Presentation of the official exemplary report list of crystal report design concept

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  87


In this document, you will get a list of sample reports created by technical support. These example report demonstrate a variety of reports creation techniques. The purpose is to demonstrate concept. These sample reports are fully demonstrated and are not supported by technical support. The documentation contains a description of each application, and its download link.

table of Contents

Example Report Design Example Reports Architecture Operation Day and Hours Example Cross Representation Example Date and Time Example Formatting and Text Example Formula Example Diagram Representation An Example Group and Deepening Example Tag Example Parameter Subridden Subrive Description Table Link Example

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Exemplary report for demonstration report design

Array sample file name: CR_ARRAYS_SAMPLES.ZIP This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate how to establish and use arrays in Crystal Report 8.x.

· Bubblesort.rpt This report shows how to create a formula to sort an element in an array. Users should be familiar with arrays and advanced formulas.

· Cr_dynamic_array_builder_crystal_syntax.rpt This report represents how to build an array with a report process and step by step.

· CR_INDEX_NOT_STORE_AND_FETCH.RPT This report represents how to build a pointer to the report, use the dynamic array creation and sub-reports. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

· Cr_looping_through_multiple_value_paremeter.rpt This report indicates how to use the array to check the multi-value parameters for data input. Users should be familiar with the array and complex formulas.

· Cr_manual_running_array.rpt This report shows how many ways to use. Users should be familiar with the array.

Vcr_pass_values_from_main_report.rpt This report indicates how the array passes the array from the primary report to the sub-report. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

· MANUAL TOP N.RPT This report will show how to use the array to change the "first n" report to sort according to different fields. Users should be familiar with the array.

· Random Record Generator.rpt This report allows the user to enter a value to specify the number of returns to the record, and the return record will be randomly generated. Users should be familiar with the array and complex formulas.

· CR_MULTIPLE_ARRAYS_DYNAMICOLY_POPULATED.RPT This report allows the user to establish multiple arrays when the number of records exceeds 1000. _____________________________________________________

Business Day and Hours Sample File Name: This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate Crystal Reports 8.x Calculation of Japan and Hours.

· Business_days_v8.rpt This newspaper represents how to build an array containing all business days containing the designated year. Users should be familiar with the array and complex formulas.

BusinessDays_Hours.rpt This report shows how to create formulas to calculate the number of business days / business hours between the two datetime fields. _____________________________________________________

Cross Representation Example File Name: Cr_crosstabs_samples_zip This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate how to create and use a crosstab in Crystal Report 8.x. This newspaper demonstrate how to create a crosstab appearance for reports without using a crosstab object.

· VirtualPagenumBerscr8.rpt This newspaper represents a variety of work numbers to the virtual page in the cross-table. Users should be familiar with crosstabs and simple formulas.

· WPR formulae in crosstabs.rpt usually the WhilePrintingRecords formula cannot be used in a crosstab, and the report gives a variety of ways. Users should be familiar with the child reports and advanced formulas. _____________________________________________________

Date and Time Example File Name: This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate the calculation of the date and time range in Crystal Report 8.x.


· Calendar Which Populates All Dates in a Range.rpt This report creates a real calendar format. Users only need to set a sub-report, point to their database. The work is minimal for work.

· Conditional Date Ranges Passed To Server.rpt This report indicates how to pass multiple conditional if-kil classes to SQL queries generated by crystal reports.

· DateTimediff.rpt This report represents how to calculate the gap between two datetime fields and display the output in a variety of formats.

· Populate Dates Between with charting.rpt This newspaper represents how to display all the date within a certain range and the charts built on the entire date range, even if the actual date may not exist in the database. Suitable for advanced users. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

• Populate dates Between.rpt This newspaper represents how to display all the date within a certain range, even if some dates may not exist in the database. Suitable for advanced users. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports. _____________________________________________________

Formatting and text sample file name: This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate different formatting options in Crystal Reports 8.x.


· ASCII_TRANSLATOR.RPT This report shows the output of 254 ASCII characters after using the ChR function. · ChangingsortorderOflastName.rpt This report shows how to change their sorting order when the last name contains special characters such as apostrophe.

· CheckboxTypes.rpt This report shows a variety of different checkboxes that can be utilized when using WingDings fonts. · DecimalFormattrailingzeros.rpt This report shows how to remove the trailing zero of the numeric field.

· Displayover254CharacterswithFormulas.rpt This report shows how to create large strings using the formula and display a lot of text at the end of the report. · Groupsincolumns.rpt This report shows how to use multiple columns to group in separate columns.

PreventingWidowedHeadersfooters.rpt The packet report created in the Crystal Report Designer prevents the group header or group footer to appear on a page without the corresponding data. The report is recommended to all horizontal users. This file contains an example report for exemplary a variety of formulas. The subject matter contained in these examples is: Creating a manual running total, and converting a number with two decimal numbers to characters, and so on. For crystal reports 8.x.


· Conditional Structures In Crystal and Basic Syntax.rpt This report demonstrates multiple loops and selection control structures in both Crystal and Basic syntax.

· ExtractFileNameFromPath.rpt This report shows how to use the if Then statement from the path from the path.

· LatitudelongIdomsConvertrsCr7.rpt This report shows how to convert integer values ​​into latitude or longitude.

· ManualRunningTotals Basics.rpt learning how to use manual running. · Median_calculation_v8.rpt This report represents how to use the median of the array formula calculation group.

· MedianmanualCalculationSCR7.rpt This report indicates how to use the median of the manual running total calculation group.

· RunningPercentofpreviOuntRecordsscr7.rpt This newspaper represents how to use the variable calculation percentage percentage.

