How to display only a specific report object, not the entire crystal report ...

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  77

Directory: 1, Reporting Parts Overview 2, Report Components Viewer3, CrystalReportPartsviewer Class 4, CrystalReportPartsviewer Member -------------------------- -------------------------------- 1, the report part is overview of the report objects displayed separately in the viewer (no report The rest of the page is called reporting components. More specifically, reporting components refer to an object that uses a hyperlink from the primary report object to the target object.

Reporting components are intended to work with Crystal Report Viewer's DHTML Viewer subset to extend the possibility of navigation between internal and reports. Report Components Hyperinks can be linked to other objects in the current report or objects in any other report. This link allows you to create a boot path in the report so that each station on the path only shows only specific information. -------------------------------------------- 2, report parts Viewer Report Component Viewer is a new viewer that allows you to display report components separately (not the rest of the report). This viewer can be integrated into a web application so that a specific report object can be individually displayed to the user (the user does not have to see the remainder of the report).

You can establish a hyperlink in Report Designer or through code, but use them in the Report Viewer. --------------------------------------------- 3, CrystalReportPartsviewer class see CrystalReportPartsViewer members | CrystalDecisions.Web namespace requirement namespaces: CrystalDecisions.Web platform: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP assembly: CrystalDecisions.Web (in Crystaldecisions.Web.dll in)

Provides properties, methods, and events that control the appearance and function of the Report Component Viewer.

For a list of all members of this type, see the CrystalReportPartSviewer member.

Object Control WebControl CrystalReportViewerbase CrystalReportPartsviewer --------------------------------------------- -4, CrystalReportPartSviewer Member See the CrystalReportPartsViewer class | CrystalDecisions.Web Namespace Public Instance Attributes BatchSize Int32. Gets or sets the number of records displayed in the Report Parts Viewer. ClientTarget Inherited from CrystalReportViewerbase. Gets or sets targets for different browser rendering. Valid values ​​have "IE4", "IE5", "UPLVEL", "Downlevel", and "Auto". EnableDrillDown Boolean value. Gets or sets whether deepening to page / chart / summary. EnterpriseLogon inherits from CrystalReportViewerbase. Object. Get or set up the login information of the company. Enterpriselogon properties Accept Crystal Enterprise Login tags (such as "Forte4 @ 639JVZn '* _} J1E / $ K0 $") or Crystaldecision.Enterprise.Framework.InterpriseSession session object. Note This property is for future use. Hasborder Boolean. Get or set the border to be visible. HaspagenaVigationLinks Boolean value. Get or set the page navigation link is visible or hidden. IsdisplayHeadings Boolean. Gets or sets whether to display the name of the report object at the top of each column. IsdisplayTitle Boolean value. Get or set whether the report title is displayed. LogonInfo Inherited from CrystalReportViewerbase TableLogoninfos. Get or set the TableLogonInfos collection. ParameterfieldInfo Inherited from CrystalReportViewerbase Parameterfields. Get or set the parameter field collection. PRESERVELAYOUT Boolean. Get or set whether the reporting part maintains the layout in the original report. ReportParts Object. Gets or sets a list of report parts to view in the Report Parts Viewer. You can use the ReportPartSDefinition class to define a list of report components. With the Report Options dialog, you can set the initial reporting part in the report file (* .rpt). Click the File menu in Crystal Reports, and then click Report Options. In Visual Studio .NET, right-click on the report, click Report, and then click Report Options. See the ReportPartSdefinition class for how to add report components to the viewer. ReportSource Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase. Gets or sets the report to bind to the viewer. The source of the report can be one of the following:

The absolute path of the * .rpt file, such as "C: /Myreports/report.rpt". URI starting with "ras: //", such as "Ras: // C: /Report.rpt". This opens a report on the Report Application Server (RAS) and it requires the RAS client. The RAS server will be used to take the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Crystal Decisions / 9.0 / Report App / Client SDK / DEFAULTREPORTAPPSERVERCONFIGFILE registry key. URI starting with "rassdk: //", for example, "rassdk: // c: /report.rpt". This opens the report on the client and transfer files to the server. This report requires the RAS client. The RAS server used is taken from the DefaultReportAppServerConfigfile registry key. The URI starting with "CEIS: @ APS / # 115". This report source uses the information of the Infoobject ID to open the report from the Crystal Enterprise APS server. Need to set the viewer's EnterpriseLogon attribute to specify Enterprise login information. Note that the Crystal Enterprise .NET client must be installed to use this feature. Point the URI of the "http://machinename/directory/webservice.asmx" form of the report Web service. To specify login information for the web service, use the SOAPHTPCLIENTPROTOCOL proxy generated by WSDL.exe or VS .NET, or use CrystalDecisions.Shared.RemoteReportProxy. Non-type ReportDocument objects. For more information, see the non-calibration report components. Strong Type ReportDocument (cached and cached). For more information, see Strong Type Report Components in a web project.

An EnterpriseReportDocument object, which accepts document URI with one of the following format: "ras: // c: /report.rpt" "rassdk: // c: /report.rpt" "CEIS: @ APS / # 115" The Crystal Enterprise .NET client must be installed to use this feature. Enterprise login information must be specified using the EnterpriseSession attribute or EnterpriseSession attribute or EnterprisePortDocument.logonInfo property. It is recommended that in the web application, log in to Enterprise once during a request. The Enterprise login tag or iSenterPriseSession is then passed in each object or viewer used in the request.

CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.clientDoc.reportClientDocument object. This is just the .NET InteroP package of the Com ReportClientDocument class. This object can be changed if the ENTERPRISEREPORTDocument is not required. SoapHttpClientProtocol or CrystalDecisions.Shared.RemoteReportProxy object with a URL similar to "http: // myserver/ serverproject / my reportservice.asmx". You can specify the authentication setting of the web server using the Credentials property. For more information, see reports as a web service. ReportSourceClassFactoryName Inherited from CrystalReportViewerBase. Gets or sets the information you need to create an internal ReportSource object. This object determines how the viewer uses a report source. Current default settings "Crystaldecisions.Reportsource.reportsourceFactory, Crystaldecisions.Reportsource, Version = 9.2.3300.0, Culture = neutral, publickeyToken = 692fBea5521e1304". Note This property is for future use. ReportTitle string. Gets or sets the title of the report. RotateSectionS Boolean value. Gets or sets the list of report components. This means that the column will turn into rows, and the line will become column. Selectionformula inherits the string of the CrystalReportViewerBase. Gets or sets the recorded selection formula. Zoomfactor Int32. Gets or sets the zoom level of the report. Public instance method isfirstPage Specifies whether the current page is the first page of the report. IslastPage Specifies whether the current page is the last page of the report. NextPage Displays the next page of the report. PrevPage Displays the previous page of the report. Refresh refreshes the report displayed in the viewer.


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