Write an efficient record strategy

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  91

Note: This section assumes that you are familiar with the "Select Expert" and is produced from the SQL database.

Consider the following points when creating records selected formula:

Considering that any "Select Expert" is generated, instead of the record selected formula written, it can be pushed.

This situation is actually based on the following points. However, using the following prompts to write the selected formula type to be more equations than the formula written by "Select Expert". To do this, you need to use the formula studio to edit the selected formula, or edit the text area that appears when you click Select Experts.

To open the formula studio modified record, click the Report menu, point to "Selected Formula, and select Record from the submenu.

Consider 2 any selected formula with the form of DatabaseField Supportedoperator ConstantorParameterExpression.

Of course, DatabaseField is just a database field. SupportedOperator is =, <>, <, <=,>,> =, StartSwith, Like or IN.

ConstantorParameterExpression is any expression involving constant values, operators, functions, and parameter fields. It cannot contain a variable, a field other than the parameter field. According to its definition, constant expressions and parameter expressions can be obtained without accessing the database.

Note: The resulting result of the constant or parameter expression can be a simple value, a region value, an array value, or an array value array. Examples of this type of expression are as follows:

{? Number parameter} - 3year ({? run date}) CurrentDate 5datediff ("Q", Currentdate, CDATE ("Jan 1, 1996")) Month ({? Date Range Parameter}) 15) [" Canada, "Mexico", "USA", {? Enter a country}] 1000 to 5000 [5000 to 10000, 20000 to 30000, 5000 to 60000]

A complete example:

{ORDERS.Order Date}> = Currentdate - 3

The program can also push only expressions including Boolean fields (without operators and constant parts).

{Order. Shipped} NOT {Order. Has shipped}

Consider 3InsNull (DatabaseField) can be pushed.

Consider the 4SQLEXPRESSION Supportedoperator constantorparameterExpression can be pushed.

For example, if {@extendedPrice} = (quantity * price), the selected formula {@extendedprice}> 1000 cannot be pushed. However, if you use an equivalent SQL expression instead of @extendedPrice, the selected formula can be pushed.

Considering 5 When using the plurality of expressions written in the above consideration, use the AND or OR, and NOT can also be used. Each expression can be plural, and prioritized with parentheses. E.g:

{Orders.order ID} = 1000 (ISNULL ({Customer. Region) OR {Customer. Region} = "BC") and {customer. Last year Sales}> 2000

Related Subjects If you do not make an expected response, see Record the Selected Formula Troubleshooting.


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