Four methods of printing a crystal report on the web

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  78

Four methods of printing a crystal report on the web

See: Report distribution

If you want the user to print the entire multi-page report accessed on the Web, you have the following options:

1. Use the "Print" button on the web form viewer toolbar to export the report to PDF.

2. Use the Export button on the Web Form Viewer toolbar to export the report to print the existing application that can be printed by the client.

3. Use the PRINTTOPRINTER method from the server to print the report.

4. Provide the report as a continuous page to enable printing on the client over the Internet Explorer browser.

If the user does not have access to the application required by the printed report, and the server-side prints existence security or access issues, you may need to use the user to print the report from their browser. This method will display the entire report as a continuous page in the Web Forms Viewer control, so you can use the browser's printing function.

In the application, you can add a button next to the existing web form viewer, which can be reached to a new client, displaying the entire report as a continuous page web form viewer in the browser. You can format the viewer on the second form to disable the group and toolbars and set the viewer's SeparatePages property to false.

Note that this printing method has a limitation, that is, the positioning of the header, footer, and paginity cannot be controlled. crReportDocument = New Income_Statement () CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crReportDocumentCrystalReportViewer1.SeparatePages = FalseCrystalReportViewer1.DisplayGroupTree = FalseCrystalReportViewer1.DisplayToolbar = False


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