Official crystal report .NET application instance download (C #, Visual C ++. Net)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  94

Crystal report

Use C # and C . NET development .NET application instance list ----------------------------------


This document lists all available, uses C . NET application instance lists developed on the Crystal Decisions Technical Support website. This document also gives the description and download link of each program. This document will continue to update as new procedures joined our support site. ----------------------------------

table of Contents

Visual C # .net

First, database connectivity 1, csharp_web_simplelogonEngine.exe 2, csharp_web_simplelogonviewer.exe 3, csharp_win_dbengine.exe 4, csharp_win_dbviewer.exe


Third, export 1, csharp_web_export.exe 2, csharp_win_export.exe 3, csharp_win_exporttopdf.exe

Fourth, format 1, csharp_win_sortfields.exe

V. Formula 1, csharp_win_dynamic_report_formula.exe

Sixth, the parameter field 1, csharp_web_discreteparams.exe 2, csharp_web_rangeparams.exe 3, csharp_web_sub_daterangeparam.exe 4, csharp_win_discreteparam.exe 5, csharp_win_multirangeparam.exe 6, csharp_win_paramengine.exe 7, csharp_win_paramsub.exe

7. Print report 1, csharp_win_printtoprinter.exe

Eight, check report 1, csharp_web_simplepreviewreport.exe

Nine, report web service 1, csharp_web_serverfilereports.exe 2, csharp_win_serverfileReports.exe

Ten, sub-report 1, csharp_web_accessssubreport.exe 2, csharp_web_sub_dateralageparam.exe 3, csharp_win_paramsub.exe 4, csharp_win_subreport_basic.exe 5, csharp_win_subreport_logon.exe

XI, Windows / Web Viewer (Option / Event) 1, CSHARP_WIN_VIEWER_EVENTS.EXEVISUAL C .NET

Twelve, parameter 1, cppnet_win_paramengine.exe

Thirteen, database issues 1, cppnet_win_dbengine.exe 2, cppnet_win_dbviewer.exe

Fourteen, sub-report 1, cppnet_win_subreport_basic.exe

Fifteen, contact Crystal Decisions to get technical support ----------------------------------

First, database connectivity

1, csharp_web_simplelogonEngine.exe This C # .NET Web program instance demonstrates how to use the database table object of the ReportDocument class to log in to the secure SQL database. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http://

2, csharp_web_simplelogonviewer.exe This C # .NET Web program instance shows how to use the CrystalReportViewer control LogonInfo property to establish a connection to log in to secure databases. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http://

3, csharp_win_dbengine.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how to log in to secure SQL databases. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET.

4, csharp_win_dbviewer.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how to connect reports to a secure database using the Windows form viewer object model. Http:// ------------------------------- --- II, ado.net1, csharp_web_adonet.exe This C # .NET Web program instance shows how to construct and assemble the ADO.NET dataset at runtime and pass it to the report. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET.

2, csharp_win_adodotNet.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance shows how to construct and assemble the ADO.NET dataset (Dataset) in runtime, and deliver it to the report. Http:// ------------------------------- ---

Third, export

1, csharp_web_export.exe This C # .NET Web program instance demonstrates how to export reports into multiple file formats (such as .doc or .xls). This program applies to Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002, which is built in Visual Studio .NET and its updated version.

2, csharp_win_export.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how to export your report into multiple formats. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http://

3, csharp_win_exporttopdf.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how to export your report into portable document format (PDF). This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ----------------------------------------------- --- Fourth, format

1. Csharp_win_sortfields.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how to change the Sort Field Direction of the report at runtime. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ----------------------------------------------- ---

Five, formula

1, csharp_win_dynamic_report_formula.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how to create a dynamic report according to user input. The program uses a blank formula field to specify that the database field appears in the report and specifies the fields that the group is based. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

Sixth, parameter field

1, csharp_web_discreteparams.exe This C # .NET Web program instance demonstrates how to pass multiple values ​​to discrete parameter field. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. The C # web,csharp_web_rangeparams.exe program example demonstrates how to pass values ​​to a plurality of discrete parameter field (discrete parameter field). In addition, the program also passes the initial value and the final value to the range parameter field. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET 2002 and its updated version. NET 2002.

3, csharp_web_sub_dateralageParam.exe This C # Web program instance demonstrates how to pass the date range to the date range parameter in the sub-report via CrystalReportViewer. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET.

4, csharp_win_discretepham.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how many values ​​are passed to a discrete parameter field. Http://

5, csharp_win_multiRangeParam.exe This C # .NETWINDOWS program instance demonstrates how to pass multiple values ​​to a range parameter.

6, csharp_win_paramengine.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how many values ​​are passed to a discrete parameter field using the Engine Object Model. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http://

7, csharp_win_paramsub.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how to pass the date range value to the parameters of the subcourse (use the primary Field definitions collection). Http:// ------------------------------- --- Seven, print report

1. Csharp_win_printtoprinter.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how to print the report directly to a printer when running the report. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ----------------------------------------------- ---

Eight, check report

1. Csharp_web_simplepreviewReport.exe This C # web program instance demonstrates six ways to load reports in the Web Forms Viewer. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ------------------------------- ---

Nine, report web services

1. Csharp_web_serverfileReports.exe This C # web program instance demonstrates how to use the Report Web Services for the server file (Server File Report Web Services). Program Example Lists folders and reports on the web server in Tree View Control. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET.,csharp_win_serverfilereports.exe the C # Windows program example demonstrates how to use the server files Report Web Services (Server File Report web services). The program uses the ServerFileReportManager and ServerFileReportService Web services and lists folders and reports on the web server in Tree View Control. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

Ten, child report

1. Csharp_web_accessSubreport.exe This C # web program instance shows how to access sub-reports embedded in the report and return the name of the sub-report. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http://

2, csharp_web_sub_dateralageparam.exe This C # web program instance demonstrates how to pass the Date Range Parameter to the sub-report by CrystalReportViewer. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET.

3, csharp_win_paramsub.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how to pass the date range value to the parameters of the subcourse (using the primary Field definitions) collection). This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET., csharp_win_subreport_basic.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how to access the embedded in the main report at runtime.

5, csharp_win_subreport_logon.exe This C # Windows program instance demonstrates how to log record in the runtime. Http:// ----------------------------------------------- ---

Eleven, Windows / Web Viewer (Options / Events)

1, csharp_win_viewer_events.exe This C # .NET Windows program instance shows how to capture events from the Windows form viewer object (Windows Form Viewer Object). When you deepen the group, refresh the report, change the current page, change the zoom level, and search the text, the information box will display additional instructions. Http:// ----------------------------------------------- ---

Visual C .net

Twelve, parameters

1. CPPNET_WIN_PARAMENGINE.EXE This C Windows program instance demonstrates how to pass multiple values ​​to a discrete parameter field using the engine object model. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ------------------------------- --- 13. Database problem

1. CPPNET_WIN_DBENGINE.EXE This C .NET Windows program instance demonstrates how to log in to secure SQL databases. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET.

2, CPPNET_WIN_DBVIEWER.EXE This C .Net Windows program instance demonstrates how to connect reports to a secure SQL database using the Windows form viewer object model. This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ------------------------------- ---

14, sub-report

1. CPPNET_WIN_SUBREPORT_BASIC.EXE This C Windows program instance demonstrates how to access sub-reports at runtime (embedded in the primary report). This program applies to the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET and its updated version of Visual Studio .NET. Http:// ------------------------------------------------------------- --- Fifteen, contact Crystal Decisions to get technical support

We recommend that you refer to the product documentation and visit our technical support website for more resources.

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