you try to perform a "repair" operation from the Windows XP CD-ROM, the system will not detect Windows installation, so Windows cannot be fixed.

the reason

This may happen when any or certain conditions:

• The default value in the [Boot Loader] section of the Boot.ini file is lost or invalid. • Windows XP is not installed in the location specified in the boot.ini file. • NTOSKRNL.EXE file is lost or corrupted. • The partition path setting in the Boot.ini file is incorrect. • General hardware failure.


To resolve this issue, use any of the following methods.

Method 1 Edit the boot.ini file to recover or correct

The DEFAULT item and make sure that other items in the [Operating Systems] section of the Boot.ini file points to the correct directory.

For additional information about how to edit the boot.ini file, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 289022 How to: Edit Boot.ini files in Windows XP

Method 2 Use the Bootcfg utility in the fault recovery console corrected boot.ini files:

1. Start your computer using the Windows XP CD-ROM. 2. When receiving the R key to repair Windows messages using the fault recovery console, press the R key. 3. Select the desired Windows installation and type the administrator password after the prompt appears. 4. Type Bootcfg / Rebuild and press Enter. 5. After finding the Windows installation, the following instructions will be displayed:

"Add Installation to Boot List? (Yes / No / ALL)"


Y responded to this message. ]


This is the name of the operating system. Type


Windows XP Home Edition. ]


[Keep this field as empty, then press Enter].

After performing the above steps, restart your computer and select the first item in the boot menu. This should be able to start Windows XP normally. After successfully loading Windows XP, you can modify boot.ini to delete incorrect items. For additional information about how to edit the Boot.ini file, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

289022 How to: Edit boot.ini files in Windows XP

Method 3

1. Start your computer using the Windows XP CD-ROM. Press any key from the CD boot. 2. After loading the installation file, press the R key to use the failed recovery console to repair. 3. In the failed recovery console, select the installation to log in (usually its number 1), then press Enter. 4. Log in to the administrator account by typing the password of the administrator account and press ENTER. 5. Under the command prompt of the failed recovery console, type the following command, then press ENTER: For a single processor system:

Expand CD-ROM: /i386/ntoskrnl.ex_ drive: / windows / system32

For multiprocessor systems:

Expand CD-ROM: /I386/NTKRNLMP.EX_ drive: /Windows/system32/ntoskrnl.exe

The CD-ROM is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive, the drive is a drive letter for the hard disk of the Windows. 6. If you receive a prompt to overwrite this file, press Y. 7. Type EXIT and press Enter to the Command Prompt.

Method 4 Start the computer using the fault recovery console, then run

Chkdsk / r command.

Note: You don't have to include in the Chkdsk command line

/ p switch, because

The / r switch will enable the Chkdsk utility to find a bad sector and restore readable information. This command is implicit

/ P switch.

More information

If the box of the Boot.ini file is in the [Boot Loader] section

The default value is lost, and Windows XP will display a new item "Windows" in the OS Loader menu and then default to this new item. "Windows" item points to the following path to load Windows XP:

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

For additional information about the Boot.ini file, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 Boot.ini and ARC path naming agreement and usage

For additional information about the failure recovery console in Windows XP, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

307654 HOW TO: Install and use Windows XP Recovery Console

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

How to create a boot disk for NTFS or FAT partitions


This article describes how to create a Windows boot disk on an Intel-based computer to access the launch order.

Note: For RISC-based computers, this process is different, this article does not introduce.

More information

You can start the operating system using the Windows boot disk to run on a computer running Windows NT or Windows 2000. Use the procedure in this article to resolve the following startup issues:

• Start sector corruption • Main start recording (MBR) corruption • Virus infection • NTLDR or NTDETECT.COM file Loss or corruption • NTBootdd.sys driver incorrect • Start from damage to the image, please note, do this, You may have to modify the Boot.ini file. Please also note that you can't use the Windows Emergency Repair Disk (ERD) to help solve the following questions:

• The device driver installed in the system folder is not correct or corrupted. • The startup problem occurred after the Windows startup (OSLoader) screen appears. To resolve or fix these issues, run ERD, load the last correct control set, or reinstall Windows.

How to create a Windows boot disk The Windows boot disk must include NTLDR (setupldr.bin in Windows NT 3.5), and Boot.ini files, and may require NTBootdd.sys (hard disk controller device driver) to rename For ntbootdd.sys.

Note: NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, and the properties of the Boot.ini file are usually set to the system, hide, or read only. You don't have to reset these properties, you can run the boot disk. For additional information about the Boot.ini file structure, click the article number below to see the corresponding article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 boot.ini and arc path naming convention and usage

To create a Windows boot floppy disk, use one of the following methods.

If you don't have access to a computer running Windows

1. Create a copy of the first Windows installation disk using the diskcopy command. To do this, you need:

a. Click Start, and then click Shut. b. Click "Restart your computer and switch to MS-DOS mode", then click Yes. c. On the command prompt, type the following command, where is a drive containing a Windows mounting disk, is a drive that contains a blank floppy disk to be used as a Windows boot disk:

DiskCopy A: B:

2. Copy the and NTLDR files from the I386 folder on the Windows CD-ROM to the new floppy disk. 3. Rename the NTLDR file as setupldr.bin. 4. Create a boot.ini file. The following example boot.ini file provides examples of uniform SCSI drives that install Windows in the Winnt folder. However, the exact value in the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows computer to be launched: [Boot Loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect

If the computer starts from the IDE, EIDE or ESDI hard drive, replace SCSI (0) with MULTI (0). If you run Windows NT 3.5 or Windows NT 3.51, and the computer starts from the first or second SCSI drive, the SCSI (0) can also be replaced with MULTI (0). If SCSI (X) is used in the boot.ini file, copy the correct device driver of the SCSI controller that is using on your computer and rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in the boot.ini file, you don't have to do this. 5. Start your computer using the boot disk and log in to Windows.