· StringmanualrunningTotalsCr7.rpt This newspaper represents how to use the string type variable. · TowordSincludingDecimals.rpt This sample report demonstrates how to convert numbers with two decimals to characters.

CWildCard Report.rpt This report allows the user to search for a specific string based on some string values ​​based on some string values. _____________________________________________________

Figure Description Example File Name: This file contains an example report for the chart function in the crystal report 8.x.


· Banner or Virtual Page Report.rpt This report demonstrates a variety of ways to accommodate large charts or objects by creating virtual pages.

· BarchartwithMovingaveRagev8.rpt This report contains a bar chart with a dynamic adjustment moving average trend line. · Color_coded_chart.rpt This newspaper represents how to create a color cod diagram without using the Chart Wizard to create a color cod.

· Display Month Names on x Axis.rpt This report represents how to display the moon name on the X-axis of the chart. · Graph On% Change.rpt This sample report demonstrates how to represent a "percent change". Suitable for advanced users. Users should be familiar with the child reports and advanced formulas. _____________________________________________________

Group and Deepening Example File Name: This file contains example reports to demonstrate various packets and deepening functions and techniques in Crystal Reports 8.x. This report indicates how to group based on day / weeks / months (based on user input parameters).

· DrillDown-FakepageHeaders.rpt This newspaper demonstrates how to use tag technology to create virtual headers for deepening reports.

· GroupByFinancialyear.rpt This report shows how to group according to the fiscal annual group. In these examples, the fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. Therefore, June 15, 2001 will be classified into the 2000 fiscal year. July 15, 2001 will be classified into 2001 fiscal year.

· GroupBYSPECIFICRECORDNUMBER.RPT This report indicates how to create a group that contains the specified number of records. Users should be familiar with the concept of manual running total and group.

GROUPINGDYNAMICLYONPARAMETER.RPT This report shows how to prompt the user to select a field, so that the report can be packetized.

· SHOW ConsoTive Groups.rpt This report shows how continuous packets, even when there is no record in a particular group. Suitable for advanced users.

· SuppressGroupsBasedOnawhilePrintingRecordsValue.rpt This report is based on the WhilePrintingRecords formula, only the group containing a particular value. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

· SuppressGroupsBasedonWhileReadingRecordsValue.rpt This sample report shows how to display only groups that contain specific records.

· SuppressingRecordsincludedinothergroupsv8.rpt This sample report demonstrates how to have conditional suppression display is included in other groups. Users should be familiar with arrays, Shared variables, and subports. _____________________________________________________

Label example document name: This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate how to create tags in Crystal Report 8.x.


· Duplicate_mail_Labels.rpt This report represents how to create a repeat label. Users should be familiar with the child reports and Shared variables.

· Labels looping using basic syntax link.rpt This sample report prints X times each tag, where x is input as the parameter value. Suitable for advanced users.

· Samemaillabelonnepage.rpt This sample report shows how to repeat the mail tag across the page. In this case, the mail tag is specified by the parameter. Suitable for intermediate users. _____________________________________________________

Parameter sample file name: This file contains multiple example reports to demonstrate how to use multiple types of parameters in Crystal Reports 8.x.

· AllorspecifyParameters.rpt This report shows how to create parameters taken into account the return value "all". Users should be familiar with the record selection formula.

· OptionalParameterentry.rpt This report indicates how to allow users to keep blank parameters. Users should be familiar with complex formulas.

· SetCurrentDateasDefaultParameterv8.rpt This newspaper represents how to use the current date as the default parameter value. Users should be familiar with parameters and intermediate formulas. · TOPNWITHPARETER.RPT This report describes how to create a report that displays the "Pre-n" group based on the value entered. Users should be familiar with "prior n", parameters, and conditional suppression display.

UserFriendlyDateParamconversionV8.rpt This report demonstrates two types of turntable modes that prompt users to enter parameters and then convert them into available date formats. Suitable for intermediate users. _____________________________________________________

Subprint indication example file name: This file contains a variety of sample reports to demonstrate the sub-report function of Crystal Reports 8.x.

· CREANG_FAKE_RECORDS.RPT This newspaper represents how to display records that do not exist in the database. Users should be familiar with the child reports and Shared variables.

· Exceptions.rpt This report represents how to use the sub-report to display only companies that do not sell products. Users should be familiar with the child reports and Shared variables.

· PassvaluesfrommainReport.rpt This newspaper represents how to pass an array from the primary report to the sub-report. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

· Store_FetchStoredVariableSample.rpt This report represents how to use Shared variables and storage and extraction.

· SubreportlinkedonmultivalueParamsv7.rpt This newspaper represents a variety of change technologies to the primary report to the main report on multi-value parameters.

· SuppressingBlankSubreports.rpt This newspaper demonstrates how to use the tag formula to hide the section that generates a blank report.

· SuppressingBlankSubreports_Array.rpt This newspaper represents how to display a blank report in how to suppress a blank styles without a blank style. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

· One_prompt.rpt This report referred to how to use a set of parameters for the main report and subcourse.

· TWO_PROMPTS.RPT This report refers to the parameter input prompt for the main report and sub-reports.

· One_way_link.rpt This newspaper represents how to establish a chart on the secondary transfer formula using a one-way link. Users should be familiar with the array and sub-reports.

· Fake_page_header.rpt This newspaper represents how to create a header for the child report. _____________________________________________________

Table link sample file name: This file contains an example statement to demonstrate the effects of different linkages between the tables in the crystal report 8.5.


· ODBCJOINTYPES.RPT This report indicates how different ODBC linkages between the two tables will affect the returned recordset.

LinkingTestDatabase.mdb This is an example database created for odbcjointypes.rpt. The report contains saved data, so you can view the report without installing the file. _____________________________________________________

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