Crystal Reports product family

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  77

Dialotive: 1. Crystal Reports 9 II, Crystal Analysis Professional 3, Crystal Enterprise 94, Crystal Enterprise for SAP --------------------------- --------------------- First, Crystal Reports 9

Efficient report creation and integration

Crystal Reports is an efficient report technology with powerful content creation and integration. Crystal Reports is selected by more than 300 partners as visual reporting tools, representing leaders of technological innovation, meets changing report development and integration challenges.

With Crystal Reports, you can:

◎ Quickly convert any data into powerful, interactive content; ◎ Integrate reports, modifications, and access to .NET, Java, and COM applications; ◎ Make end users to pass portals, wireless devices, and Microsoft Office documents Access and interact with the report;

Comprehensive data access

Crystal Reports includes more than 35 data source drivers to access any of XML, OLAP, enterprise, and relational data. You can also drive access to customized data through COM data and get more flexible data connectivity through JavaBean. The extensive format is designed to convert data to content with high interactivity through Crystal Reports. You can choose from more than 100 format options, including parameters, mappings, crosstabs, and hyperlinks to enhance your report's impact. At the same time, in Crystal Reports, more than 160 formulas and operation functions are also available to fully control data. A powerful and efficient tool-critical reporting elements include SQL commands that can be stored in the central knowledge base (Repository), customization, bitmaps, and text objects for reuse in multiple reports. Minimize the requirements for report maintenance of the single-point update of the object in Repository. For rapid formatting of standard reports, you can create and apply custom templates - even allowing this template for existing reports. Flexible Application Integration Crystal Reports With flexible Java, COM, .NET SDK, and embedded Report Application Server, you can closely set your report to your business web application. By using Crystal Reports's zero client browser control, you can provide a rich report interaction, create and modify features for end users. Views of the report and interaction Crystal Reports Reports Crystal Reports to implement views and interactions on the report through a range of devices and environments. Use Report Parts and support for Microsoft Smart Tag in Office XP to provide access, navigation, and interactive features for reports through the portal, Microsoft Office document, and wireless devices. The advanced zero client browser allows the end user to search the data in the report and export to Microsoft Excel, Word and HTML format, and have hyperlinks between the source report. In addition, all reports can be exported into a variety of different formats, including XML, PDF, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.

New function

Crystal Reports 9 Continues Crystal Reports's consistent report technological innovation style to meet the trends and challenges of development. In this latest version, it provides up to 50 new features and features, including:

Unlimited SQL Control - Editing SQL directly on database connections, implement unlimited control Unicode support - in one or more reports, you can display any language of any language - extract business logic from the formula You can retrieve repository in multiple reports. Storage key report objects in a centralized location, reuse and single-point update Report Application Server - Using powerful server-based report processing services to closely integrate dynamic content and enterprise web applications Java? .NET and COM SDK - Any development platform can be used to create applications, and control the end user's viewing, interaction, and modifying flexible delivery licenses - using the request queue function to implement the flexible delivery of the web application Zero Client Browser - Make the end user to search the data in the report, and export the results to dynamic links related to the source report Report Parts - providing access to key report elements via portal and wireless devices Navigation - Established a navigation path between one or more report elements to enable end users to interact with the report - the development and maintenance of formulas and customization functions in unified locations. At the same time, it includes no need to write code, check error, and automatic completion of the function, achieving more relaxing creation exports - can be exported into multiple formats, including Microsoft Excel and PDF more! Store key report components in Repository, implementing reuse and single-point updates to make end users can search data in the report, and export the results to dynamic links related to the source report CRYSTAL Reports 9 for application developers, IT professionals There are 4 versions of different users and other users. ------------------------------------------------two, Crystal Analysis ProfessionalHttp://

Powerful analysis tool for web

Crystal Analysis Professional provides companies with interactive, easy-to-use analysis report features for OLAP, designed for web, providing unparalleled decision support functions for companies.


Powerful analysis function with a guided report analysis. Rich visual objects. Interactive analysis on the web

Flexible, easy to use fast, easy to create interactive reports on OLAP data display full control to make full use of Microsoft SQL Server Analysis (OLAP) Services

Highly scalable web delivery features, highly scalable web delivery zero client (DHTML) web delivery customizable web desktop --------------------- --------------------------- Third, Crystal Enterprise 9

Crystal Enterprise 9 Built on our fact that the fact-level enterprise report technology, for all users, including the ultimate work efficiency and flexibility of the ultimate analysis with complex analysis requirements. Crystal Enterprise 9 provides a strong platform for users business intelligence integration by combining the best business reports with powerful analytical functions, and a complete set of tools to meet the various needs of end users. This document focuses on some key technologies in Crystal Enterprise 9, closely related to existing customers and new customers.

New / Advanced End User Tools

One of the most important enhancements in Crystal Enterprise 9 is interactive reports and analysis functions provided for end users. Similar to the previous version, developers are still able to build customized application interfaces, but in Crystal Enterprise 9, a set of tools that are available in Crystal Enterprise 9 are provided to speed up delivery speed.

Alarm notification

The alarm notification enables the user to be tightly monitored for critical information in the Crystal Enterprise system without the need for routine every day. The data-driven alarm is defined by reporting designers (such as sales below the target). When these alarms are activated, the alarm message, that is, the information of the column in the report, and the connection to the report will be sent to a particular user via Email. Basic browser

Basic Report Browser (either Crystal Reports can also be used for Crystal Analysis files) has been improved, and can provide a more intuitive search mechanism. The Crystal Reports browser now provides internal built-in print functions, more export features, as well as a higher pixel picture feature, and more.