If you have access to a computer that runs Windows

1. On the computer running Windows, use the full formatting option in the Windows NT utility formatting the floppy disk. To do this, type Format a:, then press Enter. note

• The floppy disk cannot be formatted using Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition. • The complete format must be performed to properly rewrite all start sector content on the floppy disk. Complete formatting prevents starting sector viruses. • If you perform fast formatting on the first Windows installation start floppy, start the sector to keep the reference to the setupldr.bin file and ask you to rename the NTLDR file as setupldr.bin. 2. Copy the NTLDR file from the Windows CD-ROM or the computer that you want to use the boot floppy disk. In Windows 2000, the NTLDR file is located in the I386 folder on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. For Windows NT 4.0, this file can be copied from the Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM. Note: In Windows NT 4.0's Windows version, you may have to expand the file from NTLDR._ by typing the following command at the command prompt:


3. Copy the file to the formatted floppy disk in step 1. 4. Create a boot.ini file on the formatted floppy disk in step 1. You can also copy this file from other computers running Windows, then modify it to match the computer that creates a startup disk. The following example applies to the single partition SCSI drive in the Winnt folder, but the exact value in the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows computer that creates the startup disk: [boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect

If the computer starts from the IDE, EIDE or ESDI hard drive, replace "SCSI (0)" with MULTI (0). If the computer is used to run Windows NT 3.5 or Windows NT 3.51, and the computer is started from the first or second SCSI drive, "SCSI (0)" can also be replaced with MULTI (0). E.g:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect

If SCSI (X) is used in the boot.ini file, copy the correct device driver of the SCSI controller that is being used on your computer, then rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in the boot.ini file, you don't need to do this. Note: By default, Windows 2000 is installed into the C: / Windows folder. However, if the computer uses an earlier version of Windows, or the computer is upgraded from the earlier version of Windows to Windows 2000, the Windows 2000 is installed to the C: / Winnt folder by default. Check if the boot.ini file displays the correct Windows% SystemRoot% folder. 5. Start your computer using the boot disk and log in to Windows.

If you are using Windows NT 3.51

1. Format the blank floppy disk in Windows NT 3.51. 2. Copy the and NTLDR files into the new disk. 3. Create a Boot.ini file with the following lines (note that this example is applied to the single partition SCSI drive in the default folder C: / WINNT35:

[boot loader]


Default = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT35 = "Windows NT 3.51"

4. Start from the floppy disk and log in to Windows.

Troubleshooting When using a Windows boot disk to start your computer, you may have the following or more questions: • If the path to the system file is not correct or includes the drive number, the following error message may occur:

Windows NT could not start because of the following ARC firmware boot configuration problem: Did not properly generate ARC name for HAL and system paths.Please check the Windows NT (TM) documentation about ARC configuration options and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.Boot Failed.

• If the selected SCSI driver is incorrect or the ntbootdd.sys file does not exist, you may appear the following error message:

Windows NT could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.Could not read from selected boot disk.Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the Windows NT (TM) documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware disk configuration and your hardware Reference Manuals for Additional Information.boot failed.

• If the Boot.ini file does not correctly reflect the correct Windows% SystemRoot% folder, the following error message may appear:

Windows 2000 Could Not Start Because The Following File is Missing or Corrupt:

SystemRoot /system32/ntoskrnl.exe

For additional information about how to create a boot disk, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

305595 HOW TO: Create a startup disk for NTFS or FAT partitions with Windows XP

301680 How to: Create a startup disk for NTFS or FAT partitions

325879 How TO: Create a startup disk for NTFS or FAT partition in Windows Server 2003 Series

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Developer Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 4.0 • Microsoft BackOffice Small Business Server 4.0A Error Message: Windows Nt Could Not Start ... Ntoskrnl.exe (Windows NT Unable to start ... Ntoskrnl.exe)


When trying to start Windows NT, the following error message may appear:

Windows NT cannot be started because the following files are lost or corrupted:

Winnt_root /system32/ntoskrnl.exe

Please reinstall a copy of the above file.

the reason

If you meet any of the following, these error messages appear:

• The DEFAULT value of the Boot.ini file [Boot loader] is lost or invalid. • Windows NT is not installed in the location specified in the Boot.ini file.

Remarks: If the system partition is greater than 7.8 GB and put the system start file in 7.8 GB restrictions (may be due to application service packages or for disk defragmentation of the drive), it may appear in Windows NT 4.0 and 3.5. This problem is. Windows XP does not have such a restriction. This is hardware restrictions, it is independent of the operating system. On a newer computer, this problem will not occur if its BIOS supports INT13 extension and opens this feature (default setting).

For additional information, click the following article number to view the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

224526 Windows NT 4.0 Supports Maximum of 7.8-GB System Partition (Windows NT 4.0 supports up to 7.8 GB system partition)


To resolve this issue, use one of the following methods:

The first method uses the start disk to start the operating system. After starting the operating system, edit the default item in Boot.ini and make sure that other items in the [Operating Systems] section points to the appropriate directory.

For additional information about creating a boot disk for Windows NT or Windows 2000, click the following article number to view the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

119467 How to create a Bootable Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition (How to create a start disk for NTFS or FAT partition) The second method uses the repair process to correct inconsistencies in the boot.ini file. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Use three Windows NT to install the floppy disk to boot your computer. When prompted, type R to start the repair process. 2. Insert an emergency repair disk (ERD) in the floppy drive when prompted. 3. When prompted, only the "Check Start Environment" option is enabled to correct the inconsistency in the boot.ini file. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the repair process.

The third method If it is determined that the system partition is greater than 7.8 GB, the Windows NT sets unsupported configurations, and the drive needs to be re-partitioned to reduce the partition to 7.8 GB.

More information

If the DEFAULT value of the Boot.ini file [Boot Loader] is lost, Windows NT displays a new item in the OS Loader menu "NT (default), and the new item is default. "NT (default) item points to the following path to load Windows NT:

Multi (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt For additional information about the boot.ini file, click the following article number to view the appropriate Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

102873 Boot.ini and arc path naming conventions and usage (Boot.ini and ARC path naming customs and usage)

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Developer Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise

Visual Studio

Error: "It is impossible to debug because the kernel modulator is enabled on the system.

When you debug the managed code, you may receive the following error message:

Debugging isn't Possible Because A Kernel Debugger is enabled on the system

This information will appear when you try to tune your hostess code on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP system started in debug mode.


Fix this problem

Find boot.ini on the system drive (usually c: /). Boot.ini files may be hidden and read-only, so you need to use the following command to view it: DIR / ASH Opens Boot.ini with Notepad and removes the following options: / debug

/ debugport

/ BaudRate restarts the computer. Restart Visual Studio .NET and debug. How to: Create a startup disk for NTFS or FAT partitions in Windows Server 2003 Series


This step-by-step guide describes how to create a boot disk for Windows Server 2003. Using this disk can start Windows Server 2003-based computers that cannot be started from the hard drive.

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• A blank floppy disk. • Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM or normal WINDOWS SERVER 2003-based computer is run.

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Creating a startup floppy Paste Depending on whether you can access Windows Server 2003-based computers, the specific process will vary.

