Sender: on the Sand of the Sahara Desert, the letter area: matlab
Title: Accelerate the triple realm of MATLAB operation
Sending station: BBS Harbin Institute of Technology (Tue Jul 6 13:34:36 2004)
Accelerate the triple realm of Matlab
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First, comply with Performance Acceleration rules
Second, abide by three rules
Third, the trick
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First, comply with Performance Acceleration rules
For what is "Performance Acceleration" See Matlab Help Files. I only briefly
Its rules summarize 7:
1. Only using the following data types, Matlab will accelerate it:
Logical, Char, Int8, Uint8, Int16, Uint16, Int32, Uint32, Double
In the statement, if you use non-oriented data types, you will not accelerate, such as: Numeric, Cell, Structu
Function Handle, Java Classes, User Classes, Int64, uint64
2, Matlab does not accelerate more than three dimensions.
3. When using the for loop, only the following rules will be accelerated: a, the scope of the for loop only uses scalar values.
To represent&