Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions When deploying crystal statements

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  90

Directory: 1 Engine error "5, load crpe32.dll failed6, when the report is loaded in the ASP.NET program, an error:" Load Report Failed "7, when deployed .NET 9.1 program to Windows 98, error:" Load Report Failed "--- -------------------------------------------- 1, load report The wrong problem is published in the report. Projects that use crystal reports need to include three components: report (* .rpt), module (* .msm), run library (* .msm), these module files are in C: / Program Files / Common Files / Merge Modules / Directory. (1) Report (* .RPT) The crystal report file created when programmed. (2) Module (* .msm) Managed.MSM This module contains the management module of Cr for VS .NET, such as Crystaldecisions, CrystalReports.Eb.dll, Crystaldecisions.Web.dll, and Crystaldecisions.Windows.Forms.dll ...... Managed_chs.msm is the Chinese version of the module. Database_access.msm This module contains a database of databases, coupled to different databases, exports documents and chart components in RTF and HTML formats. Database_access_chs.msm is the Chinese version of this module. RegWIZ.MSM registration information module, it is very important to enter the registration serial number of the crystal report in this module. If you do not fill, you cannot pass (3) run library (* .msm) if the report file is used by ADO.NET. The DataSet dataset object, then VC_CRT.MSM and VC_STL.MSM modules must also be included in the installation project. Moreover, the "Module Retargetable Folder" item of the file installation attribute of the two modules must be modified to become a system directory in the VS.NET installation project, the dependency detected by the system has only DOTNETFXREDIST_X86_CHS.MSM and Managed.MSM two modules, other Module We need to be joined manually. (1) In the Solution Explorer, right-click the installation item selection "Add" -> "Merge Module (M)" (2) In the "Add Module" dialog form, select Managed_chs.msm, Database_Access, Database_Access_CHS, RegWIZ, VC_CRT.MSM and VC_STL.MSM modules (3) Re-generate installation items, no problem, just generated installation programs, 7, eight megabytes. ------------------------- 2, when deployed to Windows 98 / ME, error: "Load Report Faled" is because query engine DLL (CRQE. DLL) There is no correct registration on the customer's computer.

To resolve this problem, you can manually register CRQE.dll on the customer's computer, use the following command: regsvr32 "c: / program files / compon files / crystal decision / 1.0 / bin / crqe.dll" If CRQE.DLL is not registered And the problem continues to exist, check the version of ATL.dll on the client computer. Atl.dll for Windows 98 / ME The correct version is 3.0.8449. By using any of the following methods, you can find and register the correct version of ATL.dll. (1) Upload IE6.0 in the customer's computer. (2) On the customer's computer, copy and register ATL.dll manually, and then run the installation package for Crystal Reports. (2) Add the ATL.MSM merge module to the installation project, ATL.MSM is part of Visual Studio Installer 1.1, which can go to Microsoft's website ASPX Download, add a way to the same. ------------------------- 3, in Win98's client running prompt "This field name is unknown" report everything in Win2000 client, Win98's client running prompt "This field name is not known"? It is because the field names in the SQL Server database used in the SQL Server database are named in Chinese, and their field names are named in English. -------------------------- 4, "Query Engine Error Error" (1) "Install" to include the following merge modules: VC_CRT.MSM VC_STL.MSM (2) In addition, MSVCR70.DLL and MSVCP70.DLL are in the "System Directory" of the client computer. ------------------------- 5, load crpe32.dll failed below is the step of deploying CRYSTAL REPORT 9 in CR9NET_DEPLOYMENT.PDF: Open Windows Application program. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the Windows application solution, point to Add, and then click New Project. In the Add New Project dialog, select Install and Deploy Projects in the Project Type pane, then select Install Projects in the Template pane. Click the "OK" button. In the Solution Resource Management, right click on the installation item, point to Add, and then click Project Output. In the Add Project Output Group, select "Main Output" and click OK. All dependencies are automatically added, such as DOTNETFXREDIST_X86_ENU.MSM and DotNetCrystalReports.msm. You need to exclude DotNetCryStalReports.msm in the project, right-click on the right click of this module in the Solution Explorer, and select "Exclude". In the Solution Explorer, right-click the installation item, point to Add, and then click Merge Module.


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