Back to top

Create a boot floppy disk using Windows Server 2003-based computers

1. Format a floppy disk on a computer based on Windows Server 2003. To do this, type Format a:, then press Enter. The floppy disk cannot be formatted using Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition. However, you can format the floppy disk using a computer running the following operating system:

• Microsoft Windows XP • Microsoft Windows 2000 • Microsoft Windows NT2. Copy the NTLDR file from one of the following locations to your formatted disk in step 1:

• Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM. • Windows Server 2003 installer floppy disk. • Computers that run the same version of Windows Server 2003 with the computer you want to create a boot floppy disk. 3. Copy the file to the formatted disk you in step 1. 4. Create a boot.ini file on the formatted floppy disk in step 1. You can also copy this file from a computer running Windows Server 2003, and then modify it to comply with your computer to create a boot floppy disk. The following example applies to systems with a single partition SCSI drive, and Windows Server 2003 is installed under Windows folder, but the exact value of the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of Windows Server 2003-based computers to which the boot floppy is created. :

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003"

If your computer is started from IDE, EIDE, or ESDI hard drive, replace SCSI (0) with MULTI (0). E.g:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003"

If SCSI (X) is used in the boot.ini file, copy the correct device driver of the SCSI controller used on the computer, then rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in the boot.ini file, you don't need to do this. 5. Start your computer with this floppy disk and log in to Windows Server 2003. Back to top

Create a boot floppy disk without Windows Server 2003-based computers

1. Get a set of Windows XP installer starters for Windows XP Professional. For additional information about how to operate, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

310994 Obtaining Windows XP Setup Boot Disks


• You must use the Windows XP Professional version of the Windows XP installer start disk because Windows XP Home Edition is not available for this process. • You only need six sets of Windows XP installer to start the first disk in the boot disk to complete this process. 2. Use the diskcopy command to create a copy of the Windows XP installer start disk and then delete all files on the new disk. The Windows XP Installer boot disk is the first disk in six sets of Windows XP Professional boot trays. 3. Copy the and NTLDR files from the I386 folder on the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM to the new floppy disk. 4. Rename the NTLDR file as setupldr.bin. When using the Windows XP installer start disk, you must rename the NTLDR file to setupldr.bin, otherwise the following error message will appear:


Please insert another disk

5. Create a boot.ini file on the floppy disk. The following example applies to systems with a single partition SCSI drive, and Windows .Server 2003 installed under Windows folders, the exact value of the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of Windows Server 2003-based computer to be launched:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003"

If your computer is started from IDE, EIDE, or ESDI hard drive, replace SCSI (0) with MULTI (0). E.g:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows Server 2003"

If SCSI (X) is used in the boot.ini file, copy the correct device driver of the SCSI controller used on the computer, then rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in the boot.ini file, you don't need to do this. 6. Start your computer with this floppy disk and log in to Windows Server 2003.

Back to top

Troubleshooting If the path to the system file is not correct or includes the drive number, the following error message may appear:

Windows Server 2003 Could Not Start Because of The Following Arc Firmware Boot Configuration Problem:

Did Not Properly Generate Arc Name for Hal and System Paths.please Check The Windows Server 2003 Documentation About Arc Configuration Options And Your Hardware Reference Manuals for Additional Information.Boot Failed.

If you select the wrong SCSI driver or ntbootdd.sys file does not exist, the following error message may appear:

Windows Server 2003 could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.Could not read from selected boot disk.Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the Windows Server 2003 documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference Manuals for additional information.boot failed.

Back to top

Refer to additional information about Boot.ini and ARC path naming and usage, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 boot.ini and arc path naming convention and usage

Back to top

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition

How to: Turchase "NTLDR IS Missing" error message in Windows 2000

This task content


• How to investigate "NTLDR Is Missing" error message

• Check if the BIOS on your computer is the latest • Fix the Windows boot environment

• Method 1: Start your computer with startup Disk • Method 2: Use Recovery Console • Method 3: Using Windows 2000 CD-ROM • If the installer can't find Windows 2000 • Additional Resources • Perform a parallel installation of Windows 2000 • Reference

This page

Summary reference


This step-by-step guide describes how to troubleshoot the "NTLDR IS Missing" error message that may be received when you try to start Microsoft Windows 2000.

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How to check "NTLDR Is Missing" error message When you start Windows 2000-based computers, you may receive the following error message:


Press Any Key to Restart

This issue may occur if the basic input / output system (BIOS) over your computer is lost or corrupted or corrupted by one or more Windows startup files:



To resolve this issue, check if the BIOS on your computer is up to date, then use the one or more methods below to fix the Windows 2000 boot environment according to your situation.

Important: Microsoft recommends that you regularly back up your data. This is the most effective way to prevent data loss, and it must be part of all disaster recovery plans.

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Check if the BIOS on your computer is update the latest version of the BIOS on your computer. Please contact your computer manufacturer and query how to get and install the latest BIOS updates available to your computer.

For information on how to configure and how to verify that the computer's BIOS settings is correct, see computer documentation or contact your computer manufacturer. For information on how to contact your computer manufacturer, click the appropriate article number in the list below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

65416 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, A-K

60781 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, L-P

60782 Hardware and Software Third-Party Vendor Contact List, Q-Z

For additional information about how to contact BIOS manufacturer, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

243909 List of Bios Manufacturer Web Sites Part 1

243971 List of Bios Manufacturer Web Sites Part 2

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To fix the Windows boot environment, use one or more methods according to your situation.

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Method 1: Start your computer using the startup disk

1.2. Create a Windows 2000 boot disk containing the following files:





For additional information about how to create a boot disk, click the article number below to view the Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

301680 How To: Create a Boot Disk for An NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows

101668 HOW TO USE A Windows Boot Disk to Prevent Boot Faot Failure

3. Modify the Boot.ini file to point to the correct roll where the correct hard disk controller and Windows installation are. For additional information about how to create a boot disk, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

311578 How to: edit the boot.ini file in windows 2000

4. Insert the boot disk into the computer's floppy drive, and then restart your computer. 5. Copy the NTLDR file, file, and Boot.ini files from the boot disk to the local hard disk system partition.

Back to top

Method 2: Use the recovery console

1. Restart your computer using the Windows 2000 installation disk, or restart your computer using the Windows 2000 CD. 2. On the "Welcome to the installer" screen, press R to repair Windows 2000 installation. 3. Press C to fix the Windows 2000 installation by using the Recovery Console. 4. Type the number corresponding to the Windows installation to be fixed, then press ENTER. For example, type 1, then press ENTER. For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 229716 Description of the Windows Recovery Console

5. Type the administrator password and press Enter. 6. Type MAP and press Enter. The drive letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive containing the Windows 2000 disc. 7. Type the following command, press ENTER after typing each command, where Drive is the driver number you typed in this article "Method 2: Using the Recovery Console":

Copy Drive: / i386 / NTLDR C: /

Copy Drive: /i386/ C: /

If you are prompted to overwrite an existing file, type y and press Enter. Note: In these commands, NTLDR and C: / between and C: / C: / C: / C: There are a space. 8. Type the following command, then press Enter:


A list similar to: [boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" / FastDetect

If you receive the following message, the boot.ini file may be lost or corrupted:

The System Cannot Find The File or Directory Specified.

