Practice by writing database data from Adodb.Stream to client files:
This is an example, file name, and extension of data directly from the server database to the client file, can be written as needed. New / temp.htm requires true existence, in fact, there is no effect, just guiding, otherwise it is not possible to write the STRAM data.
There are a lot of things in this area, but most of them are Copy, very simple things are so complicated. Really practical Dongdong is very poor. So I wrote one, although it is simple, some problems, but COPY can be used. Friends having problems can contact me, so learn together.
FilemyStream = Server.Mappath ("New") & "/temp.htm"
SET MyStream = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Stream")
MyStream.Type = 1
MyStream.Mode = 3
MyStream.LoadFromfile (FilemyStream)
Response.contentType = "Application / OcTet-stream"
Response.addheader "Content-Disposition:", "Attachment; FileName =" & "bk.txt"
Range = MID (Request.ServerVariables ("http_range"), 7)
Response.write "Name"
Response.write "account"
Response.write "Address"
Response.write "Description"
Cr = CHR (13) & chr (10)
Response.write (CR)
While Not Rs.eof
Response.write RS ("Name")
Response.write RS ("accno")
Response.write RS ("Address")
Response.write RS ("Note")
Response.write (CR)
SET RS = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Set mystream = Nothing