Improve image quality when using Visual Studio .NET to view crystal report report on Web

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  91

The knowledge in the article is for: Visual Studio .NET built-in crystal report applies to: only the reported version image quality web viewer


The Web program uses Visual Studio .NET built-in crystal report as a report development tool.

When you view a report on the Web, the resolution of the image and chart is reduced to 96 DPI by default (in order to improve performance and download speed).

How to improve the image quality of graphics in the report?


You can improve the image quality of the graphics in the report by changing the magnification of the image in the system registry.

========== Warning:

The following decisions include editing the registry. The wrong User Registry Editor can cause serious problems, you may need to reload the Windows operating system. Using the registry will be risked by yourself.

It is highly recommended that you back up the registry file (on the Win9x computer is System.dat and User.dat) before editing the registry.

To learn how to edit the knowledge of the registry

Read the Registry Editor's online help topic "Change item and value".


By default, the magnification setting is stored in the registered table Root key_current_user and is only valid for the current login user. However, when the user is verified by IIS via the Web, the user does not have access to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER root key. Therefore, the magnification setting must be copied to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root key to work.

To copy the magnification setting to the hkey_local_machine root key:

1. Click Start> Run, enter "regedit" and click OK.

2. Enter the registry editor and locate the sub-key below: HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Seagate Software / Crystal Reports / Export

3. Right-click the "Export" subkey to select "New" and select "Dual-Band Value".

4. Name the item as BitmapMagnifNumerator, then double-click, and give an item to the decimal value between 1 and 4 (4 represents the highest quality bitmap), click OK.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 Create item BitmapMagnifDenominator and assign to "1".

6. Check the registry subkey EXPORT, then click the Registry menu, and select "Export Registry File ..."

Enter the file name "export" to ensure that the "Selected Branch" radio button is selected in the Export range, and the branch points to the "export" subkey.

7. Click Save to save the registry loop to your desktop. Close the registry editor.

8. Edit the registry subkey on the desktop, right-click the registry file and select Edit. The file will open in Notepad, the content is similar to:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Seagate Software / Crystal Reports / Export] "MailDestDLL" = "" "MailDestType" = dword: 00000000 "BitMapMagnifNumerator" = dword: 00000001 "BitMapMagnifDenominator" = dword: 00000001

9. Editing the file, change the default root key from HKEY_CURRENT_USER to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. To improve image quality, modify the double-byte value "BitmapMagnifNumerator" and "BitmapMagnifDenomino". For example, you can set the bitmapmagnifNumerator to 3, and the bitmapmagnifdenominator is still 1, which will improve the quality as the original 3 times. The final registry key is similar to:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Seagate Software / Crystal Reports / Export] "MailDestDLL" = "" "MailDestType" = dword: 00000000 "BitMapMagnifNumerator" = dword: 00000003 "BitMapMagnifDenominator" = dword: 00000001

10. After the modification is complete, save and close the file.

11. Double-click File Export.REG Import the new subkey and values ​​into the registry. IIS must restart to make the registry change to take effect.

By increasing the magnification of the image in the crystal report, you also increase the resolution and file size of all bitmaps in the report. This will slightly reduce performance and download speed.

============= Note:

To increase the image quality of the Windows program:

1. Click Start> Run and enter "regedit", and then click OK.

2. Enter the registry editor and locate the sub-key below: HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Seagate Software / Crystal Reports / Export

3. Double-click the "BitmapMagnifNumerator" item on the right pane of the registry and enter "3" in the "Numerical Data" line.

4. Click OK to close the Registry Editor.


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