9. If the Boot.ini file is lost or corrupted, create a new one. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Use a text editor, such as Notepad or, create a launch loader file similar to the following: [Boot Loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" / FastDetect

For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 boot.ini and arc path naming convention and usage

301680 How To: Create a Boot Disk for An NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows

b. Save the file as Boot.ini to disk. Note: If you are a file created using Notepad, make sure the .txt extension is not attached to the Boot.ini file name. c. Type the following command at the recovery console command prompt, copy the boot.ini file from the floppy disk to the computer: Copy A: /Boot.ini C: /

10. Type EXIT, then press ENTER. The computer will restart.

Back to top

Method 3: Using Windows 2000 CD-ROM

1. Insert the Windows 2000 CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive and launch the Windows 2000 installer. 2. On the Welcome to the Installer page, press the R key. 3. On the Windows 2000 Repair Options page, press the R key. 4. When prompted to "select one from the following fix option", press M key. 5. Press the up arrow twice, select "Verify Windows 2000 System File", and press ENTER to clear the selected selection. 6. Press the down arrow, select "Continue (execute the selected task), and press ENTER. The following message will appear:

You ued an Emergency Repair Disk for the Windows 2000

INSTALLATION You Want to Repair. (To fix Windows 2000 installation, you need an emergency repair disk.)

7. Perform one of the following in accordance with your specific circumstances:

• If you have an emergency repair disk, follow these steps:

a. Press ENTER. b. Insert the emergency repair disk into the computer's floppy drive, and press ENTER. c. Follow the instructions to repair the installation and restart your computer. - or - • If you don't have an emergency disk, follow these steps:

a. Press the L key. You will receive a message similar to the following:

Setup Has Found Windows 2000 in The Following Folder:

Drive: / Winnt "Microsoft Windows 2000"

b. Press ENTER. The installer will check the disk and complete the repair process. For additional information about the emergency repair function, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

231777 How to create an emergency repair disk in Windows 2000

Back to top

If the installer can't find Windows 2000 if you don't have a Windows 2000 emergency disk, and the installer can't find the Windows 2000 installation, follow these steps:

1. Start the Windows 2000 installer. 2. In the "Installer will install the Windows 2000 in the partition" page, select "Keep the existing file system (no change)" and press ENTER. 3. Press the ESC button to install Windows 2000 in a new folder. 4. In "Please select Which Folder" box, type / tempwin, and press Enter. The installer will install a new WINDOWS 2000 copy. 5. Log in to the new copy of Windows 2000. 6. Click Start, and then click Run. 7. In the Open box, type CMD, and then click OK. 8. On the Command Prompt, type drive:, where drive is the launch driver of the computer, then press Enter. For example, type C:, then press ENTER. 9. Type Attrib --h -r -s Boot.ini, then press ENTER. 10. Type Edit Boot.ini and press ENTER. will open a boot.ini file similar to the following file: [boot loader] Timeout = 30

DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Tempwin

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Tempwin = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" / FastDetect

11. Replace all instances of TempWin to WinNT. The boot.ini file that appears is similar to the following files: [boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" / FastDetect

12. Press Alt F and press the S key. 13. Press Alt F and press the X key. 14. Type Attrib H R S Boot.ini, then press ENTER. 15. Type an exit exit command prompt. 16. Restart your computer. 17. On the screen, select the arrow key to select Microsoft Windows 2000 with the arrow keys, then press Enter. 18. Start the Windows Explorer, find the following folder, and delete it:


All users.Tempwin

Back to top

Additional Resources For additional information about how to check the NTLDR Is Missing error message, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

255220 "NTLDR is missing" Error Message When You Upgrade or Install Windows 2000 Over Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium Edition

228004 Changing Active Partition Can make your system unbootable

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Inferry to perform Windows 2000 If any method discussed in this article or viewing the knowledge library article in the Additional Resource section of this article does not resolve the behavior described in this article section, execute the parallel installation of Windows 2000, then use Windows Resource Management The data to be restored from the original Windows installation.

For additional information on how to implement Windows 2000 parallel installation, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

266465 HOW TO: Panless installation of Windows 2000

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For additional information about how to resolve the problem in Windows 2000, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

315396 HOW TO: Solve the startup problem in Windows

For additional information about the difference between manual and quick fix in Windows 2000, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

238359 Difference between manual and rapid repair in Windows

For additional information about the fault recovery console in Windows 2000, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

318752 How to: Install and use the fault recovery console in Windows 2000

301645 HOW TO: Recovering Windows 2000 Server

Back to top

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Server • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server

HOW TO: Create a startup disk for NTFS or FAT partitions

This task content


• Requirements • Create a boot floppy disk

• Create a boot floppy disk with a Windows NT computer • Creating a boot floppy disk without Windows NT-based computers • Troubleshooting • Reference


This step-by-step guide describes how to create a boot floppy disk for Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 2000 to access the startup sequence error drive on Intel-based computers.

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• A blank floppy disk • Windows 2000 or Windows NT CD or normal WINDOWS 2000 or Windows NT-based computers

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Creating a startup floppy Depending on whether you can access Windows NT-based computers, the specific process will vary.

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Creating a boot floppy disk with a Windows NT computer In this process, you will create a boot floppy disk by using a Windows NT-based computer.

1. Format the floppy disk by using the Windows NT formatting tool. For example, type in the command prompt:

Format A:

2. Install the disc from the Windows NT; Windows NT installation floppy disk; or use the computer to run the same version of the Windows NT of Windows NT as the computer to use the launch floppy disk, copy the NTLDR file. You may need to expand this file from NTLDR._ by using the following command line to NTLDR:


3. Copy the NTDETECT.COM file to the floppy disk. 4. Create a Boot.ini file or copy one from a computer that is running Windows NT and modifies it to match it with the computer attempted. The following example is applied to installing Windows NT in the single-partition SCSI drive, but the exact value in the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows NT computer that is trying to access: [Boot Loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT"

If your computer is started from the IDE, EIDE or ESDI hard drive, replace SCSI (0) with MULTI (0). If SCSI (X) is used in Boot.ini, copy the correct device driver that is in use on your computer and rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in Boot.ini, you don't have to do this. 5. Start your computer by using the floppy disk and log in to Windows NT.

Back to top

Creating a boot floppy disk without Windows NT-based Computers In this process, you will not use a Windows NT-based computer to create a boot floppy disk.

1. Create a copy of the first Windows NT installation disk by using the diskcopy command, and then delete all the files on the new disk. 2. Copy the and the NTLDR file from the I386 folder on the disc to a new disk. 3. Rename the NTLDR file as


4. Create a boot.ini file. The following example applies to installing Windows NT Single Partition SCSI drives under / Winnt, but the exact value in the [Operating Systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows NT computer to be started:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = SCSI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / WinNT

[Operating Systems]

SCSI (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT"

If your computer is started from the IDE, EIDE or ESDI hard drive, replace SCSI (0) with MULTI (0). If SCSI (X) is used in Boot.ini, copy the correct device driver that is in use on your computer and rename it ntbootdd.sys. If you use Multi (x) in Boot.ini, you don't have to do this. 5. Start your computer by using the floppy disk and log in to Windows NT.