Advanced browser

Advanced browser is a new application to design more efficient mining and navigation for users in large reports. A powerful search device is included in the advanced browser, allowing users to export search results to Microsoft Word or Excel, perform document synthesis, and further offline analysis.

Report Wizard

The first launched report wizard in Crystal Enterprise 8 enables users to quickly create personalized reports based on reports existing in the Crystal Enterprise system. In Crystal Enterprise 9, the application has improved, improves availability, and the overall format quality of the final report.

Ad hoc

The Ad Hoc component in Crystal Enterprise provides a powerful report creation, design, and analysis capabilities, all functions can be done under the zero client. Users can use an existing report as the beginning of the new report, or directly from the database form, create queries, format reports, and multi-dimensional analysis of the underlying data.

Report design

Crystal Reports and Crystal Analysis designers in Crystal Enterprise 9 have a large version. These functional enhancements are to improve work efficiency, providing more complete control, formatting, and user interactions on various aspects of data access, helping companies whose version development and maintenance is shortened. Crystal Analysis Since the first release, Crystal Analysis provides report designers and senior users with guiding analysis capabilities to help them easily deliberately and business data, sharing knowledge, and intelligence decisions. The version 9 is built on this basis, and it also improves the easily and usefulness and flexible parameterization function, as well as search characteristics (including start pages, Cube perspectives, calculation variables) for further guidance. The user has a version interaction. New features also include more in-depth Excel integration, better control of reports, and enterprise data connectivity to Hyperion EssBase / IBM DB2

Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports has also been greatly improved, more focuses on easily develop complex reports, realizing reuse, business logic, and formatting logic for critical data access. The new report component repository allows designers to easily store and access shared components to accelerate the development and maintenance process of the report. - New Command Objects provides report designers with a function of customizing SQL, and can reuse these Command Objects between multiple reports. - The customization feature provides a mechanism for building and reuse complex formulas, calculations and formatting. - Template provides an effective mechanism for designers to standardize the appearance between a large number of reports. Finally, Crystal Reports also includes a set of formatted OLAP report features to make designers to easily cut, rotate to the OLAP data, to generate highly formatted reports for end users. New features for developers

Crystal Enterprise is aimed at rapid customization and integration of report / analysis functions into web applications. In Crystal Enterprise 9, we have further expanded support for Java and .NET development environment, providing a more seamless report integration, continuing the quality of the Crystal Enterprise system. Reporting parts Reporting components allow developers to easily embed the specific part of the report (such as chart on the first page) into a web application. A specific reporting component browser provides a simple-easy user interface without having to use a frame collection to embed, but also support rich interaction between basic browsers (such as drilling down, etc.). Basic browser basic Crystal Reports browser now provides a more powerful control capabilities for developers in its customized applications in its customized applications. .NET and Java SDKS Crystal Enterprise 9 now includes comprehensive .NET and Java SDK so developers can build a familiar language and environment to build customized applications. Other enhances Crystal Enterprise 9 also includes a platform-level upgrade, including comprehensive Unicode, supporting a variety of locale, more granular security design, and functions for easy report transplantation between development and production environments . ------------------------------------------------four, Crystal Enterprise for Sap

Crystal Decisions SAP strategic partner, is selected due to outstanding report technology

Crystal Decisions and SAP ?: Complete Enterprise Report Solution You may have heard of this news: SAP has integrated Crystal Decision's first-rate reporting technology into MySAPTM Business Intelligence (MySAP BI). In October 2001, the two companies announced the growth of the growth strategic partnership, introduced Crystal Decisions' report technology to SAP? Business Information Warehouse? (SAP BW) 3.0 - MYSAP BI data warehouse components. What does this mean for you and your organization? Simply put, it will provide you with the information you can use when you need it, help you save time and money.

Saving your time and money The complete report solutions provided by SAP and Crystal Decisions are used to help you use organizational data to better decisions - saving costs, increasing production, and gaining competitive advantage. In detail, Crystal Decisions helps you: - Easily create a report of demo quality to meet your formatted report requirements. - Safely distribute and planning reports in a managed network environment, reduce IT costs, and reduce report backlogs. - Combine SAP BI and non-SAP BI data in a report to obtain a complete view of organizational information. - Print a network-based statement for demos and meetings. - Save time and money using existing Crystal technology and reports.

Why did SAP choose Crystal Decisions? SAP wants to add formatting report features to MySap BI to help customers reduce costs and increase their income. In order to achieve this, they naturally help the world leader of reporting technology - Crystal Decisions. On the basis of Crystal's long-term development relationship, Crystal has a strategic partnership with SAP and brings significant bottom line profits for SAPs throughout the world.

Your full report solution and SAP, we provide two versions of the report solution for MySap Bi: a packaged solution that provides access to the predetermined quality of demo quality within SAP BW 3.0B; An extension version allows custom reports from any data source.

Crystal Decisions: SAP strategic partner, selected due to outstanding report technology

Integrated Solution: Access the predefined report does not require your additional cost, SAP BW3.0 includes Crystal Enterprise-Sap Edition, using Crystal Decisions's first-rate reporting technology. Select a report from a predefined Crystal Report list and share these reports through the network plan.

Extended Solutions: Report Create and More Data Access If you want to create your own report, modify an existing report, or create a report including data from the SAP BW system, then we recommend Crystal Enterprise-Enhanced Sap Edition. The product extension is sold separately, and the Bundian Company is the most important partner in China to provide you with a complete enterprise report and business intelligence solution.

Experienced in the field of reports, Non-ranking Crystal Decisions developed award-winning reports and network information delivery solutions, thousands of companies in the world, millions of users in using their products, including more than half of the wealth 1000 company. Crystal sells a thousand four million technical licenses and is quite rich in experience in the value of strategic data system investment.


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