Back to top

Troubleshooting If the path to these system files is not correct or includes the drive number, you may receive the following error message:

Windows Nt Could Not Start Because of The Following Arc Firmware Boot Configuration Problem:

. Did not properly generate ARC name for HAL and system paths.Please check the Windows NT (TM) documentation about ARC configuration options and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.Boot Failed (Windows NT because of the following firmware boot configuration problem not start: Can't generate a correct ARC name for HAL and system paths. For additional information, review the Windows NT (TM) documentation and hardware reference manual for the ARC configuration option. Startup failed.) If the file does not exist, you may receive the following error message:

Windows NT could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem.Could not read from selected boot disk.Check boot path and disk hardware.Please check the Windows NT (TM) documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware disk configuration and your hardware Reference Manuals for Additional Information.boot Faled (Windows NT cannot be activated) from the following computer disk hardware configuration. You cannot read from the selected startup disk. Check the boot path and disk hardware. For additional information, please see the hardware disk configuration Windows NT (TM) documentation, as well as your hardware disk configuration and hardware reference manual. Startup failed.)

Back to top

Refer to additional information, click the article number below to see the article in Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102873 Boot.ini and arc path naming conventions and usage (Boot.ini and ARC path naming customs and usage)

Back to top

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise> Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Developer Edition

How to use a modem to set a remote debugging session


This article tells how to make a remote debugging session based on how to run Windows NT WorkStation or Windows NT Server and the x86 Intel processor and RISC processor.

More information

- Why do you need a kernel debugger

- What is a remote debugging process?

- For remote debugging configuration system

- Debugger Options

- Edit Intel x86 computer boot.ini file

- Change the firmware start option of the RISC computer

- Prepare modem

Why is the kernel debugger that requires the kernel debugger Windows NT will generate system information that is usually only available to use. The kernel debugger can be enabled from the Windows NT boot menu. If a kernel debugger is enabled, the Windows NT debugger is allowed to output debug information to a remote debugger to analyze it remotely. Typically, doing this fatal error when requesting Microsoft Customer Support Experts to analyze Windows NT, and cannot diagnose these fatal errors through Memory.dmp files, or do not generate a Memory.dmp file. What is a remote debugging process When two computers are connected by a modem, they can begin remote debugging procedures. The target computer and host computers run the Windows NT kernel debugger, and the kernel debugger communicates through a special debug API and protocol.

To remote debugging configuration systems When you configure a system for a remote debugging, you need to change the boot option to inform the Windows NT load kernel debugger. On the Intel X86-based platform, this is achieved by editing the boot.ini file. On a RISC-based system (based on DEC ALPHA, MIPS, and PPC processors), this process involves changing the boot options in the firmware menu. At the same time, you also need a modem and connect it to the corresponding COM port of the target computer and connect the incoming telephone line to the modem.

The debugger option can use several startup options when configuring the system for debugging. These options are the same on the Intel X86 and RISC platform, but it is not necessary to use when used for RISC platforms.

/ Debug - When using this option, the kernel debugger will be loaded during the startup process.

And remain in memory. this means

Support experts can dial in the system being commissioned,

And interrupt the debugger,

Even if the system is not hangs in the "kernel stop" screen, it is true.

/ Debugport - Specify kernel debugger

Use the serial port. If no serial port is specified, the debugger will

Use the COM2 port on the Intel x86 computer by default,

And the COM1 port on the RISC computer.

/ CrashDebug - This option will result in load the kernel debugger during the startup process.

However, the program is swapped into the page file after startup.

Therefore, support experts cannot interrupt debugging procedures.

Unless Windows NT is

The "Nuclear Stop" screen hangs.

/ Baudrate - Set the baud rate that the kernel debugger will use.

The default baud rate is 19200. Porter rate 9600 is

The normal rate of remote debugging is performed by a modem.

Just use DebugPort or BaudRate, you don't need to use Debug, because Windows NT assumes that you require a computer to load in debug mode. To configure a computer for remote debugging, you must use at least one of the above switches, otherwise Windows NT does not load the debugger at all.

Edit the Boot.ini file of the Intel x86 computer To set the Intel X86 computer to the target computer, you only need to edit the boot.ini file in the bart partition and add the appropriate debugger option. You can use a standard ASCII text editor to edit the boot.ini file. The Boot.ini file is located in the root directory of the system partition (usually C drive), which has "hidden", "system", and "read-only" properties. These properties must be changed.

To change the properties of the Boot.ini file To change the properties of the Boot.ini file, perform step i or step ii:

Step i:

1. Type: attrib-h -r c: /boot.ini at the command prompt

2.EDit boot.ini. After editing the file, if you want to restore Read Read, Hide, and System properties, type in the command:

Attrib H R S C: /Boot.ini /

Step ii:

1. In the File Manager, select "File Type" option in the View menu, select the Show Hide / System File box in the File Type dialog box, then select the "OK" button. 2. In the File Manager window, select the boot.ini file and select Properties from the File menu. 3. In the Properties dialog box, clear the Ready, Hide, and System property box, then select the "OK" button. 4. Edit Boot.ini with Notepad or other text editor, then add a test option as follows.

Configuring "Start Options" in the boot.ini file To configure a computer for debugging, you must add the above option to the Boot.ini file. Generally speaking, you may need to add / debug and / baudrate to reduce the baud rate to 9600 and make your computer into debug mode. If you are unable to debug the default COM port (COM2), you should use / debugport = COMX. The following example shows how to add these options.

Below is an example of a typical boot.ini file. Each of the [Operating Systems] section should correspond to the options listed in the startup menu during the normal system startup:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows NT Version 3.5"

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows NT Version 3.5"

[VGA Mode] / Basevideo

C: / = "MS-DOS"

To make the debugger to communicate using COM1 and press 9600 baud, add the following example or view the example of following these step-by-step execution guides:

1. Select the typically used startup option and add / debug switch at the end of the line. 2. To specify the communication port, add the switch /debugport=com 1.3. To specify the baud rate, add the switch / baudrate = 9600. After the Boot.ini file is modified by performing the above steps 1-3, the contents of the file are as follows (Note: Chapter 6 is the follow-up line of the 5th line, and these two rows cannot be placed in the same line in this article):

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows = "Windows NT Version 3.5"

/ debug / debugport = com1 / baudrate = 9600multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) partition (1) / windows = "Windows NT Version 3.5"

[VGA Mode] / Basevideo

C: / = "MS-DOS"

Change the firmware start option of the RISC computer and the Intel x86 computer (they use the boot.ini file), the boot option on the RISC computer is configured by firmware. You can use the following steps to gradually configure the startup option on the MIPS, PPC, and DEC Alpha computers. Before the support engineer is dial in and debug the system, make sure that step 10 is performed on all DEC Alpha computers.

1. Restart your computer. The ARC System screen will appear and display the main menu that can be selected from it. 2. On the MIPS and PPC RISC-based systems, select Run Setup to display the Setup menu, then select Manage Startup to display the menu of the boot option. On the Digital Alpha Axp RISC system, select the Supplementary Menu, SET UP The System, and Manage Boot Selection Menu to display the menu of the boot option. 3. Select Change A Boot Selection to display a list of operating systems installed on that computer. 4. Select the Windows NT operating system. If you have multiple Windows NT versions installed, select the version you want to debug. A screen divided into two parts is displayed to change the current settings for launching the environment variables of the RISC computer. Controls if the RISC computer starts in the debug mode as an OSLoadOptions variable. 5. To edit the value of the OsLoadOptions variable, use the arrow keys to select this variable from the variable list. After selecting, it will appear in the "name" box on the top of the screen. 6. Press the ENTER key to display the "Value" box. 7. Type options you want to add in the Value box (separated by space), then press Enter to save these options. For example, if you want to open the Debug mode and set the COM port to COM2, type the following:

OsloadOptions Debug debugport = COM2

If you do not specify a debug port, set the default debug port to COM1. Since RISC-based computers only allow the default baud rate 19200, there is no need to specify the baud rate. 8. Press the ESC button to stop the editing operation. 9. Depending on the type of computer: - On the MIPS or PPC RISC-based system, select Return to Main Menu, then select EXIT to return the Arc System screen. - Or - - On the Digital Alpha Axp RISC system, select the Supplementary Menu option to save your changes, then select Boot Menu to return to the Arc System screen. 10. If you first debug the system for the first time, you need to perform other configuration steps. For these steps, please check the Windows NT Resource Kit Version 3.51 Update or Update 2 Appendix A. 11. Restart your computer to run in Windows NT.

Preparing a modem To successfully connect to a remote debugger, you must connect an external modem with an automatic response function to the correct COM port. Most modems have this feature, but this feature is usually disabled. The modem should be set to 9600 baud. To perform the correct connection, the kernel debugger requires turning off hardware compression, error detection, and traffic control. Before proceeding to the next step, make sure the modem works fine. In most cases, you need to configure the modem using the following method: Connect to the idle COM port on the target computer or other computer, then use the Terminal.exe or other communication program to send the configuration string to the modem, then do not turn off the modem In case, the modem is moved to the COM port of the target computer. This is why the built-in modem is not used, because restarting systems typically reset any changes to the modem settings. Configure the modem:

Note: You can use the COM port you want to configure to debug port to perform all these steps on the target computer, and the condition is to perform these steps before configuring the debugger on the target system.

1. Connect the modem with the automatic response function to the target computer or other computer's available COM port. Note: Make sure you can move the modem to the target COM port without closing the modem power supply. 2. Run the Terminal.exe or other communication programs and configure it to perform write operations on the modem. 3. Set the modem to a 9600 baud rate. To learn how to do this correctly, review the modem documentation. 4. Turn off all hardware compression, flow control, and error detection. For most US Robotics and 3COM modems, type the following command to prepare the modem for debugging sessions. If you are using a modem produced by other manufacturers, review the modem document to determine the correct string of the modem should be sent. AT & F Restore the factory default value

AT & H0 Disable Send Data Traffic Control

AT & I0 prohibits receiving data traffic control

AT & K0 Disables Data Compression

AT & M0 Disable Error Control

ATS0 = 1 Enable automatic answering function

AT & D0 prohibits resetting the modem when DTR interruption

AT & W Write to NVRAM 5. Enable the auto-answer function of the modem. Typically, this is achieved by sending a string ATS0 = 1 ("0" is numbers 0, not the letter O). However, you should check the modem document confirmation. 6. Move it to the correct COM port of the target system in the case where the modem power is turned on.

For additional information about additional information, see:

- Windows NT Resource Kit.

- Microsoft Driver Development Kit.

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Developer Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise

How to manually start the removal of Windows XP


If Windows XP cannot be started in normal mode or security mode, you may need to manually uninstall Windows XP. If this option is not available during the installation process, you can also cancel the Windows XP installer using the procedures described herein. note:

1. If it is upgraded from Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, this process will not work. This uninstall process is supported only by Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition (ME). 2. In some cases, after completing these steps, you may need to reinstall the original operating system; therefore, Microsoft recommends that you back up all important data before performing these steps. 3. In this article, c is the drive name used by the hard disk of the Windows XP, X is the drive name used by the CD-ROM drive.

More information

Uninstall it when you can't start Windows XP

1. Use Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition boot disk launched your computer. 2. Select "Start Computer With CD-ROM Support" on the Windows 98 or Windows ME boot menu (using CD-ROM Support to start the computer). 3. Verify that the drive name: The file is present in the / undo folder, where the drive name is the drive name that saves the backup information. To confirm if these files exist, run the following command (press Enter after each line):

CD / CD undodir / a

If an error message occurs while running the above second command, change to another drive on your computer (eg, drive D or drive E) and try the command again. If you find the undo folder on other drives, modify the extract command in the following steps with the correct drive letter. 4. If does not exist, follow the steps in the " file" section in this article. 5. After finding the file, run the following command (press Enter after each line):

CD / Extract C: /undo/ / e / ycopy C: / $ win_nt $. ~ BT / TXTSETUP.SIF COPY C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ bt / bootini.bak attrib -r-h boot .ini ren boot.ini boot.xx Copy bootini.bak boot.ini

6. After running these commands, remove the boot disk and restart your computer. Select the WINDOWS XP installer on the startup menu.

In the case where you can start Windows XP, you will be able to uninstall it you may be able to start Windows XP, but you cannot uninstall Windows XP through one of the following reasons:

• Add / Remove the options in the program tool. In this case, if there is a UNDO folder and include the necessary files, use the steps in the previous section to uninstall Windows XP. - Or - • You receive an error message. If this error indicates that the uninstall information has been modified, it may encounter problems when trying to manually unloading Windows XP. In this case, Microsoft recommends that you do not manually uninstall Windows XP. In accordance with the steps described in the "Show Error Message" section in this article.

Display error message

Note: After completing the following steps, you may need to reinstall the previous operating system. Before proceeding, make sure all important data is backed up. These data will be lost if important data has not been backed up. 1. Double-click on my computer, on the Tools menu, click the Folder option, and then click View Tab. 2. Click "Show all files and folders". 3. Click to clear "Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended) check box, and then click OK. 4. Turn on the drive C. 5. Open the UNDO folder. Note: If the undo folder does not exist, or the file does not exist, you cannot manually uninstall Windows XP. 6. Double-click the file and find the extract.exe file (there may be multiple). 7. Right-click Extract.exe, click Copy, and then close all windows. 8. Double-click on my computer, double-click the local disk (C :) icon, and then paste the file into the root directory of the drive C. 9. Run the following command (press ENTER after each line):

CD / Extract C: /undo/ / e / y COPY C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / TXTSETUP.SIF COPY C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ bt / bootini.bak attrib-h -s Boot.ini ren boot.ini boot.xx Copy bootini.bak boot.ini

10. Restart your computer. Select the WINDOWS XP installer on the startup menu. If this procedure does not uninstall Windows XP, or there is no required file on your computer, you need to manually reinstall the previous operating system. file does not exist after using Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition boot disk, if the file is not in the Undo folder, do the following:

1. Locate $ LDR $ file. If the file is not in the root directory of the drive C, run the following command to this location:

CD / DIR C: / $ LDR $

If you find this file, go directly to step 2. If "File Not Found" appears, run the following command:

Copy C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / $ LDR $

If you find this file, go directly to step 2. If "File Not Found" appears, run the following command:

Copy C: / Windows / Setup / Uninst ~ 1 / $ LDR $

2. Locate the TXTSetup.sif file. If the file is not in the root directory of the drive C, type the following command (press Enter after each line) to copy it:

CD /

Dir txtsetup.sif

If you find this file, go directly to step 3. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

Copy C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / TXTSETUP.SIF

If you find this file, go directly to step 3. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

Copy C: /Windows/setup/uninst ~1/txtsetup.sif

3. Copy the four text files created by the installation process (Deldirs.txt, DelFiles.txt, Mkdirs.txt, and Moves.txt) to the C: / Undo folder. To copy these files, run the following command: Copy C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / *. TXT C: / UNDO

If you find this file, go directly to step 4. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

Copy C: / Windows / Setup / Uninst ~ 1 / *. TXT C: / undo

4. Verify that I386 and System32 folders are in the C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT folder. If there is no existence, you need to create these folders. To confirm that these files exist, run the following command:

DIR C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / AD

If you find this file, go directly to step 5. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

MD C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / I386

If you find this file, go directly to step 5. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

MD C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / System32

5. Find the autochk.exe file. If the Autochk.exe file is not in the I386 folder, please copy the following command to the i386 folder.

DIR C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / I386

If you find this file, go directly to step 6. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

Copy C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / Autochk.exe C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / I386

6. Find smss.exe and ntdll.dll files. If necessary, run the following command to copy these files into the System32 folder:

DIR C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / SYSTEM32

If you find this file, go directly to step 7. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

Copy C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / SMSS.EXE C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / System32

If you find this file, go directly to step 7. If you receive "File Not Found" error, run the following command:

Copy C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / NTDLL.DLL C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / SYSTEM32

7. Run the following command to back up and create a new Boot.ini file (press Enter after each line):

Attrib -r -s --h boot.iniren boot.ini boot.oldedit boot.ini

Add the following items to the boot.ini file: [boot loader]


Default = C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT / BOOTSECT.DAT

[Operating Systems]

C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt / bootsect.dat = "Cancel Setup XP Pro" / ROLLBACK

Note: This step will rename an existing boot.ini file and create a blank Boot.ini file to add the previous command. 8. Remove the floppy disk and Windows XP installation discs from the CD-ROM drive, then restart the computer display error code 14 If you receive an error code 14 when uninstalling Windows XP, please write down the file name, use Windows 98 through CD-ROM Or Windows ME boot disk, then run the following command to copy these files (where

X is a CD-ROM drive name):

• Autochk.exe

Copy x: /i386/autochk.exe C: / $ win_nt $. ~ BT / I386


Copy x: /i386/ntdll.dll C: / $ win_nt $. ~ BT / System32

• Smss.exe

Copy x: /i386/system32/smss.exe C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt / system32


Copy x: /i386/txt setup.sif C: /

• ksecdd.sys

Copy x: /i386/ksecdd.sys C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt


Copy x: /i386/ntfs.sys C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• spcmdcon.sys

Copy x: /i386/spcmdcon.sys C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• Biosinfo.inf

Copy x: /i386/biosinfo.inf c: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• C_1252.NL_

Copy x: /i386/c_1252.nl_ c: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• c_437.nl_

Copy x: /i386/c_437.nl_ c: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• l_intl.dl_

Copy x: /i386/l_intl.dl_ c: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt


Copy x: /i386/ C: / $ WIN_NT $. ~ BT


Copy x: /i386/ C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• VgaOem.fo_

Copy x: /i386/vgaoem.fo_ c: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• Kbdus.dll

Copy x: /i386/kbdus.dll C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• Setupldr.bin

Copy x: /i386/setupldr.bin C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

• Drvmain.sdb

Copy x: /i386/drvmain.sdb C: / $ win_nt $. ~ bt

After copying these files, remove the disk and disc and restart your computer. For additional information about how to manually restore the previous operating system, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

314052 How to manually remove Windows XP and restore Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Millennium

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

HOW TO: Change the monitor refresh frequency in Windows Server 2003

This task content


• How to change the new frequency for your monitor • How to change the monitor's refresh frequency when displaying blurred (unclear)

• Use "Enable VGA Mode" boot option • Using the / basevideo switch in the Boot.ini file


This step guide describes how to change the new frequency for the monitor in Windows Server 2003. Back to the top

How to change the new frequency for your monitor

1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Show. You can also right-click on the desktop and click Properties. 2. Click the Settings tab and click Advanced. 3. Click the Monitor tab. 4. In the Refresh Frequency box, click the screen refresh frequency you want to use. 5. Click OK, then click OK.


• Although your monitors may support higher settings, the default refresh frequency setting is determined by the hardware. For more information about the settings supported by your monitor, check the manufacturer documentation included in the monitor. • If you use a higher refresh frequency, you can reduce the frequency of flashing. However, if you specify the refresh frequency for the monitor, the screen may become unused, and your hardware may be damaged. • Changing the new frequency will affect all users logged in to the computer.

Back to the top

How to change the monitor when displaying blurred (unclear) If the computer displays blur, or you cannot view the screen content, it may be because the display setting configuration of the monitor refresh frequency is incorrect. To diagnose and resolve this issue, please use it.

Enable the VGA mode launch option to start your computer, then change the refresh frequency to use the correct settings. When you start your computer in VGA mode, you will use the lowest screen resolution, color depth, and refresh frequencies to load the currently installed in your computer. To start your computer in VGA mode, use one of the following methods:

Back to the top

Start the option using the Enable VGA Mode

1. Restart your computer. 2. When you see "Please select the operating system message to start" message, press the F8 key. 3. In the Windows Advanced Options menu, use the arrow keys to select Enable VGA mode and press Enter. 4. If you want to use a double boot or multi-boot computer, select Microsoft Windows Server 2003, then press Enter. 5. Log in to the computer and follow the steps described in the section "How to Change the Frequency" section above in the previous article.

Back to the top

Use the / basevideo switch in the boot.ini file You can also enforce your computer to start in the VGA mode by configuring the boot.ini file. To achieve this, edit the boot.ini to include / basevideo switches. This setting corresponds to

Enable the VGA mode startup option. For additional information about how to edit the boot.ini file, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

323427 How to: Edit The Boot.ini File in Windows Server 2003 (HOW TO: Edit Boot.ini file in Windows Server 2003)

After starting your computer and logs in, the steps described in "How to Change the Frequency" section in front of this article are described in the steps described in the section in the section to change the monitor's refresh frequency.

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The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 64-bit Enterprise Edition How to stop responding server (hang Generation memory dump file


If a server based on Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 stops responding (hang), you can create a memory dump file to troubleshoot this issue. When you create a memory dump file, its process is similar to forcing an error check or "stop" error operation on the server.

To perform the steps described herein, you must have another computer and a zero modem cable called the "Remote Debugger".

Note: If you are using Windows 2000, you can perform a memory dump from the console. If you use this feature, you don't have to use the Remote Debugger computer; however, Windows may not create a dump file for it every computer stop responding.

For additional information about how to create a memory dump file on a Windows 2000-based computer, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

244139 Windows Feature Allows A Memory.dmp File to Be Generated with Keyboard

More information

Steps on the server

Windows NT 4.0 performs the following steps on a Windows NT 4.0-based server that stops responding:

1. Right-click My Computer and click Properties. 2. Click Start / Close tab. 3. Make sure the write debugging information check box is selected and the file location is valid. 4. Connect the zero modem cable to the serial port of the server. Note: In the following operating instructions, use the COM1 port; however, you can also use the COM2 port. 5. Edit the boot.ini file. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Copy the typical startup entry and attach it to the end of the Boot.ini file. b. Add the following line and mark the description as "Debug Boot":

/ debug / debugport = com1 / baudrate = 57600

Boot.ini files will be similar to the following:

[boot loader]


DEFAULT = MULTI (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt

[Operating Systems]

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT Server Version 4.00"

Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT Server Version 4.00 [VGA Mode]" / Basevideo / SOS

Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Windows NT Server Version 4.00 Debug" / debug / debugport = Com1 / BaudRate = 57600

6. Restart the server and click Debug Boot. Windows 2000 performs the following procedure on Windows 2000-based servers to stop responding:

1. Right-click My Computer and click Properties. 2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Startup and Fault Recovery. 3. Click the full memory dump and confirm that the location of the memory dump file is correct. 4. Connect the zero modem cable to the serial port of the server. Note: In the following operating instructions, use the COM1 port; however, you can also use the COM2 port. 5. Edit the boot.ini file. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Copy the typical startup entry and attach it to the end of the Boot.ini file. b. Add the following line and mark the description as "Debug Boot":

/ debug / debugport = com1 / baudrate = 57600

Boot.ini files will be similar to the following:

[boot loader] timeout = 30 default = MULTI (0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt [Operating Systems] Multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect Multi (0) Disk (0) Rdisk (0) Partition (1) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" / FastDetect / debug / debugport = Com1 / BaudRate = 57600

6. Restart the server and click Debug Boot.

Steps on the remote debugger computer

Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000

1. Connect the other end of the zero modem cable to the COM1 port of the "Remote Debugger" computer. 2. Install the debug tool from the Windows CD. The debug tool is located on the Support / Tools folder on the Windows 2000 CD, located on the Support / Debug / I386 folder on the Windows NT 4.0 disc. You can also install debug tools online. To do this, please visit the following Microsoft website:

3. Run Windbg. 4. On the File menu, click Kernel Debug (kernel debugging). 5. Set the baud rate to 57600, set the COM port to 1, click OK, and then click Whether to save the workspace. 6. On the Debug menu, click Break. 7. After receiving a message, you have pressed the Ctrl Break key key, type .crash. 8. On the File menu, click EXIT, then click No Save Workspace. 9. After the dump file is created, the integrity of this dump file is verified using Dumpchk.exe in the debug tool. 10. Send the dump file to the Microsoft professional support personnel for analysis. You may have to reduce the physical memory of the server to generate a valid dump file. When you start the creation process of the dump file, the content in the physical RAM is written to the paging file located on the partition where the operating system is located. When you restart your computer, the content of this paging file is written to the dump file. In order to perform the creation of a full memory dump file, physical RAM should not exceed 2 GB. In addition, the size of the paging file on the partition of the operating system must be a size plus 50 MB of physical RAM. If the memory reaches 2 GB, if there is a disk space problem on the partition where the operating system is located, you may have to reduce the physical memory of the server. To do this, use the MaxMem parameter in the Boot.ini file.

For additional information about MaxMem parameters, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

108393 Maxmem Option in Windows NT Boot.ini File

Note If you have functions such as "Automatic System Restart" (ASR) in the Compaq computer, please disable it because it interrupts the dump process. On the Compaq system, ASR can be disabled in the BIOS. The third-party products mentioned herein are provided by other companies other than Microsoft. For these products, Microsoft does not make any implicit or other form of guarantees.


For additional information, click the article number below to see the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

121543 Setting Up for remote debugging

148954 How to use a modem to set a remote debugging session

151981 How to set up a remote debug session useing a null modem cable

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition • Microsoft Windows 2000 Enterprise Edition • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise> Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Developer Edition

How to delete Windows 98 when Windows 98 is set to Windows 2000


This article describes how to delete an operating system that has been configured to be barted with Windows 2000 Professional, such as Microsoft Windows 98.

More information

To delete Windows 98, start Windows 2000, then delete a folder with Windows 98 (default is a C: / Windows folder on your local hard drive). Note: If any program is installed in Windows 98, you may need to uninstall these programs before deleting the folder.

You also need to manually edit the boot.ini file, remove Windows 98 from the launch option list.

To edit the boot.ini file, do the following:

1. In Windows Explorer, click the folder options on the View menu. 2. On the View tab, click Display All Files, and then click OK. 3. Click the root folder of the local hard drive, right-click the Boot.ini file, and then click Properties. 4. Click Clear read-only, hidden, and system check boxes, and then click OK. 5. Open the boot.ini file in Notepad. 6. Delete any entries that no longer point to the valid Windows installation. 7. Save changes to the Boot.ini file and restore its properties. To restore the properties of the file, repeat step 3 and 4, but you should click the check box.

The information in this article applies to:

• Microsoft Windows 2000 PROFESSIONAL EDITION

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